Jf:i r Or,' B'.rc T; Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides p,.iKT Rupert Onieut, fretti buthea8t wind: barometer, D4; temperature. 45; tea choppy. ui'tri an illness ol two years. Mr. McLennan waa born V- t 1: ML .t it on, ont., January IS. 7! resort to arms if Germany should Kar; iu and came to British Co- pertlst in Its determination to re-umb, m 1884. After teaching arm m defiance of the Treaty of itel in the Fraser Valley in the , Versailles. rafly : as. he and R. L. Held K.C.,1 France and Russia are reported nu of Vancouver, attended law t0 be going ahead with a new dc-uc1 ut Uie Univertlty of Mlchi-' fence treaty, tan j Anuc Arbor and practised as McLennan is ,v " u '"f - inr time. Mr. McLennan mov- ,n U to Poriiund, Ore. before coming . frtnrr Runert in 1008 na Haul-! The funeral wUl t.ike place , from m dator for (1f ihp n C. St. Andrew's Anglican air mi ft w- - - " member of Commandery Chap- fir r or the Shrine. Loltosx. CalhednU k Timber Co. He was tho first on Monday afternoon with the II. In charge of ar-f assessor nnd served as a mem- O. Undertakers of the hospltul and school rangement. wards as well as an alderman. He . - 1 M the srrnnH mntlnf n( Ti'PC Miss BottV LiR08. WllO lS at- Hrc .... A.F & a At Nn nu. hnvlna imt"B i tending tiiv....b ri IvlfT KIlUt K I HIT Edward PJIWUIU High IllKtl Sohcol S;mui. and K nNeurath to convince Adolf Hitler ol some A,v.u- !.ti tui? siuation u cr:.a a Su Jotui u sutm to attempt pii.t in their re.-cnt conference which ctrnr to an inconclusle termination. The group shows Heft to righti: Ambasador for Br.um to Oernuny Phipps. sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, von Neurath. German foreign minister and Adolf Hit-lr: Oerman chaneelor The photo was taken in the chancellory at Berlin. This was the conference that resulted from Germany f announcement to re -arm and thus scrap the Versailles treaty. Hitler is Expected to Reply to Geneva Resolution in Plain Language Today or Tomorrow LIVED HERE MANY YEARS What Will be Done if Reich Decides to Go Ahead With Armament Plan trance and Russia Negotiate Alliance BERLIN. April 20: It is stated in official quarter Hutu Krmovn j. c. .McLennan, WYC that Keichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler is preparing to send Pioneer of Prime Rupert And i j0 JaguC of Nations, following its adoption of a reSO- itrituh Columbia ilntioii rebuking Germany for violation of the military : c iwrics McLennan, one of cl a u pes of the Versailles Treaty, a reply "which will leave Rupert beet known and nothing to be desired in the way of plain language." The i .iMUy esteemed pioneer rew-,note js expected to jro iorwara w- jM.vsifd away at 8:45 this day or Sunday. InHdentally, it is I t his residence oft Borden . Hitlers forty-sixth birthday today. Hiwulntlon now nrevalls as to whether the League will sanction a Halibut Arrivals American Hazel II.. 14,500, 0.4c and 6c Pacific HJperlan, 13,500, 8c atid 5c, Cold $torage. Funeral Notice .Members of Tyee Lodge. No. A',F. ,& A.M. please attend the fu-j o Tiro. J. C. Mo ! Ul i HI Ul UU4 v- . v - - jjerman on Monday, April 22nd. MCctliiK In the Masonic Temple nt uviiwi,-,"' , . o.iM uui 'Ma ii m Service in me Apgncun t momb,r of t).o Masonic or- here, left on las. even UahK f 9 Members of p.m Qtrs ' 'nce nm ii, the nf n. 21 Hp also sDcnd .nH the h Baste nuitr vacation at racl-iy11"1 "fc " f . , Mr. and Mrs ,Tslmpsean oage . .juu..m.H with Willi her uii pjirent-s. , . , rnniipslprl to fttfpnd. she w ammipanico oy u",c" ",v " ARBITRATION IS ASKED BY FISHERMEN .Meeting Held Yesterday at Which It Was Decided to Make Suggestion to Boat Owners At a general . meeting of union fishermen yesterday afternoon Alex Duthle, the president, in the chair. It was decided to ask for arbitra tion in their dispute with the ves- nroceeds of the halibut livers, There was a large attendance. The understanding Is that. If It Is agreed to arbitrate, the fishermen will go on the boats at once leaving the settlement to be dealt with by the arbitration board. The boat owners, many of whom are at present out fishing, have not yet given their answer! The strike has already resulted In much loss to all concerned and it seems to be the general opinion In the city that an early settlement Is much to be desired. Mr. and Mrs.; A. Wardrope and two children, Aiex and Isabel, arrived In the city from Anyox on the Prince Rupert Thursday even- ling and proceeded by train last evening to Montreal where they wilt embark April 27 aboard the ! Duchess of York for Scotland. They C5 are accompanied by Mrs. A. ! uigoy, aiso oi inyox. Mrs. H. Elliott and son, Ernest, left on last evening's train for Leicester, England, there they will reside permanently with the former's two daughters, Madge and Betty. They will sail from Montreal April 26 aboard the Andanla for NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1935 DR. CARTER IS SPEAKER Parent Teachers' AMriIInn Hears; About Work of Fisheries' Experimental Station Value to City Interesting Facts and Fijures; Vancouver Would Like to Have It '.ilth In the future development of I Prince Rupert;, that this invest-1 at results in considerable direct id 'ndlract financial benefit to ! '.he city and district, and that rerun fishing interests in the south vve expressed the, opinion that the sUtloirould .havjjeertirtaced in vannnver wrc important itcircnts made by Dr. N. M. Car ter. director of the Prince Rupert ;tat!"n. . in an address before the , Prince Rupert Parent Teachers' As- !iation on Wednesday evening In the Borden Street School Dr. Carter explained that. In addition to several sub-stations, the Biological Board of Canada operated four main stations the Atlantic Biological Station at St Andrews, N.B., the AtlanUc Fisheries Experimental Station at Halifax, N.S.. the Pacific Biological Station at Departure Bay, and the Pacific Continued on Page Four) W. J. Alder. Commissioner for the City of Prince Rupert. Provincial Government. Trades and Labor Council. Chamber of Commerce, senior and Junior. Gyro ancj Rotary Clubs. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire. Canadian Legion. Elks; senior and junior. Canadian National Recreation Association. j Toe H. First N. B. C. Regiment. Boys Band. t ? Sons of Norway. Royal" Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Loyal Orange Lodge. Sea Cadets. Boy Scouts. Girl Guides. Canadian Girls In Training. Loyal Orange Benevolent Association. Sons of England. St. Andrew's Society. . Sons of Canada. ' " Ministerial Association. een smashed In by blows from a iub. Mr. Baldwin was a Liberal and many years haa sat as Stan-tcad's member at Ottawa. He did not seek re-election at the 1930 :lecUonJ 4 GLASGOW RANGERS WINNERS OF CUP GLASGOW, April 20: CPi Glasgow Rangers, league champions, won the Scottish football cup today for the ; ninth time, defeating Hamll- ton Academicals two to one be- fore a crowd of ninety thou- sand fans. City to Celebrate Jubilee Of King's Accession in Big Way; Preliminary Plans Launched The King's Silver Jubilee celebration which is being spon sored by the Canadian Legion of this city and which is to sei owners over the sharing of the be held on May 6, got off to a flying start Thursday . evening 1 1 A ll. 11 ?' A A wnen representatives 01 trie ionowing organizations met to formulate a definite policy with regard to the lining up and running off a constructive program to suitably fit an event of this nature: Baseball and Football Associations. Moose Lodge. Jack Preece, president of the Canadian Legion, and George W. Cripps were selected by a unanimous vote as genera chairman and secretary - treasurer respectively with the following constituting the general committee: F. A. MacCal-lum (finance), Dave Borland (pub licity!. Fred Wesch iparader, Tom Elliott ( sports! and G. P. Lyons (dance). High l.W&m. 21.5 ft 15:00 pin. 18.1 ft low 8:54 ajn. 3:0 ft. 20:51 p.m. 7.3 tt. FORMER WEBEC MEMBER MURDER PRICE: 5 CENTS GERMANY'S ANSWER TO LEAGUE IS AWAITED BY EUROPE These Conferences Are Really Serious Merchant, Who Sat For Years in Ottawa House, Is Slain In His Store W. K. Baldwin, Aged 78, Slugged Over Head, Injuries Causing Him to Succumb Arrest Made in United States in Connection With Killing BALDWIN MILLS. Que.. April 20: (CP) W. K. Bald-- , , win, aged 78, former Liberal Member of Parliament for oitXi Stanstead, was murdered in his store here Friday and the contents of the cash stolen. KenriCtb, tion in Prince Rupert representing register Early today m investment of almost $100,000, Brown of Milton was arrested in St. Alban's, Vermont, in jy the federal government of Can- connection With the Slaying. a ' ida was evidence of its faith not At. Baldwin was found uncons-Jt! --' mly in the efficacy and importance ious behind the counter with a I f experimental scientific research a per bag stuffed in his mouth and n connection with the improve- his arms and legs bound with ropes, ncnt of the fisheries industry in Je died shorUy afterwards as a anada but was also evidence of Its. esult of injuries, his head having Is Candidal EX-MAYOR C. II. ORSIE The Conservative nominating convention for the federal riding of Skeena has been called for the morning of May 24 and It is announced that Ex-Mayor Cyril II. Orme, popular pioneer druggist of the city and three times chief magistrate, has asreed to allow his name to go before the conven-Uon as a candidate. It is considered certain that he will be the choice of the party, making the third candidate in the field, the others being Olof Hanson M. Pn Liberal, and J. E. Panter of Sml-thers, C. C. F. Mr. Orme was born at Lucan, Middlesex County, Ontario, 49 years ago 'and has lived in Prince Rupert since 1908. He has long been active, in public affairs and, besides the mayoralty, has served as alderman, "chairman of the board of school trustees, president of the Board of Trade and Fair Board. Minimum Wage For Janitors Must be Paid No Less Than 35c Per Hour With Special Scale For" Apartment Houses All the delegates heartily endors- VICTORIA. April 2Q: CP Tbe ed the project and put themselves industrial Relations Board has on record that, In reporting back to their respective organizations, they would recommend that strong financial support be given the undertaking. It Is expected that merchants, professional men and the general public will all assist to the best of their ability. A program of events will be carried out which will provide fitting tribute to the occasion making it a day to be remembered, one of spec-(ConUnued on Page 4 fixed a minimum wage rate of 35c per hour tor Janitors with a special scale for apartment house Janitors of up to $125 per month according to the number of suites cared for. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late J. C. McLennan will take place on Monday. April 22 at 3 p.m. from St. Andrew'! Cathedral. No flowers by request.