Stop Thai Cokl ! Offer Two of Our Own Preparations Ormes Horehound and Honey . Pine, WiW Cherry att4 Ewcajyptae ( Mentholated Ai id eugh remedy for Uee c&fWren Price, 50 cents Ormes Special Cough Mixture rr has Itecome very pojmlar daring the ithI we fully recommend it to yew for , Colds awl Bronchial Affections. Price, 50 cents c change in the weather if causing manv . ..Mr. STOP THEM NOW! femes Ltd. Jit iotecr Drttfiffists vhr Kriall 8Ur LUMBER FOR SALE rr M $12.00 III V -JOINT, per M $25.00 ( ixlar lloat Iuni!x?r in All Sizes Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Hie Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED n Birch Wood Jackpinc Cedar Kindling i i 1 1 1 1 & m x ii m mw m m m DLAtlV tUU Trrptred Dilly Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HYDE TRANSFER Phone -580 -Phone Pembina, Jasper Egg & Lump Coal Furniture Moving I NION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamirs leave Prince Itupert tor Vancouver T-S S. CATALA EVTRY TUESDAY, liW KM Arriving Vancouver Thursday TS.s CAKDLNA EVUtlY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Amvinn Vancouver Monday ajn. "t t aUtimao fort tttmpsou. AUce Arm, Miyos, Bwart MO w ft information regarding all sailings and tickets at- SITIAL HOIND-TIUP FAKES TO VANCOUVLIl Q32.00 """"i Vu,w limit March 31st "KINCr. HUIr.KT niru'T, Ti.irH rmmm. MM g ? ,f your paper does not arrive, telephone the office THE DAILY fTEWS PAOETHRU Mr. and Mr. X. Fsbss sailed last night oft Hie Princess Ade Local News Notes laide for & vaesMea trip to VSn-otnrver. 11m and cawTBrte by rid-1 Yoa can rent a car at Walker's tnc m s? Tasfi -K easts tfee same. iu Jov u $li0 a day, pttu 7c. a i 'tfiirtMe. Ieh floonflrr and Soles a Vwsrd Ifctotne, !Iants float. (tf) JoMi Our nr. Wi 8m mHI Osts 1 Careens for a of John Carrie mercteg on the Mp te Vn- t the eft? pallee owsrt Ms wee fer rastkesuteat was a stranger and MM Lents Larwn, the weD iti kwktswl ftsbcraaa. A Bryastt maftMi by the Prta-Af4ao la ag er Bsrte- d where he wM Ma a Taunting party trwr. f aaaouver tor a trip tsnn tste (Kroner Oasud area. Casl C P Hasmsy aad Oapt. A ItolrtttriM offkescs of the Ctrrach Irtny frma Bagls, wtw an on a nenvsu imt of tads dttlrkaL, Batted om tit Prince John taat night tor Mass MUSTARD FOOT It AT II fixt'H Winter Colds Aclios ami I'ains Mutard batfai are ohtn life stttrt. Till a pail ua water $! yo Can bear iu add a tableipouof mi of Colma n't Muiard nucd to a thio pane. U rip rourvtlf up ira and toak your feet (or I f ininutea. Tbeo irtf arta! Kttp Thii Chart al a Remiadtr 1 cauMri mMtkn ' iiiiiii 1 rtm I r 1 1 m , o , ' COOIANS i). si. fl us lard ' It s ALL Pare Mmttsr"' Mr. and Mrs. James Farquhar. who have been spending th! week m town, left yesterday on thcr re turn to Surf Point. Miss Marie Balagno, who has! been spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs C. P. Balagno. sailed by the Princes? Adelaide last night to resume her sboaiee at St. Anne's Academy in I Victoria. Seraeani O. H Greenwood, chief tof the city detachment of the pro- vtaclal police, is seUcsting the cooperation of local motorists In cxrr-dalnc a maximum of care to avoid accidenU during the present spell of coasting weather when the streets are in so general use by the children lor sleighing FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not tin correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC T. W. Han, inspector, of sefaoote Bed teat night on the ss. Prince John tor a ten-day v to various Queen Charlotte 14tt$ potnu on official duties. Mba E. JetaHMb, wiso has been spending the ChrtHrdas and New Tite Lmh Larea wa was Used i Tear season risitrng Xt iter home here, sailed by the Garden this morning on hrr rettm to C S. OfaoU sailed by the Prinrem Hrtt tsteht tJ t-i sume his stadias at the Univerattr of British ColaaWa in Vaneowcet Janus It MP-hH! ya!kd bv Cardenr this morning1 off his FOR SALE Mrs 8. Woods of Sandsplt. who, has been a visitor in the efty Tor the put rnpV & weeks, rffied byj?