,e5d ,v December 11, 1933 - Grotto Taxi 456 j CAKS AT YOUK SERVICE Proprietors jtrt Morgan & lluil liarri- Don't forget the number 45G Want Ads FOR SALE K)R SALE 11x40 new fishing boat null, $i ooo. Apply uox 314. city. (287) FOB SALE 7-0 H.P. Eatthope engine Apply 707 Eighth Avenue West 33Hi FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Dally News. tf SHOE REPAIRS SHOES Repaired very cheaply until Dee 31 Shoemaker, opposite High School. WANTED VfiSTED- Furnished apartment c-ii furnished house for T.-1 up'e Apply Box 257, D. Kws. (tf LOST LOST -L-uiei' diamond ring, four b&L.t in corners. Finder pto re' urn to Box 258. Dai'v Km. Reward. 'tf UKSlt ,MT Vollff of Intention to I -and apply In In PRINCE RUPERT Land Recording Duul of IUnge S CQnat, ukI tltuatr C4 1-2 mile south of the W. A Brown Homeslte I nut on Sklakl Bay ftM no :e that WiUUun Anthony "urn ot Sklakl Bay. Stphw HI mptn Fisherman and Trapper In tad tj apply for a leaie of the follow f owcr.jfd .orrenore wncU: Coma ,:.g at a ptwt planted on ai ma!) to:a::d within an inlet of Blcl- W Bay, about 20 Teet west of my fcathawe whloh Is located approxlm-Ml 3-4 mllea south of the W. A. Bron Homestte Lu thenoe West OOO Fw' thence North 900 Feet Ibfoct East 1.800 Feet; thenre South M Pw hence West 600 Fit to W ot commencement and containing Ttirty acre more or less. WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN wted November 4th. 1935. N T1IK M ritK.fi I! ('Ol'KT OK IIKITIsll ( (M.IMIIIA . Ill Troliute ' the- M.utfr f the AilmliiMrallim Af And ' hf Mailer of Hie IXale of Janirs (1. I'ntliMia llM;ike,l. TAKE NOTICE that by order of IIli Jiidsie Fisher. Local Judge of 8uprcm Court of UrlUsh Columbui B' ''At 6lh rinv nf TVcrmber 1935. I ; .isted Administrator of th- r4t of James a. Patslcas. Deceased, fat. iate of Prince Ruirt. B.C. J" ' I-.". having cJalms against the 2' H are hereby requlreu to fur-?ame properly verlfleVl to me on i! ; 15th day of January 1036: j?1"' disposition, of the said Estnti' .1 H madt: without rea,rd thereto 1.V;'":'t, 10 W tlle amount of their ni'L s 10 ,rte forthwith. IMj lhlH 9lh d4y ot Ip,,1,,)Pr NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. PrUii-e Rupert BC. FRTIIK 'ATKS OP IMPKOVKMKNTS 8ILVEn KINO No7l; SILVER KINO K?vn:.SILVE" KINO No. 3: SILVER No 4; SILVER KINO No. 5; SIL-8UvJSNQ No' 8; SILVER KINO No. 7; i i), , mm No. 8; BLUEBIRD No. 1 ULUEBIRD No, o MINERAL CLAIMS. cZr 01 th AUIn Mining DlvUlon of Whtfe located: Whitewater Creek. Th Rlver- , iAKE NOTICE Mint D. C. SUarpstone. ng as njjj f0J. any,, h walker, w Miner's Certlflca.1 No. 64891-D; No aV.U' Mo". free Miner's Certificate -entlflcfttA M fiJ07n.r- Arthur lletl- DAiiTl6 M'ner' Certificate No. 64890-tiL t?ka Juneau Oold Mlnlha .Oorpora- D- k,. M1n"s Cnrttflcite No. 9B026- 1 Walter Tin h ... . Ufl. ct free Aimerj wnm- NO. 64888-D: D. J. Mn-nmiffall. Free Wrt 0plltmt NO. 04889-D, intends n,,'" "to uie flate hereof, to ap- - . w t.hA Ik n i , . .. n .it. ti "lus "ecoraer lor wmii' nf t oht i ""Prownents tar u,e purpose d&bns s Crown Oranta ot the above Mr take notice thaf action mu7ir0CMnr' 85 af th Mkneral-Act, of ,, WMmnenced before Uie ltauance Dat2. .X rtlrlcat3 ol Improrvements. ""'d this ,TW. rvXLKo. 