, the forthcoming 'ederal election. 1. cm ifLvu&ed the Liberal .. .. -k1. nMfnnlnn tm House of Commons which Is some I thing to be proud of." Liberal Politics Opening on to his discussion of Liberal policies, Mr. Reld pointed. v- Mr. Dievens ana uiui-is uut mc ' i.infiraia naa sioien me.r uiuiiuiiu. Before the heat of the campaign, Mr neid pointed out that the Lib- vvn v"" CI UI pal I J waa 1 V v w 1111 mi pi u nrni nv nil niriias ww 11 i i . a r fw. n c '-vm vi ua pwtMvwi .tlLXlAJIatC vuuajr Reld, 'and to decide which, you set forth by Mr. Mackenzie King Dry Dock Deal Today' Weather Today's Tides Rupert - clear, light High .. 1:15 a.m. 20 J prince joutheast wind; barometer, 30.00; Low 7:38 ajn. 3.4 High 13:40 20.1 60; sea smooth. pan. temperature. Low 19:55 p.m. 5.1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V.l xxiv no. 200; PRINCE RUPERT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1935 FK1CE: 5 CENTS mm V ASTRID OF BELGIUM KILLED PRACTICkL PLAN FOR NEEDS OF DA Y OFFERED B TUBER ALS feasible riot visionary Platform Required Says TomReid in Speech Here TAC0MAAS FISH PORT Fresh Fish for Eastern Market Is Handled for First Time There TACOMA, August 29 (Canadian Press) Arrlyal on Tuesday of the (first carload of fresh halibut for shipment by rail from here to Chi- A.ks rcople to l" Consider Coldly What Seems to He Best mas tl ie 'acuity of AtKS icFl .this for the .dispatch of fresh port m m a i rn r it i Tribute to Olof Hanson and Program-Pays flsh and may mean t0 a permanent 1CIIS 01 ills UOOO lYOrK. 'large new line of business for this -- 1 harbor, Pert of Tacoma officials "Thp Liberal party does not come before the electorate announce. at this time promising a panacea or eure of all ills but we :ZZ An nrpcpnt for vour consideration a practical plan which Knv lf n4 .,..,, m,. 1 II a - KAPT flflUI (If I I II III 111 1 I 1 1'DWII Tl I I 1 .1 ; I'llllll I m l - - 1 . hkiiai'u u iitML 111.011:111.11 1 1 iuu w 111 LkJi.iiL 1 -u a v inim 1 hp siurnfr p.vki vii rMrv i.ii ..a 1 TT ' I , M 1 I J V . K n 11 s. r- s 1 .. 1 I & J in the last federal raniameni, in a practical ana ousinuss- capu iwu. w.-b ;i. - j4 rare r n imuiik, invvviitn . - 1 r luuiivn r - . .. 1- v, irncft umi nnnlncri campaign here in support of 1 11W lETLCLtVU v w.-. iember of Parliament for Skeena Is Under Way out that the political situation to-1 , - - day was much different than lthad ffo Announcement in Regard to (wn in unn Thin thprp were hut PuId Mill Site Vet Available tnn lmerpsiL tnai was nixmavea m ricMj-ucaov v a mi, 1 1 1 1 1 II . (lililllA iicir ao CKUtlttU WJf M- joui-vj - - F - ----- lne large meeiiiiK. nurr mi it .was muu . - inrinir n prnxLnnn rp nLinn.1 mill . . . . . 1 . j.nvtMAMt a mi nMire o n n nun n esj liau Been uisjjiajrcu jcaia mjiiiuv.iM. . j . lai mill n 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 rpimiii i uric . . . . . m t-i i i h.vi. b mil r n Ara pi a s lufln n n '.i ri i WUU1U (law occii ucimj. rnnwiu " - ..... aooui tw persons present ai .nj-H thftt. it not the in- net action as yet. An order-m-coun- lenuun 01 mc lauciai i- urn rriH nrpiinMir m mn w i-r-1 1 , . ... .11 1 t , gage m a muu-MuiEuE laiunisii. L . . ...... U . )( IRHII aUtULlLUK Ulb .. aiSCUSSlon Ul piuuicjui aiiu fjuji- ripiiv ipnvirtrv pptpiaff M rna limp 1 1 1 . . ... ,cies. meeting at the dlsnosal or Mr. Knt Wfhstnndlne the charees of rin inr n 1 pii cnninn fir trie icciipi . . . 