I m i i pasi rotm BARGAINS uun effective The food, old-fashioned mtsUrJ Jul l(blps coldt ind coughs quickly! It relietes grippy schej ind pains! It opens the pores. Induces perspiration, and tuts ft tut poisons. Just use a ablt spoonful of Colmin's in hoi water, soak jour feet well and jum p into bed still-glowing. That' all! - . Keep This Chad as a RtmlnWtr T C4UUM-I BTUSTJUla " ' ruttm j fmt Ml I fmt S Cf - I C-C. - 1 - t CW- f , " COLMAN'S d.s.f. Mustard "' ALL Part Master J" Corner Third Ave. & First St. Phone Green 421 D. ELIO Furniture Dealer "Buys Everything" "Sells Everything" Exchanging and Auctioneer Still Buying Gold USED FURNITURE RANGES, HEATERS, ETC. New. Congoleiim Rugs; Linoleum Hugs. We sell Linoleum by yard. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD :wuTshov complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC I'll one Blue 320 FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Advertise in the Dally News i ,4 . ! V ' 1 11 i , I I. 1IIUUI tW-?Bg-rT, 50 DRESSES TO BE SACRIFICED Your Opportunity to liny at Great Saving DRESSES $4.95 Regular to $15.00 DRESSES $5.95 Regular to $17.50 QUALITY & PRICES Including Service With a Smile HEDLUND'S MEAT BALLS f A 2 tins HFRRTN'nR Tn tnmotn J sauce, 2 tins HAPPYVALE PICKLES I Sweet an dsour. Der bot ! SOCKEYE SALMON '2's ! 2 tins ', AYLMER PORK & BEANS Tails, 2 tins ! FRY'S COCOA-Bulk 2 lbs. FRY'S CHOCOCREAM Milk & sugar added, per lb 25c 31c 27c 17c 29c 39c MIXED BISCUITS f) ri ver lb. AlKs PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 2 pkgs. PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 for ECONOMY BRAND TEA ' per lb. 34c 18c 39c Orders 51.00 or Over Delivered Free! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Bnx 575 Phone 18 ......... 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY HOME HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 itlenthol&tum Ihp Weeding Creajn. rnrriiTCMLLS- SPPAnpUiSEs. IS I MAttf M ruu DRESSES $7.95 Itcgular to $10.50 Sizes 14 to 44 Large Variety of Styles DEMERS - - 3rd Ave. Rotary Club Has New Committees Nabob Coffee per lb. Our Own Blend Tea- 3 lbs. Forestvllle Butter per lb Sugar 10 lbs Roger's Syrup 2's per .tin Lux Toilet Soap 4 bars "TILLIE THE TOILER" ; w MAC, TCUE.' UK'S fcESM CTOWE Two Ci.v A4C i .nc. &. v,B5S It; Si.4 -K rr.o Buckerfield's Pancake Flour fip per pkg. ., XUU Milk All brands per doz Up-River Turnips 15 lbs Swift's Picnic Hams per lb , Eggs Grade A, Medium I per doz'. , Spare Ribs j per lb. T-Bone and Sirloin 2 lbs ; Round Steak I 2 lbs. i Beef Liver i 2 lbs I VOI-5H t KMEW, IME'LU PlifiRARI S BACK. OM THE.J VM S1.15 25c 18c 29c 11c 45c 35c 25c FREE DELIVERY Phone 765 303 Third Ave. I The following new committees have been appointed by President J. J. Little of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club to serve for the next six months: i rta dailt mrwa Thursday j3r, Jlrv Bluenose Skipper Sued For $500 Captain Angus Waif..--a Juppe ' of N .u C nose, queen of the AC antic fLshl.g fL w Stlllwell ( Inset . wealthy Ch. au ..un-.bcm chartered the Blucnoso for a crj.se SLiiwc. ters ana uie Bluenose crew made things so Club Service W. M. Blackstock. ! - Community Servlce-S. D. John- VanCOUVCr Bonds International Service G. A. Voodland, J. H. Thomnson. W R Drfke and Roy VanderSluys. j Special Project George Munro.i W. J. Alder and ReidMcLcnnan. 