TOV SPRING SHOES are arriving daily In Men's, Ladies' and Children's in latest styles at very low prices. Also a complete stock of Fleet Foot Runners for the whole famiy, in all sizes. You arc not obliged to buy. SPECIAL Silk Crepe and Chiffon Corticelli Hose Q-j A A In all colors; reg. $1.25; now ?ivll B. C. CLOTHIERS, LTD. Phone: Black 321 We wish our customers and f riends ! ns. in and out of town A HAPPY EASTER MUSSALLEM'S COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulklcy Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 CHAD upJ SNAr powder CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Windows, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. Next FrizzoH's Market HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 Sole Agents For PEMBINA PEERLESS COAL Long Lasting Sootless SPRING CLEANING Your color scheme should start with your floor IT IS AMAZING To see how much frc&h cheer well chosen rugs alone can bring. Allowance made for your old rugs for any that arc new. D. ELI0 Furniture Exchange EASTER CANDIES And Novelties Your last chance to select them. Prices From lc to 75c Continued from Pane 1- ;or botany or chemistry or bio chemistry, while in addition the Department of Fisheries has Its own representatives and the fishing Industry is also directly represented. John Dybhavn of. Prince Ru pert was at present the represen- be able to pass judgment upon problems submitted to It by the fishing industry and also be competent to approve of the programs ; submitted by the Erectors of the Dr. Carter discussed in detail the organization, expenditures, functions and activities of the board stations with particular reference to the local one. Sport Equipment At the buslnpxs mppf.lnir nrlnp in FrflNflMY QTflPi7;the addre the association voted LiVASllUlTIl U 1 VXLij$20 to each of the three large "Where Dollars nave More Cents" schoo1 and $10 to Seal Cove School P.O. Box 575 rbone 18 (lor thepurchase of sport equip- j ment. rr.rrriTryr,:,-,! , Mlss Audrey Parkln wlth capably 1 ! rendered pianoforte solos, and Mrs. William Millar, with vocal solos, ac companied by Mrs. C. E. Cullin, pro vided a most acceptable musical program. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, presl aent or the association, over the meeting. "TILLIE THE TOILER" through a continuation of fishing until later in the fall. It will be remembered that the prince Rupert fleet last year had to cease operations to a large extent In August when the International Fisheries Commission's quota limit for Area I No. 2 became exhausted. With the ; quota the same this year as last, it j is to be anticipated that it will be I a good deal later when it Is reached. ! Halibut prices possibly did not stand up quite as vell during the ' week as might have been expected. I the range being between 6c and 5c and 7.6c and 5c for Canadian fish. The week saw the first American halibut of the season landed, two 'small boats bringing in a total of 14.000 pounds for which 9.5c and '7c and 9.6c and 7c was paid. The coming week, it is expected will see ;the arrival of the first American schooners. Fourteen Canadian boats landed catches totalling 177.500 pounds during, the week. II. N. Brocklesby. assistant of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, will leave ! Prince Rupert on Miy 1 for Eastern Canada. He will be away for a month and will visit a number of Important centres in the east including Montreal, Toronto. Hamilton, Ottawa, London, Winnipeg, Edmonton, etc. to give lectures on isome of the research work being carried on at the Prince Rupert station. At Montreal he will also take the final stage at McOlll University of obtaining his Ph. D. DR. CARTER IS SPEAKER The following halibut catches bilge gas. the Sylvia was taken In tow by the flreboat and allowed to sink, being then towed after the fire had been extinguished, to a dock where she was tied up. Ole Sungard and Joe Edwards, who were on the boat at the time, sustained painful burns but. nevertheless, assisted In fighting the fire. There appears to be a possibility now of some