- aterwwn Hie Prince Jotm last night on her vetum to the Qeen Cfea&aUf Is land. 4 thei re- .silent the Chriftma' and New I Year holiday season visltina here. Sar. Mrich-.J and two children, iwfao are the giefVs r Mrs Mi'w-irJiellT parents. Mr. ard.Mrs. C T. Kewp. Bhth : be here for !onfer Avenu1 West, willj a couple of weeks' Want Ads FRBSH Flounders and Sdle for sale en Helen IL. Cow Bay. U FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms 141 Second Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf FOR RENT Modern six-room house. 32S Fourt'i Avenue West, ( (5) MODERN House to rent, 4 rooms, bathroom, basement and large atUc. Close to town. Phone Green 548 or write Box 102. (tf) FOR SALE OR RENT Black 82. 7 MALE HELP WANTED A LESSON Irom the depression-Be a Civil Servant -Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Booklet "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. CM! Service School. Win nipeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay Torn! Kataajraraa sail! b Prince John last night on bit tail to AUi Inkt alter barring ?mt tft Chrtttmas and New Year holiday season visiting la the cttviwwhre- latsvos. Jaok Oade, too of Or. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, sailed by the Prfaice Adelaide last night to resume hrtrJ R. R. Benson retamed to the stadles at the University of British stty on the Princess Adelaide yes- Oohunbia after haying spent the terday aftcrnooa Jrom a two 1 Christmas and New Year vacation weeks trip to Vancouver and time-! season at his home here Where m the sooth. Mrs. Benaani Will be returning la tec Miss Beanor Woodruff, daughter 'of Oeorge Woodruff, deputy collec- Mias Mary Dowtber. who has tor of customs at "Ketchikan, was a been apaodtag the Christsna aoa passenger aboard the Pruicess 4ew Year holiday season visiting Norah yesterday going through to here with her mother, Mrs. Robert Seattle after a visit at her home to DowCbet, -sailed by the Cwdena Ketcrttan Miss Woodruff recently this morning on her jetara so Ven- ( -graduated as a nurse in 8-attle. eoaver. Oscar Pulton, alter spending the Miss J. M. WhitlSW. after hsyvtag lOiriataiaa and Nra Var holirfavc spent the Christma- and New Yr vtntlng here with his parent. Mr holiday season viaiUng at her home and Mrs W. O Pulton, sailed by -iie ThongnOB. after speadiagj WilHam Moffatt, who has been the Christmas and Htv Year hU-' .pending the Christmas and New kiay season here with his pares. Year holida aeawm vtefttn here as Ulr and Mrs. James H. -Thompson, tke gswat of Mr. and Mrs. John R. saued try the Princer Adelalae iMt MMeheil. Atila Avenue. Westvtew. night to reasaae bis atadiw at the bj. prtne- fforah yester-Unlveratty of British Columbia in;i, w vatteower nf Vmncouver. i 4 wn cntef mginttr c I P. R. coasting steamers and has Roger Obata. after spending the won m th t ts vv, Christina, and Neit Ygar bomtay ;aBd m Yukoa irmiroi rarrr wirn nil nvrvnia. Mr. and Mrs Opportunities in Radio, Aviation, Electronics New practical home-study Courses tare available. Many advantaces to alaidviflff Vt.fl fin a rmmvl Pana. W ttm tn V- nmuvr it'mr hotrlnr .. . ... . ' unn m i li Ml. .v 1 1 LP- irir I 5-ROOM modern House. Phone! We start you. Tire Canadian ICftiQcrgarten InsUtue, Winnipeg. UP TO $150 EACH PAID FOR CA- i NADIAN COINS. We buy all dabes previous to 1000. Send 25c. for' complete 19S5 Coin Guide and Catalogue showing prices we pay for Canadian. American, and Foreign Coins, tokens, stamps, currency, etc. Hub Coin Shop. 113 N. Forsythe. Samla. Ont. 5 PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Papcrhunging Moller. Phone Red 802. full particu-1 a rs wrcnour onngation. to RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA (U'estern Branch) 3X9 West 3rd Ave.. Vancouver, B.C. Announcements Sons of Norway Masoieraoe 17. Oddfellows- Hall Presbyterian Burns' Tea Jan. 24. Moose Hall m mm i my Tonight Scotch Dance Starts 9 P-M. Mrs. Black's Orchestra Everybody welcome M-wimiiLiiimgimBSi My Policy For 1935 1. I buy used furniture and fell the same. 2. If there is nothing in stock that you want we will secure it for you. 3. First grade goods at cheap- est prices. New line of beds, carpets, linoleum and con-goleum. Happy New Year to all! D. ELIO Schingl Phone Green 4!1 Box No, J6 Still Buying Old Gold MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE USED GOODS Fawcett Range, like new Chesterfield Suite, gwd condition Two Living Room Chairs rhone 775 Third Ave. Prince Rupert W. 8. Brake, loaal sager ! ffcrward Lipsea Ltd., reUraed u the city on ftie Princess AdealO Trosa a trro to Vancouver, accompanied by his ton, "ready. Mrs. 