She j VICTORA, B.C. I Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Want rimer Rupert Clear, light - High 2:01 ajiL 19.5 ft. ite nit wind; barometer, MM 13:43 pm. 21.0 P.. , n-nerttture. if: sea smoom. xXprnSx Law 7:56 ana. 7.9 ft, 20:23 p.m. 2.8 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v XXV No. 21 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1935 PKICt: riVE CENlM FIGHT OiV OVER SECOND Total Abolition of Machine Fishing In North Joint Memorial Would Ban All Standing or Floating iSalmon Equipment Measures Sponsored by Representatives .Murray and Hoffman It NKAU, Jan. 19: (CP) A joint meromial calling for ! uMition of all standing or floating fish traps was in- j :ucod in the territorial legislature yesterday by Repre-! r ative Murray, another move disclosing that the battle ' v li-h ii- traps will be one of ... r tu., ti.... ti, : --IUII Ul illl- UUUPC. 1 UK IllCiJIUI Jill Wil Will UUUIL'U III 1 BUtlc only and followed, by a day. a Coming Here f 'M ML ' .;. t Ifcun.-s. -.jj Tinien-rr:iiecosUl Assemble U. Columbia, who commen-i r of meetings In I'rtnc on January 27 Today's Stocks It Jttj 8 O. JoHuo C. Vancouver I! f Nickel. .42. Hi MisoauM. .37. Ik (Ulan. 2.15. B: .;irne. 0.75. D R Cons.. MVt. B R X OoW. .18. C "iboo. 1.27. U' i lonla. .41. L'unwcll. .12. C-.ila River, .00. Ci ouda. .35. Qtaimc .17. Ht u ulcsCons, .0114. Iuuun. .01. .20. Meridian, .l&Va-Mi riunu Star. .1) Sliver, .03. Nobli Flvt!.'.0GV4. Prnd Oreille,. .57. Porter Idaho. .07.' Premier. 1.49. Reeves Macdonald, .12. Reward. .04. Rfno. 1 35. Silver Crest. .01. Salmon Oold, .11. T .ivior Bridge, .20. Wayside, .oaVv Whitewater, .04 Vi. Wavcrly Tangier. .0(3. United Empire, .08. $ioo suHscitim:i) The sum of $400 has been sub- bribed hv ii , i,i AVENUE Is Proposed the big isgues before the pre-' ... ,.. ... : i i bill Introduced by Representative Hoffman which would set up a sub- j -t ui'.ia! ux on fish traps In addition! i in -:ont taxes. Old Country Soccer English leauue First Dlvlvn Aru; 3. uAi0, A -ir. Villa .5, Leksjter .O. n.ackburn Rows 3 Set Drom- w!ch A.blon 9. t V .ica 2 Sunderland 2. t; i-t'in 3 Ortmsby Town 1. Hid fjftrtd Town 3. Preaton N End 4. Mai Chester City 0. Birmingham 0. M i:i- trough 5. Sheffield Wed-i,,rJciay 3. Portsmouth 1. Liverpool 2. Stoke City 1. Derby County 1. Wolverhampton 6. Tottenham Hotspurs 2. SCOTTISH i.KAr.ut: Fint DivMon Aberdeen 2. Celtic 0. Albion Rovers 1. Dunfermline 2. Clyde 3. Atrdrleontans 0. Hamilton Academicals 1. Dundee 1. Hearts 1. Partkk Thistle 2. Kilmarnock 4. Motherwell 3. Queen's Park 5, Ayr United 4. xQueen of South 0. Hibernians 2. Ranker I, St. Mlrren 0. St. Johnstone 4. Katklrk 0. Card of Thanks The owners and tenants of the Lactla Apartments arc desirous of exiH-eastng their sincere apprecia tion of the meaure of efficient service rendered by th fire depart ment In flthtlng yeP roay morn-1nfs disastrous fire. This unques tionably saved the building from destruction. The willing assistance and generous hospitality rendered by many friends and citizens generally Is also appreciated. sixtv-six m:i.ow ZKKO IS KKl'OltTKD UV INTERIOR TOWN f . Hutton. sawmill town east of Trlncc George, this morning mwrtcd a new low tempera- tuic mark for the present cold snap In this district of 60 below w?ro. At Vandcrhoof It was i 52 below zero, with foggy wea ! ther. At Prince oeorge ii wns : 50 below, at New Hazclton 34 below, at Terrace, "ociow. tu- - dako. CO below, Smitncrs, oc- CONFLAGRATION FINALLY EXTINGUISH Aeroplanes fcBpI' ' " "r '-' While n ue floe were cast adrtlt on Lake Simcoe. Ont., in sub-zero setting up their huts for winter flshlni seven men on j weather, for more than 24 hours. Several attempts to reach the men, who were in a perilous posltlo n. proveo. abortive and two ajk to drop food to the marooneo men. After spending more than 24 aeroplanes were called Into use. Tile first of these was hours on the Vce. four men were able to getashore by boat. The