Auri$t 29, 1?35 ANDY SPECIAL Br. Marrowbone Chews In Vanilla, Chocolate and Licorice Flavor 30c per lb. Ormes Ltd. "Tiie Pioneer Druqgiats (be Rexall Blor .Phonos: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. , Hi wtayi and Holidays From 12 noon till 3 p.m., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. fcS L SUMMER T V-tl-ll . . . and let Canadi's larst national playground be your host It makes an ideal stopover. Here ire two summer round-trip examples: Round Trip Coach TourUt Standard To Winalptf . $48.00 S 57.60 $ 72.00 To Monbtil . $89.10 $100.55$1 17.75 U-4r r.lurn Umll. Ort. 11 limit fifhtly hlhr. SIMILAR LOW FARES EVERYWHERE VnUly Sallinf to Alatka. i"'or Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. StE US FOR YOUIt u PRESERVING SUPPI IES Jelly Jars and Covers, doz. ,,7 Perfect Seal Jars, Quarts, doz 51.75 Perfect Sral Jars. Pints, doz 51.35 Economy Caps, doz - Rubber Jar Rings, doz - Jc Aluminum Preserving Kettles, each , c Canning vu"'"rS Racks, ivatiwa, for lur 8 o quart quuib Jars, jaio. each , uc GORDON'S HARDWARE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mcltridc St I'hoite 311 av 8 Clock. FBTM rH'tlnHMi!B'iHM,rwin'raMiiiTt'Hiira'tH'li''H TB inBTD'F'll,'M1!!'l1iHft!iB'SI'K'aC3'B CANADIAN PACIFIC I" Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th, 28th, Sept. Ctn. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. I' fctchikan, U'raiiRcll. Juneau atitl Skacway .' pSImS?88 LOUISE, Aug. 12th, 23rd, Sept. 1st. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug 19th. For InfmiiiaHn.i nsA .nn.....hnrj nflll or WfltP - - .....uncivil U11U it'CJtl VUbiUlli Vta - Wf . L. COATES, General Aecttt. I'rince Rupert, B.L viui-i5 iifave rrnice Hupcrt ror vancuu- 'A?'AI,A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM. nfivina Vanpniivir ThnriiQ 'ROENA BVF.M FRIDAY MIDNIGII rnving Vancouver .Monday, a jrft" i E-'J MUlniM to Pnrt Hlmrr... u .. Niu . " - t j,jvf. p. . mm "ner Information regarding, all sailings and tickets at- nuriERT AHrNTTt Thlrrt fnnr Thon. " you have something to sell, a classified advertisement, city aper wiu soon let yu know if there is a buyer mj , A tt LOCAL NEWS NOTES S. O. N. Meetlne tomorrow nlrht. Soy's Band 'drawinz Dostooned until October 4. (200) FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIR ING. SEE SIMPSON, FIFTH AND McBRIDE. (tf Olof Hanson lr.. after ha vine scent the summer at New Hazelton. arrived in the cltv from the Inter ior on Tuesday night's train to visit Here for a time h-fore Drcceedlng to Montreal to resume his studies at McGill University. Game Warden Ed. Martin was an interesting speaker today at tm regular weekly luncheon or. tne Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe. I ee Gordon pre1- sided and there was a good atten dance of members. Orvllle F. Denstedt of the scienti fic staff of the Prince Rupert Fish enuy nexi spring. sity of British Columbia. Students for this honor are selected on the basis of scolarshlp, leadership, service, extrl -curricula activities and Characteristics pointing: toward? fu- ture usefulness to society and the business world , Announcements Catholic August 29. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOIE AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 op 50 Rooms Hot It Cold WalM Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 n wurm &nd comfortable bv rid' jog In 13 Taxi It cost tht same. Ton can rent cat at Walker'a u, low u 130 day. plus 7c. mil. . Mrs. Arthur Brooksbarik, who has been on a ten-weeks' trip to Seat tle and Yakima, will be returning home from the south on the Prince George tomorrow, morning. rnm :F. h niarkc R.CAI.P. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prfn- cess Louise for Vancouver enrouie to Regina where he will take, a course of instruction. . Miss Helen McCaffery, daughter pf Mre and Mrs. M. P. McCaffery,! has received the appointment as school teacher . at, Hubert In the Bulkley Valley and will be leaving at the end of the week for Vhe In terior to assume her duties. . X . 'Jt tea, Mrs Burbank's. Prince Ruoert Tennis .dub .AJir nual Dance Friday, September 2U, Oddfellow's Hall. Terrace Concert September 28. Catholic Church Bazaar October 2 and 3. Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. IT Presbyterian Bazaar. .Novembei 7. Orange Ladies' bazaar. Nov. ifl. MOQSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts -. ... ,.$25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetlnes Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 840 or Red 41 2. Eugene .'O'JBrlen, former eries Experimental Station sailed py ;taown,kreen star from Hollywood, the Princess Louise yeueraay hi, brother. Dr. G. a O'Brien ternoon for Vancouver enroute to aboard .f aB0,Wgre .passengers Montreal where he will resume his - prinCess' Loulie yesterday af- studles at McGill University. ternoon returning south after a- xpecis uj rviurn wj u wij "-"""-1 vtsit to Juneau . - I, 4 ;a tr 'iV'' V rratr onn niinert Unas whn has been, em-1 xtre TtnfkUv Rhnnnon and fam ployed at Haysport during VniQv arrived in , the tlty on Tuesday salmon canning season, sailed yfs I ni-ht's .train after spending the terday afternoon on the Princess imm.r t Usk where Mr. Shan Louise for Vancouver near which I on . QVf located In connection city he will pay a visit with h'? Uth his mjnlng lntereU, and sall-irmnrlnnrpTvls before returninz to'l.j r- -irs vriiviuaj' jk a iv vv. wit v.- UU .ti.rlUa of lKa TTniVPrcltv rtf I L- t . il.i. I I ma oiuuivj v wiv v....w.wT. T- ltTincess MJULse lor "wivij: nume m -rnit- r-t ft 1m - IU !-. I- ' i " unusu vuvumuiA. iic a an VanrnuvPl' Xourtn year oi cueimtai cn"i J George Lltue, alter., a two-aay biiSitiess '-'visit' to town, left by last o v.,. hopn hnnnrri hvl evening's-train-on his return to the board of publication of "Whcrt' TeVrace. accompanied by tiiSdaurh . o.-.j-.- i i.,n ten Edith. Mr. Little reoorts mln WHO iniuiiK oiuunna in niiKiivaiu, Unlversiti-s and Collrses" as anllng ; activity steadilv growing , In , im- ..- t imivarJrjortance. around Terrace with a numper oi prum'Miis jjiujjcinca Commanding the aUention of out side interests. . . Jeif Lambly. formerly of thfs city and pow, fahchlng near. Terrace, re-.Ulmedia'lhei: interior on last ev-snlng'S iraln after a brief'buslness vJsltltj Voqi- havln?.' arrived Tues-?lay hlgKt.!Lqca,ed at Tenace now for .abbyV SJ year. Mr. Lambly Is 'itilj highly enthysitic over prospects there but states that he is badly In need' of about a'quarter of mile of road, to his land near Braun'C Island In the Kitsumka-tum area". Strict enforcement of the curfew "aw Is to .be observed henceforth Ibj the city police, )t was stated today. First, a child found on the streets unattended after curfew will toe taken home. If the same child Is permitted out again, the parents .will be prosecuted. Electric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Ph Green 219 J. H. LePage Registered Optometrist' and Optician of Victoria, B.C. will be at McCiitcheoh's Drug Store AUGUST 30th to SEPT. 2nd inclusive , ' . ... Mr. LePage will bring a large assortment of the latest spectacle frames. Please make appointments early at the Drug Store. Expert Eye examination. Thirty-two yars experience. tory which noimiilly takes three years to traverse by overland meth ods. This is Mr. Snyder's 32nd expedition into the northwest for big game. He has been leading parties out oi nere since iuui. lYour Dollar Buys more at the THRIFT SPECIALS - AUG. 30 TO SEPT. 5. dEEDLESS RAISINS Cahloxnia, tresh, 2 lbs... RICE liUlSPlES package FRY 3 COCOA' Vi lb. tin , RESU GINGER SNAPS per lb PEAS Garden Brand, p?r tin .... JORN, Delmaiz Nlblets Fresh Corn Flavor. 