Chemical Formula For Vitamin B At Columbia College r:.: YORK. Jan 31. -Columbia ,ty announces the discovery ninlcal formula of Vitamin pochal mep towards Uw '. of health. Today's Stocks Toronto Til Patricia. 1.09. bougamau. .OS. - Gold. .03. '. -u.atta. .(3. t. Nickel. 23.00. Ma assa, 2,40, K .inda. 32.75. ' ft i at Oordon. .50. 2,58. i. '.urea. .94. X Hughes, 3.70. :!bury Basin, US. umarlo. .00. ;:nJtcr Gold, .10." e Long Lac, G.50. una Rouyn, .0J. .iciai-ona, 22. Mplc Leaf, .OJHi. Pi kle Crow, 2.47. Can Antonio. 4.10. Mun ti Eastern, .07 ft. vanlte, 2.27. -uiadlan MalarUc, .54. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 32. 1 Today's Weather Terrace Raining, wind tcmncrature. 38. Anyox -Cloudy, calm, 35. Gtcwart -Cloudy, calm. 34. "S.O.S." MESSAGE FROM JAPAN IS PICKED UP BY "FRISCO STATION y BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 30: from the Japanese coastal steamer Chita Maru. with fifty persons on board, was picked up by Mackay radio. The shin PASSENGERS JIM MOI.LISON I'LANS STRATOSPHERE FLIGHT LONDON. Jan. 31: CP ship for a stratosphere flight In which he hopes to go above fifty thousand feet. ARE HAPPY ; Memorial of Appreciation to Canadian National Hallways VANCOUVER, Jan. 31:-B. T. CrMppoll, general superintendent, Canadian National Railways and .Stwrnshlps, yesterday received a memorial signed by 150 passengers who were held up at Kamloops dur ing last week's storm and re-routed to Vancouver via Prince Rupert They arrived on C. N. S. Prince Geerge here yesterday morning. Sftnatures disclosed passengers came from points as far cast as Prince Edward Island and as far west as the Phllliplnc Islands. The memorial reads: "We. the under signed, wish to express our sincere thanks for Uie many kindnesses and the satisfactory manner In which the Canadian National Railway Co. and the Canadian National Steamship Co. handled so efficiently aiid with so little Inconvenience a IlcuJt situation. I "Many of us were maroonea ior several days, attributable to unprc- cedented weather conditions which Hazclton Raining, calm, 34. i created snow and other slides de- Smlthcrs Light rain, calm, mild. . m0rallzlng schedules with the re sultnnt blockade of transportation on your railroad In Southwcsten British Columbia. "Suitable accommodation and board were furnished us at the expense of your railroad. Our welfare was solicitously looked after and the uniform courtesy and help fulness of your officials and crew of CPt An "8.0S." message i both train and boat were most com was believed to be sinking off ; the coast of Jauan. The last 1 CALGARY message said the vessel was cM.rm. exceptionally mild - Kolng down mcndable In every way and deeply appreciated." MILD IN CALGARY GOLD FALLS OUT OF SKY Airplanes, Police and Citizenry Search In England For S30.000 Treasure Jame Motliaon sotted yesier- . . . . . - . ? nTVM ' Tan 31; Airplanes f Lo7CncItrn o- exclled secure- a United Stales bulk amateur searcners nave Decn scour- tng Kent, Essex and East Sussex for $30,000 worth of gold bars tha tell out of a mall plane last Sunday 4 CADBOROSAUHUS IS STILL AT VICTORIA 4 VICTORIA. Jan. 31: The that was found Prince Rupert last fall and which was at first thought to be a sea serpent was not Victoria's celebrated "Cad- borosaurus." During the past week at least two local citizens report having seen "Caddy" at different points in nearby waters. DEBATE AT GYRO CLUB Champions of Capitalistic System Winners in Impromptu Argument 100 Attendance Members of the Gyro Club, present one hundred percent strong as a result of a newly Instituted atten dance contest, derived considerable entertainment at the regular week ly luncheon yesterday from- an Im promptu debate on the subject "Resolved That the Capitalistic System Is a Failure." Sides were drawn, William Crutckshank and H. S. Mea