other three were finally able to walk ashore. Above layout , shows one .of aeroriUnM.jfiji Recent Bride Is Honored at Post-Nuptial Shower Mrs. Henry Dolron, formerly Mrs. Lottie Dunn, who was married last week, was the guest of honor Thursday nWht at a delightful post-nuptial sHower at the hme of Mrs. Oeorge Holmes, Eighth Avenue East. There were eighteen ladles In .attendance and cards and music wcrcj enjoyed. During the evenlgn many beautiful gifts were presented to the bride on behalf of those as sembled by Mrs. Holmes, assisted by Miss Agnes Ouyan. Delicious re freshments were served. Masquerade Was Colorful Affair One' Hundred and Fifty Persons, Many in Costume, at Sons of Norway Affair Colorful and enjoyable was the masquerade dance held Thursday nl?ht by the Sons of Norway Lodge In the Oddfellows' Hall. There were about 150 persons present and many were garbed In novel and Interesting costumes. The Judges of the costumes werei Mrs. R. M. Illckcy. Mrs. P. M. Rayner and Joe Slaggard who chose the; winners ns follows: best fancy la- j dies costume. Mrs. Harry Hansen: most comical ladles' costume. Mrs. W. P. Armour; best fancy men's costume, H.Grlndstrand: most comical men's costume, Max Ascml-wn. DAnclng was In progress from 0:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. with music by Julius Wcllc's Orchestra. Oscar Havcroy was master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments wcrc served. Mrs. Chris Jensen had general those who lost everything they had low and Burns Lake. 55 below. . charge of the affair and other mem-n a result of the recent fire The An'yox Wtts 7 bclow nnd f bcr 01 Ulc committee were Mrs. J. "at Is at Dybhavn & Hanson's and Stewart 9 bclow. Ojcrstad. John Olscn. O. Nelson and those wishing to . contribute arc; V' Jcnscn' A' Pcttcrson presided at asked to call m there and sign. tlw.doorv ALASKA FISH TRAPS To Rescue of Seven Men Marooned On The men aTe all from Hawkestone ana uro, Fifty Thousand Fair Estimate ot Damage In Big Fire Friday Ruins Were Still Smouldering. This Morninp Despite All-Night Vigil Will be no More Than Fifty Percent Insurance Coverage Although the fire department had kept an all night vigil playing a continuous stream of water on the smoking ruins, there was still a smoulder of fire this morning in lie debris of the White House Apartments, one of the lmilrJinrrs which was destroyed in yesterday morning's dis astrous conflagration on Second Avenue. It was believed . " his morning that the estimate of GRAIN SHIP i IS IN PORTi The Reardon-Smlth motorship Vancouver City. Capt. Hugh C. Egcrton, arrived In port at 930 this morning from Shanghai. China, wiped out. much In the way of fur-and Immediately went on berth at nlture. office equipment, stock and the Alberta Wheat Pool's elevator personal effects was lost. Some of where she will start this afternoon j the residents Involved also lost to load a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom or ConUnent. LIMERICK CONTEST First I'rhe. Subscription to Daily News, 1 Year Second Prlxc, Subscription to Dally News, 6 .Months Limerick must be original and must be signed by the author. Names of writers will not be published unless verse wins a prize. Many ot verses submitted will be published, if thought of sufficient Interest. an.aii-mgnv..T5gu,; Ontarl6. $50,000 placed yesterday on the to- tal damage in the conHagraUon: ZiSSr:Nma Spalding Is by no means a thorough check-up as yet. As far as can be learned, no ; more than half of the damage will j be covered by insurance ana it seems more likely that the coverage j vim De less man nny pcrcen. hi, addition to the buildings which were j money and Jewelry to say nothing .of clothing. I TRAIN IS DERAILED CALGARY. Jan. 19: CP Twenty-three persons were injured, only a few seriously, when three t cars of a Canadian National pas ' scngcr train from Calgary were dc- j railed three miles south of Morrln yesterday afternoon. j Officials, with a special train car-! rylng doctors and nurses, left fori the scene. The accident was blamed on a split rail , Ice Floe Hospital Board Appealing Value Section 7 Land The Prince Rupert General Hos pltal Board, at the suggestion of! 