10-JR .V E Li l iuugnim Air With Maniac As Plane Sped 0nK NORTH BATTLEFORD, Dec. 11: Pilot Windram was able to suc- TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtwsy B. D Jonnaton Co.) Vancouver B- C. Nickel. .20. Big Missouri, .69. Bralonre, 5,35. B. R. X. Gold, .08. B- R. Cons, 044. Caribou Quartz, U4. Dentonla, Georgia River. .01 Vi. Golgonda, .HVj. Indian, 03 (ask). Minto. .10. Meridian, .12. Morning Star, .03. National Silver, .0214. Noble Five, .05-Pend Orielle, 1.00. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 1.80. Reno. .99. Silver Crest, 00y2. Salmon Gold, .08, Taylor Bridge, .15. , Wayside, .14. Whitewater, .07. Waverly Tangier, .00s-Grange, .01. Toronto Central Patricia, 2 C2i . Chlbougamau, .16. Granada, .22. Int- Nickel, 45.15. Macassa, 3.23. Norand, 46.75. Sheritt Gordon, 1.10. Slscoe, 2.64. Ventures, .Lake .Maron. ,02. Teck Hughe, ,5.10. Sudbury Basin, 3.50. Smelters Gold, .04. Canadian Malarctlc, 100. Little Long Lac, 6.00. Astoria Rouyn, .02'2. Stadacona, .18. Maple Leaf, .03. Pickle Crow. 3.50-McKenzle Red Lake, 1.31. Gods Lake, 1.23. Sturgeon River, .58. Red Lake Gold Shore, .39. San Antonla, 3 45. Shawkey, .63. C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pm. From the East- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. Try a Dally News classified ad. Russian Village Buried By Slide Eighty-Eight Men, Women Children Are Killed By Avalanche Gyro Officers and wssiuuy mna his airplane here af- MOSCOW, Dec. 11: Word has ter a thrilling flight from He la been received here of eighty Crosse wun Royal Canadian Moun- ei8nt men, women and children Dr. It. G. Large Elected President At Luncheon Today The Gyro Club elected 1936 officers as follows today: i President, Dr. R. G. Large. ; Secretary, II. S. Meadows. ; Treasurer, C. W. Dawson. Directors II. N. Brocklesby, William Cruickshank, J. E. Morris and D. G. Borland. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss: P. Adelaide ...10 pjn Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 am Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena pm Dec. 15 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. Dec. 29 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala' 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11:30 ajn, Thursday Prince George 8 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala B p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala .11:30 a.m. For Queen (Jhariottc Islands Dec-. 6, 20 ss. Pr. John .10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Dec. 4. 18-ss. Pr. John a.m. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Gorge 10 a.m Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pjn. Ss. Cardena p.m. For Ocean Falls Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m, For Alaska- Dec. 15, 29 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. From Alaska. Dec. 5, 19 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p.m. From Skecna River Friday ss. Cardena pm, Mail Schedule For the East . Monday, Wednesday and Friday From the East- "TILLIE THE TOILER" The Markets Delicious, bulk, 4 ! , box :. 'Delicious, fancy, 3 lbs -25'ancial 5 p.m Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ,10:20 p.m box . . z-';)'tance. urapeiruu, riouua, iuc lo io Bananas, lb 12!2 Emperor Grapes, lb 15 Pineapples, large each 40c to .50 Cranberries, Cape Cod, lb 35c Pomegranates, each, 5c to .. Butter .10 Fancy cartoned,- lb .35 No. 2 Creamery, lb 32 Lard Pure, lb : .22 Vegeiables Potatoes, Terrace, 10 lbs .25 sack : 2.25 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs .25 Asncroit potatoes, a ids., jo sack 2.50 Okanagan Onions, lb 03 Garlic, imported.iper lb .3li Cabbage, B.C., per lb. 4c to .... .06 Cauliflower, calif., 30c to .35 l-'arsley, bunch a. .Of Carrots, bulk. 8 lbs 25 Turnip."