11 OPEKO VANILLA EXTRACT rrnunuirAi pure flavoring extract hacked hy ae the Rexall Guarantee. .'J fluid oilmen TOXOL Antiseptic and Disinfectant The official preparation of SOLUTION OF ( UCSOL AM) SOAP. Guaranteed to he equal in purity and strength to any preparation of its kind on the mnrket. The cheapest and hest o disinfecting agents. 4-oz. 25c; 8-oz. 40c; 16-oz. 50c Ormes Lid. Jjn Pioneer Druqrjists the Kexll BUra Pbnnev II ti KJ Open Daily Front X a.m. lUI 18 p-m. S nJaj anil Holiday from 12 noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till p.m. ' Forget King ft Silver Jubilee Annivor ii y Celebration, Monday, Mny Gth Get your Spring Shoes B. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. e minute in Pumps, Ties and T-Straps at $2.97 a pair and up i I'honcr Mack 321 Next FrlzrlPs Market UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . FWm-is leave Prince RuDert for Vancouver 's. CATALA EVr.UY TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M. A; Vancouver Thursday I T-ss. CAitnr.NA every i icihay midnight. a m ; Vancouver Monday a.m. "'! mi i iji to Port BUnpnou Kb jot. Ktwr rwl Nm niwr p- u. ITlnw Rupert Bund. 8 pjn. r-T information regarding all sailings and tickets at pINCr. Hli'RHT Alir.NCYt Third At rhnne lefisi which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C, nn'' IorRet - King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May fith Overwaitea Phone 813 Limited We Deliver A 100 British Columbia Company Ounrd and operated solely by its employees , 'i . Buckeye Fl6ur A Quaker Product w $2.95 $1.55 2Vs vm - 79c McDonald'V.riior'poarse Hfln u Cut Tobacco. H-Jb. Un BucltrnghanrinK1 Cut Tobacco, Vi'.lb. tlu Peanut Butl 2-lb. Un Apricots 2's 2 Uns for Colgates Tooth Paste per tube . Bayer Asplrins-r I2's - t, -w 24 s Overwaitea Pure Ormge Marmalade, 4Mb. Un Roger's Qolden Syrup 2-lb. tin - Golden Bantam Corn Aylmer; Choice, 2 tins for Regal Salt 2 large, shakers 70c 25c 29c 19c 19c 33c 43c 16c 25c 15c Aylmer or Royal City Tomato p Juice, i's, per tin praham Wafers Mb. cello 1 7( V wrapped package Weston's Assorted Biscuits 25 Q U'atrli our windows for the lowest prices In Fruit and Vegetables WE SELL FOR LESS jpon't forget King Silver Jubilee Anniversary, May 6th GROTTO TAXI PHONE - -156 Bert Morgan, Bud Barrle.prop. You don't know what riding in comfort mans until you have taken a ride In our NEW DODGE Equipped with perfect heating and coollrg systems, 3 Cars at your service. Daily News Wnnt-Ads. always tiring quick results. WW- THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $150 a day, plus 7c. a i mile. , CCP Bazaar, Eagles Hall, May 3. 3 to e pjn.. whist drive and 1 dance 8 30 pjn. F A. Rogers will sail tonight on ithe Prince Rupert fora trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Rogers Is already : In the south, having left last week. "The Dunes" offer specially low rates for June only. For particulars write Madame Rajaut, Hell. B.C. Th.-M. Father E. Allard O. M. I. sailed by the princess Norah l hi morning for Wrani?ell enroute to the Telegraph Creek and Ltard River district where he wll lreaume his missionary work for the Roman Catholic Church during the comlgn season. $150 Cash prftea for best in- jdustrial, commarcial. fraternal, ad- 'vertUinK. British Empire, comic land novelty floats, decorated auWw, , bicycles, prams, 'downs, cornier etc. Make your entries now for the King s Jubilee Celebration Parade Monday. May" 6th. to Celebration Icommittee headquarters, Canadian Leg km Butidjhg. CkXtag day for entries, today-, May 2nd. Hurry' Hurry' This is your last chance to get your entribs recorded. 