S Sectiaicl as / Ps ty \ \ 6OT 9 ton 7 | eR [ee 911 c — 4, , Iai for Charter for a, Railroad |= THE COSY CORNER DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN = of pe aneas at the next session { thereof, for an Act incorporatin a) em } ( ga , a Railway, Company, under the name of La he ee Cae : The Pacific, 'I'rans-Canada and Hudson Bay Railway Company,” with power ; to lay out, construct and operate a line | to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert ef vanwey bom 4 point in the Province | are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- perta, at or nez , y of Ed- j itici j i 4 , near the City of Ed-| gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The | | monton, thence northerly by » mos feasible route to, at, or a Athabeats Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. Landing; thence northwesterly north- east of Lesser Slave Lake to Wabiska or Loon River; thence northerly to a NEW SKIRT MODEL Ft ai wide | ° > 21g wide hen point at or near the junction of the The ate ight wide hem Loon River with the Peace River, or | band of stain finishing at a point near the junction of the| Parisian Fashion Experts Pre-|¢l;imed the attention of { Red River with the Peace River, below : : ; i are Vermillion on the Peace River; dict Fuller Lines lable women for so long a ‘ime thence northerly to Fort Smith on the | i f is $ i i | 1 : on the -harge this sort immedi Slave River: From t 8 BE Thei ti ee : a point on the said Phe introduction of more fullness | calls attention to itself of) There will undoubied| railroad near its crossing of the Wabiske, : River or the Loon Kiver vasterly to skirts the latest Fort McMurray on the Athabasa the autocrat Fashion } ” ‘ { ; 53 sg ae S OES, River; thence easterly along the Clear- : : effort on the part o fights to take place in California. S.0.E.B.S water river and Chruchill River through inexperienced women | progressive fashion makers to wid- Ku OM ine ae the Province of Saskatchewan to Fort examining those latest models from | ' 4 hiss vas ; : sms The Erince Kupert Lodge, No, 318, Sons of Churchill or Port Nelson on the Hudson Pari | , jen .tne skirts VeTy jpreicepiibly; Stanislaus Cyganiewicz, better boca pa third eortese ia : ‘ ; < a S eg . 4 1 . s of England b Bay: From a point on said railroad iris that u ibut this is rot like! be icker |kpown to the wrestling world as} Ave at p.m. o F near its crossing of the Wabiska or| will notice To be} ‘ Saye st aly . F. V. CLARK, Sec., Loon River, westerly to Peace River | ., Se. 4S f ke : jUD, at least during ih: Y S¢ ‘ Zbyszko, wrestler SRN? A WOODS Posnax S12, Prine Rupert * oan rane sure, * average ock is oie - 6 2 » e ; ‘ x crossing on the Peace River; thence} Sur, the average frock is straight, Frills of valencierres ard nar-|of Europe, is anxious to-secure @ * Sets ere westerly on the north side of the river}in line: but und . ‘ , ; +4 . through Laurier Pass to Prince Rupert hi tt Le; row laces will go to new}matech with Gotch that or Portland Canal on the Pacific Coast ake t nt le skirt, skirts the desired fullress, Yet] purpose he due arrive in 7 way me ekirt even these are soft enough to hang} America on J. H. this note of fulness i:ccomes more perfectly straight and give a Herman, Buffalo, will manege him adv. lightful frou-frou without | while in America. The Rue de la Paix is beginring jectually widenirg to any per- uM x -eptible degree the general lines. Zbyszko has defeated every a SS FO mmm OA Tt a A i et at | ek a ee AN r ITEMS OF... SPORT) WAL Phone 174 Bill Lange, the famous old ball f of NEXT MAILS For souTH Prince Rupert...... Friday, a.m, Fok NORTH Princess May............. Tonight rm ) { NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Parlia- | { Oe Fe ted 2nd Ave. bet. 7 aid 8t. —~ - PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and, Advanced Pupils This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted | player Chicago ard now 2 esident of Sen Francisco, may be the Coast League Stor. Canadian Pacitic Railway Famous Prircess ; service Coast 8¢ ot ( Line yresider t STUART & Sty ACCOUNTANTS -:. AUDITOWE CENTS Law-Butler Building Phone No, z= Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 : ext year. Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wiiczek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs Princess May tober 6th, at 9 a.m. ouver and Seattle N General Agent aH HK HK James Coffroth of sen isco, has telegraphed to George McDorale, manager of Matt Wells, the English lighiweight champion, offering Wells $5,000 for a bout with Packey McFarlard or $7,500 with Ad Wolgast, the lightweight the Friday, Oc Victoria, Vane G. McNab vible Weekly Service B prince Rupert, 8.8. Prince George Fran- he kirt ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Eto, Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Si: street. Prince Ruvert. g = =E. EBY @®& Cos REAL ESTATSR Kitsumkalum Lar’ For Sale KITSUMKALUM . - R.C. tely for a contest in is dictum be an champion, For he more ancouver Victoria AND | seattle WM. &. HALL, i. D.38., D.D.S, DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental skilfully treated. By see jocal anasthi administered for the pai ex. free. Offices: fi-12 The most have reached that char just ge. son the ; wwaction of teeth. the champion Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. here there one the triple frills and Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E.Williams,8.a., LL.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C give Vor MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture. 2nd Ave, Between 7th & 8th Sts. 1s to ondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. % f tiny : f tiny November 1. s for Port Simp- i in, Naas River, and Stewart, Wed- sieve 1pm: and for Masset and Raden Harbor Thursdays 12 p. m, ; Rose Harbor, ete., Prince John sail effect insistent as the season nces. Prince Rupert P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE RIPERT for the purposes of the railway and other purposes; to acquire and make use of lands, waterlots, wharves, docks, dock-yards, slips, warehouses, elevators and other conveniences; and with power to enter into Agreements with other Companies. SMITH & JOHNSTON Solicitors for the Applicants Dated at Ottawa this 12th day of: September, A. D., 1911. 5w | | OESRESESESERES HERE or Skidegate, | m aturdays } | Railway Service to Copper River ed trains from Prince Rupert Mon- Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1 ng Tuesdays, Thursdays t4 pm. in British Columbia; with power to construct and operate teleyraph and telephone and cable lines for general |wrestler of note, with the ex- ception of Gotch, both in this country in Europe, and if public purposes; to carry on, construct, maintain and operate boats and ferries there is ary heavyweight he has not defeated who wants a chance to bring out new models in which | | fullness has = decided place. Nar- Dr. Swing has gone south for |a time, bur macy be expected beck hems of frocks fashioned of chiffors | shorily. He left by the Rupert |yesterday morning. E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT } row flounces are seer on the | ard ys, .m., return d Sundays ¢ and geauzes. he Grand Trunk Railway System necting with trains from the Pacific t operates a frequent and conven- service of Juxurious trains over its ble track » between Chicago, M eal, Quebec, Halifax, n, New York and Phila- c Steamship bookings Full informa- obtained from the —— his mareger states that he can be }2.cc oa2ted 2 , ti > aite No- EDDA ERED SaENaeaREDEeNEREERE | ccommod=ted ony time after No see ith haa 33 vember 1. In fact, Herman would S33 | like to secure a match for Zbyszko TO RENT: Henry Birks G Son, Limited $ he coast if possible. Kx Rx lt unlikely that Frank Gotch, world’s heavyweight cham- wrestler, will be in Varcouver within the rext couple of morths. Chester McIntyre, physical director jof the Vanvouter Athletic Club, |has received a dispatch from Emil Klerk, manager of Gotch, askirg lif there wes any chance to arrarge jan exhibition in that city for the champion. Mr. Mc!niyre replied s informirg Klenk would|z, ; the show advised in Var- Little’s NEWS Agency ;couver and asking to be advised} iimmediately as to the probable | Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers of FRUITS e338 | Varcouver. A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave, between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE, HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 lines is not | | olaeteet linkage nihil gl ie cab mccain | Gives most efficient WATCH We American the un A. k. MCMASTER PASSENGER AGENT Bi pion seen service the Domirior. REIGHT AND action in ., °. furrish ary Swiss or Pe: ano Comfortable Cottage |2 Rooms, upstairs and 4 rooms nce Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. | Lath and plast- jered. City water—$25 a month NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block | movement that is worthy of beirg handled by us. for .Grand Hotel. Workingr~~’s Home Free Labor Bureau m Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor See our catalogue write further information or So: l prices. em or ' on ground floor. es. ~ Henry Birks & Sons, Lid. Jewellers and Silversmiths VANCOUVER - - BRITISH COLUMBIA opnesa: sedeegeedsedends' ses that he Cor. First Ave. Hotel Central S25 FisAre; European and American plan, steam ted, modern conveniences. Ra’ _ $1.00 to $2.50 per day. ‘ 3 hardle very Tuesday Evening .. '? oud eed ended: 2eeSeeoe members of the order in the city 'G.R.NADEN COMPANY are requested to visit the lodge. | seo PROPROP ROSA: J. P. CADE, N. G. J. GLUCK, See. Limited. } Gotch’s 2.tes Siege" appearance in Re, fe CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: G.T.P. WHARF 2 gS 0 PLO, PAO PRs PRO PEOSAOPHO, Re PRO PRO SRS PEO PECSAS, BRO FR PHO, SEESSESESSESLESRESSESESEERESHESEES SESE SEES SESS SSeS SES EE o | Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. 