August 29. 1S?5 hestei field etc. Phone 543, (tfl AGENTS WANTED A0ENT3 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the Ar Point Series Personal Xmas Orectlng Cards. Priced as low as 18 fcr $100. 'Victory" Box As-sormcnt containing 20 Beautiful cards with Calendar sells for $100 Co 'ts as low as ouc. iu Sales Kit free. We are only interested in genuine workers. Art-Point Printing Co, Victoria, B.C. . (tt) , WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Competent ; r f ; housework. State agre4 l.XT)'', r.-ierenccs aim jjhuiik number Apply Pox 248. f03 WORK WANTED HIGH Sc'.iwl girl wishes to worlj . . v. ,rr mrt room. Phone Black 85. A LOST I LOST Put e with sum of moneyf Reum to Dally News. 203. FOUND FOUND- -Signet ring, owner may) hare same by railing at Dally! Uewj Oflee and paying for thiji advertisement. i 31USIC VIOLILN Tuition, theory and har$ mony MLa N, Lawrence. Phone, 580. Classes start SepL 2. 20 PAINTERS PAINTINO no Paperfcanitni Moller. Phone Red 802. LAND AC Xotlrf of Intrntton to Apply to Lea,' uno u Init Recording Dbtrlot ot Prtao Rupm, lunge . CoMt Dlrtrtot. Mtut fcbout on-miArtir or i mil joutb of Lot 8710, Rui 8, COt DU1 rorccer Wand. . , T9K r.ntlr that mAM.a V Atrr tuAi W. ol Haysport. DC, occup-Olon can wrymtn. latnda to appl for If of e following described lndi vuuunencujg M a planted On mail IMinrt hraiu nt Ue louth of Lot 6710. Rang S. Co. wence west by north 23 4 ehilM. thene .5 ,wth ' 0 A chU; tlietic Point of commencement, and oontlaln w i acre mm . w lew n.. , CLARENCE KDQAR BALTKH ftl Jun . last Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 - i Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving thSlhPnyNews;, between here and Varderhoof. Mail Schedule For Vancouver Mondays 2 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 pjp Wednesdays (train) ... 4:3C pro r"aa 11 ' - pm Saturdays 4 p m. and 5 p.m. from Vancouver Raspberries, local, basket Sunday 4 pjn. i Peaches, doz. 40: to Monday a.m. ! Watermelon, lb Wednesday 10 a.m Honeydew Melons, each 35c to Thursday ttraln) 10:15 p.m !Casaba Melons, lb Friday 10 a jn. ! Apricots. 2 lbs Saturday Uraln) . 2:15 p.m.lRed and Black Currants, has. For. the East Mohdays, Wednesdays and Pn days ....... 5 pjn. From- the East Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:20 p.m. Saturdays 2:15 p.m. .'or An j ox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m Friday 2 p.m. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30 a.m Saturday 5 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday .7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands August 3, 17 and 31 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 15 and 29 ajn For Alaska-Monday ajn. From Alaska-Saturday pjn. Steamship Sailings For Vttncotiver Monday-ss. Pr. Rupert . 3.pjrj Tuesday-Catala 1:30 piri Friday ss. ;P. Adelaide ...10 pjn Ss. Carderia. midnight Saturday ss.. Pr!n Louise- 5 p'iri. Ssr Prince Gedrge 6 pjn. Aug. 4. 18-rss. Pr Robert 3 From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala - 4 pjn. Mondaysa Princess Alice ajn. Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 ajn Friday- ss. Prince George 10 ajn. MACKENZIE FURNITURE CllESTfcftFIF.LD St'ITE Covered In combination tapestry, reverse cushions CQQ Special' P 321 third ve Prince Rupert Phone TJi "TILLIE THE B.'C. Transparents. lb Fruits Outdoor Knuoarb, lb .04 Lemons, doz. 35c to .42 Oranges, doz. 20c. to.. ';u Grapefruit, Cal, each,' 5c to -4..10 Plums, Wash., lb. 12c to 15 Bananas, lb .. .12V2 Canteloupes, Cal., each 13c to .13 Cherries, Lamberts lb 20c to 23 Sour Terrace Cherries, lb 12 .10 .03 .60 .08 .25 .10 Malaga Grapes, lb. .25; Illlbier Qrapes, lb .25 Seedless Grapes, lb .20 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb. .. . .31 No. 2 Creamery, lb .27 Lard Pure, lb .18 Vegetables , ' New Potatoes, B.C., 10 lbs, . .25 Green Onions, 2 bunches .05 Okanagan Onions, lb. ... .04 Garlic, Imported, per lb 2i Cabbage, B.C., per lb. 4c to .06 Cauliflower, B.C., 15c to .20 .08. .05 .05 i JOS Parsley, bunch Carrots, B.C., bunch . Turnips, bunch . .... Beets, B.C., bunch ... Celery, B.C., head 10c to .15 Hothouse Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. .. .10 Basket .4.0 Field Tomatoes, lb .10 Basket .40 Lettuce, local, head 6c to .08 Green Peas, B.C., 3 lbs .25. Radishes, 2 bunches 05 Cucumbers, hothouse, 10c to .. .171 Outdoor each 5c to .08 Vegetable Marrow, email, each .10 Green Beans, lb -e.;.r.3:.;., 07! ! 