9U CHURCH PARADE SUNDAY I All South: African Veterans. rr I turned men, nursing sisters and La dies of the Auxiliary are requested i to muxtrr at the Canadian Legion Hall at 10 30 a si. Sunday to pa jrade to St Andrews Cathedral to uttenc special KING'S JUBILEE ItHANKSOIVTNO SERVICE Head-: ed by Boys' "Band All medals to be ! worn Tillle's Treat, Oddfellows' Hall. Friday. Ma 3. Balasnp Orchestra Be warm andcomtortaolebyrid' Ing in 32 TaxWlt costs the same. a couple of days here to go into Uje May Day Tea Is Held by Baptist ! George It Arnold left on last evening's trail) for Portland, Indiana, being called there on account of family illness. Mrs A. R. Phillips sails tonight on the Prince Rupert tor a visit In Vancouver Bh may later jnake a trip to the Old Country. I Dr. Harry V. Warren, professor of ; mineralogy at the University of j British Columbia, who is spending' posibtUty of unjreitjty extension! work locally, will sail tonight on the j Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls. I C. D. Fyfe. accountant tn the lo-! cal branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, will rail tonight on I the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will obtain treatment at I the hands of specialists. Hotel Arrivals Savoy E. Leek. Dorreen. Royal Capt. A. E. Baker and J F Mor ris, Vancouver; J. H. Frost Prince Rupert; E. Lawler, Seattle Prince Rupert W. O. Scott, A. Pringle, C H- Hos-ken and H. V. Morehouse, Vancouver; A. E. Verner. San Francisco; E. Willman, Usk; O. A. Yardley. Vic toria; C. W. Moore ster. Central Oeorge FoHette, Seattle; Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson, Pacific; J. Jones, Saskatoon. ' 1 Mission Circle The ladles of the Baptist Mission Circle entertained their friends at a May Day tea yesterday In the manse. 514 Cotton Street. The guests were receiyed by the president. Mrs. Clifford GUker. Roorns were gay with' spring lowers and butterflies. Mrs. R. H. Smith and Mrs. M. Lemon were in charge of the kitchen and servlteurs were Mrs. George Johnstone and Miss Fell Mrs. Thomas Christoff was in charge of the home cooking and little Miss Joy Berg opened the door tor the guests. A most interesting 'musical pro- gram was rendered by Miss Venetia Announcements C.C.F. Baraar, Eagles' Hall, May Cambral TilJle's Treat. May 3. Jubilee Pance. My 6. International Tea Baptist Churc : May 8. Catholic spring sale, May 16. Gyro lloedown, Moose Hall. Fri day. May 17- Moo$e Hall MAY 10 Junior Moose Bridge and Dance Good prices Si refreshments Welle's Orchestra PURE FRESH MILK from government tested cows delivered at your home Just In Unie for breakfast. Daily de)Jrrry 4 ' and 8 a.m. Extra delivery at 4 p.m. except on Thursdays and Sundays. DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red COS km tb hi v ifl-.fltB'flrana i a THRIFT CASH & CARRY Phone 179 201 Third Ave. Tliese Moneysavinpr Values In Effect Until Wednesday, May 9 PEACHES Columbia Choice. No. 2 Un SUNLIGHT SOAP per ctn. REGAL SALT lodired or plain, 2-lb. ctn-COFFEE Hills ro3. 1-lb. tin BAKING POWPER- Nabob, It'OZ., per tin Feero. Misses Joy and Helen Green I JELLO All Flavors and Misses Eileen and Phyllis 2 pkgs. Hamblln. 1 ORANGE MARMALADE Empress. 