1 1 . 1 ... " ,uuai ." - onteDruaryi, annlinliv. what would that have PPTITIO hn na. tnKl Arn C . i.t I i lUM..r.U - ... - cuiisuuuiunuw ..- v... f 4-fho fQrmpr if ttnnld have hi.,, : :::.:' ".7:, "I" ," "mc "u, r:: . had the effect of increasing prices -rr v. Uku,wi uu r.U gma conierence. muki nau ..4. nrrvi,,.pr .Hhout necssari v i seiung up a heaven on earth, we other Dartles adonted Liberal poll- v" , i - - T"a 1 k 1 1 1 ir 1 rip i-iixi. 1111 1 ur 1 uiiAuiiici. . ."'.'iiwvi j.ii. cica. oi uiu iic uiai.it v.ii.i. ,niiirt havp mpnnt work for thou- ical problems that have to be dealt aaopt,ng things that were good. 5 LT !" ul2 nd else- .Uv,.Ftu luavjuuT,... TiDer;u Dariy Denevea uu- nia hnPVPr had. talk- practical men such as you amnynvmPnt was Canada's most in ipt nu t-. 1 j . , ...i.u , ' " . . , , ki wv o .1,, umiouu, vv uvu. pi.v.. , ,,- natinna i nrnn em. ivi l . rvciu . n n. nn m pt rnrnpai nrini 11 I .... .... w ell authorizing the transfer Is expected to be passed any day. been most backward with their peo-' ' pie In virtual slavery. And. despite what might be said, there were i many quarters in which trade could still be "developed , by Canada. The speaker recalled how Premier Ben-, nett had turned down trade dealf with Russia whereby one million" head of cattle could have bedn sold ........ u, Tte ltiTPTiTinTi was lu lit til Willi 1 .1. . 1 1 cnu. oiienu we on uaiuiu. Maybe Looking For the Birdie Here Is one of the rare informal snapshots of Prime Minuter R. B. Bennett as he examines the intricacies of a movie sound caniera. Roy Tash Is the cameraman. He had Just finished "shooting" the Premier and his new cablnt. Late Telegraphs PRINCE HENRY ENGAGED LONDON, August 29: Engag-a- ( mpn t nf t.hp nuke Tf Gloucster. , Alice Montagu Douglas Scott, 33-year old daughter of the Duke NORTHLAND ! GAME HUNT third son of the King, to Lady . Montreal Oil Magnate Flies North ' the destiny In Plane on Long Trip arid Durness of Bi'ccleueh. is an- EDMONTON, August 23 'CP) nounced, Flying Into the northland, Harry . Snyder, Montreal oil magnate, Is 1IAI.1RUT BOAT BURNS leading the most extensive big game In opening Mr. Reld exnressed the' rPSpnt. emcreenoy conditions ... ,. f((T.,rp. Khn, crew of the halibut schooner Sen- Edmonton. The party left Edmon ..... " . w. --- w. IVll, 1VC1U Knit. vm vw P11PT ffPiA, T 1 1 1 . I l I . I . 1.11... H.llnnnl ... .. .1 ' . V. n nuiM am ' I "I . n C . . 11.. 11..1 1 1 I-. p.p - rt uiibun vsviuiuuia imu tnrougn a rcpieati:i.ii.ic ii""' how Canada S-traop had laiien on wr uiuuuuinu n.. omr. uu iuu menu; mi uku "&'" y t a lot in the past due to the fact; commission which would co-oper- f rnm o BOO 000 000 in 130 to $800.-1 day in Hetta Inht on the west tween 4,000 and 8,000 miles, f hat naa in so many cases scm ate witn the provinces ana mumw- ( 00Q 00Q ln 1933i the iowest figure members to OUawa men who paUties ln the administration of un- s,nce 1903 Tne puip and paper ln. bought more oi party man tney employment relief ana ... an enaeavor ....j dustry was among - those which had n p.? u- . . ... .. - .t jcujc wuu e.