4 4 4 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides r p Rupert Cloudy, light rast wind; barometer, 29.64; -nature. 50; sea rough. Adjustment of Claim Following hie tonfUtration on Second Artnuc Not Yrt Completed rre seven (Ire alarms 1? f Prince Rupert during of January. Lou will be s account -of. the big fire on i: '-.villi turn urk aid ! 7 P. km or on babbit to Rowe's MHsl Works Adjustment vet to be made on loss In Sheet Metal Works, A. W house on Oraham Avenue, 1 ' per Knutson's house on Avenue East. Presbvterv Meet ti i' v ar: KNdi isii i iiAOl'i: WEEK HERE Local Observance of National Cam palgn riannrd The week of February 3-D has been set aside as Dominion Education Week-when, throughout the whole of the Dominion, the Important part education plays in the t, ndtag the adjustrnent o ,t tne fu. placed upon It. wln Insurance claims adjusted to date In con-u?h the Second Avenue Block 'three buildings i. J A 1 (In ton. $2000: Mrs. : $1000; Pattulk) Block. k Davies. slOOQ. The loss Mint, nl B 7 Pirlrnr h lure of. the world will be stressed. Previously this observance has been ,a province-wide affair but this year It has been planned to make It a nation -wide feature. Locally It Is being supported by all organisations. The local churches through their services this Sunday or next will discuss this subject. At .h,.,., . v., nr 1 the Oyro. Rotary am! Junior Cham . t .'ber of Oommeree meetings It Is planned to have the matter presented In a series of debates by senior pupils. In the schools an open day will I be observed on Wednesday after noon from 1 30 Ull 3:30. Parents and general public arc being asked to visit the schools on that after noon and see the pupils In their classrooms. Wednesday evening in First Prcs bytcrlan Church Hall a public meet iinded Yesterday "ns b ,,e,d: speakers at this J I will discuss the part of education from both the point of view of the day sessions of the Prince . business man and the point of view Pnsbytcry of the United if Canada came to a close ; y yesterday afternoon and of the elenry from various ? the district who were In inne are now returning to p -'Ms. The meetings were de-;argcly to financial matters 'tin fotmulallng of plans for ming season's work. COUPLE NOW DEAD AUK It LAMED BY MAWTMANN FLKMINOTON. NJ.. Feb. 2: Defence witnesses for nruno "irhard llatiptnnnn. charged with the klUnap-murdcr of iby Charles Anaustus Llnd-'wrp.h jr. declared yesterday hnt the kldnaDnlnir of the iilld had been carried out by 1 ulor Flsch and Violet Sharp, both of whom arc now dead. Fl:h left this country soon af- tor the crime for Germany lcrc ho died. M'ss Sharp, em- lloycd in the household of Mrs. Dwlght Morrow. Mrs. Lindbergh's mother, commit- led suicide. of the educationalist. Old Country Socr.ei SCOTTISH LHACUK l inl DlvMu" Alrdrleonlans 4. Aberdeen 1. Ayr 0. Hearts 3. Celtic 5, Albion Rovers 1. ' Dundee 2. Clyde 2. Dunfermline 2. Queen's Park 2. Falkirk 3, Queen of South 1. Hibernians 1. Rangers 2. Motherwell 0. SU Johnstone 1. Partlck Thistle i. Kilmarnock 2. St. Mirrcn l.,llamllton 2. First HIvKIoii Arsenal 4. Sheffield Wednesday I Aston Villa 1. Tottenham 0. Blackburn 3, Birmingham 1. Chelsea 0, Preston 0. Derby 3, Sunderland 1. Iluddcrsflcld 1. Evcrton 1. Liverpool 4, Leeds 2. Manchester 0. Leicester 3. MirfrtiMhrnuah 2. Stoke 0, Portsmouth 0, West Albion 2 Wolverhampton 0. Grimsby 3. JANUARY SCALING Production For Fint Month of Yea- Down SlifhUy Owlnp to Tem porary Closing of Cam pi Log scaling In Prince Rupert foi estry district for the month of Jar -uary this year totalled 3,T72,6f' ooard feet as compared with 4,120 63 board feet in the same montb last year. The slight decrease hsi been due to the temporary curtail - ment of operations at Queen Chai iotte Island camps which are no- preparing to reopen on a larger A.-aJe than ever. Log scaling; per species this Jan uary was a follows, figures for tht same monut, Jasi year aiso Demy .nown for Comparison: 1935 i B.F. Jouglas Fir ..i. .. 8,898 Jedar 84,789 ipruce,...