Th prince Rupert-Part cloudy, moderate southeast wind; barometer, 3020: temperature, 45; light chop. lu XXIV No. 276. )NE SHIP IS LOADED Lrhorfmen's Union Permits ,utlifnbach tssel lo lie Loaded Alter Xtw Crew Is Signed On I SAN PEDHO, nov. 30: An al- mtatr crew from Mobile r been discharged and sent Lii'Viie Atlantic Coast one of . u.i.t. linn t n m nr. f n II DC U1CIVHJ.IW4 iiiic awamtti) mh- tritrfay with a new crew after tint toiitd by union longshore- tThf I'.ictontach line has ap- mrcn'? :umndered to the Intcr- itM lonyjhoremen's Assocla- Bon i rwruon witn ine umi tri Hi- mm" strike and it Is msibfe lhat two other of the papai snips, which have o;en yd p for some time, may be I However, there Is still some un- a; to whether or no. pSlf development Implies a lalt settlement of the long- apncu strike which has, been laKK..3i to become cncral. COPPER TO HAKE MACAO frlmre Tort To Re Tranv toific Air Mall Base Con tracts Awarded lUSBON, Nov. 30: The Portu- f se government has awarded Ru-Paclflc air mall carrying pacts to the Pan-American pay? operating between Call- Na and the Phllliplne Islands. announced yesterday. The Portuauese port' of Macao R It u understood, be made the IMnest port of call for the Pan-1 perican Airways, being chosen1 Fa4 of Chinese ports owing to. P fcitt in that country. I lI China Clipper, before long; f"1 aw making calls tnere. 5EARCH IS i CONTINUED ro Expeditions In Siamese Moun- lains to Check Up on Crdsh j Reports I I SINGAPORE. Nov. 30: (CP) Two rWitlons have left Steum. Slam. PJ investigate reports that Sir Paries KlnDsfnrrf.Cv.WIVc nlnnK t,1S5lng for over threo weeks be- lVEen Allahabad and Singapore In I'tuurxp rf .ni-ui r. i tt injjuv I rum ,HB1U1IU Australia, crashed lntn .hi Sla- ;,tse mountains, it u ronnrtrd ULT!le rcsult 01 search Into i0. . may noi De Known I ur tour davs. Quadruplets Are Born in England rt n ...... n , crcasc t0 Family i Country Village LONDON, Is Mussolini Bluffing or is He Not? He Must Have Fuel, It is Generally Admitted Extension of Sanctions List Foregone Conclusion LONDON, Nov. 30: (CP) France's frank warning to Italy against any unprovoked attack on Great Britain's Mediterranean fleet has succeeded definitely in lessening the international tension, informed British sources declared today. The Daily Herald, reflecting the general attitude of the British press, said: "After all the threats and high talk of warlike measures and, after all the theatrical troop movements, Mussolini, in the face of firmness, has climbed down." LONDON, Nov. 30: War clouds hang low over Europe again and conflict is feared by many to be more imminent than for some time. European statesmen last night, fearing the possibility of Premier Benito Mussolini going ahead with drastic steps, viewed with gravity -the possible outcome of the imposition of oil sanctions . . Kupon Italy. It is conceded to be al TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D, Joniwvjti Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18V2. Big Missouri, .60. ,Braiorne, 5.40. -" ' B. It. Cons.. .03 V2. B. R. X. Gold, .08 12. Cariboo Quartz, 1.16. Dentonia, .27. Georgia River, .0054. Golconda, .10. Indian, .01 ft. Minto, .07. Meridian New,. .10. .Morning Star, .03ft. National Silver, .0214. Noble Five, .04. Pend Oreille, .80. Porter Idaho, .04ft. , Premier, 1.75. Reeves McDonald, .07. Reno, .93. Silver Crest, .00ft. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .17. Wayside, .16. Whitewater, .054. Waverly Tangier, .00 ft. Grange, .01 ft. Toronto Central Patricia, 2.35. Chibougamau, .1334. ' Lee Gold, .02. Granada, .21. Inter. Nickel, 40.70. ' Macassa, 3.00. Noranda, 44.50. Sherritl Gordon, 1.11. Slscoe, 2.61. " Lake Maron, 1.45. Tcck Hughes, 4.43. Sudbury Basin, 2.95, .; Smelter Gold, .05. Canadian Malartlc; .90. " Little Long Lac, 5.70. Astoria Rouyn, .02. Stadacona, .15. Maple Leaf, .05 ft. Pickle Crow, .3.38. McKenzle Red Lake, 1,16. God's Lake, 1.27. Sturgeon River, .61. Red Lake Gold- Shore, .39 ft San Antonio, 2.97. Shawkey, .64. East Malartlc, .22. Today's Weather TerraceCloudy, calm, 36. Anvnv. nioudv. calm 34. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 30. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 32. Smlthers-Cloudy. Calm, frosty. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 22. V.. nn. . . -Z?wKthree dl gW Tonight's train, due from the laBe ln f m lna cou"try vil- t'ast at 10:20, was. reported this s.aun. - . morning to be on ume. most a foregone conclusion that !the oil embargo will be imposed ! that it Is Just a matter of fixing tire I date. It Is also probable that steel, iron and coal will be included in the sanctions list. There is reason to believe that American oil companies, complying with the policy of the government which is opposed to the supplying of war materials to any belligerents, will refuse to supply oil to Italy. Of course, should United States companies decide not to side In with League nations but to supply oil to Italy, the League embargo would be rendered largely ineffectual. It is expected that Great Britain will formally propose the oil embargo against Italy at the meeting of the sanctions committee which has been called for December 12 at ViCTCf-iLft Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Geneva. Regret has been expressed ' - In some quarters that the meeting has been called for so late a date. VANCOUVER. Nov. 30: (CP) Some British officials expressed George Warren, aged 83, one of the belief yesterday that Musso- th most prominent pioneers of Unl misht be bluffing despite his the British Columbia fish canning innouncement that the imposition -industry, died here Thursday nignt. nnfripndlv action?1 A war against he sanctions nations could only na in atsastur lor rciatiom iuuu w, . Italy. II Duce might, of course, de- JJanUllS VlSlt ",lde to go down in a maze oi giury 'n a suicidal war rather than to have his armies in East Africa -.tarved out by sanctions. Oil Is essential to his campaign, It Is generally admitted, From the Fronts Bank in Helena Escape With. $800 Following Daylight Robbery in Montana City . The Ethiopians showed consider- ZQ:o ible activity yesterday in consoli- , armed bandlts held up the White dating their forces on the northern nmS2 state Bank here yesterday, front and, while only minor sklr- intimated the staff and customers mlshes were reported during the and escaped in a waiting motor car with $800 in currency. Relieved that a day, it was again major engagement was Impending. Emperor Halle Selassie has. left Addis Ababa, presumably to take The Italians emphatically denied JH.v that Walwal. close to Kev. Dr. E. D. McLaren Passes Away the Italian Somaliland border, had been recaptured by the Ethiopians, j On the contrary, it was reported, fv, Tt.ifon ramnalen was ko- VANCOUVER. Nov. 30: (CP) NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 NEW DIESEL CAR RUNS ON RAILS OR ROADS . A ne w JPieseUerrsinejJ .car which is equally at home on the toad or on- a railway track was tested for the first time recently on the Great West Road, near London, England, The vehicle, which is of original design, can climb steps and runs easily over all sorts of surfaces. It Is fitted with four-wheel drive, and four-whisl steering, and is capable of drawing at least ten trucks. It Is seen above going down steps. Pioneer Salmon CannerisDead Ocorge Warren Passes Away In Vancouver At Age Of Eighty-Three Years CREW OF HALIBUT BOAT ITHONA HAD CLOSE CALL AFTER THEIR BOAT SANK Well Known American Halibut Vessel Foundered After Striking Reef and Six Men Perched For Day On Storm-Swept Rock KETCHIKAN. NoV. 30: (CP)-CaDt. Ole Moland and of the oil embargo would be con- He commenced in the canning bu-j fjye members 0f the crew 0f the halibut boat Ithona clung id"ed:,?t"!1l!d,: r.nLf" lninT18Snh ana u. l. wuson. J- BulUmer to a wave-swept ept rock rock for for twenty twenty-one hours .after the Ithona struck a reef and sank in a gale on Tuesday night oi tnis weeK, it was learned yesterday, ine men were brought here on the halibutter Electra. Dr . Fred Kergin - K Followine the strandine. the men Wins His F.R.C.S. Coveted Medical Degree Taken Local Boy Who is Engaged In Post-Graduate Work In London put off in a dory which the waVes smashed against the reef. The best swimmers saved those who were unable to make headway in the rough sea. All then roosted on the ' rock over which, the waves washed Dy at high tide until they were sighted i by the Electra Just before dark on i Wednesday. The Electra is now proceeding to " ! , , . ', Seattle with the five members of ymu w3 ic.ou twaj u, w tne crewGnbert Hanson. Thor personal command of his forces In A VanrftllVOr !) PS ".Sf! ! wre5k a view to ascertaining a new offensive. 