sort of a basis of arbitration being reached between halibut boat owners and union fishermen In the dispute over the shar-in gof halibut liver proceeds. Meantime, however, there ls no change in the situation with the most of the boats of the fleet continuing to be manned by boat owners while the fishermen are still idle in port. The Armour Salvage Co.'s power , tugs Daly and Pachena, with Capt. presided Paul Armour in personal charge, 1 returned to port at 10 o'clock Thurs- TEE DAILT KZVT8 Saturday Ajr2 -j-j ii1 mm a y WATERFRONT WHIFFS A Comparison of Halibut Landing Tank Scow Delivered to North Island Hope For Get- Together in Liver Dispute The effect that the delay in getting halibut fishing started out of Prince Rupert this spring has had on the port may be gathered from the fact that landings for the season un to Thursday had totalled but 341,000 pounds as com- i pared with 2,878,765 pounds ift the corresponding date last year. However, there will probably be some compensation for this loss of spring business . .MODEL YACHT HACK TO BE IIKLD SUNDAY Stormy and socially weather ' yesterday afternoon caused the postponement of the model yacht race for the Prince Oeorge Cup and other prizes. Weather permitting, the race will take place tomorrow af- ternoon at 2.30. Much Interest Is being manifested In the event. Officials md competl- tors will meet at naval head- quarters one hour before Uie race. North Island where it has been! moored for the season. James' Adam, marine superintendent for the company, who superintended the placing of the outfit, also re- turned and sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou-1 ver. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- j lalde, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In, port at 4:45 yesterday afternoon j from tho south and sailed at 10 p m. j on her return to Vancouver and1 and waypblnte. The vessel had on! board tho. Cantor Cannery crew: bound for the Skeena River for the ! ' season. Delayed again by heavy freight cargoes for points along the coast. Union steamer Cardcna. with Capt. were bousht by th New England jam- Pndkir4n mminri In nta Fish Co. at Ketchikan this Wednes-U Cant. Ernest Oe'.ren who is Fisheries Experimental Station atjL,3;. ZnTl 2W! now ashore, In Vancouver complet- Prince Rupert The B!K?1DS ?Sf .l,':iln.h, fB!?,. V ; ,, - , : j , Aiki, which was towed In from Parliament In. 1912. consisted tape Ctacon. where .he had bioken year of 16 members The majority fd0wnralso sold 400a pounds at Ket- - " ... On Tuesday the Onah sold 16.000 pounds and the Judith 9.000 pounds to Marlyn Fish Co. at 8c and 61ac. The well known salmon troller Sylvia was badly damaged by ex- tatlve of the fishmg Industry oluv a, "."v J VZZZZ ' CONreqriONERY STORE this province. Thus the personell of the blast OPEN, lowlng whlch ls b d iill,iiuaioiit :" - " ,to have resulted from lenltlon of wmt in ana see wnai we nave. I the south, sailing an hour or so later on her return to-Vancouver and wa'ypoints. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert James Adam, Vancouver. Central B. Macdonald, city. Knox J. R. Reynolds, city: Mrs. P. II PhiHlps. Port Edward: W. P. Belli and S. Tomllnson, Ooat Harbor. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete record ol all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy, of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone niue 320 City to Celebrate (Continued Horn page one) tacle an deployment for the clttwn and kiddles of Prince Rupert and surrounding district Monster Parade The highlight of the day will be a mammoth parade of which a tentative program has been drawn up to include 'the entering of floats of fraternal organisations and business houses, etc.. decorated autos and bicycles, school children's groups In national costume, comic floats and individual oomlc and clown presentations. A New Easter Coat for your Moors with "61" Varnish. Use the New "61" Applicator, only a few left. One quart Varninh and Applicator both for A Winning Answei A 2Ui value STET oh.mac.dow-t a img 1 1 should I mrrzr you think i look L i - Avy ifl m v S1.75 The Washable KatMitninc STET Walls need no sizing . STET will can water stains perfectly, two coaU. STET will allow you to wash off smudges and blemishes which spoil ordinary kalso-mine walls. STET Is easy to mix. No hot water or cooking. Just cold water and It's ready. STET ls cheaper because It covers approximately 20X more than other kalsomtnc. Comes in 2! shades. Good Grade Roofing Tar, per gallon 45c Long Handled Mop & PQp Bottle Oil, both UUl Tennis Rackets, all 1935 stock. Pick your s out QO Cft now. from . 