?, up-river, 8 lbs. 25 Beets, 8 lbs 25 Parsnips, 6 lbs 25 Celery, Cal., head 18c to 25 Hothouse Tomatoes, No. 1, lb. .20 Lettuce, Cal., head 8c to 10 Cucumbers, hothouse, each 15 Spinach, 2 lbs; v 25 Brqssells Sprouts, lb 15 Pumpkln lb 05 Squash, lb 05 Leeks, bunch .07 Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs - 1.45 Wheat, Alberta 2.35. Bran -. 1.55 Middlings 1.90 Shorts 1.60 Oats 2.05 STRIVING FOR PEACE 'Continued from pace one" settlement of the whole dispute. 1 , . I The final revised formula was Retail prices current here are aa reported authoritatively to provide follows: Ethiopia access to the Red Sea Eggs through Italy's Eritrean port of B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Assab, yielding of Ethiopia's nor- Large, cartoned, doz. 43 them Tigre province to Italy ex- Local, new laid, doz .50 j cep for the sacred city of Aksum, Apples ted Police officers and a madman llngthelr lives when a village j0,nathan' fancy' 3 lbs Jfn ' r- i .. ..... . ... ....... I v part of the province the maniac bv an avalanche. got out of a straight-Jacket and began to fight with the officers. They were able, however, to subdue him without interfering with the pilot. lbs. 2.40 2411 25 225 transfer of the toutheastem Oga-den and Danakil territories to Italy, j Mcintosh Reds, bulk, lb 06,; Capt, Anthony Eden said the plan box - 1-85 j would have to have the approval of Fancy wrapped med., 3'2 lbs. .25 ;Dcth Italy and Ethiopia as well as box 2.50 ; the League of Nations. Spitzenburg, bulk, 4 lbs .25 ( pri0r to the Foreign Office an- tix 2.25 nouncement there were reports of Spitzenburg, fancy. 3 lbs 25 a sput in the cabinet on the ques- box 2.40 , tjon of land concessions to Italy, Grimes Golen. fancy. 3V2 lbs. .25 1 gome sections of British officialdom box - - 2.25 1 and parliament being In revolt over Winter Bananas, 3 lbs 25 the way Premier Baldwin was box - 2.25 , handling negotiations. It was re-Rome Beautv. bulk. 4 lbs. 25 nnrtpd that Cant. Anthonv Eden Three of Eight Convicts Who Made Getaway, Monday Still At Large WALLA WALLA, Dec. 11: Three long-term convicts are still at( large following a jail break Mqnday i in wnicn eigni prisoners maae their getaway from Washington State Penitentiary. One of the. iail-1 breakers was captured very soon, after the incident while four others later surrendered to a posse in the woods. We sell circulation. We have It. Try a classifier. Three Are a Crowd, Anyway Hannay Acquitted , Qn One Charge; Facing Another NANAIMO, Dec. 11: Immediately after George Hannay, former police officer, had been acquitted at the Supreme Court Assizes here Monday on a charge of retaining .. . .. .. --.: stolen eoods. a new lurv was em- an Italian colonization scneme m y: : " . , between Panelled t0 Hannay and W. XT H. the southwest and a treaty nnH ih TPue for fin- Jwe$ on a -charge of breaking and case is now proceeding. Grant Made To Widow of Late Kingsford-Smith CANBERRA, Dec. 11: The Com monwealth government Is making a grant of $25,000 to the widow and s:n of the late Sir Charles Kings- box 2.00 and yeral ministers felt that any ford-Smith, conceded to have per- Rome Beauty, fancy, lb. .07 territorial concessions to Mussolini lihed In th? Bay ot BenBal durinS box , 2.25 would damage the prestige dt the uSht from England to. Australia, Yellow Newton bulk, lb 07 League of Nations and permit. Italy ln W01110" of the services of the box Li .' 