,F31 TOTS! WATERFRONT WHIFFS JU'gardinjj Opening of Halibut Fishing An Infor- " matlvc Letter Springs Arc Kunninff. Woixl is expected very soon now as to the settinir of the date for the opening of the 1935 halibut fishing season J Meantime, there is considerable speculation in regard to. the matter. Cold storage stocks are said to be getting low rand this may haveome effect in bringing about an earlier opening of the season. Another factor may also be the : outcome of present discussion .wlthK .,.ii; m tuiuiyi vi nulling upera 'tlons with a view to spreading ?ufc to me ecuior or the London Morn (ng Post oyer the-sighature of Mrs. 4'C. R.v.06ss of Dumfriesjfdmoutlv T Devon, who Would, probably b bet- m . Siiprox Special Radio Battery wllf give up to 1000 hours service, and is then rechargeable. Inquire about thls revplutlon-'p development In stbrage-batteries. p James Martin Massctt, B.C. rrlncc Rupert COAL! Our Famous EdMjit, AlbcrU and. Bqlkley Valley Coals areUiuaji-"tced Jo lvc satisfaction. Try a top' of No. i' Bulkley Valfcy. alyi .tcllTiaioLhy .,Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley; frihee Hupcrt Feed Co. SS rhones 558 Okanagan Lake, 700 miles Inland and from the place where this crea tine season over a greater period or j ture" was found! The Okanagari Ttimc. Work' preparatory to the sea- Lake Is a most beautiful sheet of . son's portions Is about Jo get un- water. 135 miles long; with no exit, .der way and will shortly be in full! so this creature could not have swing. The putlook appears to be possibly got to the Straits of Geor-,that-the 1935 fishing season may be glal I know this most beautiful as 'good If not better than 1934. country well." : Mftchell Currie have had their; A hew hoist Jupola Is nearlng tontrct br rebuilding the marine, completion at the plant of the department wharf at Dlgby lsland.1 Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage underlay or the past week, half Limited on the local waterfront,' " of the old decking being now tom having been In course of construe iup. Following ihe tearing up of trie jtlon during the past few weeks. old. decking,. new. Is to be laid., ' j Other Improvements are being -vu.'ah j.v.". . , ''made at the plant in anticipation The tolling gem of mlsliiforma- 0Hf a b season ,n ,935 Uon.apjjcarsjn the form of a letter! ., : In and Out Again Whether or not one of pur popu' lar physician-yachtsmen was in .ter informed, if she made -another pending to emulate Doug Frizzell In trip to, Canada: , the absence of the latter from town "The 'sea cqw' washed ashore on Just now and advertise thi mildness nenry island, Georgia In the, . Straits .of , of Prince Rupert's midwinter wea. Vancouver Island, and i ther bv leanlne into the harbor far- men tatcen up to Nanaimo (V.r.).(-a New Year's Day swim we do not has nothing to dp with the jeaogo-. know althbugh we are advised on; ppgo, wmcn is reputed to live in the good authority that one- was In the " The Minerals of British Columbia This Province offers excellent opportunities for useful and profitable .investment. British Columbia has produced over $1,352,000,000. worth of minerals. 1 gross .Talue of mineral production for the six months ciwlcd.Junc 30th 1934) exclusive of the gold premium, Is estimated at, $18.6.67,691.00. an Increase-of 50.5 over the estimated value of COITesp0ndln8 s,x-month period of 1933. GOLriWrJCTION 1 Gold' nroHtifHnn shirrori o 'lulrlu Inornoco. .... Jn, Canadlamfunds to. .the eold-produccrs of British Columbia uiiiMn wj. ii(Jk0iA uiunuu-ior iwoi ueing approximately o,U23,-' 124.00, an Increase of 813 over .the return In Canadian funds V.rcteive4:durlng the first half ofa933. .fUtCCN'T ' PUBLICATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES. ' Annual-Report -of the Honourable the Minister of Mines for the year 1933, ' : . - '' ' Summary and Review Of the" Mineral industry of British Co-, lutnbla for the six months-ended June 30th 1934. . Bulletin "British Columbia the Mineral Industry" (contaln-1 lng. a short history of mining, a synopsis of the Mining Laws, and , other data' of value to prospectors). . V Placer Mining In British. Columbia. Nop-imctallic Mineral Investigations: "Barite," "Asbestos" .; ."Glassware," "Clay," vMagneslte" and "Hydro-magncsitc." ' ' 1 ' Address enquiries tor THE DEEAltTMENT OF MINES. VICTORIA, B.C. VOL) I 'ytj "f to ilFater at .the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club on tTuedayt Whatever the nature of the incident though, wc did ascertain that the worthy doctor did not ! get yery far in before his feet got 'cold or something and out he came as fast as possible, a' wetter and a 'Hsec man and quite convinced that the good old bathtub was much to be preferred at this time of year. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt. Charlie Larkln, left on Thursday morning for Namu to pick up the B. C. Packers cannery freighter P. W. and take the vessel to Vancouver for repairs. The P. W. was rammed and -sunk a couple of weeks ago at Namu wharf by the steamer Car- dena, later being raised by the sal vage dredge Skookum I which has alsp now returned to Vancouver. The Salvage Princess will probably be away about ten days. Ken. Harding, who Is here from Edmonton. Is working temporarily at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental. Station. He Is a brother of Mrs. E. P. Jenner of this city. Capt. Shorty Hartlin left at noon ! Thursday with the Massctt Canners cannery tender Jedway, having on, board a . party of hunters. Big Bay ajid Kwinimass will be visited arid return horne will be made tomorrow. . :A. few. spring salmon are being caught by native trailers around port .Simpson but' none are so far being, delivered here. It will probably,, however, be. not long before the popular fresh fish starts arriving here. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Erfiest Georgeson, arrived in port at .1:15 this morning from the south and sailed about an hour later on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Rack From Islands Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Daly (formerly Slavln), Capt Reg Green, returned to port Thursday night from Sedgewick Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, to which point she had delivered a scowload of lumber from the Blllmor Spruce Mills Ltd. for use In camp construction by the J. R. Morgan Logging Co, The empty scow was brought back by the Daly. Timber fallers are continuing work throughout the .Winter at the Morgan camp and the crew, which has been somewhat re-iduced during the holiday season. ,wilj soon be back at full strength Ugain with the prospect of greatly Increased activity during the com-Ing season. , The committee appointecTat a meeting this week of halibut boat owners and fishermen to deal with tenders for halibut livers delivered by Canadian boats during the 1935 ' Reason Is to meet this afternoon at the pflfce of G. W. Nlckerson, this being the day that tenders -are to icjo. The committee consists of "TILL1E THE TOILER" Vt5,MVy. C3UES5 - TOO LAiS Fot ME HJ SSt AM tUVJI- wow to: raoOMev ri 11 ilk" 'f '-MM i'i i M fES DAILY IWWS Oaturday, Januarv 5. 