E9D Mfltti I Ml I S ) 31; PAGE TJVC f SUITS! T NO C. O. D.'s. NO CHARGES SECOND THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SALE STARTS Friday, August 30th at 9 a.m. MEN'S WORSTED SUITS, 20 only, Regular Value $24.50 ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL Publianed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ' f H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Edroor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . ror ies?r periods, paid In advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the BriUsh Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall, to all other countries, pet- year k Z. "I DAILY EDITION TlIPIiET ATTR ACTION $5. 316-95 These suits have the fit, finish and quality that well dressed men. look for. Fine aH-wool worsted cloths, Celenese lined for comfort. Pin stripes and broken stripes on dark grounds of Brown, Blue and Black. 32 ONLY, MEN'S UIGKADE WORSTED SUITS They're TAILORED which means they'll wear a long time and be in style a long time All sizes, types for men and young men. Regular Values to $35.00. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL SHOES SHOES l 3.0. 9.0G Thursday, August 29, 1935 A VERY GOOD BEGINNING A very good.meetiner was held last mVht in tho intpi-nsr of Olof Hanson. While it augured well for the return of House of Commons which was iavorably commented on by the chief speaker, it also augured well for the campaign which is now in progress. No personalities were indulged in, the -only criticisms being of the public actions of leaders of the parties and of parties generally. It was a gentlemanly meeting, void of fireworks, attended by people who were anxious to learn. And those present learned a good deal about policies of the past, present and future. Tom Reid is a good speaker and the Scottish accent adds ?esUo the discourse. He is not what is generally called a "finished speaker" nor is. he an orator but he manages ti convey clearly the ideas he has in his mind, which is th acid test for any speaker. 'The attraction of the Callander mrintunlets spems t n hp almost as strong as ever, judged by the number of people who continue to visit them. Strangers are allowed to approach as far as the wire fence which envelops the hospital and now and then the children are held up by the nurse or attendant in order that the visitors may catch a fleeting glirripse of ! them. These visitors come at the rate of about ten thousand a month, they use 20,000 gallons of gasoline, nay $12,000 a month in gasoline taxes and the average distance they travel to reach the place is four nunarea miies. 19-50 SHOES Discontinued lines of our regular Sport Oxford;, in this season's styles and colors. The sizes are not complete in each style, mostly all size: CQ t tZ in the group. Regular value to $6.50. Anniversary sale Special tJO'TttJ SPORT JACKETS IN ALL SHADES WITH ZIPPER FRONTS Reg. value $5.50, ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL SPORT JACKETS with button fronts, all shades, Regular value . $3.75. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL S395 2,95 TIESAjrpv?, Curjrie, and Forsy'the. Regular $;.po value, all latest fJfVd; 'patterns ifivfefi$AflX .SAfe SPECIAL .UtfCi- FREE To the first five customers purchasing: either Suit or Coa we will give one pair of "SNUGS" "The Health Shoe." FIGHT FOR THIS PORT (Continued trora page one) fidence In these commodities. Down through the centuries they had been recognhed mediums of exchange The gold standard. Mr. Reld de clared, had been foisted on the nations by the manipulations of fl-1 nancial Interests in their endea-j vour to control the business affairs j of the world. Still sixty percent of , th people of the world pinned their i faith on the white metal When ; silver had been debased due to this jugglery eighteen hundred million people of the world had been rob bed. With the price of silver drop ping from $1.29 In 1921 to 25c. two years ago, the nations on the silver the the member member that that no no questions questions were were asked asked in in rerarrl regard to rn thp the standa,rd had that c,h Pfiml.'rlafa'a candidate's record in i2 the tr more for goods. Trade was stifled, the depression came and the whole world suffered. Some of the. nations! endeavored to protect themselves with tariff walls but these were in- j effectual as no nation could live unto itself. The speaker referred to the vital necessity for international stabili-j zation of currency. So long as this ; was not done, so long would the present economic troubles continue. Canada had load exprience of los ing trade through the depreciation of currency in Japm and in Australia and in New Zealand, Financing Public Works Canada, with wonderful resources of both gold and silver, jhoud make more silver dollars, the speaker declared. There had been lpqiwo Oli ver dollars minted In Canada but they were at a great premium and it was hard for the ordinary person to get one. In the first issue of 100,000 silver dollars, the government had actually made a profit of $70,000 and nobody had been hurt, Did not this suggest a means of financing public works about which so much was heard? Canada, and BrjtUh Columbia the daily news Thursday Atr - SALE HATS! HATS! BILTMORE HATS Regular value $5.00. Anniversary Sale Special. .