Today's Weather punce RuperU-Clcar, 1 fifo; ;l4y wind; barometer. 3. o prratairej ; scajwnuoui. v XTV No 74. ENGINEER RETIRING Chris J, Graham, Veteran Itailman, To He Superannuated This Yrar W Mi f jny-scvcn years of fKh- rvice behind him. Chrutopher ; Oralnra. veteran locomotive en-i. xvt ot the Canadian National Forays, will be reUrtn on super-v. uatlon oh June 16 ot this year i: started his railroading career :: April 30, 1888. and his record : - been a long and clean one. He n old timer on the local line and give land Interests Jr!y known and hlchly popu-,tlth Columbia. ' throughout the district F. owing his rcUrcment. Mr. C plans on movmg with Vic- hu s0Cial by J Baptist i.. y to the Vancouver mrouver or or Vic ' i district to take a place and tume future residence. Rebuilding Of Westview Span Timber to be uscl in the recon- ai ion of Section Two bridge has wt-.ved and the work of repairing Via Bpan across Morse Creek will be ti.a- the reconstruction Job will cost In the neighborhood of $1500. HAMILTON BANK IS JlOniJED OF $5,000 HAMILTON, Ont.. March 29: icp -Two armed robbers held up the cashier and teller of a branch of the Roval Bank of DAILY NEWS SPECIAL FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTES Because of the fact that Queen Charlotte Islands Set only a fortnightly mail the time for the special offer for them is extended two weeks. An; subscription received from there on the next trip of the Prilicc John will be entitled to 15 Months for $3.00 For all others only letters postmarked with a March postmark will be considered. She There was a large attendance at the luncheon, a number of visitors being present In addition to the members including a large number r.VK, ;iiV5 of members of the Oyro Club. J. J riT.rr.lV husband with Little presided and at the close her intent to murder him. Stoner. the chauffeur, is 19 years old. The theory Is held that he 'struck Rattenbury on the head .with the mallet and then wrecked the car with the intention of con thanked the Archbishop for his timely and impressive address. The speaker was Introduced by Bishop O. A. Rix as a Rotarlan of many years' standing. One of the menaces of which the been found injured on Sunday. . . . . " ..... Monday night Alma Victoria 1 wife, was charged with wounding her husband with intent to kill him and she Is also now on-remand. Rattenbury went to BrIUsh Columbia forty years ago and designed the Legislative Buildings and the Empress Hotel in Victoria and the proposed Grand Trunk Pacific Hotel in Prince Rupert. He had extcn- in central Bri- Mission Circle Is Enjoyable Affair The ladles of the Baptist Mission Circle entertained their friends at a social hour In the lecture hall last evening. Mrs, J. C. Oilker. president of the Circle, acted as convener and was largely responsible for the success of the affair. She rtcd immediately. It UesUmatcdi was assisted by Mrs. T. Chrlstoff. Mrs. Berg and Mrs. M. B, Lemon. W. Vaughan Davles acted as pianist and led the community singing, Prizes for the various games and Airnniiisu were won by Mrs. v. u. j. ,Llnzcy. Miss Fell, Miss Beulah Mc xlKlnley. M. B. Lemon. Oeorge John- 1 stone and P. H. Llnzey a Refreshments were servea ana the evening closed with singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds." Canada hero vesterdav after- Mike Ubell of Anyox arrived In oon and ' escaped with ap- 1 the city on the Prince Rupert last Proximately $5000. evening from the smelter town and is leaving on this evening's train for a trip to Saskatoon. UflcaUon for some ot the criticism but he deprecated the all-round criticism of everyone and every thing, statesmen and teliglous leaders. The leaders In this country were not generally corrupt and self-seeking. A bad atmosphere was created, a poisoned atmosphere, as a result ot the atUtude of mind which was ready to accept criticism pof everyone and everything. The second me.iace which the Archbishop saw. was the attitude of mind that relief for the present condlUon could come only in some change of the system or form ot government Instead of seeking a cure the tendency was to sit down and await a solution through some hoped for big change. The old method of hard work which was the old cure for depression was a good one. It was the pioneer spirit which had made Ontario the great pro vince that It was. The tenacity of the early setUers in spite of difficulties, hardships and even famine was something to be admired and emulated. It was tar different from the modern method of sitting back and letting others do it. The third attitude which the speaker considered a menace was the cynical spirit toward everything that was taking place. A cynic was one who snarled af. life and who asked "What is the use of anything"? The cynic did not believe that order, goodness and beauty were of the essence of things. It was the spirit of denial Indicating a lack of trust. The antithesis was that goodness, beauty and truth, which some called Ood, were the only things that mattered. Rotary Backs Movement For Providing Work At the meeting of the Rotary Club yesterday President J. J. man thereof to try to get citizens to provide as much work as possible for thd unemployed during 1 the next few months. He asked that j the club vote the sum