TRAGEDY BY FIRE : iUltlitwin Father and T Children DeadMother and ' 51 i When In Critical CWltln nisHLAKE.8iik,Jan.3: CP- I'ru'ii Bother, aged SO. nit ten i Mr nid Mtn and young baby were t n.'f. to death wncn their farm I jmc wm dchiyed by lire Thuri-i n;ght rBe1fe and six other 1 m, arc In a serious condition. Tlnrflrc was rauswTby a tan of rue: ..e leaking and spreading '..t ; throughout the house after rn explosion occurred. Today's Stocks 'neoutcr ndrta. .011k. IV nrw. J). D ( Nickel, .47. MiMouri, M. Di .:un. 25. Hi., 'rtne,' 11JM. n n tons. .05 fc. iJ R x. oold. .iofc. Dnttonla, .40. Dunwell, .18. 0uia River, .OOli. Ookor.da. JO. , jV " 1 Olunrr Creek, JH, Orange. .20, H. r ulea. J1. Indian, .01. Mmto. JOtfc. '-t.' Mrridlan. .14. v ' ; ' National Silver. .04. , N blr Five, .00 ii. P- nd Oreille, .52. lifter Idaho, .08. Pfomler. U3. Reward. .04. no. 1.20, , P'ivrrCrct,.bl?i. & R imon Oold, .10. T lor Bridge, .25. W.iyslde. .00. , Whitewater, .04 ft. Waverly Tangier, .00. United Empire, .10. Toronto Antral Patrick j.8. C hlbougamau, .00,. lc Gold, .04. Granada. .14. tcr. Nickel, 21.70. toacassa, 2,62. Norando, 34.75. Rlcrrltt, .00. 'wo. 2.0av Ventures, 1.00. I alec Maron, c04, T(,fk Uu?hcs,4.'0'l. Sudbury Da l,i7j. ' Columnrlo, .h, fr- J Rmcltcr Oold, .15Vi.'' Little Long Lac, 7.13. Astoria Rouyn. .02 ti. Stadacona, .17. Maple LMf, ,10',;. ricklb Crow,. 2.38. Min. & Eastern la. sn Antonfo, 4.05. Sjlvanlte, 2.48. I Ob Dread Malady Takes Three Thousand Arc Dead so Far and Infection Continues To Spread With Quarter of Million Affected Women . And Children Principal Victims j COLOMBO, Ceylon, Jan. 5: (CP) Nearly three thou-' sand deaths in a dread malaria scourge were reported to-:day from a single district surrounding Kegalle in the southern section of Ceylon. are among the victims and" spread. It is stated that some nave oen sincsen wnn a panicu- larly high death rt among wo men. The scourge has been raging since early December and has been caused by excessive drought More Landing . Fields Under Consideration WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan 3:- The Public Works Administration la considering plans for the expenditure of a million dollars In providing forty-nine new airplane tending fields at various Alaska points. The program would double the present number of landing fields in Alaska. Luther League Active Again Concert and Social Last Night Was Enjoyed by Large Crowd The Luther League of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held an enjoyable concert and social last night with a largft crowd In attendance. The evening's program Included the stating of 'O Canada," remarks by B. M. Simpson; vocal solo by Mrs. uajtiM were due to drunken driving. ' a. Dybhavn. accompanied by Peter j iLlen; songs by Chris Fossum andffkl 1 f -i.. Crtnt I Edward Lldseth with guitar accom- j flQ OUHiry dOCCC! ipanimem oy iwiy ruuiii, ym.iu . i i ,i r .tV ana nnrl Xiit fcier.uen nr T 1am duets by Blorg Lutn play. "SanU Claus at the Bar of .Justice." Mrs. Hans Underdahl pre-j sided. j There was singing and marching i around the Christmas Tree and re-!frnhmnu were served with Mrs. Chris Jensen and Mrs. Anna John-sen In charge. Music for the social evening was by Julius Welle. A. j Dybhavn presided at the door. Second Half Of Basketball To , Start Shortly At a meeting of the executive of tho Prince Rupert Basketball Association last night matters were taken up preliminary to the opening of the second half of the season on January 14. ' j The Prince Rupert Oyro Club will . Km nt the renular: next Wednesday. ! klv luncheon fTj Jabour and C. E. Statr arc nq- j es for president. Southern of Dry Spell, i A thousand young children the infection is continuing to, quarter of a million persons I Los Angeles I Is Flooded After Rain LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5: (CP) Rainfall ap- proaching cloudburst proportions Struck Southern California this morning. Downtown areas of Los Angeles are flooded and telephone service is disor-ganfced Many Fatalities In Celebrating New Year Season LOS ANGELES. Jan. 5: Seven tccn deaths and, many Injuries were attributed to New Year celebration ( hilarity here. A number of the cas- ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Birmingham 0, Stoke 0. Derby 1. Aston Villa 1. Leeds 5. Blackburn 1. Leicester 1. Chelsea 0. Liverpool 0, Arsenal 2. Portsmouth 1. Orlmsby 0. Preston North End 2, Evcrton 2. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Manchester City 0. Sunderland .0, Wolverhampton 0. Tottenham Hotspurs 0, lluddcrs-flcld Town 0. West nromwich. Albion 6, Middlesbrough 3. SCOTTISfl LEAGUE , First Division Aberdeen 2, Hibernians 0. Albion Uovprs 8. Ayr Uriltcd 0. ClyQ 5, St. Mlrrcn 2. Hamljton Academicals 1. Falkirk Hearts 6, Dunfermline 1. Kilmarnock 0, Airdrlconlans 0. Quccn's'Park li Motherwell 1. Queen of South 3,. rariicK Tnistie 4. . - . . .' , f ! Rangers 3, Dundee 1- SU' Johnstone 0, Celtic 1. Tells of Mysterious Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Itiipcrt Cloudy, light sou-i High 2:11 ajn. 20.5 ft. ly wlhd: barometer. 30.01; tcm-. 13:53 p.m. 23.3 ft. mturc, 43; sea smooth. Low 3:00 ajn. 6.7 ft. 20:38 pjn. 0.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ...i j XXV.. NO. 1 V PRINCE RUPERT, B.q, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1985 PRIM: HVE CEN18 i n MALARIA SCOURGE KILLS THOUSANDS MANY FRESH PROMISES ARE MADE BY CANADA'S PREMIER Epidemic of Huge Toll of Life in Ceylon As Result ArrlU Luizenberg, attractive Oi-rman lr! who dessribed a mysterious John, friend of Bruno Hauptmann suspected Lindbsrgh ransom receiver, to the author) us is shown as she left Th Bronx county court house BAR ASS'N AROUSED Inquiry of Magistrates' Dismisal With Possible Reinstatement Is Asked VANCOUVER.- Jan. S: (CP The Vancouver Bar Association last night requested the reinstatements of W. M. .McKay and Findiay as police magistrates If the Attorney General finds, after an inquiry, that there was no cause for their dismissaL The liar Association also condemned the system which re-n u Ires a nolice maeistrate and I county court judge to sit on the police commission. ! Saw Game As Alabama Wins Over Stanford Walter Johnson, secretary of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, who Is holidaylnj In California, attended the annual New Year's Day football classic at the I Rose Bowl in Pasadena when Ala bama came through with the expected victory, defeating Stanford by the desclstve score of 29 to 13. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Snowing, northeast !wlnd. temperature, 14. Anyox Snowing, oalm. 25. Stewart Snowing, calm. 22. Hazclton Snowing, blowing, blizzard. 12. Smlthers Snowlns. calm. cold. Burns Lake Snowing, blowing, zero, I Joseph White rof Port Simpson ,was broucrht'to the clty yesterday .afternoon by"" Dominion Constable a. J. Watklnson to serve a .term 0f thirty days' imprisonment im- .posed upon him at Port Simpson for being In possession of liquor 'on the Indian Reserve. Hauptmann Friend OFFICERS INSTALLED ' Gunnar Selvig, President, and New Leaders of Sons of Norway Assume Duties Gunnar Selvlg. president, and' other officers of the local Sons of! Norway Lodge for the year 1935 were Installed at a meeUng Thurs- !day night, the meeting j being fol- lowed by a concert program and so-! cial hour which proved most enjoy-jable to all present. Refreshments 'were served and Gunnar Selvlg presided over the program. Ole Skog was installing officer land the new officers are as follows: President, Gunnar Selvlg.. Vice-President, Mrs. Hans Under-idahl. Secretary, Mrs. Herman LUand. Assistant Secretary. Mrs. 'Ch'rls Jensen. j Financial Secretary, John Stor-seth. Judge, Oscar Haveroy. , . Regent, Mrs. John GJerstadr Treasurer. Mrs. A. Wick. Trustee, Hans Knutsen. Marshals, Mrs. Anton Dybhavn ! and Elias Skog. s ! Inner Guard. John Fredhetni. Outer Guard. Peter Nornes". . Veterans' Bonus Payment Refused i MJJ Rv II U. U S - PvPlrlAVlf- lOlUClll WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 5:. In a one-thousand word message to the American Legion. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gae a de- finite "no" to demands for payment in full of veterans bonuses. The onus ngni win. unaouoteaiy, oe brought upon the floor of Congress . at Hie present session. " ueiayea by a connection irom tne east, tonight's train, due at 10:5, Is reported to be three hourjate which will bring It hi at 1:15 a 'm. New Reform Policy Is Further Discussed In Second Radio Address Contributory Unemployment Insurance, Remodelled Old Age Pensions, Health, Sickness.and Accident Insurance and Income Tax Revision Included in Government Program OTTAWA, Jan. o: (CP) Contributory unemployment insurance, remodelled old age pension scheme, health, sickness and accident insurance, amended income tax laws to correct inequalities in wealth distribution, minimum wage laws and maximum hours of work and further legislation ln the Interests of fanners were 'PASSES IN VANCOUVER Julius B. Miller. Well Known Mer- Chant, Dies lUd Interesting - career. vj After ah Illness whlchr had ex-! tended over a period of some three years. Julius Benjamin Miller, well ; known Prince Rupert clothing mer chant, passed away Thursday night ' In Vancouver where hie had been! receiving treatment for the past i month and a half. While it was 1 realized that his condition was noticandiHate in the field for Skeena good, his death, however, comes as a shock to many local friends and I acquaintances. The funeral will dates. It Is understood, has been ake place In Vancouver with ere-' submitted to the provincial execu-matlon. jtlve for approval and the date for Born in Moscow. Russia, sixty- the- nominating convenUon has " I 'i: . J. . 71"-;: ctaiu v its wtikuivtit u mi vunj age and first resided in the United No move ha yet been made by States, having married In Phlladel- the Conservative party to place a phia. He later moved to Canada and candidate In the field, thirty years ago was located at : So far olof Hanson M.P.. Liberal. Chilllwack where he engaged for'U tne only candidate to be nomina-some ted- time in cattle buying for P. Burns Co. Ltd. From Chilllwack he , went to Montreal and entered bust-' ness there, operating several large; clothing stores. He became promin-; ent in charitable work in Montreal and was prominently Identified with ; the establishment in that city of the ! Hebrew Maternity Hospital and anjT orphan asylum. For some years he was president of the Hebrew Mater-1 nity Hospital. He was also one of the originators of the Jewish General Hospital which opened a splen did new hospital in Montreal a few months ago.. Eight years ago Mr. Miller came to Prince Rupert from Montreal and had been In, business here since. The late Mr. Miller served with the Canadian forces in South Africa during the Boer War. He had tra-i veiled extensively during his Ufe-j Ume. visiting many European coun-j tries, Palestine, Egypt and Canada and the United States, He was a member of the Masonic itaft and was intimately acquainted n- many of the business and in Atrial eader both of Canada and the United States. A widower, the late Mr. Miller is survived by one son. John Miller of Montreal, and three daughters. Mrs. Ruth Vinebcrg of Montreal. Mrs. Betty Meyer of Montreal and Miss Libby Miller of Prince Rupert, ere are aiso iuur gr.uiucjjnaren. S. A. Vlneberg of Montreal Mr. . Miller's son-ln-law. Is at present on this coast and left for Vancouver Thursday night. He will attend the funeral and will probably be back here later to take charge of Mr. Miller's local business Interests, promised by Prime Minister R. B. Bennett as part of his new reform policy in an address last night. The Premier was heard for the second time this week on a nation-wide radio hook-up. f f IAT m0 J , IPj CONTEST Third Party Expected to Oppose Return of Oiof Hanson to Parliament Convention Soon As far as can be learned. It is the IntenUon of the Co-operative Corn- monwealth Federation to have a riding In the forthcoming federal elecUon. A list of prospecUve candi- been tentatively set Jbut not vet nub. 'ilelr announced. OFFICERS FOR MOOSE LEGION O. Morgan Elected Great North Moose For 1935 at Meeting Last Night Prince Rupert Legion of tho Moose last night elected officers for 1935 as follows: Great North Moose, T. O. Morgan. South Moose. Ted Rorvlk. East Moose, W. B. McCallum. West Moose, Richard Long. Herder. Fred Scadden. Treasurer, Alois Ohnesprg. Guiding Moose, A. K. Nelson. Custodian, J. L. Blaln. Argus, William Gray. Local Girls Are Candidates For Carnival Queen Misses Ingar Murvold and Thora sveinson are local candidates for the Queen of the Smlthers Ski carnival to be held in February ai Smlthers. The winner will receive a free trip from here to .the Carnival where they will compete with re- presentatlves from various inter- lor points between here and Sml- thers for the honor o(,being crown- j ed Queen of the Carnival. Y3