2.25 to benefit by aggression. - j amou airman to the development Winesaps, bulk, lb 07 From Geneva last night came re- of aviation. box 2.25 ports that representatives of smal- Fruit ller powers which are members of TlI WnlAt Pears. Anlou. doz. 35c to 50 ' the Leaeue of Nations were in vir- lTldlillC Vi UlKcr bs. uaraena iu:ju p.m. Lemons, doz. 25c Dec. 5 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p m.10ranges doz 20c. to 45.tual rebellion against concessions to :iu; to Italy which were reported to Dec. 19 ss. Prin. Norah .5 p.m.lJap changes, box .90 From Vancouver bundle 1.75 Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Qraoefrult. CaL each. 5c to 10 have been offered by France and Great Britain. ; . j Selassie Cannot Accept ' ADDIS ABABA, Dec. 11: (CP)! Ethiopia will reject any peace pro-j .ti Of Marseilles Are on Strike MARSEILLES, Dec. 11: In pro posal placing a premium upon Ita-I test at a reduction In wages, there lian aggression, an official state- was a general walkout of ship ment said today. High government, workers here yesterday. Special officials asserted that Emperor, precautions taken by the police Halls Selassie would lose his throne j prevented any serious disorders. if he dared accept the proposed Franco-British peace plan. Bombing of Hospital ROME, Dec. 11: An Italian gov- arnment reply to protests at the( Domoing or a Red cross nospital at j Dessye ln Ethiopia towards the end ' of last week states that there, were ' fori urncuc (lio rnnfc nf n gaani ' f cross even on the airport. Jailbreak At Walla Walla PAGE FIVE m Quota on Shingles Now Being Sought Pacific Northwest Lumbermen Ask President Roosevelt To Limit Imports SEATTLE, Dec. 11: Lumbermen of the Pacific Northwest Statesi are asking President Franklin 13. Roosevelt to put a quota on Imports of red cedar shingles from Canada under the new Canadian-American trade agreement. Otit of Town Visitors Make Our Store a Meeting Place TOYS and GIFTS For Every Member of the Family You can complete your: whole shopping list and save at Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop Best Christmas Gift , . This is a season of the year when people arp sel- " ' ' ecting their Christmas gifts to go to different parts of the world. May we suggest that nothing Is so acceptable to a former resident of Prince Rupert or to one who has friends and Interests in the city or district, as a copy v of the Daily News mailed to them direct at the special Christmas Gift rate of $2.00 A YEAR In this way they get approximately 300 reminders of your thoughtfulness. TRAPPERS: If you want the highest price for your furs, send them in at once. I have orders for Ihem and until those orders are. filled can pay more than anyone else. After that the price will come down. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes For High Scores -By Westover lJy dWl HAMBURG-V . umc TJoSTrP W DINKIER' -THIS c-f X Ay fHV TWO OP us J I poR. THE ONE y?C 1 ' ' TO NOT M'MD E BCAINQ MV PATE vi i t-t vcjw ua i NIGHT AND CiOlNCJ t-ui WITH TED IMSTEA.D ill TI?r 'ALL RKSHT, TILLIE, - BUI LA-JIM I r-wut-, WE HAvC ANUIUCK 1 iBB fv DATE TONIQH r is' A Fatal Gift I WELL ,1 WAS.ER, WJc fWA 1(1 I J BE BIS MAC - J 1 -WHAT IS TNI? JUST comimq j5&c':, fm (I ts&VMA TED :AND MAVE.; STRANGE POVMEQ. li i mi - i I41 '5- ll