iiiiiiiiiitiii ru us j at fit us. i is b:i if i nmn if mnv MUMLAY RA1NETTE Are You Prepared For This Weather? Cold and Slippery Walks .Mean RUBBERS ! Protect your health by keeping your feet warm and dry. First quality goods only. Overshoes, Rubbers, Knee Gum Boots, -Length Gum Boots for all i The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Fhone 357 g Where Service and Quality Excels g DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. TRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue . r H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year . . By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per insertion, per line THE WRONG POLICY 3.00 9.00 , .25 Classified advertising, per -word, per insertion .02 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Advertising and Circulation Telephone . S8 News Department Telephone KG Member f Audit Bureau of Circulations Saturday, January 5, 1935 m m m m The difficulty in administering a country as large as Eiks Canada, spread out from sea to sea, is seen very largely in the conflicting interests of the various sections. Just now. we see a leading Liberal in Toronto attacking Pimier; Bennett for proposing to control or regulate business. Western Liberals do not generally agree with this attack. They believe to a large extent in the Bennett policy but it seems that a good many do not think the present premier is the man to administer the policy. So we find the Liberal leader attacking the Marketing Act which the Liberals of J British Columbia thought so well of that they adopted it immediately it became law. Everything is so confusing in politics these days. We think the Liberals are making a great mistake in, attacking policies just because they are fathered by the Conservatives. Why not admit that some of the policies at any rate have been beneficial and wise? Why not try to take up the "work where the other administration leaves nf f Tint nrrcTOctiTifT IVio connm rr n-f OTrnmrtViitirr? requires and he often receives the confidence of the Con servativeleaders. As a result, he has served his constituen cy better than he would have done if he had been a strong party man arid an orator. He is in line with the modern trend and if he is re-elected it will be because of his reasonable attitude on all public questions. Steamships Sailings i For VAmtrm Tuesday Oatala .1:30 pm. from Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 18 am. Second SPORT NEWS BILLIARD CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE! SCORING Second Half of Season is to tlettJ. Delorme of Oddfellows High Man Under Way on Tuesday of Tor first Half Next Week .SJOOjan aggregate victory over the Le lOfgion of 1454 to 1352. Half of .Season to Next Week Start b.:n 24 "Rupert Brand TJiu?-?!imJ- i -A-l.. 1 January - i uuuvauciiuMB win mm uie pcuje ui wie vuuiiu.v m c i Musketeers vs Swift's; Ramblers changing.,The voters are taking a more moderate view of 1TS. orotto: cifH-A. vs. Canadian politics. There is no longer a blind adherence to party but a considered vote that will go to the most reasonable lead-Br2$Mr; llackenzie King cannot win the country by simply ts'Opppsing .what tiie Conservatives do, and sav anV more than, pan Premier Bennett expect to' win by announcing -a cj.rjl vs. Grotto; Canadian Le- new nollCV after four sessions of Parliament rimriLT nnth- elon vs. "Ituoert Brand" Musk :ng uut marK ume. ivery year me people oi tne country are becoming more sophisticated. They are less gullible. Politicians will have to change their methods if they expect to receive the support which they seem to 'expect. HANSON SETS EXAMPLE Olof Hanson, member for this riding, has been setting! Prince Runert Bridge League fixtures for second half of season1 ate announced as follows: January 10 ewlft's vs. Grotto; "Rupert Brand" Musketeers vs. C. NJt-A.; Ramblers vs. Canadian Legion. January 17 Swift's vs. CJJl-U Canadian Legion vs. Grotto; "Ru pert Brand" Musketeers vs. Legion. January 31 SwiT's vs. Canadian Legion; Grotto vs. '.Rupert Brand' Musketeers; Ramblers vs. CHRA. Februarv 7 S wilts vs. Ramblers; eteers. February 14 Swifts vs. Grotto: C2iRA. vs. "Rupert Brano" Mus keteers; Canadian Legion vs. Ram biers. February 21-C.N vs. Swifts; I Grotto vs. Canadian Lc-gion; Ram blers vs. "Rupert