PAGE TWO STtUA ARCH Shoes for Women e have just unpacked, these new, lines featuring Nes Gore rumps and Straps, at a price giving: real service Ot r? A and comfort Our new fall shipment of Rubber Footwear is now on' hand. Also new Back to School Shoes for the modern miss. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Trans ent display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion uuuii leaaers, per insertion, per line Advertising- and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION u Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. POLLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES PoMi- by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance .. $5H For less ' periods, paid in, advance, per week iin mTh ! v- Unmti Columbia, the British Empire and umiea mates, paid In advanrp . 98 86 3.0(-9,00 1.10 .02 2i Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1935 BAD FEATURE OF ELECTION nXnSfttV3'? fGatVres of the Present Section campaign is the tendency in some places to interrupt the speakers and not.allow them to explain the policies which they are trying to place before the electors: It is usually T--0.. v..wItco wucji buuh lhcucs areiounn necessai'y In Vancouver Premier Hepburn of Ontario came out to give his-views of the federal situation. A few people who object to any policy except their own that seems likely to prove successful interrupted to such an extent nlS WhM Tv.nt t0 hear Mr- .Hepburn Were unable ?3p?i y they Were 'able rad a Potl port of w his speech on the m newspapers n6xt day. rnWfn?GSvn ? be ne f the best and OSt coioriul political snpnlcprs m tViQ ro,;; .i .-i. . Svw1!6. RPert where r."" lie woum. nave Deen given a good hearintr l nnce Kunert niifHpnroc koir u :n. . b,' -"j-wo iio.c uuv uecii 01 tlie e ' yuiiiy DaU taste of jeering a visitor, matter no on what errand he "' " eume. mey usually listen carefully to all speakers and express appreciation or otherwise at the close It IS Jl SlfTTI AT int nil? renins ' , SOCIAL CREDIT SPREADING LnnnSLSM.4?- spreading. British Columbia ; fv.- B ,eme plan- 10 Put candidates in the VcJU in tnis nrovince hut. wp rln . to be included. It also seems unlikely that the Stevens " , vH1,uluaic ucic au me issue?, win not be as much confused as otherwise might have been the case With only a month to go there is scarcely time for a new candidate now to cover the riding, however active he may So far as can be seen today it is to be a straight three- nll,l,BII'''","'mHTiiiiiimimiiB ' week! Hiursday-Friday-Satnrday McCUTCHEON'S BRVG r STORE y TRU-PHir ! I SPORT CUBS BEAT Browns NEW YORK two games still dividing them, Chicago Cubs and St Louis Cardinals drew away from the New York Giants in the National League pennant rice yesterday. The Cubs easily took a serlcr opener from the Glant here while the Car dinals were' winning a pitchers' National League Boston 3, Pittsburg- 5. Philadelphia 2, Cincinnati 3. New York 3, Chicago 8. Brooklyn 0, St. Louis 1. Baseball Standings American League W. L. Detroit - 90 49 New York 80 58 Cleveland . 12 69 Boston ...71 71 Chicago 69 70 Washington ...61 79 St, Louis 59 80 Philadelphia 55 81 National League : W. L. Chicago 92 52 St. Louis RR R9 New York 84 .w Pittsburg si si? Cincinnati m 80 Brooklyn 61 77 Priiladelphia 5S 81 Boston 34 104 Pet .648 .580 .500 .496 .436 .425 .404 Pet. .639 .629 .613 .561 .444 .442 .417 .246 Baseball Scores International League Play-offs Montreal 3, Buffalo 0, Syracuse 5, Newavk 2. Orillia Terriers Ontario Champs Successfully Defend Lacrosse Title And Advance to Mann Cup Playdowhs ' TORONTO, Sept. 17: Orillia Terriers successfully defended their title ai champions of the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association in a sudden death final with Burlington Beavers, winning bv a