Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prt c,oudI'' prlnre RuPl - baiomrter. 29.60; temperature. 54; f mootb. B . . J t - 1 -.ll- mr - it ie n-nrc-'.:ve" alUwufh , .-. r;Viic of an official -it "V ' meeint Mint Mm Ml be ih' vie represen-J firatlvp Inter ii.-i'iW i. . be mUHnc. if the jr to retire as j-- i fT..r of her husband. o otcft Black former Speak- :f K m of Cwnmons. who 't i from a rerfnt &er- x. tMrh tt was tboutht t r ' neressUate hU rt-i I '-n rmbUc life. However. hi ' ti ve rf the rtdtnc an- , ;k 'iat now Mrs. niaek c brr uinttnv thre is no It " ' r.jke a thancc Harj jorie Whitej Popular Aciress Of Screen Dies H':lWfX)0. Aug 23 -Diml- t Majorle White, popular i raution p!cture star of Mr far standlnr died here as tr injuries sustained In f omnbile crath on Monday, rht w be remembered from dIc- k't whirh she played with Spirit-; rarrell. Janet Oaynor and 3 Brr-lt? she also had Important lf ; terrral nf Vrnir Dland'S fhaue Chan pictures. leill and Bush Visiting North Well Known Mining Men On Way id Stewart and Uk lr-.n.. u.,..i.j it.. Prince Kupen ncwii:iui, She jerta government was virtually task to which we have Deer caiica. wiped oet with b on survivor. We ask the people to place their Liberals ejected tw members while trust In HUn and remember our be Conservative won only a theme song: O Ood Our Help in tingle teat Premier Held and aU Age Past We ask the people to Ma muiiaters save Attorney Oen- have patience with us after we as-eral Lymburn in Edmonton, met aume the reins of office. Fear not defeat. Liberal Leafer W R. How- Thank you." Reld. head of the Unl on was elected in Edmonton. Premier Latest returns Indicate the new ted Farmer of Alberta government !twture rr gj mU will be com- .Innounced. after his defeat be- meed as follows: Bociai CndH. 69 Liberate 2. United Fannera-of Albeta, 1. ConservaUves. 1. There may be some aMht change In the standing with the completed count Up to 1 o'clock thtf afternoon Social Credit had daflnitel) elected 36 members and was leading in 23 seats. Calgary elected five Social Cre dit candidates and one Liberal Edmonton elected fcr Socta Credit earafklatea. one Liberal. W It Howson, and one United Farmer. Attorney Oereral J. F. Lym burn. Liberals elected were Wr. R. How-ion, leader of the part' In Edmonton, and J. 3. Dowlen in Calgary. Social Credit candidates swept the rural ridings and were among the leaders as proportional repre sentation counUnp proceeded in the cities. Personally defeated with Pre mier Reld were Mr. Hoadley. min ister of trade and industry; Mr. Daker. minister ot education; Mr.i ktor mine In the early stage, nlng as a "yi'Idf if - j..... ,Mnn Edson hv by the the Social Social Credit candl- unriupmrm, ana vj, u. uumi 'c? pioneer Portland Canal arc passengers aboard f'Pf-'.ir ll Prince Rupert today bound for f- ar on business in connecUon! r "'ake an inspection of the Nl- F": -3on Creek mlno &hi.h u nnw w aer extensive develnnmenl Buckley Shannon cf Seattle. NEW YORK METALS by P'lver and copper were both un pnanged in Dries on lh wi market yesUrdiy, silver selling Br. 651r c i. . , . was defeated in Pcnoka. D. M. Duggan. Cchsemtive leader, put up a good battle. Labor. Independents and Communists failed to elect a single candidate. J. S. Cowper of Edmonton, former date. J H. Unwln. Aberhart Sneaks Mr Aberhart. who did I. I hlmwlf not run: but actively . ,.. . . , j ior any J mining tntertsts there. From d, w tne campalgn and person twari thty will to UsklJSfSeetrf proceed allv selected candidates canaiaaics iui for th "'c whlch he said thai we new Ku-ernment had no Intention of con-flscaUon or repudiation in any way. shape or form. "We shall have the finest and most upright men at the head of affrlrs to guide the (,. nf Alberta out of the per ounce and crmner at'rtenression. We give thanks to Al- 4C and 8Vc for rinm.fu rinrt in heaven for h.s portrespecUvely. Today silver ad-'guidance and aid in thl great lanced to CSSie hn. .v, ..... h submit to Mi divine pnee was ilhn I ..u . a nisrlum in tne greai . puuuu, I uiuuuii o PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1935 came apparent, that the