1 Wax Beans, lb .03 Green Peppers, lb. .25 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley. Timothy 100 lbs 1.45 Wheat, Alberta 2.00! Bran H.t0t Middlings ...r 2.00. Shorts 1.70 -Oats 2.20 Fine Oat Chops 2.30 Crushed Oats 220 Barley 2.00 ml Laying Mash 2.80 Oyster Shell 1.65 .Meats Fowl. No. 1. lb. .25 ,3d1 .4d.i Roasting Chicken, lb Ham, sliced, first grade , Ham, picnic, first grade, lb. .25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade - .45 Pork, shoulder, lb 20 Pork, loin, lb. 2i Pork. leg. Ib. 25 Pork, dry salt, lb. ,25 Veal, loin, lb .25 Beef, pot roast, lb. .15 TOILER" .( . ... 1HR DAILY NEWS PAOE FTVT5 Ads I LONDON, EVACUATIXp August ABYSSINIA 29:-The British Want government ha advised all The Markets j British subjects to leave AbyssinLi within four days. From Italy come FOR SALE .word that Premier Mussolini is Red -omiscaiing au lorelgn securities Retail prices current here are as BABY Buggy lot sale. Phone held by Italians and is converting , follows 164. 109f mem into Italian government r.m bond4' ' D C. Fresh Extras, Orade A FOR RENT I "r" - I Large, cartoned, doz as I II. S. Parker left on Lt evening's1 Local, new laid, doz .45 and n.ipiled 5-roomed Hat " u"c vi ms periodical busl- Apples .45 .07' 'V . ' Veal, shoulder, lb. 15c to Beef, boiling, lb. 10c. to . 12 Beef, roast prime rib. lb. Beef steak, lb. . Lamb, shoulder, lb Lamb, leg, lb Lamb Chops, lb. .. Fish Halibut, fresh, lb SrribkeiJ Kippers, lb 15c. arid Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. . White, 1 2 lbs. Donej fcxlracted' Honey, per jar 20c to ! The r supply their daily wants. Lost markets, which are only other words for lost customers, are now being regained by you or acquired by others. You owe it to . yourself and to your business to keep in touch through the newspapers every day with the Canadian buying public . SPONSORED BY THE CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION .18 j Comb Honey - V? Nuts .25 ; Walnuts, broken shelled, .25 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb. .22 Almonds, shelled, lb. .30 Hour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .. Second Patent .15 Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 45c to . .20 Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs; .20 Dried Fruits .25 White Figs, lb. ..- . 31ack Cooking Figs, lb .30 Dates, bulk, lb.,. ..-.8c to Boss Is "It". f N'CW VLL 1 Hrfy fg TrJ I WELLHAS ANXJMlr tmJ Ml II- THE LAST OWE M THE U ' lSfV j lj 'X ' A "Sea Horse". 9 All the countless thousands who buy newspapers every day are potential customers of those who offer goods for sale to the consuming public Practically every merchant in Canada will lose customers in 1935 a law of business. This loss must be replaced or his business will die. The trader who loses customers. even to the danger point, can find them again and increase his turnover by good merchandising linked with advertising in the daily newspapers. People are reading daily newspapers as never before, not from curiosity, but from need to know today the best things offered to Smyrna Natural Pigs, lb. Lemon and i.range peei .40 Citron peel -i-..: .45 Prunes, 30-40, lb .....r.. - .45 Prunes, 40-50, lb Prunes, 60-70, lb 1.90 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. 1.75 Raisins, Cal., ssediess. lb, .50 Currants, lb. . .35 Apricots, lb Apples, dried 1.1 4c. to 12 Peaches, peeled, 15t to ... 10 Sugar .1U White. 100 lbs. - .lu Si .15 US- Vellow. 100 lbs. u 5.70 Crieese Ontario solids; new, lb.,...2c & Edam. lb. . Ontario, mature, lb. i 1 ;.! Stilton, lb.' .,.....t .14., .15 ( . TRAINS For the East .k, .1, Moncfays, Tuesdays, I Wednesdays and Fridays -V- 6 pii. I'rom lite East-Mondays, Saturdays .a..2:l6 pin. Tuesdays Thuisdays 410:20 riiai 5 .11 .17 I 650 -By Wtover r 7T y'vHQnraAYT'Tl Veah V g&vsks f come om, 1 1 lookout '. he'll. 1 1 nctt hee . ) Fjiisirt- vjd -mii 5 the fl feiSpc RAC1C ANM'M HAC- LA3T THROW- YOU, SHE'S WSTSV V TTT 0MLV T ,1 ud 2S .45 M