PACH5SDC THE DAILY NlVB Thursday, Aupat 29, 1151 Here's tbe food bargain of the year! Change to coolness with Kellogg's Corn Flakes, now in a Great Summer Sale at your grocer's. Lower price! Bigger value than ever! Serve Kellogg's for breakfast, lunch or supper. Crisp delicious nourishing. Oven-fresh. Ready to serve. Matchless quality" and flavor. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Order several packages today! IS? Cups and Saucers .10 .15 and .25 cents per set Dial Kitchen Scales (25 lbs.) . $2.50 each Medicine Cabinets, with Mirror $2.75 each THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. If von lose anvtlnnir. irv ;t H:itttol :til $100,000,000 Baby Makes Bow The heir to a $100,000,000 fortun e, three-wecks-old William Astor gets his first look at the outside world as his mother, Mrs John Jacob Astor, 3rd. carries him from New York hospital in which he was borrt 'ANNIVERSARY ! OF LOCAL FIRM Lambie and Stone Celebrating Second Business llirthriay by Put-tin? On Big Sale. I The firm of Lambie and Stone is I:, large cities. Many people phophcried failure, but the idea of a fathionable men's wear store run along modern Jines.fects. caught the public fancy at once, making Its appeal particularly to j the young people of the city. The ?oing was not always smooth for the financial condition of the city was against them but they carried on successfully, building up a stock 'today celebrating its second birth-1 of the very latest and best of the day as a business firm in Prince ciomes mat, men ukp io wear ana these women delight to see. Today after Rupert. Two years ao today 'two young men defied the deores- tvyo years or constant effort they sion and set out to s:ipply the men feel they have emerged triumph-of the city with stylish, up-to-the-jan as among the leading retailers minute clothing and furnishings, , of the clty- giving similar service to that pro-' The succes of this young firm In- the smartest shops In the dlcates 'whai may be done even In The CN.R. is an Important Factor in Canadian Mining. , Mining is by no'means a new industry in Canada, but when its future development is considered in the light of recent discoveries; it may quite rightly be said to be only in its infancy. Much of the success which has attended mining in Canada is attributable to the fact that the railroad facilities of the C. N. Ki were easily available. In the same way its future is linked with the extent and nature of the transportation services at its disposal. Coal formed the largest single item in weight carried by the C. N. R. in 1934. In that year the system hauled as revenue bearing freight, over 8,000,000 tons. Were it possible to collect this vast amount in freight cars and make one long train, it would extend almost half way across the continent. The importance of this commodity to the factories and homes of Canada needs no stressing ... but it is well to bear in mind that the railroad is the only land transportation medium for coal haulage where distance is a factor. Of course other mine products enter into the freight business of the CN.R. Altogether, over 12,000,000 tons of mine products, embracing coal, coke, ores, sand, stone, gravel, oil, salt, etc., were carried in 1934, this being a substantial increase 22 over the preceding year. The mining of metals has of recent years assumed greater dimensions than before, and it may be of interest to note that of non-ferrous metals in semi-refined state, the C. N. R. carried over two hundred thousand tons in 1934, which was more than twice the quantity carried in 1933. In many districts of Canada the CN.R. is providing the sole railroad service available to this great industry, and its tracks enter, or are close to, some of the most promising mining areas in the Dominion. In accordance with its ' policy of rendering the greatest possible public service the C. N. R., is co-operating to the fullest in furthering the " development of these areas. In all these branches df railroad and allied activities the C. N. R. maintains a high standard of efficiency. Its passenger trains are speedy and comfortable . . . fares arc low and there are many special excursions at reduced rates. Its freight, express and telegraph services are quick, reliable and ; economical and its hotels and camps, situated throughout Canada, offer the traveller, whether on business or pleasure, accommodation of the highest standards. You are invited to make greater '.use-of these C. N. R. facilities. During tbe present Summer season tbe C N, R. is providing special fares and excursions between points throughout Canada., These are exceptional travel bargains. The nearest CN. R. Agent will he glad to give J full particulars. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise leapt. S. K. Gray, which was in port (from 3:45 to 6 o'clock yesterday af-iternoon southbound from Ska g way 'to Vancouver, had a capacity list of 240 passengers and accomodation on the vessel was at a premium. (Ten passengers embarked here and 'a like number took vessel at this I port for the south. With a total of seventy-ane 'passengers Including forty tour , lsts who will transfer to the steamer Prince George tomcrrow to make I the round trip to Anyox and Stew 'art and thence south, C. N. It. &s. Prince Charles, Capt. Dan McKin- non, arrived In port at 12 o'clock agno's Orshestra and refreshments I this morning from Vancouver via were served. cue kyuicil iiiauuiic tsiuiius auu will be here until 10 o'clock Saturday night when she will sail on her return south over the same route. One hour ahead of regularly scheduled time, CNJl. steamer Prince George. Capt. Edward Mabbs, will sail from here at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for Anyox and Stewart. The early departure Is to be made as the vessel Is to take out a large party of people leaving the smelter .town for Vancouver Tvlth their ef- Halibut boats that left last night and are leaving today for tha banks are the Covenant, Prosperity A., Capella, Southend, Viking. E. Lipsett, Tramp, Oony, Kalen and Borzund. the days of depression when, the one aim is to give service and qual ity coods at prices that people can afford to pay. Bill Lambie and Bill Stone are receiving the conrjratula- tions of their many friends, all of whom are wishing them a long and prorperous business life. In order to reciprocate and mark the occa-1 sion as an outstanding one, the' firm Is putting on a sale with all the goods marked down to a point where anyone with any money at all can buy Herbert Jarman, we'll known Top-ley rancher, left by Jast evening's train on his return to the interior. He nad been a patient for a cou pie of weeks in the prince Uupert General Hospital. 29c ECONOMY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY BUY AND SAVE! Peanut Butter In novelty mugs while they last ... 1 lb. Alberta Butter 1 lb. Remo. Fresh Peas Both for Transparent Apples 5 lbs Dominion Sliced Bacon per lb. . '. Bulkley Valley Eggs, fresh'. per doz, ... I.B.C. Pantry Sodas 2 lb pkg Fancy Bananas 3 lbs. Fancy Tomatoes 5 lb. basket . 2 Cucumbers, 2 Lettuce, 1 Celery. All for Corn on Cob, large per doz Bread Flour 7 lb. Sack Small White Beans 6 lbs. Oranulated Sugar . ( 5 lbs. 'Whirr Dollar Have. P. O. Box 575 r. Dancing Party For Junior Jollies . Enjoyable Affair 29 29 .29 29 -29 29 2d 29 29 29 29 .29 29 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE More Cents' Thone 18 A delightful dancing party was staged last night In the Boston Ca baret by the Junior Chamber of Commerce In honor of the performers who took part In the Junior Jollies of 1935 at the Silver Jubi lee Carnival last week. There werej almost one hundred persons present and Sergeant and Mrs. O. H. Oreenwood were in attendance by special invitation. The party was In full swing until 1 a.m. and, during the evening, President T. N. LePage spoke briefly, expressing the appreciation of the chamber for the work of the Junior Jollies. Music for dancing was furnished bv Charlie Hal-! rmTUj.f? LAST SHOWINGS JOIN OUR Rental Library GUY KIRBEE ALINE MacMAIIOX In "Mary Jane's Pa" (At 7:13 and 9 37 PLUS Lionel Barrymore in "THE MARK OF THE VAMPIRE" At 8:23: shows once only WORM) NEWS. It's the busiest spot in town. You too, will find much interesting reading at this popular library. Read the Latest Books New ones are being added every week, fresh from the publishers. No charge to join. 75c. monthly rental. Double subscrition (2 books at a time for one lwrae) $1.25 per month Change, your books as quickly as you read. JOIN NOW for unlimited pleasure. eMaMm.Ml 1 TUICANAI I I A STARCH exx. alt. MONTUAL I lifft mtUm Itm. Iw mmaim4 Acid Indigestion Indicates too much acid In the Stomach. . . . The resultant misery will vanish speedily if you take a little Bisuraled Magnesia (Bismuth in Magnesia) after eating, to improve the over-acid condition of the stomach'. . . . This is better than rely-inp on habit-forming Laxatives. '. . At all Drug Stores In powder form, or in tablet for handy carrying. "(MLuxfCbul MAGNESIA Protective Neutralizes NOT a Laxative No o(hr food you can twy wffl (If ro much dtlktan noorttfcmtat for inch Uttt CH u cpoWN BUND CORN STRUT " fimoM csiuagr fod. tnrj (tocot 1U II. far -Gmm4i fitM Mdpw" M fnctlcml, bmn-ttd roclpM. EDWARDSBUILQ us CROWN BRANIti CORN SYRUP KAMt. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Nej3 that the people of the whole district are doing the sam&