PAai rouM 3 Bargain Days 3 COMMENCING Saturday, Monday and Tuesday By Order of the Estate We Are Closing Our Present Premises Within a Week. Come and Stock up With Bargains, You Will Never Have Another Opportunity at These Prices. Below Are Only a Few of the Articles Being Cleared. Everything Must be Cleared Regardless of Cost Boys' Suits Men's Work Pants Women's Sweaters From 27 to 32, long-short In tweeds, worsteds and Pullovers & Coat Swea- pants in tweeds & flannel cords, all sizes, slightly ters, wools and silk & oo eA e. af? shopworn, regular $2.93 wools, slightly shopworn, $3.5934.45 4Q tfiq . oac 49c, 79c, S1.29 .Men's & Buys' Flannel , , .Men s& Hoys' Pants Women's ami Girls' Windbreakers Regular $2.!?5 OQ Kaicats ' ' BLANKETS Work Shirts Boys' Breeches and Sli htl Soiled Off un from SJ5C All well known makes Knickers and in all sizes gQc in brown Wue and tweed, reg. up to I Q0 Bath Bobcs $3.75, for ItJU Reg. to $3.95 j49 Mcn's Broadcloth Shirts Now v Detachable collars, in all Men's and Boys' Coat sizes and colors QQq Sweaters Reg $1M 25 Ladies' Dresses Jumbo Knit iJAp Canton and Triple Sheer Reg. $1.95, now H Crepes, reg. up to. 318.5a Men'srarid Boys'- Ii road- 1 - NOW, 52-.D5, $3.95, $1.95, doth Children's Overalls 8595, 86.95 Collars attached, in a big From ages 2 to 7, soiled variety of colors ACkn Regular 89c , OAs and sizes 7t ov. itt MEN'S HORSEHIDE COATS Muleskin Gloves men's Reg. to $17.950 a Qc Now up from Now A Ry 2 25c AH Wool Mackinaw 12c Shirts MEN'S FINE SUITS Regular $3.75 Jg9 Double and single breas- MEN'S HORSEHIDE ten in Diuc serges and wivnupi1 d'pno brown and grey worsteds " 1IN ""KkAKLKb Reg. $29.50 CQ QO Reg. to $12.95 Qff VU9UO Now up from SUITCASES Slightly soiled 7Q0 lMen's FIannel Sport Boys' Horsehide Up from f til Suits Windbreakers " In grey and brown, regu- Reg. to $4.95 Q-fl Qff : " lar $16.50 Q7 QQ Now up from OAtJt BARGAIN TABLE Now tt.UO Men's, Boys' Underwear " BARGAIN nwr iv tmih TABLE r Slightly soiled, to be 117 y 01 1 cleared at WOUldl S OlaCKS Hose, Underwear, Chil- , dren's Apparel and many rf -rvv t. 39c, 69c, 99c Nrlar?1:25.. 25c es 15c BELTS, SUSPENDERS, TRENCH COATS, OILSKINS, SWEATERS, LADIES' SILK HOSE and Many Other Lines Too Numerous to Mention. No Refunds or Exchanges during this Sale Rupert Trading Co Sixtn Street and Second Ave. THE DAILY NEW3 a In WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R steamer Princess Louise, Capt S. K. Gray, on her third and last triD relieving the steamer Princess Adelaide, which has been out of service for annual overhaul at Victoria, Is due In port at 4:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. Coming north from Vancouver. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Ernest Gcorgeson. Is due here at 1 aan. tomorrow. The vessel arrived at Wadhams Cannery In Rivers In let at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. M. Harris. J Armstrong, W. Mur dock and L. Arnold, members of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for naval barracks at Esquimau where they will take courses of training. William Ogg of the local staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce has returned to the city after having spent the past two or three weeks at Ocean FalU on relief duty. WEEK-END SPECIALS HIGH (JIALITV LOW PRILLS KELLOGG S ALL BRAN Large, per pkg. SIIREOOhO WHEAT per pkg B.C. GRANULATED SUOAR limit 20 lbs), 10 lbs. ICINO SUGAR 3 lbs. EMPRESS COFFEE 3-lb. Jar B.C FRESH EGGS A Large, per doz. RAW HAM Machine Sliced, per lb. EVAPORATED MILK All Brands, 24 tins MIXED NUTS-No Peanuts 2 lbs. SPANISH TABLE RAIISINS 1-lb. pkg CHIPSO-iFbTriulck suds Large. 2 pkgs. FRESH TOMATOES per lb. . . FRESH LETTUCE 2 for BANANAS 3 lbs DELICIOUS APPLES 4 lbs. 21 P MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box S7S rfaone 18 Brr i m m we mrr rem SPRING SUIT TOPCOAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come In and get the first choice. M.T. LKE-Third Ave. WANTED 5,000 BEAVER PELTS Highest 'Prices Paid Ry Goldbloom The Old Reliable Goldbloom paid good prices for Mink earlier In the year to fill a big contract and he is prepared to do the same with the Beaver. Be sure and see him before selling as he can make you money. 