Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides PiX'-r Rupert Part cloudy, light wind; barometer. 29.31; c--'uwcst t,-traiurt, 41; sea smooth. V.i XXV No. 66. Vancouver Boals Are Leaving For Banks This Week1 to advhrrt reaching the lialibut ! ownm of have dcrWed to Ive I X Ooid. .is, 138. Z u.ia. .Id. ... w ;.. oo u .t,a River, .00H. C , u r CtHk, JVi talk). L, 13. H uioi. .01. I. ,.un .01. M.:.:. 18V. Mi i.'UM. .14. M ;;.lng Star, .06. N. I'mtial Silver, .04. N by Five. .07 fc. Pr .!) Oreille, .48. r it. r Idaho. .004j. pfiiurr. l.oo.- Qu micI Quartz, .15. I Waul. .03. II"" 141. Si vrr Crest, .01ft. T .Uiion Gold, .14fc. Tj iur Bridge, .10. W j Mde. .17. Wijt( waicr, .08. W .v riy Tangier, .00. Cuiivd Empire. .05. Toronto C ual Patricia. 1.44. C iubuugamau, .18. I-r- Gold. .04 y. Ounada. Jl. Inter Nickel, 23.25. Mai a.vsa. 258. Nounda. 34.50. Elierutt Gordon, .15. - 2.09. Ventures, .02. Laku Maron, .04 T 'k Hughes, 4.10. Sudbury Dasln, 1 33.' C'Jlumarlo. .12, Cmrltrr Oold, .15. Can, Malartlc, .65. L IfMe Long Lac. 5.75. . Antorla Rouyn, .05. f it'ai-ona. .20. Mj le Leaf, .00. l'irkle Clow, 2.75. Man & Eastern, .03. MeKriwle Itcd Lake, 1.12. Pioneer, lo.oo. 0k1v Lake, 1.40. 5tu: M-on nivcr Gold, .92. tonhirum, 2.20. Eldorado. 1.15, ftilconbrldisc. 3.00. Hill inner. 17.2s G kPshore, 57.00. Koyallte. 20.00. Canadian Pacific Hallway, 10.00. imperial Oil, 10.00. Ford "A," 27.75.- Brothers have arrangements. iion. e .v Rhodes OTTAWA, Mui 20 CP Hon EdarN Rh '! v muu.sterof flnaner wii; pre..-r.t his budget to Parliament on Friday, it was announced yesterday. DIKI) TODAY Little eight-year old Gloria Lcllhton of Metlakatla died early this morning at the Prince Rupert General Hospital The body Is to be charge of funeral French Cabinet Would Bring Question of German Conscription Before league of Nations Russia Talking Of Increasing Army "Ten Times" j LONDON, March 20: (CP) The British cabinet hast agreed to a conference of Great Britain, France and Italy i on the German situation within the next few days. The' French cabinet has voted to bring the matter of German i conscription before the League of Nations. France alsoj March , k Saturday "oi lm asked that Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, visit , . . -.w w 1 IKa lOTft kirfltAn'ti ... - - - - - - 1. shins operation. Today's Stocks 0. D. Jofetwkm Co. i.. i. u. r n Vancouver Nickel, .life-Muiourt. .42 V.. ....... ..... nine, 8.40. Coni, .07,, Budget Friday situation before going to Berlin tc , meet Relchsfuehrer Adolf Hitler on j Monday next. Hil'er has sent aj message saying he would be delighted to meet Simon. Moscow advices ztate that the Russian Amy may be "increased ten times" If necessary for the defence of Russia against what Is termed Germany preparation for war Spectacular aerial manoeuvres over Berlin last night gave sub-tance to the Reich's claim that Germany Is now a military power o be contended with. Defence Appropriation Asked In view of the threatening state of affairs In Europe, the war department is demanding an appro- anatlon of $30,000,000 from Parliament for special defence measures. reported here yesterday that German nromoters were neeo- tlatlng to stage a world's heavyweight championship boxing match here In July or August between Max Baer of United States, th? tltleholder. j and Max Schmellng, the for- Interred at Metlakatla. Haynor i mer champion. A Final Slap ! AT THE DEPRESSION The Daily News is making special Goodbye Offer To "Old Man Depression" By giving subscribers who renew this month a special bargain of 15 Months For the Price of One Year Out of Town, 15 Months For SXOO In Prince Rupert, 15 Months Tor $5.00 orders should be mailed on or before March Checks or money 31. Better send it today while you think of it. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. The same offer applies to new subscribers starting now or to old subscribers wishing to pay any distance ahead. T TITLE BOUT BETWEEN BAKU AND SCH.MEI.ING IN LONDON IS MOOTED LONDON. March 20: It was 4- NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1935 Premier Pattullo Goes To Defence of Bridge; Winch is Challenged C. C. F. Member Refuses to Retract Statement or to Give; Names so is Ordered to Sit Down Chairman of , Liberal Caucus Opposes Measure j VICTORIA, March 20: (CP) It is a long time since a, measure has been before this House that has caused sp much misrepresentation, so much inuendo, so much vilification and so much insinuation as this," Premier Pattullo ' said yesterday during debate on the Fraser River bridge! dation bill, m the Legislature. Dr. J. J. Gillls, Yale, chairman of REFUNDING QUESTIONED"; Victoria Member Asks if Repudiation is Not- Involved In Prince Rupert Plan VICTORIA, March 20: Herbert Anscomb, Independent member for Viclotia, asked in the Legislature yesterday if the proposed Prince Rupert city refunding did not mean the repudiation of Interest, adding that thirty-seven percent of the bondholders had not approved of the refunding, Hon. A. Wells dray, minister of municipalities, replied that the present government and later ones might have to take even more drastic action in connection with the refunding of debts of the Liberal caucus, opposed the bill, declaring that the people of British Columbia were opposed to it; and "no government, be it Liberal