admin lr traUon wokl be ready to step out of office and turn over .the reins 0f office Just as soon as the election writs had been returned. Latest Summary The noils closed at S nm. but counting of the votes was a slow process owing to proportional representation In the eitles and transferable votes in the rural i ridings. It was not long, however, until there was a pretty definite idea as to the outcome. It will jprobably be some days before the 'count in several ridings in Calgary elected the following as 1U six members: E. C Manning. Social Credit: F. Anderson. Social Credit: Mrs. F. Oostkk. Social Credit; J. J Bowlcn. Liberal; Walter Little. Social Credit: J. W. Hu-glll K.C Social Credit Special Eastern Fares Announced vai-Tjilan minister nf nubile Trmvrl Prom racific Coast to works; Mr. Ortsdale. minister of; iade Cheap This Year Be! agriculture; Mr. A'len. minister of j municipal affairs, and Mr. Love. WINNIPEO, Aug 23: Popular- Provincial Secretary lty of early autumn bargain iares Former Premier J. E. nrownlceito Eastern Canada last year has induced the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways to offer similar travel privileges In Sep tember of this year, according to an announcement by Joseph B Parker. Western Secretary Cana dian Passengrr Association, fall weather rate, attractive after the heat of summer, begins with a ticket sale from September 21 to October 4 and bears a flna! return limit of 45 days in addition to the date of sale. Stop-over privileges T. O. Applegah, rone manager of the Oeneral Motors Products of Canada Ltd. from Vancouver, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheop of the Itnce Rupert Rotary Club In the' Commodore Cafe iustry was coming press Ion. his company's a1es showing an increase in 1331 of fifty Dercent over 193) while !n the first half of this year, there bad been a thirty-three percent Increase over the correfponoing 4rkx! last year. Mr. Applepath said he also saw llmorovemrnt everywhere, even in 'Prince Rupert where conditions NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITlSn COLUftlBIA'S NEWSPAPER j m . '---1 . . WD, . (tor Industry." twiiwint rf inn tinntllnr Vfitp flnrf rtmnahlV nJ OI tj SealS , t r. i j... e r tu-.. With upwards .of 1000 paid admissions recorded, a great crowd attended last night's Silver Jubilee Carnival entertainment at the Exhibition Hail, the feature of the I It illustrated his ' -s" me nauons coinpcuuon, a colorful and variegated affair for two High Low ax prestnted by the Kincollth stirrup of one of the mounted I . . .. .. .tunert. Chamber of Commerce, who what they were m ms previous r . . , w. , visit to the city two years ago. RUPERT -WINS 1X1 1 I UlLMu .Va. Dance Team, and the Geisha jncng dplay by the Japanese Association of Rupert un-jer diiectiou of Mrs. Sadao Suga, .u being the winnrs. The Pageant wat opened by C V. Ev-tu president of the Prince took charge of the vent. In his In roduciory remark. Mr Evltt ex- men. It is believed they arc head ing for Lytton and the coast. Posses are now coverin? all roads. FATALITIES REPORTED Killed at Anyos . Jie young men har! worked strenu- District headquarters of the pro- ously and coasclentiour'y in pre- j vlnclal police here are advised to- ;i)rfeatrd Fast and Tricky Eleven paring lor the carnival and he was : day oi uiree latauues in cuierem From Maxsett by Odd Goal glad to see that their efforts were j parts oi tne aismct. Last Night .now being crowned with success. I The finding of a fishing boat j The displays In the Pageant were -anchored in the Skeena River be-j Prince Rupert defeated Massetl as follows: low Mowitch Point one mue Deiow hv a score of 2 to 1 In last nlchff "Scotland." directed bv Mrs. J. I Haysport, and the subsequent re- Sllver Jubilee Carnival footbal Watt; "My Ain Folk" and "Lassie covery by dragging operations of a game, a fair sized crowd Of fans o1 Mine." solos by A. Home; selec- gum boot and sock from the water watching the play with consider tion of bagpipe marches by Piper able Interest. The visitors from the s. H. Leslie; Highland dances by Islands played a fast and tricky ; Bernice Eastwood. Bea