PA51 form TRY FASTER WAY TO RELIEVE A COLD X. TU t Aspirin Ublrts. 2. Drink full gltat of t. Pfrt Untnwnt in 2 hours. - i J If throat is sort, crush and st J Aspirin Ublrts in a third of a f!ass of iter and tvtit. This easts the soreness in your throat almost instantly. Our Confectionery Store -Is Always at Your Service We sell at any time FRESH MILK Si .CREAM, BUTTERMILK We senre at any time TEA, COFFEE, HOT CHOCOLATE, SANDWICHES, CAKES & PIES We carry a full, line of TOBACCOS, CANDIES, FRESH FRUITS (In season) Visit our fully equipped SODA FOUNTAIN Meet your friends at MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. 0. Box 515 Phone 18 Corner Third Ave. & First St. Phone Green 421 D. ELIO Furniture Dealer "Buys Everything" "Sells Everything" Exchanging and Auctioneer Still Buying Gold USED EURNITURE RANGES, HEATERS, ETC. New Congoleum Hues; Linoleum Rugs. We sell Linoleum by yard. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE. RECORD , will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record : returned with all sets Serviced by- ; SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 Discovery Bringing Almost Instant Relief to Millions Follow Simple Directions: Vhen you have a cold, remember the simple treatment pictured here . . . prescribed by doctors' as the ouidt, safe wag. Results are amazing. Acbe and distress go immediately. Because of Aspirin' t quick-disintegrating property. Aspirin "takes bold almost instantly. Your cold is relieved "quick -as you caught itr All you do is take Aspirin and drink plenty of water. Do this every 2 to 4 hours the first day less often afterward ... if throat is sore, the Aspirin gargle will ease it in as little as 2 minutes. Ask your doctor about this. And be sure you get ASPIRIN when you buy. It is made in Canada and all druggists have it Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every N Aspirin tablet Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company. Limited. DOES NOT HARM THE HEART At present fame, Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. Limericks There was an old fellow named Ben. j Who hadn't the brains of a hen, He used to talk rot. More often than not. If laughed at he'd do it again! Prince Rupert's chief v Is resting on sea fish and rain, But soon they'll remark Of the ships that depart With cargoes of paper and grain. I once had a fit of the blues, I blamed ms poor nervesnd my shoes, 7 Of course I found out; How It all came about. I just was not getting "The News." I live out beyond the town's limit. Lack of news Is the, main thing I ag'in in, I But six months of "The News" j Would Instruct and amuse, So I hope, M. Pullen, I win It Young Jimmie returning from school, With a keg of cold powder did fool. And up from the alley Poor Jimmie did sally, To return when the weather gets cool. SNAPfoWrjER CLEANS AND POLISHES MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 100 Mats, each 15 cents 750 square yards Congoleum, Linoleum, Feltol, Inlaid and Battleship. All new stock just arrived. Phone 775 Third Ave. Prince Rupert "TILL1E THE TOILER" granted for departure to the grounds. Under this plan boats would b e enabled to finish out their trips and the necessity of having in some cases to return to port with only partial catches will be obvia ted. Such a plan would be much more advantageous for the operators and would not atfect the com mission's general conservation The Prince Rupert halibut boat pected to return in a few days to Its mome port here from Vancouver wllla a new 60 h.p. Vivian full diesel ' engine which has been installed at j the southern port during the winter. i j -Capt. George Cook returned to Prince Rupert on Monday night with his halibut boat Teeny Mllly after having spent a month in Vancouver undergoing overhaul. The herring run has not commenced In waters contiguous to Prince Rupert as yet. For some Hmo o lam if Ihu. fl.V. 1 .More activity - in spring salmon fishing Irr waters adjacent to Prince Rupert .is expected shortly. While some trolling has been going on during January, the fish did not appear to be plentiful. Nor were weather conditions very propitious wtth severely cold weather the early part of the month and heavy storms the latter part Relieving the steamer Cardena, which has been withdrawn from service for annual overhaul. Union steamer Venture, Capt. Ernest Georgeson. arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours later on her return to Vancouver and 'waypoints. On the Cardena completing her overhaul, she will take, the run of the steamer Catala for a couple of weeks while that vessel goes out jf service, the Ven ture remaining on the Cardena's run. The United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby, with Rev. Peter Kelly, missionary In charge, left at 7 this morning for Hartley Bay after having been here during the past week In connection with the spring sessions of Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley: We alsd sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. PrincLRupcrt Feed Co. Si Phones 558 MVSTfty TO MB . -n UD VOl "I O P vjW ii .... l MOW HCUi gX ! mpl n 8 I "TO TWO si- VMWO SAW MA.AC7 VKM DAArT fTTWTt Saturday Tr'--. WATERFRONT WHIFFS New Plan For Closing Halibut Fishing This Ycar-Halibuttcrs Returning From South Herring . And Salmon Scarce '-'It is expected in fisheries quarters at Prince Rupert that the International Fisheries Commission will adont a different principle in connection with n)nc;nn. r -' . HU.'IIIL U JWWJ- but fishing operations on the