IP i ' It I I It MAB.1 ! t B JTvB .. KXaU aft I H i Ett I B.l ' LAV NOTHING You Inorr -by eeins inside tfie you erain. PAI.J The ryiiem that makes you sight-sure of corrfd fitting. UNKNOWN.' ht. quality of shoci on the the shoes. Solid' quality ihioug'nout flexible comfortable and smart in style. A WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS JTackand Jfi 11 HEALTH' SHOES child's foot OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS The Family Shoe Store f Third Avenue LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels Phone 357 a.cmUM I' atmt .BS-'Wir-wi tm mm uraru g at ilia THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH' COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince-Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P; PULLEN - Managing-Editor ' DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1935 THIS IS' THE TIME This is the-time'to consider what is going to be done this year in regard to beautifying the city. The city of Victoria 'is ah-eady laying plans foiv 1935 to make the city more attractive to tourists-and others as well .'as a source. of enjoyment to the home people. They -have found, that beautify- ng pays.- In Prince Rupert we are making good progress.- Many took ud the work last vear for the first time and others MIGHT BE BEAUTY SPOT' water is already there; The land has already been levelled-at the hnttnm. Artistin trees are -?rowintr and the cost" of" e Omental fund: and. it was? then" decided to proceed', with the work; u'ing volunteer? labor While there lsmuch to be done1 yet: the hall Is now In condition to -ir used regularly by the regiment. The money teceived from the Do- n'nlon government as rent. Is to uilPfrMihw-Rnnrt. It ir hrmprf ' that this vear will , see manv bty applied to completing the buUd u J.v. ru5nBt5 alonovc r? which, it is understood, will be ,UU'BH""US JU1U ",c vt' ""- idfcne "l"VZrn almosfifnmediately. The men's One of the of!thepast season.has been , encouragmg.signs room u t0 be ntted up the number, of people who-are renting' houses- who havejand it is hoped to instai shower in rent th-those-who keen their nlaces neat and tidy and i Resimentai Life thpv shmild insist that! 11 ls announced that the regiment Ullvv . bllv jf tuiu v;uv iuu uva vwv vnvj; - - i the tenants-keep tnem .cuitivatea. ln-.tnacway one oi mo problems of. beautification would be overcome.. w.U.be reorganized and recruiting will commence almost immediately. With such a splendid drill hallJ ! which can be made; the centr& fori norts and games, there will be 9 RSfiPPrhB rinlp atrt.hp HnrU nf the Court Hoilse is being Sreat opportunity--for creating an - nniTvfa,V .V-nf rt.rr,;QQO tn h n hpantif ill snnkpn i sanization .which wllUnot-only be gardenrwe hope some organization will take hokbof the old railway hotel.site and conver.tit into a sunken garden. The converting it into a gardennvould be comparatively, small.:'; "0n'lch was attended, . 'the visitors It would be necessary to secure a i lease of the property, i. Gol D JohntOB4 were- received' ornJr by Lieut. comt .iromiine uanaaian iauonai Duiit seems nneiy uiai tuuiu be done without difficulty. Possibly the Canadian National might be induced to beautify. thatspot-If it were converted into a garden it might easily-be the-prettiest spot in Prince Rupert and .would be something that all tourists would wish to see. iWitn conaitions improving on tne railway it. wouia De a and ueut. j. tc Harvey served' tea-igtqat thing to have-the-sunken garden there for touristsi'n the officers- mess. Excellent mu-n. standdmire. Nothing that could be done in the city! J6 for, dancing; was supplied by tvogta7gival good-results as this spot which is today only! mhbi tra regiment' has- been the- re fan .eye; sorev ; GITY DID'GOOD WORK "The-city has-done-some-good work in beautifying-the city property Between the .city. hall and the end .of Fourth Avenue on either side of the winding path and'.alsoin.the plot where the handball court was formerly located. It is hoped'that this good: work will' continue and be extended i "TILLIE THE TOILER' Pauiful1 Proof By Westoyer .T VvJEUV. , Tiuu I e I Sae m5 r-oOver w-.ej" -s -rvni cw inc. I a-defense unit but will.be a means of giving the-j-ounr men of the-city that physical development which is so desirable. At' the reception yesterday after- manding, and.Major a V. Evitt, as- sfsted-by Captain A: E. Parlow and Captain J. S; Wilson; Lieut. Reld McLennan. and'Dn J. Hi Carson, the regimental medical officer, were in charge of the refreshments in the mens gallery and Lieut. O; A. Rix -7TT ; cipienti of" several, useful pieces of furniture- and: appropriate pictures i which have proved very acceptable. son's boi specie votj rvB- aCl TX.M K- 4 4.. t The; Dally,' News'can be pjr chased! at; Post'. Office. Newsi Stands. 