ae eet Set beer 1 f he Ki BF a «tee DYNAMITE IN SMITHY | U.S. BOATSNORTH [i= i j / Explosion on Apex Group—|Service Will be Irregular for a Lockport Miners Have Nar-| Time Owing to Wrecks row Escape. —_——— ; Owing to the wreck of the Apex | Ramona and the Dolphins losing wheel, the U. S. freight and the While group of mineral claims near Lock-|@ working on port last week, Alex. Paterson and Bill cape be irregular for some ‘time. The Northwestern and Alameda ‘will again take the oytside route | jleaving only the Jefferson, Hum-| lboldt, City of Seatth: and the| delayed Dolphin plying inside: Harris had a miraculous es- Both men were from death working in a tunnel on the property vud roar, and «hat it was a landslide rushed out. Instead of it being at first thought, found when they heard a | thinking weet Sy |RAMONA GOLD RECOVERED | that the blacksmith shop was on; there was a *ox of init g 35 sticks and fire, and as Over $150,000 Taken from Hold | dynamite cont: of Sunken Steamship the building, save them. from the dynamite a box of caps i rushed four feet the ee Bringing the treasure cargo of | the wrecked steamshifi Ramora, | Paierson to While apout burning building exploded, hurling Paterson several : : ill-fated vessel's salmon cargo, the | feet in the air. He received a | nasty cut over the right eye and | steamship Humboldt, of the Hum- ‘ . +. | i " i was severely scorched. Harris}boldt Steamship Company, * has} escaped without any injuries. jarrived at Seattle. Salvage Crew Aboard | Captain E. L. McNoble, of the — | Pacific Coast Steamship Company ; Pleasant Entertainment Given | Captain E. C. Genereaux, of the in Honor of Miss Green iSan Francisco board of marine | underwriters, and three-divers who Mrs. Ward was the hostess at | went into the hold of the wrecked a pleasant tea on Monday after-| vessel and recoveréd the treasure noon in honor of her sister, Miss}cargo and part of her salmon Green, who will leave for the shipments, arrived with the Hum- south on Friday morning. The} boldt. guests included Mrs. MclIntosh,| Of the Ramona's 8,000 cases of Mrs. Bullock-Webster, Mrs. Pal-|canned salmon, only 750 were mer, Mrs. Flexman, Mrs. Tre-j saved. mayne, Mrs. Lamont, Miss Pinder} Soon after the Ramona went and Miss Thompson. | ashore she listed suddenly in heavy | seas and a large part of her salmon | | cargo crashed through her side and SOCIAL HAPPENINGS Splendid Opportunity | passenger service to the North will $150,000 in gold and a part of the|- THE DAILY NEWS t l | —THEY WI ~% ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== OLED OT OD “The News” Classified Ads. | ————— LL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— Me cee aie i a een ; Phone 150 Help Wanted ; The Insurance People| *~~~~~~~~~~~~* ’ fs | Wanted general servant, two servant eitis kept i Apply to Mrs. L. W. Patmor 2o1-tf i ——_—_"* Pipe we i4 ee. ecident i Plate Glass ! For Rent Employer's Liability Spot cotasetnsotaste meetin gome-co ere Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. [' Furnished rooms with be ecial rates by THE the week. Talbot Hous< 65 -tf Mack Realty & Insurance } *s:s,?y!eszom. ooo gn ; Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Ma) * heatre company. shies esi ‘ Pere. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. a oO 17s-tf : oe For Rout—Fornished rooms. } an a with bath. Dighy Rooms ®> A nd Fulton INTERESTING CASE | Street. es tf | For Rent—Sons of England Hall. “19 2nd_Ave.. for Scrap Outside Royal Involved | Politics, So They Say In today’s police court the case of S. Camozzi and Peter Pianbo}| was again adjourned. These ¢ men are charged with beirg ir 2 scrap which took place outside the Royal Hotel, ard is supposed to have been over the lete elecuior. After hearing today’s evidence the case was adjourned the Magis- trate saying that he wanted io know more who is supposed to have come up behind | Camozzi and given him a black } i i | ! | ; ; } about someore eye. was in court is said to have re-} murked: “‘Curious that 2 mar coming up from behird should An exceptional opportunity is|was lost. A part of the vessel’s|}manage to give another a black offered the ladies to get their) mails was recovered, but none ofjeye.”” But this remains to be fall hats at a great saving. 20/ the baggage of the passengers. | elucidated. Ramona Breaking Up The Ramonz lying in exposed position and is breaking up rapidly. Her house has been | | swept away and she has broken in two amidships. The steamship Four move polling places have | will be a total loss. their figures to date. South Francois Lake per cent reduction on 2!! trimmed | hats for the balance of the week at Mrs. Demers, Third uvenue. 