V E3p - Jim, Stop That Cold! We Offer Two of Our Own Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey With White Pine, Wild Cherry and Eucalyptus (Mentholated) An ideal cough remedy for the children Price, 50 cents Ormes Special Cough Mixture This mixture has become very popular during the last year and we fully recommend it to you for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial Affections. Price, 50 cents The sudden change in the weather is causing many colds. STOP THEM NOW! Ormes Ltd. fronecr Dru,zgists the RexaU Stor rhoneai li & ft HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Birch Wood - Jackpine Cedar Kindling UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED if Stearatrs leave Prlwce Rupert for Vancouver . Arriving' Vancouver Thursday ' "T.S.S. CAR DEN A EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. ?: Arriving Vancouver Monday ain. We); ialling la Poit' Slmpao. , Alice Ann, fwjui, Slewirl and Nat ". River point. .LeTe Prince Rupetl 3unday, 8 pjs. . ..Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at- YiPEClAL ROUND-TIUP FARES TO VANCOUVER CQO Oft 'Return limit March 3Ut tJJOA.UU .'' r&'lN&K, RUFHT AOENCY: Third Ateuur. Pbuu Ml lnourcoAlyQull find the heat. 'TL1 'If - ui&TVfiiirnanp i your home complete Phone Us Pembina, Jasper Egg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving A SATISFIED CUSTOMER is the best advertisement any firm can have. Wc do our best to supply you with the most suitable coal for your requirements. When in doubt play trumps. 651 - 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO, LTD. the Fish which made Prince RupertFamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by rid- You can rent a car at Walker's Ing In 32 Taxi it costs the same, las low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a tf Fresh Flounders and Soles a-board Unomc, Hunt's Float. (tf) . Important meeting Fishermen and Boat Owners, Union Hall at 7:30 tonight. The County Court case of Peacock ct al vs. Gold Harbor Mines Ltd., an action under the Merchants' Lien Act, has been' . adjourned for two weeks. Roger .Obata has arrived from his studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver to spend the vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Obata. Provincial Constable E. O. who has been spending a holiday visiting in the south, return ed to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Oeorge this morning. inias Sylvia Harratiine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harradinc, has arrived In the city from Vancouver, where she. attends school, being here to spend the holiday season. - A.charge against Willie Spalding of Port Esslngton under the Deserted Wives' Maintenance Act was dismissed by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew Thompson Jn provincial police court. i V. I. Haan, superintendent of he ,Yukon and White Pass Route at Ekagway. was a passenger aboird the Princess Norah Sunday returning to Alaska after a, brief trip to ' ' Seattle. . periston In the appeal -of William 'Hayncr against a- conviction and sentence in city police court for drivjng a motorvehlcle while under the Influence of liquor hay been 'adjourned sine die. F. J. Van de Wall. United States customs officer . at Skasway. and VMrs.-Van de Wall, who have been on i a vacation trip to. Seattle and else where In, the south, were passengers j aboard the Princess -Norah Sunday i returning north. :f Arinur tswanson. jndlan. was fined $50 and costs, with, option of wo months' .lmprisqnment by Dr: a- a. rerry ana ueorge p. McColl. Justices of the peace, at Port Simp ibh'tar 'supplying liquor to Beatrice Ryan, an Indian. Both fine and costs were paid. A NEW DEAL t For the New Year We are going to give you better service for less money "Ml Orders $1.00 or Over Wil be Delivered FREE Without Any- Extra Charge We Invite friends as well as our regular customers to try our new service. Prices an; Just as low 33 ever, in fact we have some real bar gains, as stock-taking takes, place aV the end of this month. Start now and cash in on our New Deal. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" ' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio .i4 needs adjusting. ; Phone Blue 320 for particulars. ':'i.siifiEnioR- - ttADIO-ELECTRIC mUe, Miss Dorothy Bruce of the teach ing staff of King Edward High School Is spending the holiday sea son visiting at her home in Mrs.' Fred Stewart and family of Usk have been visiting In Prince RupcxUlonthc holiday and returned to their home In the Interior last week. W. H. Daly of Drumhcller. Alta., father of Mrs. W- P. Armour and Mrs. Max Ascmisscn of this city. has arrived to spend the winter here. F. A. Russell, chief engineer of the lighthouse tender Ncwington. returned to the city at the first of the .week from a brief trip to Van couver. . .Mrs. H, F, Kergurarrived in the city, from Alice Ami to spend U.e New Year season as the guest o Mrs. W. T.-"Kergln. Fourth Avenue West . '. :' Roy Fisher pleaded guilty In city police court Monday to a charge of falling to stop a motorvehlcle which he was driving at a stop sign. Sen tence was reserved until' tomorrow As It fell on Christmas Eve. there was no regular meetfng of the Ideal branch of the .BrlUsh-Israe'l Society last week. The next meet ing will be held the first Monday in January. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Spencer are In the city frra Prince George. be- Ing here to spend the holiday sea son with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mat-donald. Ninth Avenue East. Mrs. H. Q. Rochester and daugh ter. Janet, who have been spending Christmas, week at Port- Esslngton with Mi's, Rochester's mother, Mrs James A. Brown, returned to the city on Saturday night's train. Oscar Fulton Is in the city from his studies ,at the University of British Columbia .in Vancouver spending the Yulctlde holiday, season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 6. Fulton. Fifth Avenue West R, W. Sinclair, accountant of In verness cannery, who has been for several weeks since the closing of tne canning season at head office of J. II. Todd and . Sons in Victoria, arriyed in the city a few days ago from the south enroute to the Skccna Rlvef. D. Zarelll. proprietor of tho Rpyai notei here, opened up his newly Duut hotel at Gold Bridge- In- the Bridge River district yesterday. Mr arem and daughter. Miss Erciy .areui, nave been at Bridge River for several weeks,, the latter bemjr expected nomc In about two weeks' time.' Announcements Presbyterian Burns' Tea Jan. 24, Moose Hall TONIGHT Prince Rupert Lodge 1051 - Loyal Order of Moose Meets 8 o'clock. Nomination of Officers Business Policies For the New Year 1. I buy used, furniture and sell the same. 2. If there Is nothing In stock that you want wc will secure It for yoi. 3. First grade goods at cheapest prices. New line of beds, carpets, linoleum and con- goleum. Happy New Year, to all! lA Furniture DEI . HL1U Exchange Phone Green 421 Box No.96 Still Buying Did Gold Midnight Matinee Was Very Popular Large and Jolly Crowd in Atten dance at New Year's Eve Program at Capitol The midnight matinee at the Capitol Theatre on New Year's Eve drew a large and Jolly audience and the special entertainment proved acceptable to all. The pro gram consisted of several vaude vllle numbers and the feature pic ture-"Melody In Spring" with Lanny Ross. Charlie Ruggles and Mary Borland. Contributing to the vaudeville program were the Prince Rupert Boys' Band, under direction of Bandmaster Robert Oreenfleld; Emllle Yamanacka and Sada Naka- moto In Japanese costume dances; Mike Golussl with accordion solos; Miss Hazel Smith of Vancouver with tap dancing and roller skating exhibitions, and Harry Astori, with humorous monologues. At the midnight hour there was a novel prologue to usher In the New Year, little Joyce Oawthome making a captivating Miss 1035 and giving a pretty ballet dance. Favors were distributed and merriment reigned supreme. D. O. Borland, manager of the theatre, was master of ceremonies and S. C. Thomson was pianist for the evening. ' Local friends -were Interested to see Major J. M. Tuppcr. former officer commanding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police here, in a news reel at the Capitol Theatre last, week. He was riding at the head of a large detachment of the mounted police who visited New York a couple of months ago to take part In a horse show-dIs'pfay there. Major Tuppcr gave a' brief camera Want Ads;: FOU SALE FOR SALE Sedan car, snap, $1Q0. Phone 176. itfi IT.ESH Flounders and Bote for sale on -Helen II., Cow Bay. It FOR 8ALEJPla.no. $73. and house hold goods. Phone. 