323i so that we can all feel that the citv is taking the lead m ! oranviiie-stu Vancouver.- 4 - ..... . V.U' .r - the work of improvement. t This beautification work is one in which all citizens may join. It would be a great thing to have Prince Rupert known as "The City of Roses," one of the most beautiful spots on the continent It is quite within the realms of possibility. All that is needed is united action. Kant A'nilinrxnn) Prtnp,! r ueorge; BjC. -h R. W' Riley; Terrace; BjCC oenerai storei Anvox:. 4! Smithers-DntcrStore-Hmlthf f- rs. BXi: CC-.k-'ft'.-.tf -1. toonc ft. .Rmti- V I vK' vnr . Chicago Boston Detroit Rangers FtClC&C OUT THE to wefcv to TUB fcNCT V Vttal JJUXil NSYTH lBiBiBi,Local Regiment to be Reorganized g; Andi Recruited: to Strength, in New Armory Acquired For the Purpose tKirst. Annual. New. Year. Reccptiom Heidi Yesterday Building: Constructed! asiltesult oD Splendid' - Go-operativo. Effort American Division 10 10 8 6 in One of the most outstanding examples of: the effective- ness'oFlocal co-operation and effort was seep yesterday "iby.those-wKo attended'the annual New Year reception at the Armory of the First- North B. C. Regiment, 102nd!.Bat talion, the-first'to beKeldMh the new building, formerly the Ola LOUntrV JOCCC. Auditorium..T.he.property was purchased. for tha'purpose- ior wnicn u is now oeing usea, partly rebuilt' frorm the local regimental fund, andl when the money was- all' used, the? members of the HI regiment got busy and did' what nj ivork.they, could.themselves, spend ing long evenings and holidays us ing1 the hammer and saw." to such" . . yood effect that it'has-been possible- Toronto Loses- Second Stralehr In to move regimental headquarters National Hockey League into the building and hold a most Maroons GoingtStrongt delightful New Yean reception. there. CHICAGO, Jan.. 2r CP-Mon- Fossibly,the mostmoticeablerplece" trcaiiMaroonscontlnuitdUheirrwin-of work, done by the: amateur car - nihgistreak-by defeatlngtHeBtack penters is the-officers'." mess roorar Hawkv-ima; keenly-contested. game which Is very artlstlcall-panelled! here last nlghl: in. the. National: with fin- veneer, the- whole of the. Hod-fey) Lteagtte; work in the roora-.bcing?thVworkVof ? Toronto Maple Leafs lost: thein the officers themselves witH the secondJstrnightand?autaineditheliT exception' of' the- floor The ser fourthirevrrEe-offthecsoasomaUtri-y geants' messrooin has-been. prepare itandsiofatte'Hfcd'.Wlngsiat'Detrollu ed by the-sergeants and all. have' only? one goal, being required-to been aided: by war. veterans, and. set tlefthetissue? former members' of the regiment- TJie,Ne.wrY6rfciAmericanskepttun who are-carpenters-and' who gam thelh winning-waysiby vanquishing their services. the- Canadians- iw a. free-scoring; When the remalnsof :thebuildlng, were purchased for the regiment from L. J: Marren.iollowlng.the fire which destroyeda great deai:of it, the sum: of! five thousand dollars war expended: on the malm part of i he structure? Thl- exhausted! threi 2 6 '39 30 22 1 8.46i39 21. 3 9 52 39. 18 1 11.43 52 13 WHIFFLETS From' tlie Waterfront' -"I C N. R! steamer Prince John, Capt. Neil McLean; arrived in port ' at 10 o'clocW last' night on-a- regu1-larly xhedulecr voyago- from' Vanw- cuuver. via: ines uueen unanoiio.ii - i IJ-landS'.inrt will hlifrn until in O'rlnpb. Prlrt.iv.-tiltrht -whan- ct-iw'iirtll - - r. . ....'.. ..... sail on her return south over' thai same route.- -; . With an ex(pUonalyllahtftll5t pf passengers. Union steamer Ca lala, CapV. JamesFlndlay, returned tb port at 9:10; yesterday morning from Anyoxi Stewart and other northern Rolnts and. sailed at l:30i pan. for Vancouver and waypolnts. C. N. R. steamer Prince George, I Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In: port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oiean Falls and'wlll sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence shewill retum here-tomorrow evening southbound. ! Daily News Want-Ads. al vays bring quick results; t NliW. VJwtllS DAY iN(iiJisim.iiAii'iii FIrstlDivinon Blackburn Kbvcft T, TtHtetihar-Hotspurs!). Bverton 2. Derby County 1 Middled pugl 2. WVerpeok Sheffi tld Wttiday-B Id VW Brum wich Albion 1. SCOmSHUIAlIB . First Division Aberdeen 3, Dunaec 0. Albion Rovers (T, AlnMewnihrii V Clyde- 3: Fartlek Thlifte 4r Hamilton Motherwell i. Hearts 5. Hibernians 2. Kilmarnock-'. St. Mlfren.4' Queens Park. 4,.Flktrkr 0 Queen of South. 