nuary It, ltW. Jjir. Pioneer DrtAfjrf tats , : r Itetall 8tor Phones: 81 & 83 Oprti Daily From X a m. till 10 p.m. s, Hid and Holidays From 12 noon till t p.m.. J p.m. (ill 9 p.m. An Antacid Powder, Bisma-Rex . tiillv recommend this proparaUon for Sour . .ni.ich, Acid Dyspepsia, Honitbum, Etc. Try ,itic (Mlny. 1-oz. boi. 75c $1.50 i When Colds Threaten Try lti 1 vail None anil Throat Relief with Hphedrine a ail nsr n drops or spray. lU'comimmtitMi ani ,1 liy ilwiors vcryvvhure. Price 50c Rcxall Chest Rub ire quick preventative from eoMs and equal mil lidnnl vnhi lo any preparation of its kind he inarkotlodRy. Price 50c , iaratioiiH are sold under the REX ALL i. NTKK. If you lelieve the preparation has . !) you satisfaction, we will refund your there are no exceptions to this rule. Bulkley Valley Coal i tered name of the product of Itulkley 1 Mine, operated by F. M. Dockrill, Telkwa, B.C. Accept No Substitute representative is at your service, free of .t. Have your dealer send him to you. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER In ourcoAl yaull is the best find the hat. ment any firm can have. t a mwi....a,ir 'e do our hcsl to supply ter hrSS5rte y? with the most suit- "V 'fiW?; able coal lor your re- -Sam'.---, Cidrements. HYDE When in doubt piay trumps. Phone Us 651 - 652 PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Lessen Your Bulb Expense ! Uicm in cartons of sx and save. Besides, you have lamps for g replacements when you nerd tlieni. IXSIDK TUOSTKl) -i Watt, 10'Watt & GO Watt 25c ' u tun in of ,,x tJJJLaTCV Gordon Hardware fhnne 311 Mrltride St. ms TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Jasper Coal MORE HEAT LESS ASH Fresh Flounders and Soles a-iHiard Unome. Hunt's float. (tf) Snappy barssins in eoaU and suits for snappy weather. Demers. (211 ieltv lrom n tne noapiui, irasineaB twins , 'antely of a routine nature. Those i oresen were O. V. Wilkinson, hatrman. O. P Tinker. S. D. Mac-1 lonald. Dr. R. O. Large and Frank OH, directors: H. W. Birch, secre- iry. and Mtas Jean Harrison R.N.. ! ady superlntenoent. D. Maodonald. chairman of he finance committee, reported to be hosDMal board at Its meelngl ast night that certain Workmen's) 'nmrwnatinn Board cases, in illlxation. were under advisement y tne commiiiee wnicn. huwcyct. vould not be able to report untl' after it had consulted with Dr. W. T Kergin. the doctor concerned. who is at present out of the city. Announcements Sons of Norway Masquerade Jan-ary 17. Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Burns' Tea Jan. 24. Normanna Male Chorus of Ket-hikan. concert Moose Hall, Saturday. Jan. 26, 8:30 pjn. A 5 and a 15-mlle cross country kl race Mount Oldfleld Jan. 27. Jlgga Supper January 31. "Nordkapp" Whist Drive and Dance, Metropole Hall, Feb. 1st; at t p.m. Dance. Seal Cove Parish Hall, vbruary 1. Balaano's Orchestra. Presbyterian Anniversary Ban- iuet, February 4. Prince Rupert Badminton Club unce February 8. Cambral Annual Valentine Dance 'ebruary 14. Mrs Mandy Recital February 22; MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Conceits 2500 Dances 2000 Public Meetings 15 00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 040 or Red 412. FAOK THRU THE DAILT NEWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by rid- , You cn rent a car at Walker'a me in w isi. i mil th m. as low as S1.50 a day. Dim 7c. a tftmlle. Mr. anc Mrs. r. Fenncsa, who have been on a iwo-weeKs hotldiy trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prlnccw Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Many people 'round 40 think they're "growing old." They feel tired a lot . . . "weak." Have headaches, doziness, stomach upsets. Well, scientists say the cause or all this, in a great many cavs. is simply an acid condition of the stomach. Nothing more. All you have to do is to neutralize the excess stomach acidity. When you have one of these acid stomach upsets, Uke Phillips' Milk ( MtKtM after meal and before uoiog to bed. That's all) Try this. Soon you'll feel like another person! Take either the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS' " or the convenient new Phillii' Milk of MagncMa TaUtls. Made in Canada. aiso is T.iBirr rojiw. nnffit Milk of Mitm-Ma Tjh-let art new on talr al all Iruj torn rhwf I ach lui uto- I at ts tntoqwvaMt" ot a tiatnnnrtitl ot On amt fntHpt' Mn of Maanwia, Phillips' M if Ma ,4m John O. Williams, Canadian customs officer at Carcross, and Mrs. Williams were passengers aboard the Princess Norah Thurs&ay at- vhlch the compensation board had ! teraoon going through for a trip eavily reduced account tor hos-w vaiKu.. Miss Katie McLeod, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod, Ninth Avenue West, is making good pro-eress at the Prince Rupert Oen eral Hospital where an operation was performed on Tuesday. Miss Jean Harrison R.N, lady superintendent, reported at the regular monthly meeUng of the Prince Ruprt General Hospital last night donations from the following In connection with observance ot Christmas at the hospital: Bellst Chapter, Ordr ot the Eastern Star: Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Or der. Daughters of the Empire: Trades and Labor Council, Q. an& S. Grocery. Watts' Grocery, sterling Market, Thomas McMeekin. Mussallem's Grocery. Chrlss Mlh Bakery. Rupert Bakery and Bulk lev Market. Christmas had passed off at the hospital with enjoyment to paUents and staff alike, Miss Harrison stated. Hotel Arrivals Royal F. Muralt. Anyox; Wm. Espeland. New Westminster: John A. Kltson, Portage la Prairie; Dave Lille and Mar Fen, city. Central T. Anderson. C.N.R.; Harold Orm; Smlthers; J. Graden and J. Mc- Gulre. city; D. Hadland, Oona River. Knot M. L. Clark, city; Robert Brady Winnipeg: S. E. Nailor, North Van couver. Savoy C. J. Brewster and Mr. and Mrs. A. Allan, city. Prince Rupert Dan B. Cralg, Stewart; Maurice McArdle. and H. P. Cahlll, Vancou ver; H. L. Gray. Pentlcton; Rev. Arthur Barner, Toronto; A. E. Kin-cald, Revelstoke; Mr. and Mrs. R. Taper, Smlthers; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hunter and Mr. andtAA, S. Lewis, city. W. H. Benoit and W. C. Stevens. Vancouver; W. Lalng, Victoria. The fire department had a call at 1 o'clock Thursday atlexnoon to th residence ot Ole Strandr on Beach PJace where there was an overheated stove which did no damage. Allan VL Davlaav sailed Thursday night on the Prince George for a irip u Vancouver ana victoria in his caaadtv as arand master of th Loyal Orange Lodge for British Co lumbia. Capt. Church A. Hutchinson of the Army of the Anglican T W SUvenide. who has been attendance than usual last Tnurs- wtKuwiu, wiw .n a irto swth. returned to the day night at the Women's Labor .n evangelical tour of this district. Vancouver on the Prin- League aor:e in me rvieiropoi? umsmi. f:ess Adelaide yesterday afternoon Mrs. R E. Benson, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, returned to the tty on the city on the Prince! Adelaide yesterday afternoon. During the month of December I (here was a total of 1497 hospital days at the Mute Rupert cat per clem being $8.74. Ho-, ul ?:'junu fur the month tolled S46M.5. Mr and Mrs. 8. E Parker and! ,'amily. whose home on Second Av-ii ic was extensively damaged In; yesterday morning's fire, have Ui-: kei. up residence for the meantime j in the Waldron ApartmneU. , Erne&t M HU1 and Medrlclt Nelson, natlv? students from this dls-! ::t arrived In the ctty on the Princrss Adelaide yesterday after- ! inion from Alert Bay whre they nave completed their studies, at ndustrial school. It was revolted by the house j ommlttee to the hospital board atj :'.s meeting last night that the ele-1 vator was out of commission ow-i ng to ice having formed on the ca-! h!e There was nothinc that could , tK hnarri flt. until SUCh :me as the weather moderated ufflclently to thaw oot tht ice. The regular monthly meeting ot he board of directors of the Prince 1u)ert Oeneral Hospital was held ', Hall. MUSlC was by a MMlakatMl rrum uwur wr uwin riu. orchestra. Jimmy Carr was master of ceremonies and the committee O. A. Moses, chief operator ot in charge consisted of Mrs. Gomez)1 aQ ee "nt. wireiess sia . It.. I .1 . T 1 I and Mrs. White. Now Science Explains Why So Many People Past 40 Perl That They're Slipping lWiigThclr"Grip"onThinB tlon sailed by the Prince John last night on his return to the Queen Charlotte Islands following a brief 'visit to the city. William 8. Drury, well known Whitehorse merchant, and Mrs Drury and family were passengers aboard the Princess Norah Thursday afternoon bound south. Mrs. Drury an6 family expect to spend some time in Victoria. A. E. Klncald well known Revel- stoke insurance man. who arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from the Interior, sailed last i night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enrpute back to his I home in the southern Interior. ' In her monthly report at the meeting of the board of directors i of the Prince Rupert General Hos pital last night. Miss Jean Harrison RN lacv suDerintendent. rerjorted the Institution to be very quiet at the