PAGE TWO PJJ-WC RAILWAY , h ! REVIEW REVIEW" w ,8 y s If MakeThis Practical Christmas 1 1 f Give Shoes or a a Pair of Cosy Slippers A Gift Anyone Will Enjoy! This year we are offering you a larger and better selection of Footwear than ever before. So wonder we urge you to da your Christmas shopping early. We will gladly lay aside your choice at a small deposit. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 aSSi'' Railways. THE DAILY NEWS. FRLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance tfu-. By mall to all part ol British Columbia, the British Empire and rut ici. r penotu, paid in advance, per week By mail to all other countries, pe? year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , Local readers, per Insertion, per line News Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations 86 , 98 la 1 9.00 1.40 J02 2S Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1035 LOCAL TEACHERS City Commissioner Alder has done such excellent work in Prince Rupert that it is with diffidence we have anything to say of a critical nature. We have no criticism to make of his appointments but Policy, SO far as DOSSihle. nf Jinnninfinr lf.ol tCnAnn vtr BY a .V. R. HEADS AT SASKATOON' HOTEL MEETING. (Continue! tram oare oaf. R jf? feel recovery Is now assured. Our r exports and imports are increasing. V recetn trade treaties are expec;ed to increase the volume of traffi-moving and 1936 should see us f$ well on the way to recovery." Mr $J Fullerton predicted. Concluding with a word about 55 railway hotel systems, the speaker 3 gave an estimation of the valu S of the tourist trade to Canada. Sa . Cra fnDAiint1v Vi v r t Ha 1 roil jM) ment that the policy of railways gd constructing hotek was all wron 5 I am willing to admit that certain jr? of these hotels were overbuilt, but rr where, I ask you, would the tour "Jz 1st business of Canada be today S If these hotels had never been j built? If it be fully recognized 6 that service to the travelling pub 11c is one of a railway's primary j considerations, whatever criticism - can be made of overbuilding hotels 2 must necessarily to some extent modified." fo Mr. Hngerford $j j Replying to Mayor R M. Pinder s 2Z, toast to the Canadian National ..,t,a WtM , plesident Qf J. a. Hungerrom, the national systen "nk to task those critics who were under the impresion railwa managements were "asleep at the switch"- "At no time since railways began has there been anything lik, as many new developments in methods of operation and desi?:) of equipment and facilities in a similar period of time as ther have been in the last five years.' he asserted. Instancing such improvements! as faster train schedules, collection and delivery of package freight. the movement of, package freight! rtrt a , .... I iV. - I I plification of freight and express classification, he said further vast improvements in railway service were In sight. Introduction of im proved equipment would necess arily be limited by financial conditions and no sudden revolution would take place. However, equipment being retired would be replaced by units of new and more efficient design. Many kinds of existing locomotives and can would be vastly Improved during the balance of their service life by the application of new appliances and devices. Particularly in the west, said Hungerford, there was no preference to outsiders would be not only just hut in thei,usmicaUon for exaegerated pes-interest of the city simism in regard to the future ot who have ZZSTA'XZ MU..i.iv.ttiiuno auu unuuuuteu aDiiiuy, wno nave beenJ icdcmng in smaller schools long enough to show that they are -quite capable of handling their classes and giving instruction alonf the linps rpnniraA railway earnings of trucks taklns from the railways a certain share of the greatay reduced volume of traf ic . resulting from the depres slon. Both Both factors factors had had reduced reduced iin,lnLtA,u.. Undoubtedly should v. n ? have a chance i to take local positions, .caiiciB-sion. gross earnings of Canadian rall- We hope that the commissioner will consider this when he iways ,n 1933 t0 less than hair makes any further appointments and give every possible consideration to local people who apply. In connection with the most recent appointment, we understand that it was the desire nf t ha have more men. on the staff and, being a married man, Mr. Hay ward wil1 will make make his m's home home 1?ayward here. here. " ' Mr. Mr. ' Alder Alder, as as S is 1S well well 11 lcnnwn known, Ic is strongly cf- 1 in favor of encouraging - ?' Br', home Single teachers who are imnnrtprl fYnm nntairlo rn nt make their homes here usually. Local girls are therefore to be preferred. There Is evidently a well organized campaign of letters prepared to be sent to the local newspapers, a second of which we have ah ead v reneiverl Thia n what thpv wprp In 109R In humorcus vein, he remarked that, noty the railway was In the hotel business in Saskatoon, it would welcome those -who came by any , means of transnort and. in istcl?sl!lg toI nls aud5en thcv might regard the Bessborough a. expresdon of confidence on )"an the part of the Canadian Nation! Railways In the future of th" prairie provinces generally and ot the province of Saskatchewan 'n particular ' Warrsn Chairman . Ei Wirren vlce-nresldent. Western region, was chairman of without the the function, unction- whl:h whl:h was was attendeJ attendej of the signature writer and even then mrr nf u the letter shol be deleted kZSti!Z llZSL'l VVe suggest to the people holding these letters that thev and military, the city and Its man send them to the commissioner direct instead of to the clvic bodle3 as we as commerchi newspapers. We do not like to be made .the vehicle for an and ,ndustrlal business men uiganizea campaign, much as we appreciate the object the promoters have in view. The subject has already been ventilated in public, so let the commissioner