- 2,377.831 licralock 1.276,t33 aalsam 46 jackplne 20,000 1934 B.F. 37513 3.706,177 376,873 Totals 3,772,697 4,120,263 I (Forest Products Production of poles and piling in Jie Interior for the month of Janu ary this year amounted to 112,830 aneal feet, 104,250 lineal feet cedai and 8.58U lineal feet hemlock, as compared with 54.146 lineal feet, ah .cdar, In the same month last year Cordwood this January amounwo jo 271 cords as against 247 cords ast year while 207 tics were counted his year as compared with 247 last. Jedar fence posts numbering 1,587 a ere taken out this January. Building Light During January Mlcrallun and Repair Work to Amount of $180 Recorded Last Month Building permits here for tht month of January this year totalled $180 as compared with $1800 in the same month last year. The permit this January were as follows: Ben Ferguson, alterations tt store. Third Avenue and McBridr Street, $300. R. Kllday. adldtlon to residence. Bromwlch Second Avenue, $100. Peter Solem. repairs' to residence, Fifth Avenue West, $80. Report Made On Salvation Army Midwinter Work The Salvation Army has handed tra detaHfeporrVrtxteetteP hat $125 98 was expended on Christmas hampers. $29.96 on shoes jid rubbers and $9.95 on incidentals ncludlng laundry, gasoline, post-ige. etc. Huge quantities of clothe were llstributed during December and fanuary both used and new. These ncluded all kinds of garments for nen, women and -children, bed Jothes. baby clothes, several articles of furniture, wo heaters, one kitchen range and stove pipes which were donated to needy families. In inderwear alone, 110 garments were distributed. Miss Frances Cummlngs sailed NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Rcaatng from the Left they are Sergio Carbo Ha ;.a publshr San Martin, Dr Oulllemmo Pcrtela, a prof, or m ".e V -versity zairi and Porfiti Fra:a o : ?w prr .dent f Havara Dr Dr lo3 OPENING Ramon M Irl- UP LINE Trains Will Wot be Running Before Tomorrow at Earliest1) Result orKajfxWa!h-6?ir" nade from the Christmas Cheer 'und which Is too long for publlea-1 Trains are expected to be run-Ion but may be sen at the News nlng In and out of Prince Rupert flee by anyone in t "rested It shows 1 again by tomorrow afternoon. Ice conditions in the Kayex are reported by W. H. Tobey. divisional superintendent, to be somewhat im-roved today. Reconstruction of the orashed out bridge there Is proceed-ng and there is no other trouole on the line. Provincial Constable and Mrs. darold Raj bone will sail this eve-aing on the Prince George fjot Van -:ouver on escort duty. Tie5!Yare aking south Robert Marsh, sen-enced to two and a half yean Imprisonment at New Westminster Penitentiary for burglary, and Nina Spalding of Port Esslngton, who will je held at Okalla until the spring his morning on the Venture for a ; asslzes wnen sne wlu Iace a cnarge acatlon trip to Vancouver. 0' murder. Smart British Army Unit The lifeguards, locked upon as one of the smartest units of the British army, receive their morning inspection by the adjutant and captain at their London barracks before turning out for their dally duties. The defence of the king Is their p'rlmary duty and on all public occasions they form the King's escort. High Low . 1:11 ajn. 20 J ft. 12:58 pjn. 23.1 ft -T.ua ajn... 12 ft. 19:33 p.m. 0.8 ft. vjav Wo. aq- , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1935 pric: we cenib MASS BUYING HEMim COMPLETED FARM LOANS IN CANADA ARE TO BE GREATLY INCREASED Royal Commision Has Concluded Session; To Report to Parliament New lA'ulslulion Expected to be Enacted at Present Session, Based on Findings of Investigators After Ixmg Probe (JiTAWA, Fob. 2: (CP) The Royal Commission on i : ; 1. . 1 r .i. ' '.' B a,lu jince -Bureaus comjueteu ilh neanngs on Vr ..i .