score nf 11 to 8 and advancing to the Mann Cup playdowns. New Speed Mark For Amphibians Former Russian Ale hriv nia t Plane at Rate of 239.63 Miles Per Hour at Detroit Detroit, September 17 Malnr a P. de Seversky, former Russian was ace, drove his 710 h.n. amnhihinn plane to a new world's speed record here when he was officially clocked at 230.03 miles Der hrmr over a three-kilometre course. OllUUlO, THE DAILY NEWS INTRODUCING a "DR. VERSIER'S" 1 General Johnson Resigns From His Post in New York NEW YORK, Sept. 17: General Hugh S. Johnson, former director of the National Recovery Act. has presented to President Franklin D. ,i . . . uuuseveu nis resignation as public WOrkS admlnixirntnr tnr Mpt Vnrlr Giants Fall Back irr Pennant Race the resignation to become effective As Chicago and St. Lams . next month. Cardinals Win CHICAGO, Sept. 17: (CP) With Exploration Of Taku Glacier Valuable Information Obtained By Father Hubbard as Result Of Investigations JUNEAU, Sept. 17: IT.-nitU Father Hub- battle from the Rronklvn nnrtopr, . Dam of; Satna Clara. Cal., "padre at St. Loni,. Tt. Pnr n, ,-. nineteenth victory of the season ?I thC g fT"" re after hav" which, with 26 for his brother Je- 17 " mInuw exPlor- tome, made the 45 promised by Z u " Uldt:cr- nDs oi Dizzy." nuDoaras party were low- The : I. 01 Ie lnt0 CTeTices Giants are now four and a half games behind the leading "T ' ' temPerature Cubs and two and. a half games an,dmake ihet studles- below the second place Cardinals. VaIUa"? sclU"c Information in The Reds,, by defeating the Phillies 10 gIaclal formaon and In 11 innings at Cincinnati, moved J T Vather Into leadership of the second dl.:Hubbard states. vision ahead of the Brooklvn1 Dodgers. j Iri the American League. the! Detroit? Tigers . defeated the Red I Sox at Boston to boost their mar- 1 gin of leadership to nine and a I half games over the New York' Giants who lost to the St. LonL! Aged Senator And His Young Bride At Kansas City ington. High Schools In Alberta Expected To Re open Soon EDMONTON, Soot. 17: Hieh Schools In Edmonton and Calgary, closed on account.' nf th Dame Rumor Talks Of Janet Gaynor Tongues Wag When Diminutive Screen Actress is Met by Moulder Dam Contractor SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17 : Back from, a trip to Hawaii, Janet Gaynor, diminutive movie star, was met by Harold Ariderson. ... mWt tti'- icpuris OI a romance between the two. Greece to Vote Soon on Return Of King George Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUK SERVICE Proprietors Hert Morgan & Bud Barrl- Don't forget the number 15G CONSERVATIVE PARTY BROADCAST) TONIGHT, 9 to 9:30 p.m. Gathering of U. C. Catholics In Cleveland CLEVELAND, Ohio, Sept. 17: lAP) Most Rev. Amleto G. Clcog nam, apostolic delegate, will use an ornamented golden chalice, rich in artistry and rellclous import, In a midnight mass at the seventh national Eucharlstlr congress here September 23-26. It Is the chalice with which Francis de Salos (1567-1622), bi shop of Geneva, celebrated the sacrifice of the mass. The sacred vessel is embossed with cherubic heads and ecclesiastical symbols. Mademoiselle Pance. first of the whose manaeer Rotr,, sisiernooa Known as the Ladies of Hornsby, it was announced during' KANSAS v September 17 - the Sacred Heart to -migrate to the day had received another year's '? thelr- way alr to Callfofnla Cleveland from her native France. contract contract with with Dav pay irrrpfP Increase. rueie wm resme, Senator orougni me cnance to America Yesterday's Big League scores: American League Chicago 8, Washington 1. Cleveland 8, Philadelphia 5. St. Louis 5, New York 2. Detroit 5, Boston 2. :WiIliam Gibbi McAdoo. aged 71, many years ago. It Is the property and his 26-year old bride, the ol the order. former Doris Cross, were here last Monsignor piego Venini, private uigjn niec were marned at Wash- secretary t.n Prm Plus vt ni Unti .1 - r"- vw VVtAA bring another precious chalice to the congress, a personal gift from the pope, which will be used by members of the hierarchy at solemn pontifical masses during the three-day gathering Impressive Settings The settings for the pageantry, mysticism and symbolism of Catholic ceremony will be the city's public hall and the adjoining underground exhibition hall, with a total seating capacity of -iiuviuiv .