is. iM Genuine Bran Flakes to nourish active bodies Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes arc the favorite of energetic people. They taste good the fine, full flavor of toasted wheat. The nourishment and food for busy muscles. The protein. The vitamin B. Plus enough extra bran to be mildly laxative. PEP Bran Flakes are truly better bran flakes. Better for flavor. For crispness. For nourishment and gentle laxative effect. Insist on PEP Bran Flakes. Sold by all grocers. Always oven-fresh and ready to eat with milk or cream. Extra delicious with sliced fruit cr honey added. Enjoy these better bran flakes often. Breakfast. Lunch. Supper. Wonderful for a between-meal or bedtime snack. Popular, with the whole family. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. PEP Bran Flakes Gardenia Special , Friday and Saturday Only 1 WjSardqua Vanishing Cream, reg. 50c X W'GardcnFa Perfume, reg 50c 1 Bo.,.Gar!(lenia Face Powder, reg. . $1.00 , , (three shades) Total Value, $2.00 Special While They Last, $1.00 onrt be late. Our stock of this special is limited and we do not expect it to last very long. Ormes Ltd "Jfm Pioneer Drueiffists Toe Rexsir Btera rhoneac SI I Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m; Sundays and Holidays From It noon till 2 p.m., T p.m. till 0 p.m. yon want anything, try a classified" ad". PXOsT TUAtf 'I'lX'LL.'.'!! J' Local news notes Be wmdi and comfortable by rid- Musical entertainment by Vmn Ine in 32 Taxi it costs the same. I den, Lutheran Church tonifbt at! You can rem a car at Walker's tow m $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a Tntfht ehUWrtnHi daneine dis- tpte? M. Watt's pupil. Oddfel- Hbw Had. at 8 Adm. 25c. Ml Noel TMvettef, wife of a well known Hyder merchant, was a XKmm&x aboard fee Prince Ru pert Wednesday restraint north after a trip tfr Seattle. Business at a meer of the Mo Wm on Tuesday night was of a routine nature. There was a good attendance of membrt-s and llH ir n.i ..u i .u. Those who wore nominated as 1930-36 oflipprs of the Prince Ru- ;pert Rotary Club yesterday will probably be eteefed After the slate i bai been presented by the nominating committee. IT ur open to any ; member of the club to nominate further bur. as a rul. there are no further nominations JONES Family Market !T-Bone Roast. 4 lbs 10 lbs Potatoes Sirloin Tip 4 lbs 10 lbs Potatoes Rump Roast of Beef. 4 lbs 10. lbs. Potatoes BhouWer Veal 4 lbs. Lamb Chops, 2 lbs 10 lbs. Potatoes Veal Chops, 2 lbs. 10 lbs. Potatoes Shoulder Lamb per lb. Round Steak. 2 lbs 10 lbs. Potatoes Sirloin Steak. 2 lbs. 10 lbs. Potatoes Leg of Veal per lb. Stewing Veal. 2 lbs 1 tin of Peas S1.00 81.00 i 75c 50c 8 o'clock. Admission 25c James Travis untU recently dis trict agriculturalist at Pouee Coupe and now transferred to Prince George in a Jlmllar capacity. and Mrs. Travis- arrived in the aitft Wednesday from' Victoria and pro-j ceeded by train, the same evening to Prince George; Mr. Tiwrfr will reonitnue to act as district agricul turalist for the Peace River Block. .carrying on the work from the" I rruice ucorge oumx. Announcements V;. ' ' Children's dancing- display. Odtf- w. bteuc- of Mrs D C Schubert who Mowsf HaH Marffr 29; was absent ttfrough illness Chest Colds A Hub well over yy throar and chest NfiCIVfCKS OVEft t? Million .UBS USED YEARLY Salvation Army Solo- of Wotfc Home Cooklnu. Aprif Presbyterian Oburch Choir Can , :rt. April 5.. ' "Chloe,' United Churato. April It nd 12, ' Queen- Masy L dixit lance Easter Monday. 