-ccicu mem. to nroviae worn iui u; uu.u.pujvu. . . f. Bennett noucies naa sui- b" uiiumi vuiuniuin hici- as nermaneni. incttsuicj niv ipj traae ann tne ipss oi iraae naa "- louuw -.ne example i nartv was picageu wiuk rnii:pd men to be Iala oil Wlin re- iwoc ui Liie AiHriiirnp nu . ... -mi nuincu logeiner. irrespective oi .-rips which would serve uj pruvme ,,.ttant rpdtirtion ln Durchaslne employment by reviving Industry ' er Dy the raising of tariffs . pniiv. in i 1 1 1 iniprpGii ni mpin i 1.. nun in 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i a iiu i , i . . n i . n r n tpin - ... ..... ....v.v,,w w v..w.. ana uaut aim - - mnnpv nan ueuii idr.t.11 nuui hic u"-- t nnal svsiem 01 uneiiipiujiuwit. hf the neoDle ana niacea we speaker referred briefly to'surance. Mr. Reld made it clear Jnto t0$e of the manufacturers nm i il. ..1 .. ' iu.i iUn Tlhprtil nnrtv was hul 111 ... 1 a nr kdc vi mc ULU IKS I rial UIOI lian- n v r . uv nicoua yi iiiviv.-w . I. r,r,.f.nnlrlhntnrv linem- .. t .. uu.. thnt Jll nr . I I . ., . I ;i V 1 1 1 w ..v.. v v I I I f 1 ,1 1 It I rll llclllfT MIMI .VI . . . V "ay uccii bd e in arramn sn bl r - . . - . i ,1... no1 ir n 1 1 1 1 -( I n ! trade was the basis of Industrial nlovment Insurance lil Hpuplrtnmptlt. nnrl ' Opposition. Ife had been sue-' ns i be eiven the workers In the lh., n.n.ri. needed trade. It would KETCHIKAN, August 29: The hunt ever to be made northwest of coast when she caught fire sank in 100 feet of water "m in uuLHinini? a nrisinw inr ,,rnnt. nnnilL im. laiinv. v... -,, i.nHo uritn nil nnutlll.s lliui , rrpn.io ip, a itmvbi nit rnur hora ' Q mwww.mj v.lvT, ".'.. " . U1U1UUVU li 4 H VI V ...v.. -" I K 1 0 V V 111 t 6,ltv w llUl .v..v. vuiuiug 10 inis port to loaa couuuy neguiiave irauc aninui "iyeiw;iuity. nc i uc'icu w iwvi ss. he had helped to pet the em- fourteen hours a day to make a any countries wllllns to trade with been dead since April 1934. "So on salmon lifted enabllnc hvlng? The present ijsu . Canada on a reciprocal basis, n isherrnen tn Khm thir fun lief camps should aiso oe uouc w abollsh extravagant Increases ROGER'S ESTATE HUGE Steel, Calgary, of federal department of lands, and George. Good win, assistant curator of the Ameri can Natural History Museum, New York. Rare specimens 'if ncrthland elk and black-tailed mountain shfeep of Beautiful Consort of King Leopold Victim Of Car Crash Today Monarch Was at Wheel of Automobile When it Swerved As He Turned To Admire Scenery During Visit To Switzerland KUSSNACHT, Switzerland, August 29 . (Canadian Press) Astrid, 29-year old Queen of the Belgians, was killed today when an automobile her husband, King Leopold, was driving swerved off a country road and struck a tree. She died within five minutes in her King's arms and with his lips on hers. The King was injured, suffering se- """ 1 vere cuts. and bruisf-s besides heavy nrITrr T""r shock, but his condition is not MliHi 1HK dangerous. THIS PORT Tom Reld Tells Gyro Club How New Westminster Has Been Freeing i Itself From Vancouver Shackles Coast Development General Economic Affairs Discussed in Course of Talk On Silver Question Attendants said that the King ' turned his head for an instant, ap- 1 irlstirlfixl parently to admire the scenery, :when the car swerved. The King and Queen were thrown out, As- trld's skull being fractured when she was thiown against a tree. After, leaving the road; -th;. auto,-tra t veiling 50 miles an hour, plunged into a lake. Country Grief-Stricken BRUSSELS, August 29 (Canadian I Press) Belgium was plungtd Into the deepest grief for the second j time in two years with the death of Queen Astrid. All businesses. -theatres and the bourse closed on "Keep up the fight for your 'receipt of the news, port," exhorted Tom Rid, M.P. fori On February 17. 