7. Arr United. 1 non-serf 2, Celtic L St. Johnstone 5 Dunferr<ne 1. SCOTTISH. LBAGUR. First lilvMon. pmes-att MOntreall The Atneri fliraneonmnr namnwi . Iulvk now consolldatedl their hoia. mlcals 2. bn.thlrd'nlAceihthe Ihternatl6nal Ajrunitea i. KirawrnocK-i. Division . standing with- four pointt CeItieQaeen'r to theeDod1orentrterGanadlens p-ayea. Newu Year's-. nlghtifcoreswere? o& fftllbwa M6ntreal'2. Chlcago i: Detroitt i;.Tttronto(0. caradJ.enCfewY6rfctAlnerieans' New York Rangers 2, Boston 5. .Hockey Standings International -Division W. D L. F. A. P Tdronto 15' V 4 CO 40 31 M&roons 11 1 (FATZTTV Americans- 7 3 Iff' 41 49 IT Canadiens- 5 3- 933 '44 13 St. Louis ' 4. 3-13 31 59' 11 Dbndee 1. Heart 5. Park, ilresdy 'Minf'Hmlme 1 Aberderf V. Falkirk-2. Clyde-4: Hibernians 1. St: JMrnatoee 1 Mot het well 5. Albion Romi 2: Parttck Thistle l: Ranters 0. St. Mlrren 1. Queen of 'South 1. (Cut thl$ cuO HOW TO MAKE A MUSTARD PLASTER Grandmother's TesleJ Remedy Mke paite of equal parti Colmn' Muitard aod flour and aprradon cot Ion clethCover with pirceol flannel. Apply latter forfrom I5to30 minute. For children or if akin ia etpccially en aitive; add more flour. Mut' It'hiiteTt are aaplendMl remedy for: tooti(bn and cold and ao raty ton - a Fur all'iunticinal uea ffirttliirli .Mlutard la- rrrnminrudrd, ue D.S;F. MIJSTAKH nfi ALL Par MkiUrJ" NEW ROYAL J. .arrlll. I'toprlfiot A llliMK AtVAlVHIMIM- mMir tutevtl.oo ur 50 Kf-oms. Hot A Cold Watr Plincr Rupert. BX; Phone 281' P.O Box 18B ' ' t-rlaV ,tV J a. V 1 N . , - - .--. 1 I C -"ai II . V SUM Creamery l COAL! COAL! 3 Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a tonof'No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince. Rupert Eced. Co.. SB Phnncn 55R 3' Dl c I : INTERIOR. CREAMERY r" PRINCE CEORGEi.B.C. . 3IG CROWD AT D With a crowd of over six hundred reeent to usher in the. New Year at ttfu: m moose, dance: Sis Hundred There Mcil.1y Ms Ml "J 1 Tn ITther in NV Year Wedrnwday, January 2, 1933 Tny Prince George and Riverside Brand. Button For Sale, at MARKKA At Attractive Ill-ices the Moose HaiL thor Mcosa Legioni - U'(IIJim Willlin INinnu put on one of 'trie most successful , ,, and I'lir Yoit frolies ever held in Prince RUoert.A Prosperous As th beJUwer chlmlnr'.at mid' nightUlttle Joyce Moranj drewed asiSI' We 1935. came into the hall and was bkked up 0 rear North Moose 0. J. -Baoon, who -wished all a veryihappy and prosperous New Year Mrs. Black's Orchestra provided music and O. Rover was master of IBTBrB BfMIB'B'Bi tat 135 cremortes. The committee In - goodlvill and p;itV()liage cnarge consisted oi r. Jtorvis. ' u. m Peterson. J Ratchford B Ruisall, 5 L. ShibiK. R. Lonu. P Brewer, T 5 Morgan, O; K. Nelson and FT Scad-- den. MACKENZIE'S I'LMLN'ITITRE USED (IOODK lawrett Itante. like new Chesterfield Suite, (ood con rillion Two I.lvlnr Room Chairs Phone"! Third Are Prince Rupert for years to come. s.Kaien. Hardware1 A SaUsfat-iury Place UiWioii LUM1R FOR SALE SHIPLiP. per M .$12100) CLEAR KIR V-J01NT, per l $25100) Cedar Uoat I.umhcr in AlCSixv). Albert k McCaffery, W. oh . mac . 'r-F. T.N.iFB. li! m ,i C7:" K-f A A 1 ' tFr- l --, I a.. I a . J. - V -Tlam I I. 1.1 . '. yViatV Jtk t a f ANY DEBTS OWING TO; by trappers will not be collected, until: after fishing. Send your, furs to him., Ho jmiarantees top- price-v If the price is not satisfactory goods aro kept until we hoar from you. Return money and we will return goods. tt a m n are thankful1 that , we merited the business you placed with us, and trust that we shall warrant your continued ' 1 1 1 . Ill 1 1 CQt B I.ATB! B St B t B, HRKSHl MI11IK AVMD) RKAMil))VJ!iyf WAIiKNTIN, DA'IU' IfliuncfinTT 'sI'ttMlltl -llmNiKFati-llllfM fIIi4tifliUaUBJaUJlJsUaL It is our wish that thcmontlis to come may He for you t lie Happiest and; Most Prosperous. V,U V KNQvy "S1JQVJ New Year ' ' GORDON'S HARDWARE fSST . 1 K. " " J1T' "MtTA-ttOM TO mi I'll'' a