'Drake wui b' rewrnmg to the Ky later. '' Adotf Bernec, fteld anrvisor of the SoDders' Settlement Beard of Canada wtth headktuartera at Tel- kva, arrived in the ctty on Thnn- i day night's train from the interior . and salted last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. : The Prince Rupert Boys' Band was out on New Year's Day under Bandmaster Robert Greenfield, playing at the Prince Roper General Hospital and at various points Ion the city street. The public re sponded well to the ooUectior. boxes. George D. BeaUle, well knoTa Queen Charlotte City druggist andj general merchant, wha has been', on a trip to Vane o ver and Vle-j tcoa, arrived In the city Irom the, soath on the Princess Adelaide! yesterday afternoon .and sae& bvi the Prince John last night on his return to the Islands. i at ust saued the Cardeau this the Primes Adelaide mat night on " Lw. , mornin tor Vanuir u. ?Z lPltocs AdeHe A j-esterday tr. r after - - 's9 itwi si iv fsuiwurci w i TTrmirr come in irom uax en Thursday ,btt atudtes at the trnlrerstty of raghts train. Brttish Cohsnbia PrMea4 ConstaMe H. M. Vic- i t kert arrived t the dry on shel Irom Reveloioke and jmcec- 4ded later hi Che afternoon by train 1 ri5 K XT II KjJbT I Snwthers where he is to be 5ta- tkmed m pace of Constable VU1- coJm Martin, who is being trara-1 f erred to Kew Denver. Constable! and Mrs Martin and family uf!1 ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Give Your Child on Unknown Remedy to Take Every day. unthinkingly, mothers take the advice f untrosiihetl persons tiMiead of their dor tors" -wo remedies for their children. If they knew wttat the srieotiKts know, they wotftd necer lake this chance. Doctor Say rillLUPS For Your Child When it comes to the frequently-used "tsffk f massesi," doctors, for over 59 years, have said "PHILLIPS . Mrikof Maaneaia the safe remedy.: for your child. Remember this And Always Say 'Phillips' " When You liuy. Your ebttd deera K: for tourotra peace of Bind, see that yon net it Gen-aiae Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Also in TalIvt rnmx MSkurf Mhmu Talv M r no ari aU- M al drug ttiwnii)lm nr . tal let theiui-ii!.-n' ot a II imwTiil mi (aiv 3t . mne Phiflips Milt, al PHILLIPS, 0k Joave lot the Slocan town via Jasper -at Skagway . and Mrs MnlvthlH wcts and Kaxnloops folicwlng the arrival .passengers aboard the Princess? of Constable Tickers at Smithers. W. J. Mulvihill. chief dispatcher for '.he Yukor. and White Pass Railway Norah yesterday going through for . a holiday trip to SeatUe and elsewhere In the south. McCLARY RANGES Ideal for any home. Marvellous for baking and cooking. Beautifully finished In full porcelain enamel. Also obtainable in plain black with tucket trim. The range you've been locking for! Gordons Hardware Phone 311 McBride St ANY DEBTS OWING TO G0LDBL00M by trappers will not be collected until after fishing. Send your furs to him. He guarantees top prices. Goods kept till we hear from you. If price not satisfactory return money and we will return goods. Bulkley Valley Coal More Heat Less Ash Sootless P i i - aj M I It comes from Prince Rupert's back door. Ask your 1 dealer for it By test the best on this market A SATISFIED CUSTOMER -Sln our coal ycull Tp2 -find trwhavt. T1. 1 . .Ill . V iFCki mil mant is the best advertisement any firm can have. Wc do our best to supply sV7kr . wJ4. vou with the most suit- ij&SSv. able coal for your re- fiuiremenls. When in doubt play trumps. Phone Us 651 - 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. a 3 f-SJ i. t Al it -rT t VI fit "Ml r. a:: i , :!!! ? I l , .!. '! " .. i -I r. i JSJ