1934, King Al- New Westminster in the last Par- bert was killed while mountaln-'liament at Ottawa, In addressing! climbing. .the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at i Queen Astrid, a member of the luncheon yesfierday. "Prince RuA jSweedish Royal Family, was mar-pert reminds me of my own home'rled to King Leopold In November, ' , . i a r... HrA.iuli.i.H V. n i r.n ri i iuwu ui ncA wc&unuisiri. cum aiciuio. one was Known as one or cities upon a bill. Both have seem-1 Europe's most beautiful princesses, ingly been In the shadow of Van- Their married life was character- couver in its ambition to control . Izd by the same devotion which was of British Columbia, i so striking a feature of the lives of port. Prince. Rupert, too, as the Pa clflc Coast develops, Is bound to become a port of importance. Cities set on a hill, they cannot be hidden." The Pacific Coast also had the 1 East to fight against, Mr. Reld de- an(I ! Miss Dorothy Snyrir.r, daughter clared. The East realized the grow ls9! of the leader, will loin the party atling importance of the Pacific Coast. But let me tell you that New West- King Leopold's parents. Their first i minster has now become a very ser-j child, Princess Josenhlne Charlotte, lous competitor oi Vancouver as ajwas oorn ln October, 1927; their crew was brought here by another ;Fort Resolution. Other members of Last year the Pacific Coast shipped schooner. ALEUTIAN ASHORE SITKA. August 29: The steamer Aleutian was refloated yesterday undamaged after having been ashore for several hours on Sitka sandpit. JOHN HAMILTON'S BODY OSWEGO, III, Aug. 29: The body of Jidhn Hamilton, long sought confederate' -of ' John DH- llngcr. was found In a shallow the entire Atlantic Coast 'and this1 despite the handicap of distance and the Panama Canal dues. Mr. Reld referred to the St. Lawrence waterway project If the St. Lawrence waterway was maed free to American shipping so should the Yukon and northern British i Panama Canal be made free to Ca-Columbia will be sought on the aer- nadlan ships. The East could be ex-lil trip. A survey of the musk-ox pected to resist this move but the population and. caribou migration railways could not consistently op-ln the barren lands will also be 'pose it for it would make more secona ana heir, Crown Prince Bauaoin, in September, 1930, and their third, Prince Albert, ln June, 1934. Halibut Arrivals Summary Canadian 48,000 pounds, the expedition are Lieut.-CoL F. M. more grain to Great Britain thanand to 5 6c and 5c American- none. 5.4c utipBut?o ! Cape Spear, 7,500, 5.4c and 5c. Cold Storage. Seamaid, 22,000, 5.8c and 5c. Atlln. ; Fanny. F., 9,000. 