have the rest of the letters. ROOSEVELT'S POSITION When President Roosevelt. tional crljsis by controlling some of the banks and closing j, uuimiit rtuuut an era ui spenaine wnn tnei government taking the lead,- he was bound to incur the enmity of those who benefited from being given a free hand. I ....... .... Roosevelt Suceeded in nre.ventinfr wW. mirrhf hnVa hahr, Trade Pact Will Benefit Farmers So Declares President Roosevelt In Speaking Before Acrlcultural Convention CHICAGO, Dec. 11: President I Franklin D. Roosevelt told the American Farm Association. In con- a national calamitv which wnnlrl have Win vro UA nf -vention here, that the new Cana feet on Canada and the rest of the world. Because of his SSitofu'SS rapid fire moves he averted serious trnnhle' nmi th o!"f"1 il.c" 0' . e.,u" ted - v.. iiuviuu owira. octiciary oi Agriculture i-1 is now back on its i feet n , and , the , depression is practically Wallace agrees that the pact win over. be of benefit to American farmers. There can be little comparison between Canada and the 1 United States. Canada never had a serious crisis such as The Prince nupert Gyro ciub that which threatened' her neighbor. What happened in luncheon tday took the form of a Canada was that a few business firms became insolvent b,usiness session including the dec-and a few thousand men were thrown out of employment ITVX, t and had to exist on a dole for several years. There was was a good attendance of mem-never any danger of a national eruption here. bers. DAILY NEWS Wednesday r p:; MEN'S UNDERWEAR The Famous Aristocrat Make MADE IN ENGLAND Compares in Quality with any $7.50 line. 100 p.c. Wool LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY $ The Store with the Christmas Spirit CLIPPER AT President's Wife Friendly Islands Bit: Flyinsr Boat Completes First HONOLULU, Dec. 11: The Pan American Airways big flying boat Phillipine Clipper, which left Ala- neda at 3:18 Sunday afternoon on ,ier maiden flight in the trans- Pacific air mail service, arrived here at 11:30 yesterday morning i Pacific Standard Time). The ship is in command of Capt. John A. Hilton with Jesse Ingram as :hief navigating officer. She flew lbove the clouds at an average altitude of 8500 feett making the 2500 mile flight ' In 20 hours and 15 ninutes. The Phillipine Clipper will proved from here via Midway, Wake and Guam Islands to Manila where h3 Is due next Monday. She left here at dawn today In continuation of her flight. Mooney Case Is Adjourned Nettling Further In Connection With Habeas Corpus Proceedings Until January 20 SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11: Tom Mooney having closed his case, the most outstandina contention nf which was that ha had been convicted by perjured! evidence follow- in" the PieDaredness nv hnmh. lnss of 1916 here, the habeas corpus proceedings of the famous convict, who Is seeking freedom from a sentenco of life imprisonment -at San Quentln Penitentiary, have been adjourned until January-20. Everybody rad the. paljy News There's reason Enjoy Carefree Winter Motoring Ask us about: Car Heaters Windshield Defrosters Winter Lubricants Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 nm r i ... HAWAII IDS.1 1 Outstanding Having hruptions it unicui ui ouues v Leg of Maiden Trip Ac ross I'irVific 1 NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y., Dec. 11: " " " ' ' Mrs. Franklin D. .-' Roosevelt, wife of lolcnl Volcanic Activitv Follows Earthquakes in Southrrn Pacific the president. Is again listed In first , ANCISCO. Dec ll:-Vio- lent volcanic eruptions were . repor-, place m, tu the i.tAt among outstanding wo men of the United States. BANK MANAUEIt KET1BING Walter L. Hornsby, manager of Lhe Prince George branch of the WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- WilW Zikml-kti TnD hat Out if W ! tlx Mwunf Eirii' U G Th Hrcr should poor oot two poondi ot liquid biU Into yoor Lowtta dnily. If this bilo to not Bowloa f nelj, your food doesn't digmt. It just denjs In ths bowsli. Gss blosu up your stosnseh. Yoa et esnstlpstsd. Youi wbols system to poisoned and you fesl sour, sonk and ths world looks punk. LauUtcs srs only msksshlfu. A tnsrs bowel movement doesn't ret t the rsuse. It Ukes thoss rood, old Carter's Little IJver Fills to rt thes two pounds of bile flowing freely snd mske yen feel "up ssd op". Harm. less, rentle, ret smsjlnr In Disking bile Sow freely. Ask for Carter's Little) Ller Pills b same. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 2t, FURNITURE GIFTS Bail Chesterfield Chairs from V-iO t. $3.50 Chesterfield Tables QQ CTA Walnut PO.OU Mackenzie's Furniture Phone 775 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 ted from the Friendly Islands in the Southern Pacific following earthquake shocks. Whole villages were bsing abandoned. NOBILITY IN YAXCOUVKK Royal Bank of Canada since 1917, VANCOUVER, Dec. 11: A youth-will be retiring on superannuation ful member of the British nobility, at the end of January and will in the person of Lord Walpole. leave the Interior town for Victoria aged 24, is a visitor here In th? to take up future residence. Mr. course of a tour of North America Hcrnsby is the father of Mrs. J. T. Harvey of Prince Rupert. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Ited Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL r MDV Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Ruport. E We Buy For Less THE i ; I I Rupert Peoples Store LTD. We Sell For Less . M J... 1 - - - NEW ROYAL . HOTEL J. Zareill, Proprietor -A HOME A WAV FKO.M ' i IIOMK" Hates 91.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold Waver Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M " ",,'"IIBI" Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Birch Wood Cedar Wood Jackcine I l-SM 1 1 1 ' 1 mmmmnm w asjvaBisM buuuh -u mm sMMsjawl pJgJjlgjJJjJLJBl1! sUeWT The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.