BTar.d" Musket-jeers, j an example along the line -we mention. We are not elec- Brand" Musketeers; Grotto vs. tioneering for Mr. Hanson but simply mention in passing Ramblers; canadian'Legionvs.cjf.! that, while the member for Skeena is a Liberal and has fon R-A. , the second 'time received the Liberal nomination, he is March '-Canadian Legion vs ' willing -t..Bto sthe Bennett government credit for lteSZ"7. good things it has done. He is ready to support the govern- piers, ment and vote against his own oartv when the occasion March 14 Ramblers vs. swifts; Grotto Brand" Legion. vs. c. N. k. a.; "ituperi Musketeers vs. Canadian Game Warden Ed. Martin return ed to the city on the Cardena this morning from the south, accompanied by his bride, formerly Miss Margaret Ewart R, fi. of Merritt,, at one time a member of the nurs lng iaJl cf the Port Simpson Gen Prince Rupert Crlbbage League The following schedule for theiindivldual scores for the first half second half of the Prince Rupert Billiard League season is announ ced: January 8 Elks vs. Grotto January 10 Empress of the season are follows: vs. Cana-1w. Geddes, IOOP. 37 Canadian National Recreation er to help and now he comes for-1 . , dian Legion. ,H M January IS Legion ts. Elks. I January 17 Grotto vs. Empress. January 22 Empress vs. Elks, j January 24 Grotto vs. Legion. January 27 Grotto vs. Elks. January 31 Legion vs. Empress. February 5 Elks vs. Legion. February 7 Empress vs. Grotto. . February 12 Elks vs. Empress. February 14 Legion vs. Orotto. February 19 Elks vs. Grotto. February 21 Empress vs Legion. February 26 Legion vs. Elks. February 28 Orotto vs. Empress. March 5 Empress vs. Elks. March 7 Grotto vs. Leg1 in. Postponed names From December 18 J. E Morris, This gave the Elks an aggregate victory by the close score of 1339 to 1331. The following games from the fixture of December 11 are still out standing: James Andrews, Elks vs. Alex Harvey, Canadian Legion: J. E Morris vs. George Crlpps J. Delorme, LOOP. - D. Parent, Moose SCHEDULE 0FWHIST Second Half of Season to Get Under Way Shortly Fixtures for the second half of the season In the Fraternal Whist League are announced as follows: January 11 IO.OP. vs. Orotto.; St. Andrews vs. Sons of Norway, j January 18 Sons of Norway vs.j l.u.u.r ., uanaaian Legion vs. uroi- to. - : January 25 I.O.OP. vs. St. An- drews, Canadian Legion vs. SonsJ of Norway. j February 1 Canadian Legion vs. IO.OP. St. Andrews vs. Grotto. February 8 Orotto vs. Sons of Norway, Canadian Legion vs. St. Andrews. February 15 LOOP. vs. Grotto, Sons of Norway vs. St. Andrews. February 22 I.O.OP. vs. Sons ftf Norway, Grotto .vs, Canadian Le gion. ' March 1 St. Andrews; vs. IOOP., Sons of Nor4sCanttdipLc- March 8 IOOP. vs.'Canadfan Legion, Grotto vs. St. Andrews March 15 Sons of Norway vs. Grotto, St. Andrews vs. Canadian Legion. Play m FIXTURES League to be Next Week liewtuned Following is the schedule of Cribbage League fixtures for the second half of the season: January 14 Canadian Legion vs Grotto, LOOP. vs. Moose, Empress vs. CJi.RA Meat Packers vs.- Elevator, s ' s; "I January 21-- Meat Packers ys Grotto, Moose vs. Canadian Legion, CNitA. vs. I.O.OP- Elevator vs. Empress. Januarj' 23 Orotto ,vs. .Elevator, LOOP. vs. Cinadlan Legion, C.N. JLfm. vs. Moose. Meat Packers vs. Empress. r February 4 Empress vs. Grotto, Ipt-iI Hncrvitai Thov more wontiv C.N.RA. vs. Canadian Lexion. Ele Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm.married Vancouver and wiillvator vs. Moose, Meat Pacicrs rs-j Ss. Cardena p.m ;take UTJ resldence m the Besne LOOP. Thurs.- -ss. P. George 10:30 p.m. 1 Jan 13 and 27 s. P. Norah a.m, Apartments, The couple will be, February 11 Grotto vs. C.N.R.A. Friday bs. Prin. Adelaide 10 pjn, For Anyox and Stewart the receipJents of hearty congratu. Empress vs, Canadian Legion, Meat Ss. Cardena midnight I Sunday ss. Catala 8 pm. latlons and best wishes of many Packer vs. Moose, IO.QP vs, Ele Jan, 17and 3F -ss, P Norah 5 pm, Wednesday- -ss, P George 4 p.m. friends, vator Ladies' Bowling m League Results.! The Letter Box DOES NOT LIKC THIS MOSES felltoc. Daily News: We. the hoi pollol cf the city, have all been much interested to the opening shots of the Bennett cam paign. We like hit style and admire Ms gall, especially after hat he told va when he was here Just be- I fore the last election Hit Tror Still in First Flare With! I was talking mjr neighbor who Lucky Strikes in Sewnd An- j live m the nest shaek o tfftae. He nette's Also Win i?ays he wonders what Mr. Bennett jttttaks f us. Dees he think we we a lot of simpletons to follow htm as Results In the Ladies BvwJing our reBUca! Moses? A man eannet announced as League atthe Elks' Home alltyahm be a devil jar four years and an an-nitht were as follows: Ki of Hftht the next. He has allowed 40 Big Four, 3D7; ABey Cats, 36$. us to grovel in these shacks tor 37 jtuneLUfa. 