dows for the affirmative and G. A. Hunter and T. W. Brown for the negative, the latter being declared winners by the Judges, Dr. L. W. Kcrgln, T. N. LePage and R. D. Grcggor. C. D. Fyfe also entertained the luncheon with stories of life In the Yukon. It was announced that, next week being Canadian Educational Week, there would be a debate before the club luncheon by teams from King Edward High School. T. W. Brown, one of the few remaining single members of the Jan. 31: Weather Is Gyro Club, was congratulated by hri nnur fol- PrCSlOCnt o. J. Jttuuui uu i" luucueuu. t corded. t VICTORIA, P .1 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mmln Ilith .1149 am. 21.4 ft. "w prince Rupert Ralnlne. strong riifiist wind, barometer, 29.64; Low 5:12 a.m. 92 ft. ., mpcraturc, SO; sea rough. 18:11 pm. 2Z ft. 2 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER H 2 - 4 V :;s.v No 20. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1935 PR1C: flVE CEt,. FfeSg DEAD iV iK CRASH IN NORTH FIGHTING IN SUB-ZERO WEA THER BREAKS OUT IN MONGOLIA Pilot Muehleisen of Skagway And Three Passengers Killed ' In White Pass On Wednesday SEARCH IS ABANDONED No lurltir r Survlvon from Strainer Maluwk Ditutslrr Considered ptmlble r j ;v YORK. Jan 3 J Further ims been abandoned for (if the Ward Line steamw wk Ii 1 not believed that any ... re math Alive in the wind waiera off Me Hew Jenwy allowing the staking of the after a collision wtth a iU- taut week Plane Came Down in Mountain Wilderness Near Summit; Two Dawson Men and One Whose Address is Unknow n Were Victims of Aerial Disaster Yesterday WHITEHORSE, Y.T., Jan. 31: (CP) Four persons ;were killed when an International Airways plane flying Irom bkagway to Whitehorse crashed near the summit of White Pass on Wednesday. The dead are: Pilot Lawrence W. Muehleisen of Skagway; J. H. Muralt, address unknown; C. C. Larson, Dawson, and Archie King, Daw- nn. Muralt and Larson had arrived i . . . at Skagway on the Princess Korah from Vancouver and were on their way to the Interior. House of Commons Gets Down to Dramatic Session tJBsVKMitisVlslV ES9BlBHsBVliBBVBBV6BBBssS j'BHHBwHsI Here is Oie Hi use of C anm tn Ot jwa in fuu sr-ssiou This seventh and iast session of the present administration pron: -" to e one of the most dramatic of any In i;he 17th parliament. Succeeuing Hon George Black Speaker is J L. Bowman of Dauphin. Man The Conservative party sits on the left abo-rc whiiv Libera; and CjCP are seated on the right The clerk of the House Is seen at table jnder speaker -s chair white immediately m front are the Hansard re-p-3'..ers making official record of parliamentary debates. Photo by Canadian government motion picture bureau. Japanese Have Upper Hand Today in the Disputed Border Area Tokio Declares Country is Under Domination of Russia And Claims That Objective is to Expel Invaders From Manchouluian Territory RAIL LINE IS TIED UP Kaycx River Bridge Out No Trains Before End of Week With one hundred feet of the Kayex River bridge near Skeena station out on account of ice floating down the swollen waters of the river against the piling, railway traffic In and out of Prince Rupert is tied up until the end of the week. The bridge was found to be in an nrni.'Tn T qi . (PPHn,.v ttnrV,? ; ivM-h .Tnr,. condition yesieraay auer- km; regular auiuiera jiineu rf uetisiv e iuic uiuivc uui I the east was not permitted to cross bitter sub-zero weather early today on the disputed .bor-j but instead was brought back here der where Outer Mongolia, which Tokio asserts is under last night. More damage was done domination of Soviet Russia, adjoins Manchoukuo. Japan- 10 brlde morning. ese general headquarters at Hsinking said that the objec- , p"" g"55 were Tk" .. 