Hi I 4 ' 4 1 ? i f 4 j Thrifty Buyers who j want to buy Shoes i f I m By Canada's Best Makers Can at Less Than Cost Price Use your judgment if these bargains are not worth while. At the price you can use them for house shoes. Bargain Department Cash Only I .... The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue DAILY EDITION LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA rhone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or earner, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .10 By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and . United States, paid In advance, per year 3X0 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line .. 25 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .. SJ1 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insert-on . 1.40 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9s News Department Telephone sC Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday. January 19, 1935. A DOUBTING THOMAS Captain Hugo Sandstrom who discovered the remains of the creature said to be a baski ngshark, is still doubt f ul if the scientists are right He says he has had a long ex perience with sharks in the North Sea and he never knew one with hair all over its body as this one evidently had. He says that when it was found the skeleton was lying in a bed of hair from one end to the other. This could only mean hat it was a hairy monster. In a letter published yesterday Captain Sandstrom chal lenges those who say this is a shark, to catch a real shark and bring it In and show the world. If they are as common Us stated he thinks this should be quite easy. Until that fime the Captain suggests we should stick to the belief that we have the remains of a sea serpent PROCESSED COAL :" If it is possible, as has leen announced more than once. .that coal can be. changed into a liquid fuel at a cost that yill make it popular, it is to be hoped that steps will le taken at as early a date as possible to instai a plant and make a practical demonstration. It would be to the general 'benefit to ha,ve the fuel produced at home if it can be done i econbmicallys f tTheiiTare huce coal fields in- Northern and Central Bri WATERFRONT WHIFFS New Boats Building at Cow Bay Getting Reduction Plant Heady For Reopening Returning From Biological Board Meeting Japanese x)it builders in Cow Bay at Prince Rupert are quite busy these days, several new boats being under construction on contract while more building jols are exacted between now and Uie spring when Inrnt roiwtir work will start preparatory to the opening of thu fisliing season. I. P. MaUumoto, in the old Suga establishment, will haw completed within ten -y- a 22-fool combination trolling audio firm ulaitt tn la- rr h. halibut boat (or Hans Antoftsen. AArm on the CaUla tommrm. ,30 h.p. Union dlescl engine has! nine. The Frank WaUrhouxr 5 been installed. With the completion t fresshter Southalnv Is how on tt of this boat, construction of a 31-j way from Vancouver north with i root trailer for George Ladlcos win I lumber and other maU rtal to be start a.t the MaUumoto yard. a. IS j usrd in Uie float coast ruotkiu h-P- Virion engine to be installed ' .. Y b The Suehiro yard ls planking in a ' 33 fool troller for Mike Haapala jThis boat will be equipped wiUt a ill? Km tl . : r i i a u ii-ji. iirni ntpim;. jn nits dwii 'being finished. Suehiro wtll eom-Iplele a 40-foot combination trailer land halibut boat work on which .was suspended on the contract for .the Ilaapala boat beta received'. ThU boat is at present stored Inside the Cow Bay bridge, K. Tsumura at the Kly Boat Works Is putting on the deck of a 34x10 combination trotting and lialibut boat. By the time the boat Is finished it is expected it will have been sokL Thomas Anoerson superintendent of the Nelson Bros. Fisheries Co. s reduction plant at Tucks In let. returned to Prince Rupert on Wednesday of this week after having spent a couple of months In Vancouver. The same day he left for the plant which is being put In readiness to resume operations as soon as the herring run com menees. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experlmen tal Station, will return to Prince Rupert on Wednesday next, alter attending, the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Canada in Ottawa. On his way back from the east, Dr. Carter Is spending a few days in Vancouver where last night he opened a series of radio broadcasts dealing with work of the Prince Rupert station to which other members of the scientific staff will later contribute each Friday nighj, with papers. John Dyb- havn returned to Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide pfter attending- the an nual meeting oi the mouxrloal Board. Sigmund EtnUoas of New York. who has been in Ketchikan for a week in connection with the organization of Alaska salmon t rollers for the co-operative marketing of their product, passed through the city on the Princess Norah Thursday afternoon bound for Seattle whence ht will proceed east. Mr. EinstoM is reported to have slened up all the Alaska trollcrs. tish Columbia and if these were workefJUttvWDiild be afgreaifntminaon day for the js3s coungj Ihihg for the wholeprovmWeliopelhat the scientists ia!J fceighboring village. who have been trying to solve the fuel problem through the utilization of coal will succeed. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev, IV. D. Grant llollingnorth, HA. Organist: Mrs. I- J, Smith 11 AAI., Sermon Subject. THE CALLING OF THE DISCIPLES" 12: 5jSunday School 12:30. Westview School 7:30 IMjSermon Subject, "RELIEF MODERN CONCEPTION AH visitors welcome PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Y; 216 Sixth Avenue West V Rev. E. J. North, Pastor J. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday. 11 A At:. Speaker, Pastor E. J North fc Sunday School and Bible Class, 2 PJ.I. Sunday. 7:30 PAL. Mrs. North will speak Monday, Vpjtt.. "The Gospel Drama," repeating by request Sundyrtmr7, Bupt J B. Barnes will start special meetings J .VI. PurthT announcements later The Indian Department's power cruiser Nafkeena made a trin on Thursday to Metlakatla with Indian Agent W. E. Collison and Dominion constable AJWatklnson. It was Three members of the deck crew of the steamer Cardena, which was in port last evening from the south, were suffering slighUy from frost bite, the result of the exceedingly cold weather encountered bv the vessel on her voyage up the coast. At Bella Coola when the Cardena Philip M Ray attd his Northern Shippsttx On. strffttrd sewtfery hi I yesterday morning's M frre which wiped out Uie Hays Bkk containing the concern's offices. Mr. Ray lost all his. books and retard as well as office furniture and equipment. Some of the more important papers, however, it was hoped, might still be mtaet in tlw safe. Mr. Ray. despite his ions, wes still smiting to-day as he opened up a new office on j the third floor of the Bfwer Block. The Letter Box RADICAL, REFORM Editor. Daily News: Allow me to join in commenting an this most extraordinary event of Premier Bennett's conversion to th new conception of the function of the modem state, the urgent necessity of the disciplinary intervenUon of the-state in regulating the national economy and making Jt serve the needs of the people instead of serving the selfish interests of the privileged few as hitherto. British Columbia can congratu late Mr. Bennett, tor having broad casted with such eloquent language Its enacted principles of the econo rale council, wage board and the already copied Marketing Act. They are the essential preliminary steps of the reform ot the system., winch Mr. Bennett so energetically advo--ates. Mr. Editor. I beg to differ from ,ou when you say that Mr. Bennett has given Conservatives new hope. Tt is rather hard to make the new world fast coming into being fit the sirafghtjaeket of old politician. Toronto. Vancouver, Winnipeg nd Edmonton have spoken very dearly that they want a change and not the old line-up. Five years of untold suffering and unwarranted misery have con vinced the Canadian people that the mere expedient of the politicians is not going to suit them. Politicians can run as close a race to radicalism as they like. Tin- best, horse will win The race will be strongly contested but not on the oki ground. A nrW political align ment is inevitable. The radical re. form required to chanje the system cannot be performed by party-tam for mere Pjf Sake. .Thetem realtt.win cordfll thlprwerlr-tr&t b Jo-serve the nation and not the party. The political issue is shifted. The tasue for the forthcoming Dominion election stands now between the C. C. F. and the disciplinary IntervenUon of the state in the control and regulation of economy. Mackenzie King has yet to speak but he can only measure up the ex tent he Is ready to go in regulating called there Thursday morning it j economy. He has already taken one' was ten below zero and at Ocean step that is the nationalization of Falls, two below. credit Why so mueh notation in. endorsing Premier. Pattullo's policy? j Capt. Steve Gray, skipper of Uie v nAccn.nrRT learner Princess Adelaide, in port' last evening from the south, repor- tA . j - ,..! itumicriy gaie wruie steaming uplnitr. aecic oox liiiea wttn ure-belts on ver Tcr. the upper deck and turned It com pletely over. It was one of the!. heaviest winds Capt. Gray had ever' experienced and was Intensely cold. J An abatement of the strong nor-' therly wind Is being awaited before the John Currie. tt Son power tug ' C. R. c. with plledriver in tow de- parts for Silver City nar Alice Arm where a new float is to be put in for the federal department of public works. For a week now an opportunity to get away has been awaited, John Currie the head of airs. I cross wife of the! commercial and little daughter, Barbara, j ..a.mci io weeun r-aiu were passengers aboard the Prln-' Thursday evening. So strong was; cess Norah Thnrtw 9nrn the wind that It lifted up a heavylinz throueh for a vi.n in vni. Wasson resides in Car- t j i SNAP t e t a r i n t 0WDER cttAMt ,u eoinmi i"tm. Mason, sain IUt 'AIM I A PHI Iahmoi BILLIARDS STILL LAG W Stuart KIai N Les Than Four FHture Are In- Qre Crtpps iCLt complete Only Half oftiatnci Played on Thursday As a result of Uie t&iyfoc of three of six tames in Thursday night s Billiard League fixture between Grotto and Empress, the latter are leading by the narrow mstfKin of 036 to 631. The Individual scores of Uie three games played were as follows: Don Brown. Grotto. 