2t at is an ELECTION FIGURES Great Reduction in Hats Ross 0, Clements 2; Ootsa Lake Mrs. Demers on Third avenue is Ross 3, Clements 1; Holberg Ross/ giving the ladies a splendid op- 7, Giemerts 9 and Quatsino Ross! portunity to buy, offering 20 per This makes Clem- | cent discount on all trimmed hats 6, Clements 18. ents majority 113 clear. for the balance of this week. 2t returned These are: Building New Theatre Mr. Albert, the manager of the Westholme Lumber Compary, ar- rived by the Prince Rupert this morning. He is irterested in the progress of the rew theatre being built by his firm or Second avenue Mayor Back to Biz Today at journed meeting of the Licence Board was held, Mayor Manson ir the chair. the ad- three p.m THE SPOKANE OF CANADA NEW A prominent solicitor ail { ment it Socials, ete. Apply af Dances, Fraternal Socie! = Frank A Ellis. Box 869 or phone © SEEnnEeeae eae For Sale 7 q ForSale—Chicken Ranch.) Stores house, Lou se- goods. Near Prince Kupert. A snap if taken atonce. Address i)« 566. t For Sale—Irish Terrier doy ; ups. pedigreed, grit- ty Goridard ‘ companions, cuod coOT Bros., % Water St., Vancouver 216-227 a. t Insurance bp eee eter are z 4 | ouR Companies are noted for prompt and just ts. We write every known —= a Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Wanted Wanted. — Cleaning ani pressing. alterations and repairing for men and women. calied for and delivered. Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone 26 Red tf Lost and { Found u Lost—Ladies’ watch in bracelet. Reward by re turning to News offi ud For Rent—Furnished or un- furnished rooms (bachelors only) over Wallace's Dry Goods Store.—H. S. Wailace. tf Mr. Nickerson, G. T. P. shore stewerd, arrived todey by the Prince Rupert to look efter business effeirs connected witt his depart- Prince Rupert Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. White labor only at ‘Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 pana ————4| FEED STORE lon x We carry everything in the feed line, also €8T™- | One jot f den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart’s | » olg Feed Store. Market Place PONY EXPRESS Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 301 SHIPPERS! Notice is hereby given, after this date, (September, 27) and until further advised, freight for Skeera River points beyord Van will not be Arsdoal irar sporta acct pred ior ion. A. E. McMASTER, P. Railway Agt.G.7 NOTICE In the County Court of Adis Holden at Prince Rupert in tue Matter of the “Official Ad- ministrator’s A-* and In the Matter of the Satate of Duran P. Latkovich deceased, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judge Young, made the Sist day of August, 1911, 1 was appointed Adrsinistrater of the Estate of the axid Duran P. Latkevich deceased, and all parties having ciaims against the said Eatate are heresy required to forward same properly verified te me on or before the 30th day af Septem ber, 1911, and all the parties indebted to the asic Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED the Sth day of September, 1911 JOHN H. MeMULLIN, Oftcial Administrator. THE PROSPERITY OF EVERY GREAT CITY IS DUE TO ITS GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION - i | ; | | bred | Wagon, all dairy appliar A Going And Profitable Business For Sale. Dairy Mer ATTENTION! Pres- ent owner must go on his farm in| order to its title 15 high bred, select cows, 1 thorough- bull, 1 preserve horse, Harness and ces Three Three large barns, milk house, chicken | All for $3,090.00 nouse, etc. room house, furnished. Apply to DAVID H. HAYS Second Avi. and Second St. PYEFOR SALE Block 22, Section 5, Seventh Avenue. Price $800. $400 cash. } Block 7, Section 6, Fourth Avenue, Harbor View. Price $1350. | Avenue. Price $300 each. | balance $26 per month. | Two lots, Bl 24, Section 8, Eleventh | | Avenue. Price $600 pair, one-half) | cash. 'Two lots, Block 51, Section 8 Kelliher |” Street.’ Price $175 each, $100 cash. | |One lot, Block 7, Section 8, Tenth| Avenue. Price $300, one-half cash. | Two lots, Block 38, Section 8, Justin Street. Price $500 pair, $300 cash. One lot, Bloeck.1, Section &, next to corner, Eleventh Avenue. Price $475, | $300 cash. i HOUSE FOR SALE Four-room house, plastered, painted, best $50 cash harbor view in city, on Ambrose Avenue. Price $1837. Cash $500, balance $30 per month FOR RENT Offices and stores on Second Avenue and Sixth Street. Prices $35 to $75 per morith. Nicely furnished flat, four rooms and bath, hot and cold water, corner Fulton and Sixth Avenue. Price $50 ver month. LAND FOR SALE 5 and 10 ucres for garden trucking, at Kitsumkalum. Price $65 per acre Q-acre tracts garden trucking at Kit- selas. Price $50 per acre. Terms. FOR LEASE Three lots on Third Avenue close to business section, level, good lease. LOTS IN NEW HAZELTON $10 cash and $10 per month buys you @ homesite. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Lid. Two lots, Block 24, Section 8, Eleventh | ODAK i “Let Us Live While We Live’ henl EVERYTHID McRAE BROS., 11) ee, Unusual Offering on Sixth Ave. 134 $4200 8 nth 150 $3,800.00 . 155 ft. fr s : $0 (* ~ All Se DAVID H. HAYS Second Ave. and Sixth & NOTICE TAKE NOT te tenders for th f Range 5, Coast efi British Column the choicest piece the Skeena river 1S acres The tal Tenders must i cay of October ray tender not ne re further part signed. Assignee of 225, Pri nee R a i THE SPOKANE OF CANADA HAZELTON ol ole orott oie etratteerertenenerenereter eee | The most important Townsite ! NOTICE New Hazelton Townsiie, Sec. i Now being offered for sale Is Nota Grand Trunk Pacific Promotion Townsite. NEW HAZELTON Town- site was selected by the experts of a syndicate of successful men as the geographical location for a big sity. They bought the land, realizing the wonderful resources of the Hazeiton District, the Mines, the Distributing Centre for hundreds of miles, and many other reasons. NEW HAZELTON Many mines are getting ready to ship ore. Some of the mines being developed are:—Silver Cup, American Boy, Sil- ver Standard, Sunrise and Sunset, Lead Kine, Erie Babine. Most of the ore in NEW HAZELTON mines is high grade Silver-Lead, similar to ore in the Slocan District in East Kootenay, B. C., and similar to some ores found at Leadville, Col. BUY A LOT Prince Rupert for Sale of Lots JEREMIAH H. KUGLER 2nd Ave., between 5th and 6th Streets HAVE YOU CONFIDENCE O7 MERCHANTS ON THE GROUND? Many icts already purchased by the keenest business men of Hazel- ton (Old Town). You can safely follow the judgment of such men. NEW HAZELTON, the hub of the Hazelton District, will be the natural headquarters for what promises to be the most active and sensational new city in the fastest growing part of the world today on account of the wonderful Lead, and Zinc Mines, the Groundhog Mountain Coal Fields, the Vast Agricultural Country tributary to the coming principal city in British Columbia on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. Stores are going up. Newspaper plant now moving on the Townsite. Two or three General Merchandise Stores, Drug Store, Bank, Restuarants and in fact, many lines of trade are now arranging to open in NEW HAZ- ELTON, Section One. Activity is in that part of the Townsite known as Section One. The most talked of Townsite along the ! INVESTMENTS MADE IN TOWNS WITH THE = Right Kind of Country, Right Kind of Resources, Right Kindof —__ People, wilisurely be big paying B C. investments. This is the town at . Call at J. H. Kugler’s office and pick your lots while you have plenty to People have been wait- choose from. ing over a year for this Townsite to be put on the market, so there is bound to be a rush for lots. $10 DOWN AND $10 A MO NEW HAZELTON Townsite had over a Quarter of a Million Dollars Invested by a few Business Men before the Lots were offered for sale. NEW HAZELTON is a Business Man's Townsite. All the G. T. P. and Local History was carefully considered. The Engineer's Reports as to grades, op- portunities for side tracks necessary to handle the thousands of freight cars were examined. Then they in- vested in NEW HAZELTON. They paid in Cash for NEW HAZELTON and nearby Lands over Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dellars. NEW HAZELTON is reported by Engineers to be the only available spot in the Skeena or Buikley Valleys for many miles each way where it would be possible to have Railroad Yards large enough to handle the Hazelton District's business. NEW HAZELTON affords a long, nearly level stretch of land suitable for Immense Yards, which will be required to handle the thousands of ears of ore and coal that will be shipped from the mines in the Hazelton District. line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way The story of NEW HAZE well known to the Townsite being offered by successful business positively ‘mo Railroad ( Townsite _Promoter ne: terested in the land have undertaken ¢t ELTON a city of imports Columbia. NEW HAZELTO' jses to be the ost | to the Grand Trunt main lines NE Offices of Foley, We'ch contractors building Trunk Pacific Railros located in NEW HAZFLTO™ Chief Clerk, Paymaster chasing Agent are prep* will, build homes i> N TON, Section One. NEW HAZELTON Grand Trunk Pecit tracting the attentior world, as all in the main line Pacific Railroad BUYS A L0T ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO — — Northern Interior Land Company, Limited Prince Rupert, 5 i