present time with fewer patients than there have been for a year. The andltor's report for the year 1934. was presented to the hospital board at Its meeting last night and. after perusal by the directos. was ordered submitted to the annual general meeting of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital Associa tion, date for which was set for January 29. I Want Ads FOR SALE FRESH Flounders and Sole for sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. tf SNAPPY Sale of Oldsmoblle Sedan in first-class shape. No reason able offer refused. Owner leaving town. Phone 176. tf FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 141 Sec ond Avenue. Phone Red 421. tt PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Instltue. Winnipeg. MALE HELP WANTED A LESSON from the depression-Be a" Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner. Clerk, Sten ographer, etc. Free Booklet "How to get a Government Job. M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win nipeg. FOUND FOUND Christian Science Quarter. l ly in black leather case. Apply Dally News. tf,.,73. PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. t'KINCE UlTKKT ASSESSMENT IIISTKICT mnrriric u twvnbv riven that a Court of Revision and Appeal, under th provision of the Taxation Act" and amendment UxTfof aud "Public Schools Act", rexprctlns the assessment rolls for tha Prince Rupert Assessment Dlv on Thursday, February 14th, 1935. at . v, - hmim ttikj. Prtnr RUDert. B.C.. trlct for the yer 1935, IU be held at 10 oclocK in tne lorenoon. Dated at Prince- Rupert. B.C . January 17th. 1935. lrntw nvmiAVN. Judge, of the Court of Revision and Appeal- ; CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 QUICKEST METHOD TO RELIEVE A COLD Kpnt trwtmwii in nourv J. If throat is lore, usti and air S Aspwin TMi in i.iifd of I tiass H air and tvtlc Th tue the serene in your throat timo, inataoUy. Follow Directions, to Ease Pain and Discomfort Almost Instantl When you have a cold, remember the simple treatment pictured here' . , pnweribed by doctors everywhere to-' day as the quick, tnfe waff. Because of Aspirin's quick-disintegrating property. Aspirin "takes hold" almost instantly. Just take Aspirin and drink plenty of water . . . every 2 to 4 hoors the first day less often afterward . . .' If throat is sore, use the Aspirin gargle. But be sure you get ASPIRIN. -It is made in Canada and all druggists have it Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin Tablet. Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. . DOES NOT HARM THE HEART The Minerals of British Columbia. This Province offers excellent opportunities for useful and profitable investment. British. Columbia has produced over $1,352,000,000. worth of minerals. The gross value of mineral production for the six months ended June 30th 1934, exclusive ot the gold premium, is estimated at $18,667.6911)0. an increase ot 505 over the estimated value of! the production in the corresponding sax-month period of 1933, GOLD PRODUCTION: Gold production showed a decided increase; a total return in Canadian funds to the gold-producers of British Columbia during the first six months for 1934 being approximately $5,028.-124.00, an Increase of 31.3 over the return In Canadian "funds received during the first halt ot 1933. RECENT PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES; Annual Report ot the Honourable the Minister ot Mines for the year 1933. Summary and Review of the Mineral Industry of British Columbia for the six months ended June 30th 1934. Bulletin "British Columbia the Mineral Industry" (containing a short history of mining, a synopsis ot the Mining Laws, and -other data ot value to prospectors i Placer Mining in British Columbia. Non-metallic Mineral Investigations: "Barite." "Asbestos," "Glassware," "Clay," "Magnesite" and "Hydro-magnesite." v to: : ' Address enquiries THE DEPARTMENT OF MIXES. VICTORIA, B.C. TheRsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd.. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prluce Rupert tor Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. WeUy aaUlnga to Port Sim pec. Alice Arm. snjox, Stewart and Naaa River polnta. Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at SPECIAL ROUND-TRIP FARES TO VANCOUVER COO Aft Return limit March 31st ?OAaUV PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Third Avenue. Ptaon MS WrxxUct cf THE U CANADA. STARCH Co UmitiJ VW1 Vo other Oil is quite so Oood and Economical If your paper does not arrive, telephone the offlcf 3 $ sr 2 9. i .