Ritchie, game and. with a lltUe more coach-, Jean McAfee and Tom&slna Ing and steadying down have the,Krause. makings of a real, good football j -Wales." directed by Miss Connie team. (Morgan; "The Ash Grove" "All Well on In the first hall. York of 'Through the Night" and "Land of Massett opened the scoring, the j Hope and Glory." by David Jones 1 I I . W W..t Ik.. i . I 1 . ... i v- I 1 - one point scoted. Early In the se cond half. Armstrong equalized for Prince Rupert and three minutes days In connection with moving, and will sail on the Princess Ade- jgo with the Uckets. Tickets will bejiaide tonight for Vancouver. He Is standard sleepers on payment of, Betty. Mr. Brown, who takes the inre accoramg m ic m-vumw ( piace ai uranoroos oi y a, Aian- .,ini ridincs from lists submit- nation desired. They will be on nine, who is transferred to Van-' ted to him, Issued a statement. I from all stations from PortjCouver, will be succeeded at Sml-after the victory of the Social i Arthur, Armstrong and west, In-, thers by K. B. Woodward, principal rrrrilt narty was conceaea, jn eluding Pacific coasi do" lo a" of tne Trail puDiic scnoois, wno stations including Fault Ste. Marie, has just been appointed an inspec- Sudbury. Cochrane and east. tor. BASEBALL SCORES National League Chicago 4, New York 3. Cincinnati 9, Philadelphia 1. American Learue Washington 7. Chicago 4. New York 9. St. Louis 12. Boston 10. Detroit 9. Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 0. CHARGED WITH THEFT "Irelandi" directed by Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill; 'The Old County Down," solo by Miss Mae Murray; before full time. McKay scored the land comic solos by J. S Wilson; winning goal for the locals. J Irish Jigs by the Misses Betty Wll- Andy Home acted as referee and ' klnson. J-an Watt, Edith Ritchie S. P. Woodsldt and Leonard Crlpps ! and Muriel Eby. were linesmen, The Alyansh team arrived in the city late yesterday and will play a game against Prince Rupert tomorrow evening. SCHOOL INSPECTORS MOVE J. Elmer Brown, who has been staUoned at Smlthers . during j.i the past year, arrived in the city on "Japan," colorful display dlrec Toshl Kuwabara, Sue Kinara, Michi Yamanaka, Yuri Nlshikaze; Ja-Jpanese Country dance by Misses Kazu Kanaya. Hani Klhara, Hlsse jlhara, Marl Nlshlkazl. Harl Sue- ! hlro. Norl Yamanaka. iransierrea as ininxwr ui bcuwwo vti,v, ,i,n, war rianro """.to Cranbrook after having been- . ,K. ... , the program. First was trie war Hmr nrpna ratnrv to ontntr into last night's train from Smlthers, typlf,ed a iov.j where he has been spending a few ers' quarrel between two warriors j of the same tribe resulting In the morseful, he drives the evil spirits from his victim, and brings him j back to the land of the living and the two forget their enmity and become friends again. Performed by Reg Clayton, Howard Lincoln, Jeffrey Benson and Arthur Gurney. ' England," directed by Mrs. F. N. Good. Artistically performed Maypole dance with sixteen little girls suitably dressed for the ev- MARrrZBURG, South Africa, en t "Jack Tar Polka," Jean Smith Aug. 23: (CP Herbert Dorothy Smith. i secretary of the Law Society of. Natal, has been committed for trial; VANCOUVER, Aug. 23: (CP) jpn a charge of theft of more than! Wheat was quoted at 83?ic on the 1 $15,000 from an estate he admin-'local exchange yesterday, advanc Jlstered for 29 years. flng to 83c today. suggest that Deizo Kawase of B. A. Cannery. Port Esslngton. a well known Japanese fisherman, fell overboard and wa drowned. The empty boat was fouid on Wednesday morning of this week. It is believed that Kawase. 