2M; E Cam eron. Empress, 136. Eiri Batt. 322: A. Donald. 230. T. Kerrigan, 1M; P4 PritohMd. 250. The following game were postponed: (leers IlAwevOMttS). vs. M BILLIARD SCHEDULE January 22 -Empmu. vs Elk. January 24 Orotto vs Legion January 27 Orotto vs. Elks. Sons of Norway And Legion Wliist league results n Defeated Oddfellows and Grotto In WhKt League last night were as follows: Sons of Norway 6. 1. O. O. F 3. Canadian Legion S. Grotto 3. League Standing W Sons of Norway 2 Camdian Legion 1 I O. O F 1 fit Andrews 0 jOrotto . .0 L. 0 0 1 1 2 P 2 1 1 0 0 iard Averages H Menaic SUcaJ R McJittM (BntfO . . M B Young Isnpi Bert Mont iOi A. Donald Knp . Oeorae Ilowe 0 W Macey Ksftf W WUUssroft HftJ A. Harvey CL) Bat Oi , D. Brown D . M. M. Lawn CLj ! J. E Mortis 'Bflltai ' E. Camsroa Bmp C P. Ilatacao inks) P Pritchard Bmpl ' a a woodtatui iCL) E. Young. Empress; Bert Morgan vs ' w Hutasm tfj , -Len Raabe. J Sutherland vs R Mr- iB . MacdMiuld 0 Leod. ,R 8trey "Oap a. 3 3. Bulger f9ks 1 One more game wa pUyed fcn Um? j T Kcrrtn ' ' fixture from TueMlay night, Alex L Rab' Harvey. Canadian Legion, defeating p Tiaker 'CL' W. E. WllUscrolt. Elks. 2S6 to 237. c L Yo",1man 'CL On the two games so far played, the . "' Anorcws Elks are leading 477 to . The fd- A ut,f 'LLI lowing game remain to be played: ' J Sutherland iEp O. P. Tinker. Canadian Legion, vs. 1 C. P. Baiagno. Elks: O A Woodland 1 vs. Jamet Andrews. C. L. Yuangman vs. wnttam Stuart, Oearge Crippsi vs. J. B. Morris. j Outstanding of M. E. games Ul 4 VI- t. .2 - 1 S TU. itw 7W 790 ft m m N 121( m 2M lltt It 1147 1144 113 n use MS Ml 460 224 44t 114 lM CtT 811 57 52 1M 1S3 BASKETBALL AV. 2M 260 2M tm H 24ft 44 43 241 m Ul XS!f 2M 23 23S 22 237 337 22ft 331 314 310 200 303 103 187 106 183 January 21 -C. N- R A vs. Moose, Young. Empress, vs. O.A. Woodland. I Annettes vs. lOgh School. High Canadian Legion, and Pete Prit- School vs Legion. High School vr "hard vs C L. Youngman from "oata Thursday night's fixture of last . v.e-fc remain to be played, Bmprnu 953 607 Two longotitstenftftff games from the fixture of December 11 between Elks and Canadian Legion James Andrew vs. Alex Harvey and J E Morris vs Oeorge Cripps also remain to be played, the ae-Hregatc score so far being 1000 to 727 in favor of the Elks. gsluroa) January 19. 193' 1 a-I-31-"B"CXTI a 3 K H K B B B B a B I SPORT NEWS r?BJBTmTTT-B"'B:B::: a i BTBctarK?BrBf?tBaiii,"'!- Jap Runners Make New Marathon Record As a grand finale n '.he w rr..... KcJ ." ' . U from every dUtric'. of N ppor. x : v -hailed as a n-w w'uid jM f-r :h- di.or.ee vtr-'- .' ju-us Y hao Kusunofc righ Pp r . Sudium u. Tut. 1 jonltsnu .i. wht ch procuced what u bi... -,,x tniie threw hundm. and ftf h'v was the winner BIG FOUR IS WINNER lint Half of Ladies IUlmc League finds Lt leinc Onnttntttat lUwtnnint xtn! a sstotanllil victory on M tern's last night. Big Koui w. first half of the Ladles B- ' League at the Kite' Home Scores for the evening were i low: HsgPosr. SM MmsaUem A 4 Aanette's. 4J3. Ltseky 6tnk i ' Attey Cats 30S. Canadian N ai RereaUon Association. 39 Leah Basso-Bert was hiitl - wit IN. The second half will w Pri4ay with two new teams '!.'' TIM league staadlngs u n . as roOows: Big Pom- Lucky Annette's Mussanem'i Alley CuU CNR A O T 19J5 181 172C WATCH For Uie Announcement or the New General Motors Cars CHEVROLET -PONT1AC OLDSMOBILE - BUICK Your choice should be a General Motors Car a product of the foremost enslneering and wicntlfic ability In the Intluttrv General Molor engineers recently tackled the problem of power for the tream lined trains. The result was the WINTON DIESEL ensine which sped the NEW t'NION PACIFIC STREAMLINED TRAIN from Ixn Anrele to New York a IK tance of 3334 mile in SChours, 55 ininuleit. The Same Engineering Skill (luidcs tJtc Progress of General .Motor Cars An Eye to the Future Ail Ear to the Ground This describes Oeneral Motors poliry. a policy by which thr public gels whit it wants m bettor cars year utter year am! yet Is rifely pntcrted ap iinst ill-ttmed or dubious experiments KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Third Ave. W. irincc ipcrif n.C Wc cordially invite yu to tune, hi on the General .Motors HOCKEY BROADCASTS Net game tonight, 7 p.m. .a Umc, Toronto Maple Leaf vs. St Loulv Montreal Maroon vs. Americans. ij CRIBBAGE FIXTURES January 20 Orotto y K1 ; I.OO F vs Canadian Iecmn t N R.A. vs Moose. Meat