not, should go against the wishes : the people." j Premier Pattullo took exceDtlon 1 to remarks of E. E. Winch, C. C. F. ' withdraw remarks. Chairman L. "A. Hanna asked him to sit down and he took his seat. Sir Malcolm Gives Up Further Plans "DAYTONA BEACh. Ha.. March ,20:-Sir Malcolm Campbell announced yesterday that he had decided, owing to conditions being unfavorable, not to make further attempts at this time to establish - - For five year and two months a great herd of relndeer'has been trekking across Arctic wastes to thcMackejJe rtvjdeia In Canada's northwest tJoji$1jrrit-jrea.t trek -will, end about the-jT middle of -March. In 1929 the Canadian "government purchased from the ' herds In- KotzebueT Sound area in western Alaska, a herd of 3,000 picked deer. For four years they wandered, under guidance, across the Arctic circle until they arrived within 70 miles of their destinatloa But blizzards and extreme cold held them up for another year, andjonly now is the herd, vastly different to the original, arriving at the Mackenzie delta to feed and clothe the Eskimos of that district. Layout shows guides L-adlng great herd and close-up picture of some of animals. TINKERING ON TARIFF Opposed by Manager of American Vessel Owners Before Committee at Washington WASHINGTON. D.O, Starch 20: (CP) An influx of Japanese halibut would flood the United States market if there was tariff reduction on fish in a reciprocal trade agreement with Canada, the reciprocal trade committee Was told yesterday by Harold E. Lokken, manager of the Seattle Halibut Vessel Owners' Asso- Mr. Lokken sa:d that the fishermen of Canada and the United States had fonnulaicti their own agreements and these had proven much more satisfactory than any possible action of the respective governments. Mrs. L. S. McGill of Smlthers. ! member for Burnaby, on the ground ' who has been on a business trip tc that Mr. Winch had insinuated ', Vancouver, arrivedi in the ctty from that the government was repaying ' the south on the Prince Rupert Ithe Fraser River Bridge Co. Ltd. ! this morning and will proceed to i for "pre-election favors." When Mr. (CP) i winch refused to rive names or the Interior on this evening's train. High 1:48 ajn. 21.0 ft. 14:05 pm. 20.0 ft. Low 8:07 wn. 4.2 ft. 20:15 pin. 4.9 ft nCCt. FIVE CENTS BRITAIN FRANCE AND ITALY MEET FIGHT ON FRASER MERBRWGE BUI IS ON AT VICTORIA Three Nations Will Confer in Paris Within Next Few Days On Existing Situation in Europe Reindeer For Eskimos End Five Year Arctic Trek MINIMUM WAGE ACT Legislation is Presented in House Of Commons at Ottawa But No Kates Are Set OTTAWA, March 20: (CP- Establishment of minimum rates of wages for employees In manu- -facturing and commerce applying to workers of both sexes over six teen years of age is authorized In a government measure introduced yesterday in the House of Commons by Hon. Hugh Guthrie, minister of justice. No rates are fixed in the act hut power is given to name rate-lix- ing bodies. Henry Smart Of Kincolith Dies Whole Naas Uirer Village, Joined By Representatives From Green-vcille. Paid Tribute KINCOLITH, March 20: Henry Smart, one of the best known and most highly esteemed natives of this village, passed -away recently at the age of 71 years. The entire village paid tribute at his funeral which was in charge of the Church Army of which deceased was honorary captain for Kincolith. Also tak ing part in the rites, which were under the direction of Fred McKa'y, were the Greenville Church Army and Church Army Band as well as the Kincolith Church Army and Church Army Band. Matthew Stewart and Charles Lesson led the pro cession and members of the Senior Society, of which deceased was a member, acted as pallbearers.' Following the funeral, a supper was held in the Jubilee, Hall. 1 FINAL VOTE ON FOUR i CONTRACT FOR LOGS Armour Salvage Co. to Supply To Georgetown and Ocean Falls Mills The Armour Salvage. Co. has signed contracts to supply the Georgetown Lumber Si Box Co. with 500,000 feet of logs from Shawatlans Lake where a new logging operaUon Is being commenced this week. A similar cdntract has been signed with Pacific Mills for delivery to the Ocean Falls pulp and paper mill. In addltlori, the Armour Salvage Co. is taking out logs at Shawatlans for export to the Orient. Automobile Goes Over Embankment Young Man Hurt billion Works bill K EXPECTED THURSDAY As a result of an automobile ac- 'cldcnt in the blinding snowitonn WASHINGTON. D.C.. March at 2:30 yesterday morning on Elev- 20: A final vote on President cnth Avenue East. Matt Kimball 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt's $4,-ia patient In the Prince Rupert Gen- 880,000.000 public works bill Is 1 sral Hospital suffering from a bro- expected to be taken In the ken collar bone. The car, which Senate not later than Thurs- ,went off the road and down a 25- day. Majority Leader Harrison toot embankment, turning over In predicts that It will be nassed the fall, was badly damaged. Sev- as it stands by a substantial eral other joung people who were municipalities. The measure was tan automobile speed record or 300 . majority. in the venicle escaped witn a snaK- an honest effort., to satisfy both miles- per hour. He will return to Ing up. Joe Macheldon was the debtors and creditors, he said. j England with his ca. Blue Bird. driver.