-f.v.v ui ucai nearly ijf 30,- our- of Infantile paralysis, are expected 000 together with the Lakeside sta tu icujjui waiiin ;ne next week uiu". im a capacity or approxl-but no move has vet been mari mately 100,000. 511 1 towards reopening the elementary "uuu' oi inousanas are expected to participate; prelates, monsignori, missionaries, nuns and brothers, laity from every diocese In the nation pilgrims all before the Eucharlstlc monstrance enthroning the leaven wafer "now bread no longer." One hundred and twenty altars one for each of the dioceses under the United States flag are un-der construction. These will tell chronologically the American story of Catholicity from he founding of the first diocese at San Juan Puerto Rico, in 1511 Clergy from 1 "'wviiiva win rp Profit Taking In Stock Mart trailing Accelerated in New York-Hut Prices are Forced Down Metals Unchanged qTi. NEVV Y0RK' September 17 ATHENS xt u - 2 Senas' ti'SSTE mh;roenWtheagNt pleblsclte on the return of th. nhl l,f.Trk St.ock Ex" monarchy to Greece. The plebiscite SrrVgX "TI mar pave the way for the return to trend was downward. The turnover the throne of Former Klni? nPnr7 Tnr tha , who Is now n Enelanrt. rindnrt ' . , . hn!iles- been dennsoH . " - ' : "'"'B 7" ",cl"e" creA wuriali, -r ..k,GU j,crti ugu.. ioo.oj, on .ba rails. 36.75. nff en. .. utilities, 26.48 off .23. and bonria BOWLING CALLED OFF 96.66, off .06: Sliver, copper a"nd Owing to wet erminris: t.h. ,4,- .V. "'iV . bowline tn.,m; " u ZlZ. I "clc today ..mwhuii, wmtii was num yesteraay Dlanned tnr tvu o,.j.. u. ... v.., ouiiuttjr uciween larawn rinks was called off and ii ununeiy mat there wUl be fur-ter organized lawn bowling activity here this season. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George -;- 10:30 p.m. Frljfnvu P Arlalnl1 in Ss. Cardena midnight terday- oaiuraay ss. Prince Rupert . 10:30 p.m. September 6, 15 and 25 5 p.m From Vancouver- Sunday ss. Catala 4 n.m wea. ss. rr. ueorge ..t. 10 a.m Friday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide ....4 p xn. Ss. Cardena ,. pin Sept. 11, 21 and 30 8jn! TUESDAY, SEPT. 17 DR. FRANK P. PAHERSON President. President, B.C. Ti (T Conservative Association CJOR CRCV CFJC CKOV CJAT Vancouver Vancouver Kamloops Kelowna mfnt i niPT CONGRESSj Aubrey Ivafson, son of Mr. andi ii.-.i.,.:. r,.iu. wut k ,IMrs. Jack Ivarson. arrived In tta VI V UIINIVI V 114 UV JZT A 4 . ' , William Patmore sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he wllL take up" postgraduate work; In peolotrV nt thp University of British' Columbia. Tom Lee Co. was fined $5 in city police court this nwrhlng bv Ma glstrate McClymont for operating a motorvehicle wlthont a light after having been warned a number of times, Harry Fowler, who formerly on- erated the Anyox-Alice Arm ferry boat Awake and who is now located In Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon; returning to Vancouver after a week's visit to Alice Arm. tyrn to Vancouver. Arthur E. Key, manager of the Premier Gold Mining Co.'s general store at Premier, was a passenger aboard the Catrtla this afterrioon going through on a combined business and holiday trip to Vancou ver, accompanied by Mrs. Key. Albert Farrow, steamboat In spector, after havl"? spent several days here In connection with tho steamer Prince John, which Is un- aergomg annual overhaul at the lecal dry dock, salled'by the Catala this afternoon on his return tn Vancouver. Today's Weather uurns LaKe-Part cloudy, calm, I 44. 