1 Vocational Service Dean Gibson, London Exchange LONDON, iajnuun. Jan. Jan. 31: ai: CP cim Quo- qua. . u. nuuiawr, ngrman wait ana sort and Dr. Neal Carter. "threat of partial default." Fellowship and Attendance Dr. I W. T Kergin, Paul Armour and V I cGeer's Statement S. Moore." I CALGARY. Jan. 31: ( CP Mayor Public- Relations Lee George Rorle and H. F Pullen. SELVIG'S SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Only! 37c $1.00 26c 59c 18c 25c O. O. McGeer of Vancouver, here .attending a conference of western far..;u:: Bluc-..; j-a by ACdlson :: aft: lac latter .. ..05. that Wal-uncomfortable that he was forced to stop the trip. W alters retorts that he ftlt that StUlwell should have been put In Iron, ana treats the whole mat-ter as a Joke. Walters Is shown ibove at the helm of his schooner. Withdrawn From The Letter Box MR. IIIAMHTS SINCERITY Editor. Daily News: The "Daily Pro vine" of Vancou- 3. O. Steen. : tations of Vancouver bond have! v very much annoyed with the Boys Work Dr. H. L. Alexander. ! been withheld bv dealer, an th 'Toronto "Daily Btar" at the latter's Weldon McAfee and Max Hell. London Stock Exehanro. The mnvr broncr. escribed as. temporary, was attri- PrOiram C. V. Evitt. Rvrt Thnm. btltprt hv th Financial Tim a. in IKo 'RESPONDING ! TO APPEAL The Half Way Mark Reached In Mission at the Cathedral j In spite of yesterday's Inclement weather, the appeal of the Church Army Mission here was In no way lessened but rather increased!. Appreciative congregaUons were present at all services yesterday. They began with a celebration of Holy Communion. The interest of the children In their own special service under the leadership of Capt. Hanney was marked by the way In which they responded to his appeal. Special Biblical competitions which are now in progress, along with the "Pll-gr.mase" to St. Andrew's Cathedral, ate being eagerly entered into by all The evening service, which wai preceded by special prayers, was In rh.trgc of Capt. Hanney. Mrs. 8. Painter was the special soloist. The theme or Capt. Hutchison's address was "The Response to the Father's Call." He pointed out that ,such a response was the child-like ' trust, "Casting all your cares upon Him for He earcth for you." 1 Pe-,ter 5.7. The speaker reminded his hearten that aU of them had cares including the Individual care of their own soul. They were born alone, lived alone and died alone The future and destiny of one's own ou was enUrely in one's own hands ; Then there were the family fares .and the cares for others. Even rhll-Idren In some measure had suclt cares. The question was then asked "How can we cast our earc upon Ood?" The answer was that He Old :r "vv :v-. : " -: " -r n 01 ue Father iuuu. itutniuea uiai me uonaon i nim aimuHer must to the Conscience" Special muslr Stock Exchange had threatened to j te the electorate a reasonable and wtll be rendered bv Mrs r r r , 1 move Vancouver bonds from iU of . flclal list uhless the city's Interest rate reduction plans are abandoned. m Hayi.Vt too noticed that yonr liappiit Ivors occur on dars when yon feci yonr beUl Hare more of these happy days. Yon and all jour family. Coird health while you but It. Keep on the sonny side of life. The greatest enemy of health Is rommn constipation. It may canw loss of appetite and energy. Certainly it kills enthusiasm! Yet it can be banished by eating a delicious cereaL Laboratory tests show Kellogg's All-Bia supplies "bulk" and vitamin B to relieve common constipation. Also iron for the blood. The "hoik" in All-Diix Is morh like that in leafy vegetables. How much plessanter to eat this deli, eioos readjr-io-eat cereal than to take patent medicines. Two table-spoonfuls daily are usually suffi SAUrBBAH Hi cient. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Made by Kellogg In London, Ont, tmrHy in venturing to question not remove them, but nve .trench Mr. Bennett's sincerity in entering to bear them If only people omiM upon hU late economic adventures bring their enrea to Hlra In child-and daring to question the motive like trust they would find the truth of the Conservative leader therein. ' of His promise. Impartial observers, however. wtll "They that wait upon the Lord be inclined to believe that the To- shall renew their strength " ronto Journal, in " article refer- j This evening Capt Hutchison will red to. hm utatMi nn mnrr than thf .. . . .. ... . consent . explanation of hU eco- ,nn and the Welsh tenor. Capt Han nomic volte face on the eve of a Mr Bennett must reconcile his recall of Mr. Stevens' famous pamphlet with his tacit, if not express, permission to Mr. Stevens to originate and advocate the Dolieie' 'which he himself then condemned I but now endorses He must Justify his subsequent acceotance of th erystwyth.' WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront ex-minister s resignation on the C p. R steamer Princess Norah ground that these policlea were not Capt. Thomas Cliff. Is due In port first communicated to himself and at 4 o'clock this afternoon from his cabinet, when he has been guilty skagway and other northern points of exactly the same offence. Can he and will sail an hour later for Van-persuade the public that he Is not couver and waypolnU a political opportunist, that his - m.. . J2? 1 re? 'Moresby Island waters for a day or w uiYcn pudiic r n .....ui. ,.UIU uie rrai raiKniCI OI cnf v-H ... .... the dav that la th protectionist Uriffland m r I ?"f 'Tm V from hU dismissal of Mr. stewM!? Mt w8h,1 and barring in the ground of adv Jatmg the j " delay' ,,h0U,d "rWe herc . . . tomorrow ..; morning. She Is scheduled now advancing? Well, maybe ho cant but we doubt It. POLITICAL OBSERVER. The Samf Effect The Dally Nes can be pjr chased at 4 Post Office News Stand. 32b Oranvllle 8t, Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince 4 aeorge, H.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace, lie General Rturc. Anvoi 8mlthers Drug Store. Smith ers. B.C. on her return south via the Queen Charlotte Islands. j Completing her special voyage north for a party of 175 passengers ! who had been unable to reach Van- couvex by rail last week from the i east and had to be diverted via Prince Rupert. C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. H. Z. Nedden, arrived at Vancouver at 9 o'clock yesterday morning and sailed from mere last niuht for Prince Rupert j via Powell River and Ocean Falls, I She will arrive herc tomorrow 4 mornlnz and nmreorl in th. aft.. noon to Anyox and Stewart, returning here early Saturday (ning on her way back south. B P p HI I IKT cl,,v. t'nKTuixS" in WITHOUT PASSION' WJt'fj MARCO At 7:00 ar.d o - PLCS Ralph Richards In - "THE RETt'RN . m. mm - fl . VI IIUIAAHH, B DRl'MMOMr jj With ANN TODH jpj 'At 8:15 6h ;wi Q- , rhone ) De Jong' Lash and Corn Friday & Saturdaj SPECIALS I Ivrr Tip Whit. 8, 8almoi.. . 2 iu Fry'.v Coro -;er ' ib - a- Kadana Coroa per !b pkg MUady Bathroom T -2 No I Urge roll 3 f Brunswick? Sardines. I 4 Una ff I Oranulated Sugar IB lbefor Llbbys Veil Loaf per Via. tin Classic Cleanser 3 tins for California Dried Pcic; 2 lbs. for . . . ' 'i I I -rilUIE . V-JO'EE OAJtllV?l I ....., !gJ It. kiir".,'' "T rrt: "7 - - . - SU: 3quirr: Biand Pear , Butter 2 lbs. for Sunkut Oranges Small size, per dng Medium Ofip I" pr doz pe r-atntm t'B trnt-mtm-m: SHORTEI COLDS' H 25i ft 21c 12! 24C 29c 15c 19c 23c 22c 35c PROVED BY 2 CtNIRATIONj -By Weslovcr l?J-h pp fP" f