'the managing secretary. H. W. ! Birch, decided last night to enter an appeal at the civic court of revi-j slon on February 8 against the valu-j atlon of $2385 placed on 10.6 acres of land held in Section Seven by i the board for possible use as a fu ture hospital site. Last year the property was valued at $2650 but the reduced figure for this year Is rtill considered too high. Frank Dibb and II. W. Birch, managing se cretary, will appear before the court , if revision on February 8 in support j of the appeal Nearly RecoveredlSiSKrfeKlSS w I IndUn GirU Char8fd with Slayln of er Child Expected to Leave nnnltai st wk Nina Spalding, 19-year old Port Esslngton Indian girl, who is facing a charge of murder as a result of the slarlns: of her infant son in the Port Esslngton graveyard about a month ago. is now nearing recovery !from allegedly self-inflicted ab-' domlnal knife wounds at the same time as the killing. She was able U !be out of bed yesterday and nex week, it is expected, will be suffl clently recovered to be discharged.' (The girl is said to be quite unap- Inrcciative of the seriousness of the jsltuaUon In which she Is placed. Interior Weather Terrace Clear, strong north wind. 12 below. Anyox Clear, calm. 7 below. Stewart Clear, calm. 9 below. Hazelton Clear, calm, 34 below. SmlthersClear. calm, cold. Burns Lake Dull, calm, 55 below. Endako -Clear, calm, 60 below. COLD SNAP CONTINUES Cold Weather Still on But May Soon Chance The minimum reading at the Dlgby Island meteorological station for today was 11 above zero at 4 o'clock this morning. The wind was still northwest but was showing a continued tendency to moderate. The barometer was still high at 30.30, but the sky. although cloudless, was somewhat hazy and ruday. William Millar, who has two thermometers, states that both registered zero this morning and four below yesterday. Presentation On Retiring a. R. Gordon Honored by Fellow Workers of C. N. R. During tlhegoprLhourjrestenlay a - vern?leasant IsanniTU? litUf lurtcllon function took took place when the staffs of the Cana dian National round house and car shops assembled in the round house and presented A. R. Gordon, the stationary boiler fireman, with a handsome mantel clock. The presentation was made on behalf of the staffs mentioned by William Reid and the occasion was the retirement from service of Mr. Gordon who for the past seventeen years has filled the position of-sta-lionary boiler fireman and who las now reached the age where, according to rules of service, he must retire. Mr. King congratulated Mr. Gor- : Ion on having attained that age '65 : ears i. yet lookinj so hale and hearty. He also expressed the plea-ure it had always been to be asso ciated with him and the sincere re gret every one felt at losing tho presence of so genial a fellow-workman. He expressed the sincere wish of all present that both Mr. " Oordon and his good wife would be ong spared to look back on the " nany pleasant years spent together. Mr. Gordon, In responding, show-, ed the complete surprise with which. he had been taken and, in accepting , r . ..... wit. uuruon terminated his service today after sventeen years with the. railway here In Prince Rupert. His position is being filled by Bert? Taper who has Just arrived from' Smlthers to take the post. COUl IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, January 19 Ca-nadla nPressi It was 4.5 degrees r bove zero In Vancouver thlsmorn-the eolaest weather in 26 ears. Notice All users of water are urgently requested no to waste more water than Is absolutely necessary. A small continuous stream of water Is just as efficient In preventing a service from freezing up as keeping all taps running full open, CITY ENGINEER.