'New' Money For Public Works Is Sought by Laboi "uon, un;., delegates.. WARM IN 'FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO. r oan Francisco i hciir,m i tlonally warm weather for this time of year, temperature- of 89 above havlnc bppn rmiHut - I 1 C N. R. Trains For the EastL Mondays, Wednpsda'yjf1 and Frl- days - 8'p.m 'rom the Kast Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- Trail CHWK fchilliwack LOCAL NEWS liMOONEY IS confide Jcity on the Catala this afternoon! famous Convict Leaves San M iirom rremier. im ror sart rranrisco to A. pear In Appeal Proceedinn SAN QUENTIN, Cal.. Sept 1:, contldetn that he will shored released, America s most 1 tuicv, 10m jwooney. :jhi under heavy guard yesterday tx !Sant Quentin I,enit-'nti;(r f Eil francisco- wnere Dabfas cmjjl piuccemngs on ru beniill t commence today in State Suprti Court. Mooney will aDner ini son before the court probabo tat I ing the stand in hk- own defew During the proceedings, tM may take from two weeki teil month, Mooney will be lodjcdjl the countv iall in s.m VrA r tMt.afe 1 within three blocks of Markets Stewart Streets, the scene ai a killings in the Preparedwa Di S. P. BnomtV: T.W Intnr P"3" 0n JUly 22' after having ti here Krtl 01 rwnlcn Moonpy rt the steamer Prince John, which Is ? " 10 . - w.v ,d , , . irrnrlsnnnwr' o. u.. local dry dock, sall"d by the Prince L,." ".3 JT 7 Rupert Saturday night on his re- " Z'Z ' v wuM WUUMU the courts, has never been &be to secure his liberty. This will be the fir.4 ocraaoji 011 J which a state court has consia- .ered Mooney's . gull or innocent in connection with the tncldetl when six persons were kLled aal four others fatally Injured as il result of the explosion of a to bomb. Trying to Head Off Coal Strike President Koosevelt Asks For 15- Day Extension of Present Wage Agreements ' NEW YORK. SBot 17 -Pre Dead Tree Point-Part clmirtv detri Franklin n nnntoit. ii i calm; barometer, 30.14; tempera- pealing for a lS-r'ry extension i ture, 46; sea smooth. j present wace cantrzrt ta orovidi Triple Island Cloudv. llirht further time for tianti:.tinni will southerly wind; barometer, an 14- a view to avert! a wnprai coal oMioom. mine str kp itrntnn am(m mm- Langara Island Part. , - v viuuuy, uvnuitllv A Jl -lit vwh. light southwest wind: mnWntv , mencemenf. nf tho etrtto u immta- r -mW w vnv ivi U seu- ent. Four previous attempts at -rracerart cloudy, calm. 50. settlement have failed and nego- Anyox Raining, calm, 50, tlatlons are still deadlocked. Thi oiewari Cloudy, calm, 49. ' employers have agreed to the ex- iiazeiton Cloudy, calrri, 47. ! tension of the wage agreement! oimmers n;rt cloudy, calm,. ' but will not agree to grant the de- mands of the mlneis Big Psychiatric Hospital Planned Institution Costing $2,500,000 to erected in Belllngham-Site And Plans Approved BELLlNniTAM Hnt n -A net I "f"FAX' Sept 17: (CP)-Im-! $200,000 psychlatfc hospital f "7lc issuance of "new" money . Bellingham Is assured Site ancj to finance public works Is ureed" plans havp hn onnrnvprf bv thi upon the federal government In a ! federal government. It will handll 'c"Jmuon presented at the annual 1 natients. itnm Ai.cVn and tM Convention Of thp Trartoc nnA T innV,..... .i....' U1 congress or Canada yesterday Primaries in New York Today May Be Very Violent ! NEW YORK, qept. 17;PcPaI precautions h.ivf. heen taken against violence today In mnJ" clpaj election m-inuries which ltf anticipated may ptove tne violent In years. NEW YORK COPPER PRICE ADVAM" Mew imn.. nr. CV)- nnmiitl. - j ( t1 DID aays - 10;20i p.m. cents' "per pound - yetterday.