5.5c and 5c, Pacific Toodie, 8,000, 5.6c and 5c, Cold Storage. NOT JOINING STEVENS made. f" traffic for them in hauling commo- ualuaky, August 23: Tne so- Photographic equipment Is being dlties to th3 Pacific Coast As It was clal Credit party caucus yesterday carried In the plane and both spec-.now, with the majority of the grain decided to place candidates in as imens and pictures of the north-1 transferred to steamers at the head many seats as possible in Western land animals are hoped to be ob, of Lake Superior, there was only a;Canada but will not ally Itself LOS ANGELES Auirust 29- The ' talned for the National Museum of short rail haul for grain from the;1 "on- Stevens Recon- nu unu loiium unremiL- . . . w...... . . ... .. , . . ... . , i sirucuonist uariv Nnr win iwainr . i-f .vatrcv ann irea- . . 1 . . in.t env, o c ,in tv iota win Dni,ri mnn i.anana ann me Anieiifaji iviusi;uiu i uiamco. '"Sy IOr the rpmnvnl nf fho. -)r Ul WOfK UV uac lea extra taxes Oil m'V v uvf. i .U4 ikv ..... .w.o,...., - . ! . ... iDnnsas hp hronaht in Alhor vuv .w . ii.. i j i . i i 1 1 j r xr tii to i ii ernnr Mr snvnpr ncr : i. nan nppn s lfTUPsrpn sain rvir. - w iirirn. i . i . . . . hiiniri r v ... v rt h h i riiimmnir nui.ir. run f rvfir iiitv. ljiti ii iz lit- wiix kiiicii ui. imvuim &vvi - - - - . 'j v v r nail entering tne unitca 11 imi vAv-imujv. nv v.f---a - tates, he had taken a leading part! Trade Essential the rnaklng and altering of tariffs ln an airplane crash in Alaska, 1 wie wmtu action, continue me i... iu ia aua,, by executive fight for a new federal Retarding trade.my party u"dmg. ..it noraTwa rlbn0rPd ",c or tried to minimize It lm- Liberal policy ' ' of British preference th ' value aggregating $5,000,000. (.mi,..,., .v. .. r" . tp. fnr,i thr nub- ,1 .,ipiini, in Pxlstlne The sole beniflclary was Mrs. ....I. .wuu Bel lnc Wg head- porwnce wm,-i. " . ' r'l"f T " iv Roffer. nrovlslon belnff mad- that msr in.i..i ( .1 i . ti'onn irpp v . " wonc. aecmrpfi Mr. t.inn wnicn went vw v umu me quiet and osten- had always give" - -- '"us members are the most. vai. nrnnle and had enjoyed me Bav - "ivuiuersnip oi tne witn tarui w - ,i - itKjnunuea uu rw i i j in the event of her death, the es- BAR SILVER ;tate Is to be equally divided be- NEW YORK, August 29 (Cana- tween three children. Lloyds Is able. Vu v Nations dlan Press) - Bar silver was un-, reported to have paid $2,500,000 In And let let me tell .ii vnii hof V vmir i r. mpaftlirf! Ol f DrOSpcln-j nrosnerity. A,"u . .. . tuA .ii.j.. i , , -...?i vummanas the respect of which had surrounucu v. r .. . of, Natural History .Mr Snyc year obtained for both museums Reld, neia, that uiai he lie might mignT.speaK speak on on i, (Continued ;m page three) Vancouver Wheal 0 a-?slst 'n establishing Social Social oucictii i . : - -. Credit. He would,, however, .rather Crelt,, thi? .province. wait and see how It worked out In Alberta. Suffice It to observe that Mr. Douglas, the originator of the; idea, when contracting to and leading up to the question of silver, Mr. Reld pointed out that. put It first of all, money must have the over ln Alberta, had demanded that; confidence of the people. Once con- VANCOUVER. August 29 (Cana- he be paid ln Dominion notes and fldence was lost, currency was val- dlan Press) Wheat was quoted at not In any Albert certificates. 80!ic. on the local Exchange yester-' The Silver Question. day, dropping to 80c. todayi Discussing the subject of money ueless. Gold and silver were valu able because the people had con-Continued oil Page 2