176. tf FOR RBNT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 141 Sec ond Avenue, f hone Re4 421. tl FOR RENT Modern slx-room house. 323 Fourth Avenue West. HYDE Transfer building, Including residence. 6 rooms, bathroom and furnace, with warehouse. $30 a month. Phone,176. (to MODERN House to rent, 4 rooms, bathroom, basement and large attic. Close to town. Phone Green 548 orwrite Box 102. (tfl EXCHANGE OR SELL PARRY ISLAND 59 acres) Lot 3102. Range 5. Coast District sell or exchange for Vancouver property. Wm. H. Allman. 822 West 63rd Ave.. Vancouver. B.C. 1 AGENTS WANTED AOENTS WANTED for Prince Ru pert and Northern, districts to act as either part or full time representative for established Canadian Educational Institute Leads supplied. Insurance or similar experience desirable. Writ? Box 230 Dally News. LOST LOST sum of money in. buckskin wanei. unaer please leave at News Office or phone Green 428. Reward. PERSONAL UP TO $150 EACH PAID FOR CANADIAN COINS. We buy all dates previous to 1900. Send 25c for complete 1035 Coin Ouldc and Catalogue showing prices wc pay for Canadian American, and Foreign Coins, tokens, stamps currencyj etc. Hub Coin Shop' 113 N.. Forsythei Sarnla. Ont PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. TWO FILMS ON SCREEN Mystery "Return of Terror" and Comedy "Friends of Mr. Sweeney" at Capitol A thrilling and chilling mystery drama "Return of Terror and a rollicking comedy "Friends of Mr. Sweeney" comprise a double feature bill being presented this mid-week on the screen of the Capitol Thea tre here. There Is not Just one mystery but many, beginning with a scries of arsenic poisonings In a night of terror at a private sanitarium, lr "Return of Terror." A novel twist Is given to the baffling mystery through the vanishing and reappearance of an escaped prisoner from an insane asylum at Intervals. In addition to the baffling Inystery and thrills, there Is a double ro mance with considerable humor'to relieve the tension. Mary Aitor heads the all-star cast which Includes Lyle Talbot. Frank McIIugh. Robert Barrat. George E. Stone and Irving Pichel. A distinctive and well-balanced cast in the mirthful "Friends of Mr. I Sweeney" Is headed by Charlie Ruggles and Ann Dvorak, other taking part Including Eusene Pal- lette. Dorothy Burgcaa and Dorothv Tree. The picture . I filled with. thrills and winds up with a smash Ing climax. . t Roth Oordon returned to th city on the Prince John last nltrh after having soent ChrWmai vis iting at Queen Char lotte City. Wednesday, January j i:ililJl.ifit!lt:l R H : rJ k JTT1 TONIGHT and Tlll'ltSDAv CHARLIE RUGGLES In FRIENDS MR. SWEENEY The laughable story of a rm who turned wildcat -tamed a tiger woman in hK Nrt-night out in 28 mrV With Ann Dvorak EuRcnc 1'allcttc At 7:16 and 8 U -FLUS EDGAR WALLACE'S "Return of The Terror" - with ' .Mary Aitor, Lyle Talbot, Irast Mslliitf). John llalliday At 8:; Shows Oil : ' iii?rir4ittiiiii3BiB-iiii.tn8J'j NEW YEAR'S CARDS v We have a large stock for you to clioosu from Year and Thank You Curtis. NEW YEAR FAVORS IJalloons, Noisemakers, Serpentine, Etc liud th" " Year with a celebration 1935 DIARIES For the Office, the Home and for l'crsonal use l'i; out the most H'uitable from our very represents ivi' stock. p, Enjoy Some Good Books Treat yourself to a subscription to ouVUental Lib rary. ti-iE.tili.li:i-lViriiliBciJBHfan;ii.i;i- II I RAW FURS For Highest Market Prices and Quick Returns Ship or Bring Your Furs tb HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Fur Purchasing Agency .Hnfe uupert, jit' Bulkley Valley Coal nmMWMMnMnMMUMHai More Heat Sdotless ;-kess Ash '4: It comes from Prince Rupert's buek'dour. Ank your dealer for it ' 1 . Ky test the best on this market. -