Pacific Coast in 1935. In the oast the Commission has set a fixprl rifiro tmust be ended 1 ncertam areas. This J-"t year, however """""i it 1 is hrrctni a rtat trill h. T I " .... v wtKiy-' wiucn clearances sxuu no longer D Canada. Aboard the Thomas Crosby was Rev. Arthur Barner of Toronto, superintendent of Indian missions for the United Church, who i making his annual tour of various villages ' on this part of the coast. Resuming service after having been out of commission for a week owing to an accident in Vancouver Harbor in which she collided with a barge. C. P. R. steamer Princes Adelaide arrived In port at 3 o'clock AIken,,Capt Andrew Hanson. Is ex- j this afternoon from the south and wil lsall at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. being one day behind schedule. Following the accident, the Princess Adelaide spent a week at the. Victoria dry dock undergoing repairs to her damaged stem. - After having spent the winter at Vancouver, the big halibut boat Takla. Capt Chris Parkvold, returned to Prince Rupert yesterday to fit out In preparation for the 193S fishing season. L' B' Jon"' Wkrly agent of the in evidence outside but not in ,f. nadlan National at RaUways riclentfvolume to warrant seining Derations. There will be the al Skagway and now acting as a trav- activity this spring In taking theieUIng frelsht agent out of Vancou- fish for reduction in the Prince Ru- " "uw" pert reduction plant and for halibut bait store by the Canadian Fish & 'bold Storage Co. trip north on official business. FEBRUARY PICTURES Many Fine Films Hooked For ing at Capitol Theatre Here This Month Several outstanding pictures are booked for showing at the Capitol Theatre here during February. The llsi. subject to possible occasional change through circumstances over which the management have no control. Is as follows: ' February J "Wagon Wheels," with Randolph ScoU and Oall Patrick, and "Orient Expres," with Heather Angel and Norman Foster. February 4 and 5 "Painted Veil." with Greta Oarbo. Herbert Marshall and George Brent February 6 and 7 "One Hour Late." with Conrad NageJ and Helen Twdvetreea. "and "Lone Cow Boy," with Jackie Cooper and Llla Lee. February 8 and 9 "JudgtyPriesU." with Will Rogers. February 11 and 12 "Madame Du Barry," with Dolores Del Rio and Victor Jory. and "I SU Anything." with Pat O'Brien and Ann Dvorak. February 13 and 14 "Six Day Bike Rider." wtth Joe E. Brown. February 15 and 16 "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." with Pauline Lord. W C. Fields and Zau Pitts February 18 and 19 "Chained." with Joan Crawford and Clark Gable. February 30 and 21 "Anne of Green Oabie.'' wtth Anne Shirley. February 22 and 23 The Barrett of V Impale Street," with Norma Shearer. Charles La ugh ton and Fredric March. February 26 and 2ft "Pursuit of Happiness." with Francis Lederer, Charles Ruggle. Mary Boland and Joan Bennett and "Limehouse Bluet," with George Raft February 27 and 26 "Charlie Chan's Courage." wtth Warner Oland. Dog Hero Honored Again The internationally famous Kentucky Boy as valiant a dog as ever breathed, Is awarded his fifteenth medal by the State Humane Association of California. Fourteen times before the dog, an Alrdale, now almost 12 years of age. has been given medals lor having saved the lives of numerous persons. He has been decorated for calling attention by his barking to a fire which broke out In August, 1929, in a film studio in Hollywood. He Is owned by Robert M. Byrne of Hollywood, Calif. No Mystery at All TO pAK TO lD 1 HO tAUt TO MlW O VOL TO TU. MCI, '.-lM3 THAT VCO I I a. I ISLAND NOTES A. P. Allison, well known Queen Charlotte Island logging operator, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince John thU week, being at Cumshewa Inlet to make arrangements for the early reopening of his camp there. Plans for this year Include the putting in of a logging railway. Mr. Allison was accompanied north by his son, Douglas, who will again be identified wtth the camp staff, and George Munro. accountant Mrs. Oordon GlHlland and child returned to Seweil Inlet on the Prince John this week after a two ; u weeks' visit In Vancouver. John Pyper, manager of the Port CiemenU Hotel, returned to the bislands aboard the Prince John this week foUowtng a visit to hU home rn Vancouver. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS this port for the month of January 1 totalled $5147 JO as compared with $12,453.86 in the same month last year fcABB IVJAWf TO It lVJLt -- s rr Zane Grey. 'WAGON WHEELS' Wltli RANDOLPH storr GAIL PATRICK RAYMOND IIATTON At 8:10 and k - PLUS "ORIENT EXPRESS" -- with HEATHER ANGI.L NORMAN FOSTLIt RALPH MOIK.AN UNA OX'ONNOK tAt7:00aM.' TheRsh which made Prince Rupert Famotn "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD Prepared Dallj llj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Bulkley Valley Bulletins Don't use a poker in your fire any more tha . . lutely necessary. Shake the grates fir Bulkley Valley Coal Will Save You Money If you want proof ask your dealer to send the r:::r representative to you, A SATISFIED CUSTOMER Inourcoalvoull is the best advertise- ymsj Tina ft - mat nenat mnni ...... w home nedooiirbesttofluppl) complete you with the most suit- f ...... I t ........ VA. sinu mm iur juui i '. quircnients. When in" doubt I'a' triiinns. Phone Us 651 - 652 PH1LP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. If you want anything try a classified nti. TWAT5 VA4HA.T I'D, ce lO KMCVU- t VUA9 TTOT TAV.KIM T0 St. kat . r By Wstover NOT N tjV. C OS