3 ‘ i F SUIIES sett aE toot Fa See ot oot eet eet Yee ott ———— THE PROSPERITY OF EVERY GREAT CITY IS DUE TO ITS GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION ————-_——— THE SPOKANE OF CANADA —= THE SPOKANE OF CANADA NEW HAZELTON The most important Townsite! The most talked of Townsite along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway NEW HAZELTON Townsite had over a Quarter of a Million Dollars Invested by a few Business Men before the Lots were offered for sale. NEW The story of NEW HAZELTON is well known to the public. It is a Townsite being offered to the public by successful business men. There is HAVE YOU CONFIDENCE OF MERCHANTS ON THE GROUND? NOTICE | INVESTMENTS MADE IN TOWNS WITH THE Many lots already purchased by == Right Kind of Country, Right Ie SP 7 eitaepane New Hazelton Townsite, Sec. 1 Now being offered for sale Is Net a Grand Trunk Pacific Promotion Townsite., NEW HAZELTON Town- selected by the experts of * Syndicate of successful men as the keographical location for a big city. They bought the land, realizing the Wonderful resources of the Hazelton District, the Mines, the Distributing Centre for hundreds of miles, and Many other reasons. Ni HAZELTON Many ore, nines are getting ready to ship Some of the mines being developed o oe Cup, American Boy, Sil- aa! eadard, Sunrise and Sunset, ae ing, Erie Babine, Most of ta ey in NEW HAZELTON mines nl ‘gh grade Silver-Lead, similar to ee the Slocan District in Bast a ve B. C., and similar to some * found at Leadville, Col, are: BUY A LOT - Northern Interior Land Company, Limited | Jesouetrot en soqnotyetyer essen tet er te1srsor3ex3036SetOeseetet3 Prince Rupert for Sale of Lots EREMIAH H, KUGLER 2n d Ave,, between 5th and 6th Streets the keenest business men of Hazel- ton (Old Town). You can safely follow the judgment of such men. NEW HAZELTON, the hub of the Hazelton District, will be the natural headquarters for what promises to be the most active and sensational new city in the fastest growing part of the world today on account of the wonderful Lead, and Zine Mines, the Groundhog Mountain Coal Fields, the Vast Agricultural Country tributary to the coming principal city in British Columbia on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. going up. Newspaper plant now moving on the Townsite. Two or three General Merchandise Stores, Drug Store, Bank, Restuarants and in fact, many lines of trade are now arranging to open in NEW HAZ- ELTON, Section One. Activity is in that part of the Townsite known as Section One. Stores are Kind of Resources, Right Kind of ____ : People, will surely be big paying, New Hazelton, B.C. investments. This is the town at Call at J. H. Kugler’s office and pick your lots while you have plenty to choose from. People have been wait- ing over a year for this Townsite to be put on the market, so there is bound to be a rush for lots. $10 DOWN AND $10 A MO HAZELTON is a_ Business »Man’s Townsite. All the G. T. P. and Local History was carefully considered. The Engineer's Reports as to grades, op- portunities for side tracks necessary to handle the thousands of freight cars were examined. Then they in- vested in NEW HAZELTON. They paid in Cash for NEW HAZELTON and nearby Lands over Two Hundred and Fifty Thorsand Doilars. NEW HAZELTON is reported by Engineers to he the only available spot in the Skeena or Bulkley Valleys for many miles each way where it would be povsible to have Railroad Yards large enough to handle the Hazsit.in District’s business. NEW HAZELTON affords a long, nearly level stretch of land suitable for Immense Yards, which will be required to handle the thousands of cars of ore and coal that will be shipped from the mines in the Hazelton District. positively no Railroad Company or Townsite Promoter financially in- terasted in the land. The owners havi undertaken to make NEW HAZ- ELTON a city of importance in British Columbia. NEW HAZELTON prom- ises to be the most profitable city to the Grand Trunk Pacific along its maiz; fines. Ojfices of Fole’, Welch 3. Stewart, contractors building the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, will be located in NEW HAZELTON,. The Chief Clerk, Paymaster and Pur- chasing Agent are preparing to, and will, build homes in NEW HAZEL- TON, Section One. NEW HAZELTON located on the Grand Trunk Pecifie Railroad is at- tracting the attention of the whole world, as all important towns do on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. - BUYS A LOT ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 1515