0OU D Handled Spide for Rose Trees, Seeds, Plant Food WE DELIVER 95c Vlgoro Kaien Hardware I garret 6 ml Mimmm mmi L J I La m flW'XUt'(M ri i. i. i i i i ; yj . v'.'l u 1 1 V. i I I I Rebekah Tulip Tea Successful Pleasant Affair on Thursday After-noon at Home of .Mrs. Durran A very pleasant afternoon tea was held at the home of Mrs. J. Durran. Fifth Avenue West, on Thursday, under Uv auspices of the Rebekah Lodge. The weatherman favored the occasion with a blink of sunshine bringing out quite a few callers who were received by Mrs. A. Dlackhall decorated Noble Grand. Mrs. W. Sherman lr prams with attendants, decorated ,d. d. P.. and the hostess. Mrs. J. cars, military and naval units. Sea Durran. Scouts and cadets, Boy Scouts. Olrl Guides and Brownies, Canadian Dlrls in Tralnlnz. lodges, fraternal Yellow tulips wen to be seen In profusion through the rooms, the tea table being centred with a huge organizations. Daughters of the: bowl of beautiful blooms throwing Empire. Canadian Legion and Pio-1 out a real fragrance of spring neers' Association, sarvlce and sport, Whkh has been somewhat lacking ciuds. iiiere win or several Danas in the out-of-doors. I ...sat- ti.. - - i I in uuciiuaircc wiwi me ooys uana MrB c. Campbell and Mrs. n. ncaaing tr.e paraae a great var-, Morgan presided at the tea table lety of prise awards will be given j Mrs. Barbc was In charae of the af. to the best of every etas in theitrnoou tea while servlUurs were paraae. jMr8. Smith. Mrs. J Melntmh and win day'i 's uwn jevn vuwKes Mrs. J. 8. Irvine. Mrs. J. Simpson be invited to partible In the was in charge of home cooking and g proceedings. Mn w Mfiji .0o.i.r 2 An elaborate program f general ! sports for adult and . juvenile of' The general releb.atlon will wind for will be accepUd. Kaien Hardware EASTER SPECIALS Johnson Wax-With Pad G9c Mrs Robert Gordon and daughter. Miss Ottve Gordon R.N . will be leaving next month for a visit In Ireland with Mrs. Oordon" mother THINKS I'M SVAUCK both sexes will be carried out with i,h a JuW, diinc 5 many orises to be comneUd for Um d rout of the parade .- - Arrangements are bdnf made to and lh" dI"Ue d.-Uils and Ume a lay morning after having towed the lumlsh every klddl- In Prince Ru-! c,wnu,e OI ' w iininn mi r?n n.n- tonir mu.- in Dert with a souvenir flue nounred later. Meantime entries """Miu,,, Action! ENDS TOMr.iir "tHE LITTLE .M,xls ,,ER 'At 7 34 4j 9 - It's Grand' Dont m,.. , HKOl.NS MONDAY With MATINEE st I J, Kobt. Montgomery Helen Hayes In llu(h Walpele's llnrjt Story "VANESSA" - itlj Otto Kruer. Mav U,bn, Lwts Morie 'V " ,fi h " pus Thrill' m Ecltfraali "CAR 99" From the m . n Michigan fiiii V lives and U-v 4 ! dogs of the u Radln Pa Ann Sheridan, "rrd McMv-i ray. Sir Guy Standini At 8 30 SIv.w- "i c LOST! $500,000 EVERY WEEK H15C2. UVIMS - T KIMS TUT'S V.. A a;7 Spin Dry Var xm C up EJcc,dc Wi h r Through Inefficient Laundering Driea Whole TJL of Clothes n Two Minuf.n Stop the costly toll which obsolete laundry methods 'afc? fine linens and laces, your delicate lingerie and your fr parel. The new EASV Spin-Dry Washer washes withou' f dries without ringing and does both more thorough y b.: fully than any washer has ever done before. Save y ur $500,000, with EASY . . the only washer with vat uum lng action and centrifugal wringless drying. EASY WRINGERLESS WASHER FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Try a Dally News classified ad. MANURE For Sale fUO a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 By Westover 1 I DBAtt, MAC TT r ,J .1 S K '