FAGE f OUX The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ua EVERYTHING for Men and Women SATURDAY SPECIALS LADIES' FELT TAMS lor RAYON BLOUSETTES for RAYON HOSE 2 pairs SILK KNIT BLOOMERS for J. SILK KNIT PANTIES for MESH KNIT UNDERWEAR In pink and white, set 2 pair THE BREAKFAST PROBtEW 7 SZi I'M PVMIO RICI 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 5 BALLS REGENT KNITTING WOOL 4Qp Assorted colors : uK Dresses, Swagger Suits, Spring Coats, Blouses, Lingerie, Etc. All the latest designs at the lowest prices. MEN'S WINDBREAKERS COICT from up SATURDAY SPECIALS MEN'S TIES 2 for .. MEN'S CAPS for .... MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS for MEN'S BELTS for MEN'S SHIRTS AND SHORTS Complete ;. MEN'S SOCKS 2 pair MEN'S SUITS from . MEN'S SPRING COATS from MEN'S SWEATERS from MEN'S UNDERWEAR from T MOTHER. I :R GET TIRED PUFFED WHEAT" wheat" Ek&mmm hurrah' WEVE'SOLVED APPFTrTES don't lap with this exciting, crunch? breakfast of Quaker Puffed Wheat or Quaker Puffed Rice on the tabic Luscious, Dot-like flavour makes these whole grains, puffed 8 times normal sua, a real breakfast temptation. Watch youngsters go for their milk and suga-with a test with these tempting cereals and eat the breakfasts they ibould, without any urging Quaker PUFFED RICE-PUFFED WHEAT FRESH MILK AND Electric Steam I CREAM DAILY Massage Treatments ! VALENTIN DAIRY Mrs. Gammon j Phone 657 424 8th Ave. E Ph Green 219 - 1 J qUauty, A STEER BEEF Prime Rib, lb. 20c Round Bone, lb. ... 10c Cross Arm, lb. . 12c LAMB Legs, lb. 25c Shoulders, lb 15c Breast, lb gc 31c doz. A Grade EGGS In Cartons Pork Tenders OG I Diamond A " "ifiamn lb. 3 lbs. 74c COMET BUTTER Cottage Rolls lb. Beef Liver per lb. SWIFT'S 9fir I Picnic Hams lb. Fresh Killed 1 I Ox Hearts lb. 31c doz. 29c 3 lbs. 74c 22c 8c' FRESH WHIPPING CREAM. pint 20c LKeinembcr You Can Get it at the Sterling TRIPLE 49c 49c 79c 49c 49c 49c $7.98 up S9.95 5 $1.29 95c .MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE LTD. Third Avenue up up Prince Rupert KILLING Albert Farmer and Housekeeper Sialyl by Hired Man Who Then Takes His Own Life AMtSrt Alta.. Aug. 23: (CP) Samuel Seright. aged 75. prominent farmer near here, and his housekeeper. Miss Hilda Olsen. aged 20. were rhot and killed at their Bc-Tlght home Wednesday by David Larscn, 35-year old hired man, who ended hi own life after attempting to kill two other hired men. The wedding is announced of Miss Dorothy Morrison, formerly of the teaching staff In this city, to Harry Atkinson Gourlay of Vancouver, formerly of this city. They were married August 6. nsmzazaxmsMiM miata m an Visitors! WE WELCOME YOU! We extend to you an invitation to call and see us. Tl.ese specials are lor your convenience as well as our regular customers, MUSSALLEM'8 BUTTER First Orade, per lb. .. . PURE LARD l's 2 lbs. ELBERT A PEACHES per crate APRICOTS No. 1 quality. 16-lb. crate TOMATOES Hothouse per basket RUBBER RINGS per doz. CERTO per bottle NEW APPLES Transparent, 4 lbs. GREEN PEPPERS per lb 25c 25c $1.75 $1.45 29c 5c 29c 25c 20c Ask For Our Special Sale Sheets! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars tlave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 ffiKgVlffigffiasKggsji There is a Difference In MILK Prove it to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. TBI DULY KXW1 FV LOCAL NEWS Mrs. A. Pavllkis has Just received the sad news from England, that her father. John Sarris, passed away after an illness of six! months. ! D. McCorkindale. who has been on a holiday trip to his native home in Fort William, returned to the city on the Prince Adelaide this afternoon. Miss Sheila Blackstock. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W M. Blackstock, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. W E. Dtnning and son. John. returned to the city on last night's train after spending a few days at Terrace. Mr. Denning's cider son. Ted. returned from Terrace Tuesday night Wellington Beaton of the Georgia River Gold Mines Ltd. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert (today bound from Vancouver to ' Stewart on business in connection with his mining interests. : Mr and Mrs. Flank Dibb have received word that their daughter. Mrs. W. W Woods, and her daughter left New York today and ex-Ipect to arrive at Prince Rupert by I train Tuesday evening next j The Happy Six Orchestra of jHazelton had good turn-ouU at i their dances Wednesday and last j night In the Eagles' Hall The orchestra leaves on this evening's train for Smlthers. Last night ! there was a turn-out of 150. ! District Oame Warden T. Van Dyk of Prince Oeorge and 8. F. jFaherty. game warden from Pouce ! Coupe, arrived in the city from the interior on last night's train and , sailed this morning on the Princess t I Louise for Wrangell enroute to 1 j MrDames Creek to which point Mr 1 , Fahrrty is being transferred. JONES Family Market PHONE JIS7 PHONE 957 SATURDAY SPECIALS I Shoulder Veal. I 4 lbs. Shoulder Lamb i 4 lbs. : . ; Pot Roast of Beef j 6 lbs. I Corn Beef per lb Boil Beef. 3 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds .... Leg of Veal per lb. Rump Roast of Beef per lb. Shoulder Steak, 4 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Roasting Chicken per lb Legs of Lamb per lb. .. Round Steak 3 lbs. BaconBy the piece per lb. 50c 50c 50c 5c 25c 15c 15c 50c 25c 22c 50c 25c MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CHESTERFIELD SUITE Covered in combination tapestry, reverse cushions CJQQ Special J70 327 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J- Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" lUtes 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot 6i Cola Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 108 HOT? Cool off with Bubbling Refreshing p m f y aa aaaaaaai Tta SK Lars Tki , bn Urt 71 UtOilSmr LhM. Tmk M WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With 140 passengers. 1 IS of whom wen round trip tourists, on board. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt S. K. Gray arrived In port at 8:45 this morning from Vancouver and salted it n am for Skagway and other northern points whenoj! star wtil call here again next Wednesday afternoon southbound. Having among har passengers a number of local people returning borne after having sjwt the summer vacation in the aeutb, C N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived 1 port at 10 vclock this morning Iron Vaneou-'er. Powell lover ant) Ooeac Falls ind sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will retgrn hare to--nororw evening aouta bound. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt Anderson, Is due In 'if HOME GAS DISPLAY One of Interacting I loo tin at Silver Jubilee Carnival in Inhibition Building Hie display of Home Oas products and equipment at the Silver Jubilee Carnival at the Exhibition Building is one ol the interesting I booths at the show which Is caus j tng considerable comment among ! car and boat operators. j In addition to a straight display ' of company products such as gaso line, kerosene and grease, there have been arranged various novc. devices such as one lor making distillation tests; a calorimeter used to determine heat uniu WestphaJ balance, to determine density of fluids: cenetrometer tc Indicate consistency of lubricatlm greases; coioro mtr. to determine ' coior ox lubricating greases, und I visewneter to determine fluidity of ous at given temperatures. At the rear of the booth u a clever miniature stage arrange aent showing the Home Gas Opti mists, the company' popular group of radio antettalners A CENTENARIAN KNITTER LONDON. Aug. 3J CP Mrs Anne Maria Carpenter of Bpping. Is 103 years old and spends most of her time knitting. She won a knitting prize when 100. oort at 5 o'clock this evening from he south and will sail at 10 pm mi her return to Vancouver and waypotnts. gsatsKHB Rr' t n . rr.m wmmm tiini i i ' fvp7 FORESTS OF TOMORROW! Natural young grtli will rrMock rtitvrr Inml If ff re nre kept out. You can help protect Ui.e forotn of the future ... Ik; careful vi-ilh fire near tlire Z4inra. FLASH To all Radio Users of Prince Rupert and District Announcing the Opening of Our New loxiniiT .... 77" MATI.ML FUlpi;! ONEOFTHEGRU ilUKlfcS EVER ( u; 1 MARCH1 I AUG HICK fill S Oeorge H inderwent ... "he Prince R . s now makii arda recov . Radio Service Department Servicing done on AT T. mavpc m? wAnmc? n . , i Dnfr. T?TTT.T A nijpm,; ,lc,v sui wr. i W.. .VWUU kUUU I'. I" nil IM IX'I' K'fllll. ...111. 11 1, & . . instruments for servicintr vmir i-nrHn Thn iJ r " .1. .. ... 1 PLI VJWV 111 i:il.ll Mil trktlr mm mm M . I 1. n 1 r,-. ... nuin uairtuiuuu uuu UimrgeS lJUr UIKl beo our new Cathode-Ray Osci!l.irt latest flvplnnm j. v w mv Ik, VJ, f, yKV tories. A tmlv av.a 11V 111 bill. 1 JAI1IIIII IIHI 1S II 11111 1 lnttn vvl I III -iwvw w uiunv ci iwtui v u; t ' J voice. eMcuMw.JM Mail orders especially attended to ,,rnw' '