379: J4uallen. 410. vmt nd has net hf ted a fin- ' ' ' ' Are Protected On 0 SalmdHv January 5. 1S35 to thrw us a crust cr two and hope that we will Df aau-iiea. As Tor me. I to take much stock ta deathbed conversions. Mr Bennett has looked tnto "political oblivion and dots not like the place so he is converted to a sclme of wttefeeftle reWrm oy which he wm control the horde of rich friends thai put Mm where he Is. They are going to put up plenty of money for the election bat I hop theywlll not br you, Mr Bditot.Take their cash but don't dawe t their tune. 2v a pretty tune but It sloes not get you anywhere. , I own we havent much sense r we aMuid not be where we are but ' Richard can't play us for a bum h at suckers this tunc lie otd it once bt tMs time we know the bait II. J J ix) w.nu js were .r, - Damrett. I.O.OJV 37 i. tiAn w- mh &fl a . K-. ahwlnl i-Brupping !J. Nelson, Orotto H. Killln. Canadian Legion . J. Wynne, Canadian Legion G. Russell Moose "3t3 J. H. Smith, Grotto 35 a. follows H. Long, CMLA 34 H. Letourneau. Moose 34 nig p0ur W. Gardner. C.N.R.A. 33 Lucky Strikes H. R. Hibbard, Elevator 33 Alley Cats ...... A. Murray. Elevator 33 Annette's W. Klnslor. Meat Packers 33 Mussallem's W. Way, Meat Packers .12 c. N. R. A. I J. dark, Canadian Legion 32 R. Gammon, C.N.R.A. 32 R. E. James, CXRJi. 31 T. Rorvlk. Moose 31 F. SkjeHum, Canadian Legion .. 31 H. SJoberg. IO.OP. 31 J. Kinslor. Meat Parkers 31 J. McLeod, Elevator JO Postponed games recently played ,w- McLean. I.O.OP. 30 included the following: J- Andrews. Orotto 29 From December 20-Alex Harvey, !J- Erickson, Meat Packers 29 Canadian Legion, 220; Earl Batt, ;A- Micn Canadian Legion SZ r.rntto 2.io This pave thp frott!J- Hampton, LOOP. 28 2 26 26 Elks. 250; Len Raabe, Empress. 18S.,K- -?bol, ONJLA 26 O. Couture, Empress 26 4J. E. Jack. Elevator . 23 B. Cromp. Grotto .: 3 H- R. Hill CNJUL J....... 22 J Hkkey. Grotto 21 A. McAllister. Elevator 30 A McDonald, Moose 18 IK. Ounderson. Moose 17 The league standing to date lsF Morrison, Meat Packers as follows: Empress Orotto Canadian Legion O. 1 3 2 2 TO. 4213 4195 2736 2701 Av. 1404 139S 1368 1351 SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE 17 The league tandlss so iate are opinion is just UO. sr: The jwwk In eon&ecUon wild e ioa. sneney barons have et tost been ling of me g-n snap Hraotwra 6. T. Av. fereed to Traitie that the end i Ue this morning oy the Cur 3 1215 40 near unless they do something. The dena on his return (0 Vanrorn " 3 114 382 people of the country are becoming I Mr CUotdennuig expeaU to brb . c J 10W iH aroused. In efder to save as much here later in the moatfe. Meant in. -2 1I4S if! 4am possible oi their Jeet and to keep Mra Osendermlng is rsning ov. "x4 335 us poor guys in our place, they to visit here with hn parent M MS 315 have framed up with Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Oeorge D Ttte. IN your home there may he just Mich n trio -a niiMIwonio halVl . .an adoritic mother ami a tiroud fallirr. Each of you m'cil prolrction the rral jirolrrlion liirh. only Life IiiMiraiu-c can jirovidc. If you are a mother, you and your child murt always lie Mire of food, clothing and a lxmie. Tliesc can he guaranteed through Ufe ItiMirnnce. If you arc a father, you need to finfegunrd your saving to Ituild up a financial reserve against the time of your retirement. And, for your children, you can provide the necessary money for their education through Life Insurance. Any Life Insurance representative will gladly advise you how easy it is to obtain (such complete protection for your family. Hold Fast to Your Life Insurance Guardian of Srrlfi n I Wrung,, Canadian Homes- SptmuarrH hy Jlf, Bt,Mrnl., tomptnf