4-lb. tins, each 15c 16c 7c 44c 16c lie 41c SPECIAL PRICES ON ROYAL C1T? FOODS Choice Apricots, per No. 2 tin 15c Bartlett Pears, per No. 2 tin 16 Cut Green Beans, per No. 2 tin lie Sieve 4 Peas, per No. 2 tin 11c Choice Tomatoes, No. 2' tin 11c LUX FLAKES 1 large pkg., 1 small pkg., 1 Portrait of the 22C King and Queen. All for KELLOGG S CORN FLAKES 7p per pkg NABOB TEA dfiP 1-lb. pkg ROGERS SYRUP 2-lb. tin 5-lb. tin FRENCH. CASTILLE SOAP 6-oz. cake RED ARROW SODAS per pkg 15c 35c 7c 16c Rhubarb, 3 lbs. 10c Spinach, 2 lbs. 15c Juicy Grapefruit. 2 for "c Juicy Lemons, family size doz. lflc Cabbace, Der lb. 8c B7BCBT B".B7 Ul B BtB'Br B'TBTKT COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and pulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give saUsfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 i PAGE thrtb The Peoples Store Ltd. I EVERYTHING Men and Women FRIDAY SPECIALS LADIES' FELT TAMS for WHITE CHAMOISETTE 0LOVES- lor - - RAYON BLOU6ETTES for - COTTON HOSE 2 pairs . RAYON HOSE 2 pairs SILK HOSE 1 pair SILK KNIT BLOOMERS-r- for - SJLK KNIT PANTIES for - - MESH KXJT UNDERWEAR In Dink and white, set 5 BALLS REGENT KNJTTING WOOL Assorted colors 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c Dresses, Swagerer Suits, Sprfcig Coats, Blouses, Lingerie, Etc, AH the latest designs at the lowest prices. FRIDAY SPECIALS MEN 'S TIES 2 for MEN'S CAPS for - MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS lor MEN'S BELTS or - . MENS SHIRTS tt SHORTS Complete MEN'S SOCKS 2 pair MEN'S SUITS from - MEN'S SPRING COATS- from MEN'S SWEATERS Irom - MEN'S UNDERWEAR itom - MENS WINDBREAK ERS from THE PEOPLES STORE LTD. Thomas A Kejley weU known Queen t;narotie isna logging ,p New Westmin-! oberator and W A. McLeod of l Powell River, who hare been on a visit to Mr Kelley's camp on the Islands, arrived in the city last night on the company boat Noran Jane and T-ill sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for the south. 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c 49c $798 up S9.95 Up $129 up 95c up $2,45 MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Third Avenue Prince Rupert up ZMS9VZMZMXW9tV:SM5S WiMSMSMXBtWl W1MSU Keep your lawn in proper shape with a new 4 or 5- Mower. Several different models and widths- to choose from From $6.95 Don't Forget King's Silver Jubilee May 6th I Phone 311 miMTBSBTM-l Annitersarj Celebration GORDON'S HARDWARE and remember that we carry Linoleum, Rugs and Congoleum at very lou prices. D. ELI0 Green 421 Furniture Exchange HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 FOR SALE 8-Tube 1934 Victor Radio, A-l Half original cost Don't Forget Beautiful Waves By our new and latest Helen CurUs Machlpe, featuring Eugene and Princess Marina combination permanents. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 $65.00 -King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May 6 GARDEN SUPPLIES We have a complete line of garden necessities: Seeds, Spades, Kakes, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Forks, in fact everything used in gardening. For genuine satisfaction in Rubber Hose we recommend Bonacord which will not kink; we also have lighter weight hose at excellent value. WE DELIVER THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Pont fprgct King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary. May 6th bbbbbbbBjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbbbb a H M a is SIcBride Street J 'WHMZMZMl'WTM'-WMZMTU W ZU IB rB SB'tB fMSI liB DON'T FORGET THE KING'S SILVER JUBILEE Celebration, Monday, May 6 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 81 JO up 50 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 v if f i