of ten dol lars to help defray tne preliminary costs of organizing and advertising. The executive recommended " . man and Woman are hanged in montreal i MONTREAL, March 29. (CP) The hangman' noose de- r capitated Mrs. Thomaslna Sarao, aged H6, today as she was executed far murdering her husband, Leona Oarg- llardl, aged 30. Angelo Dono- frio, aged 19. was hanged today for the same crime of mur- dering Nick, Sirao, street cleaner, for' his insurance i money. ' 41 Improvement Is Seen in! Province By Insurance Man Among the Visitors to the city this week was A. L Wright, British Columbia manager for the Sun Life Assurance Company, looking over the field locally and meeting a number of the policyholders. He A 1 & I - 1 I I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.Q, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1935 OUTSIDER WON RACE Reynolds Town, 22 to 1 Shot, First in Grand National-Favorites Unplaced AINTREE, Eng.. March 29: (CP) A crowd of 230,000 persons saw racking favorites displaced in the ninety-seventh running of the Grand National Steeplechase when Major Noel Furlong's Reynolds Town, starting at 22 to 1, jumped into the lead at the last fence to finish three lengths ahead. Another outsider. Lady Lindsay's Blue Prince, was second and John Hay Whitney's Thomond was third, eight lengths back. Golden Miller, last year's winner and top favorite, who was quoted at the unprecedented steeplechase odds of 5 to 2, failed to complete the course. Twenty-seven horses ran. MAPLE LEAFS MOVE LP TORONTO. March. 29: Toronto says uiav ousines nas impruveu j Mapje Leaf $ went one up m Uy, Na. greatly during the past year and he. Uonai Hockey jMgot cnamplon. we a ueiinive upnini parucuny sh, pyff 5erles by defeating as a raiiioi-oe improvement in ;the Boston Brulns--three toTiir'at and the lumber business. mining tne Maple Uaf 0ardens here last wr. wngnt remmea w vancuuver njght In New York the Montrcal on mc rrince nuperi last evening. Maroon, defeated the Rinnn 2 tfl Anyox Miner Is Killed Last Eve I John Shaatovich Victim of Accident ! In Workings of Granby Co. number of such points In Canada. He knew something of the hopes of some of the people who were connected with the development of Prince Rupert. He knew well two of the engineers connected with the (building of the dry dock here, Stanley and Trevor Lucas, who 1 in the first of their two-game series for the right to meet the winners of the Toronto-Boston series for the Stanley Cup. GETS THREE YEARS VANCOUVER. March 29: (CP George Haddon, former business I manager and secretary of the Van couver General Hospital,-pleaded Divisional headquarters of the guilty today to theft ot nearly $15,-provtncial police were advised to-1 000 from hospital funds and was day by wire that John Shaatovich sentenced by Police Magistrate H. was killed last night while working s. Wood to three years lmprison- ln the Granby mine. An Inquest w.111 ment In New Westminster Penlten be held Saturday. tlary. Prince Rupert Strategic Point That Must be Held and Developed For Sake of Future, Says Primate That Prince Rupert was one of the strategic points in! Canada and the British Empire and one that should be held for the country and for the future of the Empire was an impression gained by Archbishop D. T. Owen of Toronto, Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada, as stated to the Rotary Club at its luncheon yesterday. The Primate said there were aM i . PROVINCIAL POLICE ARE CONGRATULATED BY UNITED STATES OF TIMBER Vancouver Timber ma a and Engineer Speaker at Luncheon 01 Gyros Wednesday "The Preservation of Timber in jse" was the subject of an interesting talk delivered before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its re- ular weekly luncheon Wednesday jy H. w. Macpnerson, Vancouver consulting engineer and timber Jianuf acturer. Mr. Macpnerson dealt principally with the creosote oil treatment of timber for preser vation from decay and the ravages of Insects. Decay of timber, he pointed out, was due to the para-1 sitlc growth which fed upon the timber and which was commonly known as fungus. This fungus to thrive required air, moisture and warmth. To prevent the growth of fungus, the fibre of the timber was poisoned. In this connection Mr. Macpnerson described in some detail the treatment of timber by creosote oil under pressure. Of local interest was Mr. Mac- pherson's statement that the tor food In the water. The purpose of the toredo In bdrlng was to make a home for Itself. Therefore, creo-soted piling was treated specially, the cells as well as the fibre having to be poisoned in order to offset the inroads of the toredo. After his talk, Mr. Macpnerson gave a reel or moving pictures describing tests of timber curb Tomorrow's Tides High Low .10:50 a-m. 20.1 ft. 23:33 pjn. 20.4 ft. ...4:43 ajn. 6.7 ft. 17:15 pjn. 3 ft. T3 PRICE: FIVE CENTS PIONEER LAND SPECULA TOR KILLED NEW DEAL IS DECLARED TODAY FOR BELGIUM BY PREMIER Former B.C. Architect Dead in London And is Alleged MmderVictim Francis M. Rattenbury Designed Projected Hotel Prince Rupert and Had Land Interests in Interior-Auto Crash Brought Alleged Plot to Head in LONDON, March 29: (CP) Francis M. Rattenbury, aged Cy, well known former Victoria architect and land ov.ner, died