2 tins PINEAPPLE CUBES 3 for APRICOTS, Ensign Brand, per No. 2 tin NABOB COFFEE per lb LIFEBUOY SOAP per cake BRUNSWICK SARDINES per tin IOUSEIIOLD BROOMS each ." ' SALT, Plain or Iodized 2 ctns SAUSAGE, Swift's, 16 oz. tins, each LIBBY'S CATSUP 12 oz. bottle PEANUT BUTTER, Packed in Novelty Mugs, each Fresh Roasted PEANUTS per lb 25 II .20 13 11 25 11 Sinsauore. choice. No. 2 tit. XX i'HRII T BUTTER i First grade Creamery, lb. M& PORIC & BEANS, RnyaL City fl C 16 oz., 2 tins -.. 'jLO SCHOOL SUPPLIES Ink Exercise Books 7 for Rubber Tipped Pcnrlls 25 10 17 39 07 04 37 15 25 17 21 10 See us for Fresh Fruit-and Vegetables Our Prices are Right Thrift Cash & Carry We Deliver Phone 179 201 Third Av. "CARRY AND SAVE" Mall Orders Have Our Prompt Attention SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL . ArJI TSRS cuDcnncnufurATJc I 4JIIIILUUI.V IT 1 1 km Viy -H MADE IN CANADA OF CANADIAN WHEAT p ; "CAT oren-aisp, golden-brown Shredded Wheal Biicuitt, U JL -m.Tjl" ' . every day. Served with fruit in season, topped off with Jf tnillf rir rmffl. fhtv make ft mnst delirimi mjl mntainincr s -V .? . the vital element of nature's perfect cereal ... ubolt uheat J - ... in most easily digestible form. rff iff"? THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. --Bb 1 'i- i w mAmzsgisxMnmr-' smiJt zmntKir sft,uafmrYi ; NORTHLuND GAME HUNT Continued from Pa,ge 1 specimens of wood buffalo now be After 10 days In the barrens, the i W. E. Walker, manager or Arran- V-V" -Jf "-- y Great Bear artv wlll proceed DroCeed to to Great dale cannery, returned to the' Nas son, and daughter of Htadhead, PJy River yesterday after a brief busi- : FL St simoon the! ness visit to town. He came In Tues va ' T , rare black-tailed shepp wUl be day evening on the Cataia. accom-; W a .rpoon a r KJC-iSS by 'the Uard panying Mrs. Walker ana iamnyi . vr--. I river throueh northern British Co and who were returning to Vancouver 6kagwar glSelSpr of the aboard that vessel after having pay ;a wit to Jasper Park before :h-lnf cHentlsts. The ,. ,mm.r . Arrandalp icontlnulng East enrouie nome. i '. . . party will return to Edmonton late in September after covering terri R. E. Outerbrldge, who has been located at Port Simpson during the summer as a medical student at the hospital, left by last eve- ! nine's train on his return to : .. , ' "ft Milton' Gonzales: who arrived' W re-engage in law practice heret'exi pects to be joined In about montE. by Mrs. Gonzales. They were mar. rled recently in. Vancojjver. r Our stock is the largest in town and we stand at the back of every pair. Everything as advertised at Reduced Boys' Storm Calf Blucher Misses' Pat. Straps, solid lea-Boots, Sizes 1 to -4 Q- ther spies, real -4 QQ 5 Xt7e mSijl Youths' Calf Boots 4 Off al.f ,a,nrt al-0 solid throughout lOD T 6,zes 11 J .g9 . Boys' School Boots, LECKIE Chjld'3 School Oxf birds tnd make, sizes I to ( QQ Straps.. Sizes J l td -k f) A 5V2 Arn'OU IVz M:mu IBHHHB9BB9MBiaSB)BBBHBBBSBHHaaSBHBHBM i Real Sayings in all School Lines Cut Rate Shoe Store Happy Bays Are Here Again! School Boys and Girls school opens Sept. 3l So tome and see us first to fill your list of School Books. Sold at half Price. WE BUY. WE SELL AND WE EXCHANGE. ox 50 D. ELIO Phone Green 421 HO Third Ave. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoah upert Brand7' SMOKED BLACK GOD Prepared Daily By , r r Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd.? PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.