3 Greatest Trials in raising children combated by VITAMIN "U" Stoixtl in Oat intuit CURBS Nervousness ConstifMtioii Poor Appetite Youngsters mutt hate Viumin"B". Vet 1c worth of delicious QuAcr Osts conuins mote of it duo 3 akes of fran-yeast. Order Quikcr Oits today. -Let the whole family benefit from this 4t'l health food Quick Quaker Oats loc'Want Ads 58c 25c! S1.29 25c 37c 82.25 35c 25c 43c 20c 15c 35c 25c FOR REST HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 148 2nci Avenue Phone Red 421. tf PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Sup plies direct and save 15.. Stan dard Lines. Send SIjOO for 15 as sorted. . Imperial Importers, 21 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richard Street, Vancouver, B.C." ti WILL the lady and gentleman who tttorteti the little girl home to Ninth Avenue at about 8:30 on Wednesday night kindly oommu nlcate with Box 235 Dally News. FOR SALE MANURE For Sale 11.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY I'lione Kfd COS 14 FRESH Oolichans for sale. Cow Bay. 25c a bucket. (74) PAINTERS PAINTING ana PaperUngln Moller. Phone Red 801 MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. W buy all dates rccardless of con dition. Up to $1.00 each paid fot U.S. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections Medals. Books. Paoer Currency etc. Send 25c. (Coin for large Illustrated price list and ltutruc lions, satisfaction auaranlccd or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP. 113-10 North FORSYTH E, SAR NIA, ONT. "(JOVKKN.MKNT I.KJlOlt ACT" Notice of .tppllnitlmi for Itrrr Licence, NOTICE U hereby giveri that on the Tentn day of April, next, the under itlgned Intend V apply to tto Liquor iwniroi uoaxa ipr a licence in rroprcl of the premie, be-lnu Drt of the building known a Qwen Hotel, altuate on Main Street. (Jew MaMett. B.C.. upon the, land deacrltxxi u Lot No. ft. In Block NO. 14. Map 040. Mamett Town alte. In the rrtnee Itupert Land ruirU Iratlon Dlatrlot In the Proftnce of Utl , tlah Columbia, for the aa of beer bt wegiaM or me Douie ror conaumpuon on the premlaea or clnewhere. DATED thla lt day of March, A D 1935. CARL KIRMia. Applicant MORRIS AND OLAND HERE Two Interesting ricturrs on Week-Y.ivX Double Bill at Capitol Theatre Another good double bill is being offered on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end-one picture being "Society Doctor," a fast-moving story of life in a metropolitan emergency hospital with Chester Morris and Virginia. Bruce heading the cast, and the other "Charlie Chan In Paris." presenting the popular Warner Oland in another of his series of Interesting detective stories. The story of "Society Doctor" Is that of two young Internes In a large hospital who compete for the attentions of a pretty but sensible nurse. Morris, one of the doctors, loses his position for operating too hastily upon a patient He then seU himself up In prlvite practice but In an encounter with a wounded gangster Is dangerously shot. He Is operated upon and his life saved by his doctor rival. After a series of thrilling events, the story move to happy ending. Chief supporting roles are in the hands of Robert Taylor and Blllle Barke. Like Its predecessors, "Charlie Chan In Paris" is an engro&llns and Ingenious story of a phantom killer who terrorizes tht gay French capital and Is run 4own by Warner Oland as Chan. Miry Brian heads the supporting cast. AdertUe in tne DaUr Newt i S Come to Iri WAKSEIt j OLAND I "Charlie Qu In Pari Here's aji" tertalnlntt tory with , ways rtfr. ment, th At 8:21 Si C- s I w Silly S1 rnphoBf ig "II) Inc Motif GET YOUR Easter Cards NOW 3 MAUY IIUIAN JOHN MIIJAX At 7 : f . ADDEJ Th-iUlng Su -j Ui W ' "SOnETV DOCT 3 With Chrttcr Marri irjlnls Hruff Billie Eortl Full selection of bcauliful -cards lo choose from.rl member your friends and relatives at this plcaufll season. Easter Novelties For the Children ; CHKTKS, HASKKTS, KAHIMTS, Kaster Novelty Carts 9 AT Kaster Napkins and Decorations MURESC0 J For beautiful, durable, economical decoration of w jjj Murcsco is supreme. It can be applied over aim jjj including most wallpapers. mi Material to Murcsco the average room may be pui S or less. It comes In eighteen beautiful 1 i 5 i'lione IIVIIC aJ4 311 GORDON'S HARDWARE .'iv MrBrid SW' j j NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor "A HOMi; AWAY 1UO.M . HOME" ' Kates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wakcr Trince Rupert. D.C. Pfione 281 P.O. Dox 100 in Contest For Airplane Model close iami - jwrt .Bring, your Wie- MACKENZIE'5 Thotie 775