here yesterday following a motor crash on Sunday and today George Percy Stoner, hi? chauffeur, was remanded on a charge of murder, being accused of riMinc- Rattcnburv on the head with a wooden mallet MENACES ARE SEEN Primate Tells Notary Club of Attitudes Which Should Be Guarded Against There are several menaces to the life of the people of Canada that must be guarded against, according to Archbishop D. T. Owen of Toronto, in an address to the Rotary Club at its luncheon in the Commodore Cafe yesterday. These menaces were att'tudes of mind. Europe Nation Goes Off Gold Standard in SweepingMoney Change Economic and Monetary -Reforms to be Rushed Into Effect Value of Gold Belga to be Cut Maximum Of Thirty Percent BRUSSELLS, March 29: (CP) Premier Paul van Zeeland today proclaimed a New Deal for Belgium with the value of the gold belga cut a maximum of thirty percent and with sweeping economic and monetary reforms to be rushed into effect. The program involves suspension of gold payments by Belgium pending an international settlement of currency policy. PRESERVING Dinner For Archbishop Bishop of Caledonia and Mrs. Uix Hosts Last Night For Primate Of All Canada The Bishop of Caledonia and Mrs. TO?A'.',Rlx't'iilltah'Byt1atrIner last evening at Bishop's Lodge In honor of Most Rev. D. T. Owen, Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of All Canada for the Anglican Church. Covers were laid for the Archbishop. C. L. Foster of Toronto, Dean and Mrs. Gibson,. Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Miss Dorothy Rushbrook, Rev. Oliver Thome of Klncolith, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. De-lap, Miss E. G. Lenox, Rev. T. Mat-sumoto and Mrs. A. G. Rix, Archbishop Owen and C. L. Fos ter, who is travelling with him, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver after a two-day visit here. LATE SPORT PORT SIMPSON SERIES Johnny Comadina, Bert Unger and Billy Bacon are leaving by gas- edo which Infested piling did not .; boat this afternoon for Port Clmp-live on the timber as was common- j son where they will officiate to-ly supposed but rather found Its night and tomorrow night In con- nectlon with the season's basketball play-offs there between the Port Simpson Athletic Club and Young People's Educational Association teams. Comadina will be referee, Unger, timekeeper and scorekeeper and Bacon, umpire. CUPS ARE AWARDED Presentation of trophies won In the cribbage, whist and bridge Thp lnnrhpnn u-a.r nrpsidprf over leagues during the .past winter's by S. J. Jabour, president of the ' activities was the feature of the club. Frank Dibb presented a re- annual banquet last night of the port on the acUviUes of the em-: three leagues In the Canadian Le-ployment service bureau here. ! Rlon Hall. F. E. Wermlg, president j Norman L. Freeman and C. D. Fyfe, of the leagues, was m tne cnair ThP rif v rtPtnrhmpnt of the 1 members of the club, were wel- i and tne presentations were maae u Z , Z i P""' Drovlnclal nollce ne here has been 1 corned back, the former having oy a. a. xvict-wen. Honorary be remembered by many in 'P'1C? "a;,7." A ,, ... ,,,,: President, as follows: Whlst-Dvb- the city. The city was wonderfully located In a country of great latent t cnnaraiuiaiea dv uie uuueu " " "j i r I, States authorities on effecUve the nas been m hospital ret,avn cup. eons oi nurwu,, rc- o f X tr work recently in Investigating !cently. In addition to Mr. Mac-delved by Gunnar Selvlg: Newton possibilities Realizing these thtap Z nl of tne pherson. guests at the luncheon ; Cup. Oddfellow,, received by H. M. ll was ciear uus was a point mat - - - - - imr- . , were A. L. Wr)oh, Wright, nhn who Krnut brought th should be held and developed. He realized in connection with the LltUe reported having attended a' church to which he belonged. It was meeting and being appointed chair oi me luiure. i -American Consulate. The Unl- ted States minister to Canada communicated with the Secre- tary of State at Washington who In turn wrote to the Lieutenant Governor of Brl- Corp. J. McNaught. assistant tlsh Columbia complimenting mechanical supervisor for the pro-! the force on its wor,k- ln" vinclal police, after spending a days here in connection with the annual overhaul of the police cruls- theler P. M. L. 8, sailed by the Prince 'expenditure and the club endorsed i Rupert last night on his return to IVIrtnrl.1 f ew vesiigation was conauciea un- der the dlrecuon of Sergeant G. H. Greenwood, chief ot the city detachment here. r.t the i Hale; Cribbage Dawson Cup, Odd-greetings of the Vancouver Gyro j fellows, W. Geddes: Newton Cup, Club of which he is a member. Moose. Gillls Royer: Bridge John-Charles Graham, F. N. Good. Dr. 'son Cup. Musketeers, G. P. Lyons. Neal Carter. A. E. Parlow. John Individual trophies went to Knut Currlc and J. J. Little. Slatta, high Individual scorer in whist; Jack Nelson, high scorer in rrihhaee. and Oeorup Howe, hloh A girl of Juvenile age appeared ! hrld.. before Magistrate McClymont in city police court Wednesday on a charge of Incorrigibility and was Despite the continued cool wca given two months' probation on , ther, robins have been seen flitting penalty of being sent to the girls' around In Prince Rupert for the ' Industrial school. past few weeks. ' IK