$2.95 Regular value $3.50. Special Anniversary Sale . .$1.95 CAPS BY BRILL AND STYLE-BILT Regular $1.95 Anniversary Sale Special ... $1.15 Regular $1.75. Anniversary Sale Special 95c. Regular $1.25. Anniversary Sale Special 75c. Men's Pullover Sweaters Men always favor a pullover. They're so handy to slip on and warm too. Knit of all wool yarns in fancy stitch of "Marl & Cable" effects. In blues, browns, tans, greens, canary, maroons, etc. Styles in Turtle, Crew and V necks. Reg. values to $4.95. .ANNIVERSARY SALE ftff & t QE SPEdAL d&iWt) WORK SOX Regular value '35c. Anniversary Sale Special 15c. Heavy weight, regular value 40c; and 50c: Special 25c. SPORT BELTS. Anniversary Sale Special 75c The above and many more specials are on sale at particularly, stood to gain great development from the use of gold and silver This country should fight continuously for a restoration of a fixed parity between silver and gold. There were ah too few silver advocates in the House of Commons. President S. J. Jabour presided SALE STARTS Friday, August 30tri at 9 a.m. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our many friends and patrons for their loyal support during the last two years. Through their co-operation we have heen able to supply Prince Rupert with a men's wear store that 'IS DIFFERENT'. Young men selling. clothes that make and keep you looking young. The following Specials are all well known standard lines of men's clothing. They are not jobs or Sweat Shop produced These Exceptional Values are Our Anniversary Gift to You1 SUITS! COATS! over the luncheon ard tendered the thanks of the club to Mr. Reld for a highly illuminating discourse. Quests, In addition to Mr. Reld, were Olof Hanson, A J. Prudhomme, Arthur Brooksbank and B. E. Bailey of Prince Rupert and.J. M. Cave of Vancouver. There was a largeat-tendance of members of the club. THE THE CERTAINTY OF DAWN In qufet confidence and In the adherence to sound business principleflies the way to true success. The Royal Bank offers to legitimate enterprise the security and prestige which sixty-six years of experience have built up. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA !3 I i We're Stepping Out in Style COATS! TOP COATS. In brown, greys, tweeds, worsteds, etc., 81ip-ons Half be !t Ptlo and raglan. Regular values to $24.50. ANNIVERSARY' SALE SPECIAL OVERCOA1S, 1.5 ONLY Blue Chinchilla's, etc., regular value to $19.50. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL SWEATERS, SHIRTS. PANTS. IINDFRWEAU, ETC SWEA1SHIRTS, CREW NECKS, all sizes, in maroon, scarlet, grey, blue, fawn, green and white, regular value $1.25. SPECIAL SWEATER COATS, In greys and browns EXTRA SPECIAL JUMBO KNIT .SWEATERS, all wool heavy weight, in black, fawns 'and fancy trims. Regular value $6.00 Anniversary Sale Special ARROW DRESS SIIIRTS. Regular value $2.00 and $250 ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL :! DRESS PANT8. Regular value to $5.00. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL WORK PANTS:. Regular value to' $3.50. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL . WORK SHIRTS. Regular value to $1.45. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL '. BRITANNIA COMBINATION UNDERWEAR. All sizes. Regular $7.50. ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL LAMBIE & STONE 0)9 A t n 10.00 95c. 95c. $4,95 Slif 95c, 5.95 STYLE - QUALITY SERVICE I The Family Shoe Store Ltd. 9 . OUR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Offers You Super Savings HERE you will find REAL VALUES-in Shoes tfitb highest possible QUALITY consistant with LOW RICES ' SPECIAL -WOMEN'S SHOES Brown T strap, cut out vamps h c& A leather quban heels. All sizes jf O-H Regular $3,95. Sale nrice Y2 IU mi . p t-i i , Ttn i ne price oi your rootwear is tno VflA ft you get in wear and comfort. Quality counts. Your inspection invitee THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE Offers You WHITE HELP - COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS LOWER PRICES A'ndf'aclean, convenient place to dine Gall around and let us prove it THIRD AVENUE MMiiianuiiviaiiM Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. PJllNCP