155 Prince Rupert Club Dance on New Year Eye is Enjoyable .AS usual, the Prince Rupert Club was the scene of a delightful New fifty couples were present and dancing was In full swing from 9:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. with music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra and O. P. Tinker as master of ceremonies, j Seasonal decorations were an at-' tractive feature. Delicious refreshments were served. The committee In charge consls- ted of G. P. Tinker, W. M, Black stock and G. A. Woodland. Hotel Arrivals lUiyal G. H. McLeod, Vancouver: A Erlcksen. city. Prince Rupert P. H. Dawson, Vancouver: Mr and Mrs. J. C. Hunt, city: J M, Whitlow, Usk: A. Watt. CNJt. Central O. W. Olsen, California; Mis Ethel Clark and Miss Dorrs Katch Anyox: Frank M. bockrlll Jr . Tel kwa: T. Andersen, CUR.; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dawson, Prince Oeorge H. Loakes, H. K. Fahrenheit and J Goodwin, city. Knox 'Bronsoii Harvey, Wrangcll; E. M Burns, Ketchikan: L. Llndgren an-Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin, city; S. E Brady, Vancouver, . 'Savoy " Mr. and Mrs. F. Murray. Sur' Point: Mr. Jand Mrs. E J. Fuller Caspaco. Miss Sylvia Harradine, who has been spending the Christmas and New Year vacation visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Harradlrie, salled-by the Prince Oeorge Thursday night for Vancouver where she will resume her studies. Elnar Larscn, George Anderson Capt. Dan Larsen, Capt. Dave Rit chie, Alfred Jacobsen and Alex Duthle. Capt. C. W..Wearmouth. Vancou ver pilpt, who was ftere to handle the British freighter Bradbum ; which loaded grain at Prince Ru pert this week, sailed by the Car-jdena this morning on his return I south. - IP SNAP J u p 1 1 r 1 w t 0WDER CtlAMJ ..4 fOlBHtl TlNOOrS. MltlOtS. IAIH TUJ ..4 "AJH IAI4N1 CAMNOt KIAICM Princess Marina As Folkestone Princess MariiA briue of Bi j. i P! "! G thousajid.s wjio greeted h r fc He f- Pi ..nccss Nt-tfA;- are x :, . A Quick Recovery LAW' SAVCES, I f CAM'T Huaey, I pSAVCtS j THAT-S MAC Fl- ELl- -51 .77 L VP Frf! A AT TMB DOOK - r. I ' . HE'S vJt.rriwei EPIPHANY 8 A.M., Holy Communion 11 AM.. Morning Prayer and Sorrftofl 2:30 P.M., Sunday School 3:30 PAI . Holy Baptism '7:30 P.M Evening Prayer and Sermon A Secret of Popularity F--' ssr.oss? C'MOM porseT ABOUT t rrr n tlwo:J UIKK MAC 1 HWI . . j.v.r.g t t!ie nf Prinze and f ti-rg. out id CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. I). Grant llnlliugMorlli, ll-V Organht: Mrs. C J. Stnilli Ml A.M.. Sermon Subject: "THE BAPTISM OF JESUS" 12:15. Sunday School 12 :30. Wert view School 7:30 P.M.. Sermon Subject: "THE FOOLISHNESS OF PREACHING" DO YOU BELIEVE 1. That the pretent method of prtnehing U of grrat value after all? 2. That the church t worthy of your support? 3. That you do your ihatc if you aand four children to Sunday School? Wc invite yon to worship wllh u. . ST. ANDREW'S CAfHEDRAL Church of England! , Very Kcv. J. It. Glbioii, Dean Organist 1'ctcr Ucn Choir Conduclor X J. Lancaster LivCKfeO LAST SHOU'INC.S TO.MGIIT Broadway's Danrint Favorite ' Hal LeRoy In in "HAROLD TKKH Harold. Llllum.s ai-their pals brought ..; , lous life With Guv Klbbcc. Palrlrla iMh, Rochfllr Hudson Once Only Starting 8 "a ll rLus l See First Natlon.il -ing college expose w ;, ; collefe graduate mnchot Tone, Jean Muir, .Margaret ljnday ,nn Ilrorak, Kom Alexandfr, Nick Foran '(Jcntlemcn Ale Horn' StarU 7 24 it 13 . AUn N'rU'S ami riirTuiu By Westover ". Lit iT j ',;". -xt. Cifc 'if. A PAfiTy KM iVAi HI MV MO TV h I TO CE JI i) nHIw'I ,lfau ' ' v. ng' 1 CANDY SPECIALS For the Week-End Thi h your chance to bay it rraucca prim CHOCOLATE BUDS 2 lbs. . . . LICORICE ALLSORTS- OI ' Country Quality 2 lbs 53c 53c MIXED CANDY- M-2 lbs. . ""I All large boxes of quality c -- , L a M . . iwr own iiuucca iu uc; i, to for your sweet heart or ' ChrUtmi Stocking and CbriUu4 Crackers Jiae o been nitni 10. tflUblefor pirt?, MUSSALLEH'S CONFECTIONERY NEW kbYAL HOTEL J Zarrll) Projjiic' ; "A HOME AWAY llOMi; . IIOMK-fltates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold W-i'cr Prince Rupert. Be Phone 281 P.O. Box IM