-. A report is to be presented by the commission to iu v.ont lefore the present session ends. New legis- s expected, will be based on the report. FIRE LOSS lEDUCATION WAS HEAVY Five Cubans Who Control Troubled Republic Government's Action Acclaimed From All Sides of Parliament Agricultural Credits Organization to be Overhauled With Increase in Money Available From Fifteen To Ninety Millions OTTAWA, Fek 2: (CP) Acclaimed from all sides of the House as a . boon to financially harassed farmers.'Hon. Ktlpar N. Rhodes, minister of finance, last night proposed t bill to overhaul the Canadian Farm Loan Board and.in-crease its credit capacities; The bill would abolish the provincial loan boards and centralize authority in a federal commission, also increasing from $15,000,000 to $90,000,-000 the amount of money available for farm loans. " WEATHER MISSION OF SUPERIOR CHURCH ARMY Year 1935 Starts Off Better Than Children's Great Response Atten Last Vastly Better Here Than dance Increased In Vancouver j ' . . j Captains Hutchison and Hanncy The year 1935 has started off a addressed JLhe various conregatiojs 'good deal more propitiously from Thursday that aiiembTedIn St. Ah,-the weather standpoint than dldjdrew's Cathedral at the Church 1934, official records show. This Ai my Mission. January there were 38.9 hours of j To an increased number of chil- sunshine as compared with 6.6 hours dren. Captain Hanney spoke on In the same month last year. Pre-, temptation, drawing his message JcipltaUon this January totalled but! from stories and experiences. 6.84 Inches in comparison with 22.9 At the evening service Mrs. C. E. Inches in the same month last year. ; Cuflln sang "Glory to Thee,' and, Incidentally, Prince Rupert can also . oy special request, Capt. Hanncy boast truthfully of having had much sang the Welsh hymn, - "Aberyst- superior weather so far this year wyth." than Vancouver which city lasti The address of Captain Hutchl- week had eleven Inches of rain . son was based upon the story of the within five days. jcreaUon. He pointed but that crea- The official weather summary for'11 wa a definite proof of God's January this year reads as follows: , I0Te inal fjM naa nPt oy created Highest barometer reading at sea level, 30.41 on January 13. Lowest barometer reading, 29.13 on January S. Maximum temperature. 54 on January 29. Minimum temperature, 5 on January 17. Mean temperature. 31.3. Precipitation, 6.84 inches. Sunshine. 38.9 hours. HERE FROM FLOOD AREA Rev. J, E. Barnes of Chllliwack Tells Of Conditions of Distress and Hardship In Fraser Valley Ing most disastrous. It has been a' catastrophe which will take that, ' district a long time to recover, I Two-thirds of the pole lines are !down and Chllliwack will havc.no light or power for a couple of weeks i at the best. Meantime, th? city Is entirely without regular means of communication and transportation To get through the flood waters, people havs Just to struggle back!, and forth as best they may by boats. the high waters and refugees run Into the thousands. There are unprecedented I scenes of distress on an earthly home for me n to live in", but that also He had created the church as a spiritual homevSo long as nothing comes between people and God, happiness Is assured. "God does not leave us, we leave God " As Adam sought to hide himself behind the trees, so today man tries to hide from God behind excuses. Like Adam, when they hear the voice of God saying, "Where art thou my son?". It is the call of the Father to the conscience of the -Jiild who has wandered away from home. Friday's Services Friday's services were In preparation for "The World Call Ser- 1 vice of Witness," which will draw i the week of mission to' a dose on JSdnday evening. In thj afternoon , there was a children's service with ! c&Pl- Hanncy as speaker. In th . . 1 r.v.i.11 i. Rev. J. E. Barnes of Chllliwack. pvfT,Intr . llt.jT. nn who is a visitor in the city, describes 1The or Qo4. Mfs A 3 conditions in the Fraser Valley as Webber and H a result of the recent floods as be- ,lth p.... nn,,A, at the organ. Looking For Jock Brenmcr Continued Absence of Fifth Avenue Youth is Worrying Ills Parents or any other means at hand. Hun-, Considerable anxiety has been ureds of houses are marooned by; caused his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bremner. Fifih Avenue East, by the continued absence from home of sixteen-year old Jock Jail hands In that fertile valley.! Bremner, who has not been secrtf ! There has been widespread destruc tfon. Floods have not been entirely unknown in the Fraser Valley In there since Wednesday at dinner . time. The last report the parents have received was that he was seen the past but never has there been: Wednesdays night at Cow Bay. The anything like this before. (police have been atked to search.