41 . . , Lie at the bridge today, one from (( i tt i nr .n tive was to "expel invading Mongols from Manchoukuan Prcc Rupert and irom territory." pmtthers. It Is expected that the -r- ' line may be In shape for trains Is Committed On Two More Counts Hubert Marsh Alleged to Have Entered Homes In Section Six, Taking Jewelry Alrcady committed for trial on charges of breaking and entering the United States consulate and Miller's cash and" carry grocery. Robert Marsh was sent up by Magistrate McClymont in city potlce court this morning on two more counts of breaking and entering the residences of Mrs. Margaret Weaver, sixth Avenue East, and Miss Salome taken on each occasion. MINIMUM WAGE LAWS ARE TO George S. Pearson bor. A special division to euTorce minimum wage laws Is Eleven Thousand Voters Register In Skeena Hiding OTTAWA, Jan. 31: ICP Votert Wesley, Fifth Avenue JEast. These registered in British Columbia last I l burglaries burglaries occurred occurred in in November November fall tail for tor the ine forthcoming lormcoming tefleral eoerai el- ei- -, Eay , ,agement 8 to Miss Mary Dowthcr. , lowing the wen P. & nave been ection toUlUcd 5.844. The list fo. '11113 lUUIUO't " I. .... . Skeena total 11.362 !ain possibly by Saturday. The train, ordinarily due from . . , . . 'a, 1 v. i 4 r HE ENFORCED ther than Smithers but passengers . j mall and express for points west of j Smithers between there and Kaycx vrrrmuTA Jn ai -Rporcant-l aaUon of the staff of the Depart-: f f t0.,t hand;ed the extra with . ment of Ubor is planned by Hon. MW p" " MUUB!"' minister Qf la- Huey Long's Enemy Drops Out of Sight : BATON ROUGE. La.. Jan 31: The president of the Square Deal Association opposing the dictatorship af Senator Huey Long is reported to have disappeared and his adherents are making a vigorous search (or him MOTION IS REJECTED Resolution of IU. Hon. W. L. Mac- kenzie King Voted Down in House of Commons OTTAWA, Jan. 31: (CP) The motion of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, Leader of the Opposition, to postpone consideration of money votes until the.' government reform legislation has been considered was defeated in the House of Commons by forty-five votes. MILLS MAY MAKE SILK New Line of Activity Forecast For Industrial Plants in Ontario ST. THOMAS, Ont., Jan. 31: Re construction of newsprint mills at Fort William, Espanola and Stur geon Falls at an estimated expen- tlture of $10,000,000 for production of -sulphides to be used as a hefp,iri"r Ithe maktaerjajkls cast oy tne provincial minister jji lands and forests. Tram Services Being Resumed Canadian National, Canadian Pacific and B. C Electric Moving Traffic Again in South VANCOUVER, Jan. 31: Normal transcontinental train service was resumed by the Canadian National Railways in and out of Vancouver vesterday following the ten-day Ue-up on account of snow and flood conditions in the lower Fraser Val ley. Canadian Pacific Railway lines ere re-opened today. Tram service , Is being resumed today by the British Columbia Electric Railway as far as Abbotsford. SHOWDOWN EXPECTED Negotiations on Debts and Credits Between Russia and United States on Again WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. A showdown on Soviet Russian debts and -trade credits questions after more than a year of fruitless discussion Is expected this week. Negotiations with Secretary of State Cordell Hull have been re-opened by Ambassador " Alexander Troyanovsky. BRITISH GRAIN SUIT LANGLEF.CUAG IS DUE HERE FRIDAY MORNING The British steamer Lang- leecrag Is reported due hereat 7 o'clock tomorrow morning to load a full cargo of grain from he Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator for delivery to the United Kingdom or Continent. The vessel Is coming from Vic- torla where she underwent re- pairs recently as a result of having dropped her. propeller In, a storm while crossing the Pacific Ocean from the Orient. 4 t O