'some time longer. SPRECKELS PART COMPANY NEW YORK, Nov. 30: Mr. and UlttU - r- - . . . . . , o l.-l- 1 U Ini? ahead steadily and that, from Rev. ur. m. u. McLaren, pioneer wirs. Auojpu oplCcK.c nave iwuir PT. BARROW EVACUATED I the north, Italian troops were near- unusu uoiumoia cnurcnman, aieo, -ure paiuug ui mc uc.. usKimo ropuiauon unaDie to stay Ine Lake Tana All places .that -have last nigni in snaugnnessy Military j ugui neu wuu8,ucu uwmg to fuel ana rood been captured by the Italians, it Hospital where he had been chap-; by his young wife for separate Shortage was stated are being disarmed, lain ln recent years. Aged 85, he maintenance. x Ethiopians who wish to Join Italy was born ln Lanark, Ont., and was( - POINT BARROW, Alaska, Dec. are however, being equipped with formerly minister of old St. An-j Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dockrlll re-30: (CP) The last of several hun-new rifles Italian reports Indicate drew's Presbyterian Church. He had turned on last evening's train to dred Eskimos left Point Barrow that preparations are being made been ill for some time and death their home in Telkwa after a visit yesterday for the winter because of Continued on Page 2 was not unexpected. of a few days in town. , food and fuel shortage. High ...,4:56 a.m. 13.6 ft. 16:35 pjn. 19.4 ft. Low 10:50 a.m. 8.6 ft. 23:21 ajn. -J.C ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS WAR CLOUDS HANGING LOW AGAIN ssibility of Oil Embargo Precipitating Conflict Of Major Proportions Discussed DEMANDS AUTONOMY IN CHINA BRITISH i WARNING TO JAPAN .Tokyo Apparently Intends To Enforce Its Will Big Arms Appropriation Passes PEIPING, Nov. 30: (CP) An ultimatum demanding declaration of autonomy in North China was handed Chinese authorities today by representatives of the Imperial Kwantung Army, it was reliably reported. Arrival of a trainload of tanks and an additional ten troop trains in Tientsin seemed to indicate there was every intention to back the ultimatum with force and that the Japanese appeared determined not to permit this demand to pass' without definite action as did the last deadline for autonomy fixed for November 20. I . , . London's, Attitude LONDON1; -Nov. 30: In a note to Tokyo yesterday, the British government Indicated that It did not like Japanese activities In North China. The note curtly reminded Japan that there was still such a thing as the nine-power treaty guaranteeing independence and boundaries of China. Big Arms Appropriation TOKYO, Nov. 30: (CP) The Japanese Army and Navy won cabinet approval today for their greatest budget appropriations In the Empire's history when about $659,000,- 000 was voted, almost forty-seven percent of which went to the army and navy. There was sharp oppo sition to the big military appropria tion but it was overridden. PACT WITH AUSTRALIA Will Benefit B. C. Paper Exporters, Also Manufacturers Of Boots And Shoes OTTAWA, Nov. 30: A new trade treaty, which Is in process of being drawn up with Australia, will benefit British Columbia exporters of wrapping paper and Eastern manufacturers of boots and shoes, it is intimated here. latpresent engaged in postrgra-,nSeaU!e lc today. n. Pioneer n, Lhurchman , duateLwork ln hospitals in London,- Car,t. Moland jeft n board 1 lUUvl1 VllUl V11AIIU11, rs1t, uR wpPn cMpppccf,,! n nass- . ... ..... . .. t .ww uiut a i Cu Ul vv,j. w..v.Sw ir tne itnona can be raised. In Military Hospital at Age Of Eighty-Five Years t " : ,3. saivaee Doat tor tne srent nr t.hp or surgeons oi isngiana. ur. K.ergin . will be remaining in London for Vancouver Wheat father, Dr. W. T. Kergin, that Dr. HusbV( Ivar Angell Hans Hope and! Wheat closed at 86?8c on the local Fred G. of this city, who is Kergin Ant Xonneson. all w whom llve! fthllllM vpst.prd.iv. dronninb tn