PAGE EEC -... Save Money ! ! ! And enjoy ypur Christmas shopping. Everyone knows when they get good values. That's why we iriyitej ybli ttf come in and look over our enormous stock: ! GIFTS FOR EVERYONE At prices that will please IN OUR BASEMENT STORE Wc have added a Toy Department But you will have to shop early as they are going fast. A Cheery Greeting Card Costs so little but brings so much pleasure. Do not delay. Order now! Value and Service Our Motto MAX HEILBRONER DIAMOND SPECIALIST Discount Sale on all COATS For the Week-end DEMERS TOYS for BOYS MECCANO The ideal construction set that combines profit with pleasure. Reserve Meccano Sets now from our complete stock. Sizes and prices to suit every requirement. XI n . 000 00 .. 40c 70c 75c 93c A n c n i- S1.2.'. S2.00 S2.73 $1.00 $3.00 2 3 1A 2A $3.00 S8.25 $2.25 $3.50 MECCANO Aeroplane Constructor Outfits, No. 0 S1J0; No. 1 $2.50 Car Constructor Outfits ,. $3.00 "KEMEX" Chemistry For Boys, set .,....$1.75 MECCANO Rubber Tired "Dinky Toy's" .'. .... 15c & 20c , ;Nsw 193G American Flyer-Stream Line, Model TraipsSz&OO I Electric Trains Complete with transformer ...58.50 (' Other Models Clockwork Trains, ,.. ."Oc, $1.00 and up f : A deposit will hold any article for Christmas Early Ad. Copy is appreciated AN UNIQUE RECITAL Mrs. J. T. Mandy at Her Best Baptist Church Last Evening In Something quite unique and outstanding in the way of entertain ment took place at First Baptist Church last night under the aus pices of the Ladies' Aid of the church uhen Mrs. J. T. Mandy gave what she called a lecture re :ital entitled "The Big Four." It was In reality a brilliant dramatic sketch of an unusual type and was evidenUy greatly appreciated by the large audience. Some thought t the best she had done yet. There, were also a number of selections by the Junior Orchestra .omposcd of Miss Eileen Hamblin, piano and leader; Misses Phyllis Hamblin, Edith Johnstone and En-glna Chrlstensen, violinists; Tom Johnstone, clarinet; George Brown, comet, and Johnny O'Neill, trombone. They played well and should prove a valuable addition to the musical organizations of the city. Mrs. P. H. Llnzey sang well .and was recalled. John Davey acompanied. In her recital Mrs. Mandy gave three sketches to illustrate the big four the funny, the ludicrous, the nathetic and the beautiful. Her de Unlatlon of the nervous, talkative, nagging mother at the beach with her children was a scream but lt!stewart. was tne story of the man in the hadow, who felt himself a failure but who happened to hear his work extolled as the greatest of all. which gripped the audience and taught an unusual lesson. Mrs. Mandy showed how the big four were large factors in the universal search for happiness. A person must have a sense of humor or he missed much in life. He must be able to appreciate the funny and the ludicrous. Beauty was mixed! with those things which were not ', beautiful and was accentuated' thereby. j Mrs. Norman Fraser presided and thanked the performers on be-1 half of the audience for the excel- lent entertainment provided. ! LONDON. Nov. 30: (CP Fl?- Ung an Iron rim to a car tire. William Fitzgerald. 55, was fatally Injured when the rim flew out of his hands, striking him In the fac.?. MINK & MARTIN Mmk Pelts arc 20 Percent Higher I have an order for 10,000 Mink and 5.000 Martin. Any fur with hair on It interests me. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable DAILY NZ7TS Saturday, November m , WATERFRONT WHIFFS Halibut Landings Continue Light With Only Larger Boats Fishing Visit of International Fisheries . . Commission Next Week With only the larger vessels of either the Canadian or 'American fleets still in operation on Area No. 3 grounds, the last week of November has seen only a comparatively small movement of halibut into Prince Rupert Last year at this time, the season had ended and all the boats were long since tied up. This year fishing continues until Christinas Eve. During the past; - week landings at Prince Rupert to-tv vf nri HJf sOTOr' tailed but 216,500 pounds of which: y I IVH H ) K K boats and 53.500 pounds from Ca-j nadian The total for the season has reached 11.336.150 pounds consisting of 6.117,000 pounds American and 5.218,850 pounds Canadian fish. Boats landing 'catches during ,e the week were as follows: j Canadian Capella, 24.000 1 23.000. 9.6c and 8c and 6c. 6c; The full International Fisheries Commission consisting of Dr. J. Babeock. chairman: Dr. YY". A. Found of Ottawa; F. T. Bell. United States Commissioner of Fisheries, and Edward W. Allen of Seat-Ue will visit Prince Rupert on Wednesday and Thursday of next iweek, holding a public hearing on' ; the latter day in order to receive, j local views as to possible altera-j 1 1 tlnnr In 4 Vx KiliKnt ffcVtnr MntOi - I uuiu nv naituuk a toiuu a t ' j tioas. Tlie Commission will be ac-companled by Dr. Will Fi Thomp- son. director of scienUflc investigations. The party will arrive Wed nesday morning aboard the steamer Prince George from th? south and will sail the next night on its, return to Vancouver. To discuss possible matters to bring before -hf commission, the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union held a general nrett-Ing Thursday nicht and tomorrow the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association will hold a meeting for the same purpose. It is possible that a Joint nemorandum may be presented. Df. Found, it is expected, will address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon on Wednesday. The Seattle halibut boat Ithona. ' Capt Ole Moland. the sinking ofi season. The Ithona was a twenty- ton vessel. Coastwise Steamshln & Baree Co.'s freighter Griffco, Capt. Wll-j liam Ross, was in port last night1 with a parcel of local cargo. She arrived from Tacoma and Vancou ver and proceeded from here to On a regularly scheduled fort- i nightly voyage from Vancouver to Skagway. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer. Is due in port tomorrow morning about 8 or 9 o'clock. Mrs. J. Drott and two children will sail on the Princess Norah tomorrow morning for Dawson. Soya Bean Bread . . Delicious for Toasting English Crumpets Meat Pies-Finest Pastry & Cakes Van's Bakery IS COMING Me Forever" Expected To Draw Large Crowds Special pounds. 7.7c and 6c: Johanna, 5,- Grace Moore Is coming to uw. ijk ami ix: , aitrivuic, iu,wu, T1 on Monday 7.9c and 6c; Southend. 9.500. 7.4c i03101 nere land Tuesday of next week in her and Jlast "Love Me Forever" A,.HMnrrti. n nnn rwnnrts Picture a"d' ta ordr ta somewhat relieve 8c and 6c: Mlddteton. 24.000. 9c and 6c: Oceanic. 13,000. 13.000. 8.5c and 6c:. wlc 6"un at the evening Rptuntinn loooo 19.000. s fio anrt r: 'pected Sitka. 40.000. Matinees tenor, and Luis AlbernL i the manager reprimanded the be ex- shows. Grant. ManaSer D- - Borland announces , uiai mere win oe special mauneee 'both Monday and Tuesday afternoons. 'Love Me Forever" not only features the divine singing of Miss Moore but the sensational star has also been given a stunning background and a dramatic story that is said to keep one breathless and ! thrilled untU the final fade-out. In addition to "Love Me Forever," the theme song, which has become very popular. Miss Moore sings in this picture several grand opera selections from "La Boheme," the H quartette from "Rigoletto," "Funi- " cull-Funlcula." "II Bacio." "Jingle Bells.". "The Bells of St. Mary's," "Rings on My Fingers" and a rag- time tune entitled "Whoa" so there is music for all tastes. a The supporting cast includes Leo jjj Carillo, Michael Bartlett, popular Sj HONOR MARIE TEMPEST LONDON. Eng. Nov. 30: CT -"No monument could compete or even faintly compare with this honor you have done mc." said Miss Marie Tempest famous English actress, opening the new heatrlcal ward at St. GeorEe' .Hospital, which was named after her. WHISKER JOKES BARRED of the factory was CHOCOLATES!, CHOCOLATES! n HI H i i i (5 which, in Alaska waters after strik-. KKIEV. U.S.S.R., Nov. 30: CP S Ing a reef together with the narrow. Ridicule of a workman's beard B escape of her crew is described in brought dis-iDllnary measures ag- a Canadian Press dispatch on the'ainst officials of the Kiev "too! ij front page today, is well known In, trust." The director was ordered Prince Rupert although she had not j to explain his attitude to the local Jj been in this port during the 'past communUt party committee and Wc have Just received a large as-i sortment of Christmas Box Choco- lates made by Lowneys, Molr's,! Ganong's and Ezzy's In all sizes' ranging from 25c and up. We know we have the size and style of box i you want. We Invite you to call at; our store and ask to see our won-! derf ul assortment. Wc are only too pleased to have you call I We also have a complete line of Christmas Candles at all different prices. Make Our Store our SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS - ': '.' Our complete' line of mixers and blenders and soft drinks makes it easy to select them for your party. Felix Ginger Ale per doz Pomegranates 3 for ..... Pears per doz. JapjOranges ,f. per doz; 81.35 25c '35c 25c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue STARTS MONDAY TWO DAYS nv, Special Matinees Monday & Tuesday at 2:30 With a Song in Her Heart She Brings You a Dramatic Musical Romance! New Hours of , Thrilling Entertainment 1 ikimiMiiliinrm IfSTfariiTa LAST SHOWINGS TONIGHT CLARK GABLE. Loretta Young in "Call of the Wild" i 33 ti 9 3" Klox! Klox! How About a Good Clock For Chrislmas! Everyone Needs One... Vc are able to show you better prices this year on account of the cases bcinjr Canadian-made by (he makers of radio cabinets. This saves a lot of duty. We have a real nice 8-Day Solid Oak Clock with double tone musical strike for $11.50 Several other Walnut and Mahogany Styles " j ranging in price from $12.50 to $18.00 j Something new in a Westminster Quarter- i Hour Chime Clock run electrically, no winding $27.50 Many Models to Choose From In the smaller ornamental styles we have a lot of new designs in modernistic shapes. THE STORE WITH THE CLOCN Of course we have all the latest and best numbers in Big Ron and other Westclox products. We'd like to show you. u b i-aia ii vm t aznza ni re to ? t r r 1 ' ' 1 "j o fiiier Rye re made of i5; the old firm of Jowph K Seagram A Sons. V. Carefully aged in charred oak caks, they acquire gH B a flavor and strength not available in any other jjJggB Croun of whiskies. u i