57 years of age. had anchored his boat the night previous, close to shore and. In throwing out the anchor, fell overboard. His oil tank was dry, leading to the belief that the en gine had still been running and kept running unU! the fuel became exhausted. Dragging operations are being continued. From Anyox comes word of Pete Pelith dying there last night in ted by Mrs. Suga: children's dance hP'tal as a result of Injuries sus- by the Misses Taka Tsumura, talned In the plant. An inquiry is being held today. Another Japanese. K. Foruya, missing from his boat between Lowe Inlet and Camp Point, near Butedale, since yesterday afternoon, is believed to have been drowned. Scotland Wins Over England mortal wounding of one The vie-1 w 9 mHtrini man and rn- Score of Four to Two in Inter- national Soccer Match in Aid Of Jubilee Cancer Fund GLASGOW, Aug. 23: CP Scotland defeated England 4 to 2 in an International soccer match yesterday, the proceeds of which are to be donated to the King's Jubilee Cancer Fund. Halibut Arrivals American Explorer, 32.000, 6c and 5.5c, Cold Storage. Frisco. 11,000, 6c and 5.5c. Cold j Storage. , .10:43. am. 18.2 It 22:28 pin. 18.3 It. .. 4:11 ani SX ft. 18:23 pm. 10-2 ft. PRICE: S CENTS OCIALCREDIT SWEEP IN ALBERTA ANK BANDITS ELUDE POLICE CORDON AND CROSS FRASER Mted Farmer Government and Old Line Parties Are Almost Wiped Out in Political Turnover i i RS. BLACK IS RUNNING CsndWitar in luhort tAWSPN li Ot ft Advocates of New Economic Philosophy Win Preponderant Majority in Prairie Legislature, Others Being Given no More Than Handful of Seats Motor Industry BIG CROWD ShowsXomeback, AT PAGEANT RoUriam llrar Company Sales Official and Sec Picture! More Than One Thousand Attend Entertainment at Exhibition Building 7YJp of Robbers Give Slip to Officers On Guard at Lillooet Span Two Were Riding Horses While Third Was on Foot-Posses Covering AH Roads as Highwaymen Are Believed on Way to Lytton and Coast LILLOOET, Aug. 23: (CP) Three bandits, who held . .. . . . r i . ji ' l ! U.. lfJ1 1 ... . maior nmu of 1M and t25. the itn rho R'irilr nf Tnrnntn nr nmippr minp nn nipsr av nnn in the Lecislaiure. bociai ureait canumawsj, icu u.v mu- m tne cnair ana were was a gooa " 77 u7" J 1 w,v' , , , , " " - ainners oi wrucn wiu De announc- ncranpri vrith si lOO. crashed through a nnlice cordon earlv ...... 7 o c ti morning and escaped across the rraser River bridge holding up two special constables who were the bridge. Two of the bandits were riding difficulty in determining the virile horses while a th'rd was on foot. 8?- .md novei war and conciliation running and hanging onto tne ; SEARCHING F0RPLANE Still No Trace of Fairbanks Pilot And Three Passengers I FAIRBANKS, Aug. 23. CP There is still no trace of the mlss- tlng plane which left'Pawson last ..reused the appralatlon of the Japanese Drowned in Skeena Ri :Monday and has not been reported -chamber, ot .Commerce JoiL.the.t And GrenvUIe Channel Miner lJdm.-,on hoard were Pilot-Arthur i.o.k which was being done by their ' IM UfiriTR AT I ;unor members. For oyer a month! i Hlnes and Mr. and Mrs. John Lonz and Alton Nordale as passengers. Seven planes, flying In paths ten miles apart, have been combing the territory between here and Dawson In the vicinity cf the Yukon and Tanana Rivers. Air Inspector Murray Hall of the Department of Commerce has been placed In charge of the search and Governor John W. Troy has ordered from Juneau that all available planes be commissioned In the search at expense of the territory. Holds Session On Health Insurance E. W. NeeL Representative of Provincial Committee, Meets Local Interests E. W. Neel of Duncan, Vancouver Island, here to hear local re-presentaUons In connection with the subject of state health Insur-" ance, held a public hearing at the. Court House yesterday morning when H. W. Birch and Ben DaU gamo appeared, the former on be half of the Prince Rupert General. Hospital and the latter for the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor. Council. Last night Mr. Neel was. In session with the full board e2 directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital to discuss hospital problems. This morning he met representatives of the local fishing industry and this afternoon was In session with Hugh Forrest, representing the railway employees. I Mr. Neel will leave on this eve- ning's train for Smlthers and Prince George 4 ALASKA HIGHWAY BILL APPROVED BY CONGRESS WASHINGTON. DC Aug. 23: ( CP Congress has com- pleted action on the bill auth- orlzing survey and construe- tion of the Alaska highway. The bill authorizes President Roosevelt to negotiate with Canada for construction of the highway. 3 4 -