23. Daffodil Presbyterian Etec 3 April 17 United Church BfeAei Sale April Anglican Spring- FaletAprH 2S. Cambrat THlle Treat, May 2. St. Peter's Spring Sftle. May . Catholic spring sale. May 16. moosf: nALL MOOSE NOVELTY DANCE Friday Night 9:30 P.M. Gents- 35c: Ladies 25c First 10 Ladies Admitted Free' Music by Carl Smlth and His Syncopating Orchestra 50c -- ' 50c 15c COAL! COAL! 50c, 50c, 15cl 25c Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed- to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 55S Margaret's Third Avenue, Opposite Power Co. Cash Sale Saturday, March 30 ONE DAY ONLY " Only Silk, Wool and Buucle Dresses-Sizes 14, 10, 18. 20: Regular $15.00. for S Only Two-Piece Dresses, Wool and Ilmiclr Size 1G and 18; Regular $17.50 for 2 Only One-Piece Dresses, Wool-Size 34; Regular $9.75 for 2 Only Evening Dresses-Size 10 and 20; Regular $19.50 for AH Wool Sport Coats-Sizes 14 to 40; Regular $6.50 too C Only All Wool Pullovers-Regular $3.50 for 621 3rd Avenue 89.75 S12.50 SG.75 $12.50 a S5.50 $2.00 mimcmmmmtMxumtmatxm mauamammwamzuManai Cut Rate Shoe Store for Saturday Specials The Best: in Town FOR LESS IPS SO MUCH COOLER CLEANER EASIER when you COOK WITH ELECTRICITY And With Low Rates It Costs Less Too! Never have we been able to offer a better oppor- I tunity for giving you the endless advantages of electric cooking. Our new low rates make electricity the cheapest way to cook. It has always been the cleanest, and most efficient; it saves sto much time; and so manv foot-stens: it banishes - of a'codiTStchen. Put in an Electric Range novr ? I! We have-models for everyone, priced as low as $8a cash, installed. On terms, which total slightly more, you can pay as little as $2.60 a month. - ;. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Cleanup Prices Klim, per tin' 70c Tomato Ketchup, 2-lb; tin 10c Macaroni, 3 pkts Sc Coja Flakes, pkt c Qrapenuts lJc Maxwell House Coffee 40c Nabob- Coffee, Jars 40c Hill's Coffee -50c Princess Flakes 13c Snap. 2 tins 35c Pearl White Soap, 10 bars 35c Maple Syrup, bottle 20c Mixed Nuts, lb 15c Mixed Candy. 3 lbs. 50c Chocolate Bars, 2 for 5c MUNR0 BROS. Third Avenue PERMANENT WAVES During the month of March the New Thermique Guaranteed Permanent Waves fiM; complete, at La Pansienne Beauty Parlor 210 Fourth St. Hione 9 FRESH BULK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 I foUAurrl r-Rfct oowfRyj Shamrock Eggs, A Grade, 25c foz. LAMB Legs, lb 28c Shoulder as cut, lb. 15c Breast, 2 lbs 25c BEEF Pot Roast, 2 lbs. . . .25c Gross- Arm,, lb 15c Boneless Stew, 2 lbs. 25 e Comet Butter, 3 lbs. 84c Beef Hearts 0C Qp Beef Liver f p per lb per lb Pork Tenders 9E Pork Sausage 5f per lb. Meat, 2 lbs VEAL PORK Shoulders, lb 15c Butts, per lb. 20c Stew, 2 lbs 25c Butt Chops, 2 lbs. . - 45c UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 PJVI. Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vancouver Monday a.m. WceUr MUtnea to Port Blmpeoo, Alior Attn, nyo. eVwut n Blvr point. Leave Pilnc Rupert 6undr.. 8 V Further information regarding all sailings and tlckeU at PKINCE RUPERT AGENCI: Third Afo- II your paper does not arrive, telephone the offlc i