It I 1 f3W PAOE TWC THE DAILY NEWS U-r.da? A JCTTiaVi F t MM flllTPITl'IllICtlCB yteccviiCf trie oax. uxza v THAT YOU CAN'T HAVE STYlj AND COMFORT TOO . -Y . Forget in? Ixnpreulota you may have formed about so rilled corrective" thoes, until jrou btve investigated Anbgrips. la design, detail, Lee and color, they fit in with the latest fashlanj . . . and keen you feeling tit. ill's (be wvlsiblesrch-supporting jhank built ia:u these .thou that does it! o4pcf tiMp SHOES 8 Y B 1A C H F O R D MR. McGEER AND MR. M ANSON s u m ! m ' The Family ' Shoe Store j , Third Avenue Phone 357 lljrHWSBKIlXa THE DAILY NEWS. fftlNCE RUPERT - BUIT1SU COLUMBIA PuhlUhed .Every Afternoon, Except Sunday. hy .Prince .Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F..PULLEN Managlng-Edfcoi CONSIDERING THE JATiENTS ' Complaint was made at the monthly meeting of the' 'Prince Rupert General Hospital board at the -end of the week of the noise of playing children around the institu-j non uisiuruing me ,patients tnerein. we do not suppose ,that it should oe necessary for the parents of the children Concerned to be given imore than a gentle ;hint .with a view! to having them restrain the youngsters whoso innocent noise is complained about. After all, the circumstances "are exceptional and only those who have ibeen really sick' :can realize how such nouses as these can .annoy. In justiceito the children, it must be admitted ithat . there are few -enough .places in Prince Rupert, .where 'they ;may .play. Also this is school holiday time. Nevertheless, due (consideration should also be given the sick. - The "British Columbia Legislature will be the poorer through losing two .members ot the type of 3Ipyor G. G. McGeer .of Vancouver and A. M. Manson K.C.M, L. A. for Qmineca,, who .are resigning to enter the broader sphere of federal politics. From what we can gather in reports from Vancouver, both have good chp.ncesof being elected to the Ottawa seats so their services will not be lost to the country. As for Mr. McGeer, the causes which he (espouses are more. essentially federal and he will have the opportunity of giving 'better service in Ottawa than in Victpria. We in the north .will be sorry 'to .lose Mr. Manson as a member in the central interior district of Omineca which he has served faithfully and well since 1916. We have no doubt that he will serve equally well at Ottawa if he is elected. There is no question about his competency. There are few men in public life in British Columbia who have had so many admirers irrespective of party lines. He has served the iprovince in many spheres but po.siblv the best testimonial to his ability is constituted in the testimonials to ,the work he .has .done by the expressions of apprecia tion .thatcanibe so consistently heard. at all times from his constituents. Mr. Manson, possibly more unobtrusive to day than :he may :have been a few years ago, has it in him to go a great'deal further yet in public service. LOGGER IN FATALITY Krist Ilamer Passes Away After ReJag Xrpshed .by .Log On Stephens .Island departure had Prince Rupert. been made for The boat arrived ln port about 6 o'clock Saturday evening with the body on board. The police were at once noUfled and the body re moved to the chapel of the B. C Undertakers. An inquiry was held as a result Krist Hamer, 48-year old Nor- of which the coroner was satisfied weglan, passed, a'way at thcend of i that the fatality was due to accl- thje sweek aboard a gasboat on derit. which he was belrl? brought to thei Hamer formerly lived at Port D. L.J A. P. 4 1 17 15 6 4 1 15 17 6 mm 'SPORT YANKS ARE ABOUT OUT Detroit Tigers Beern Assured Pennant TUht Rare in National Baseball Standings American League New York ... Chicago Boston Cleveland ... Philadelphia Washington W. Detroit j66 ...59 52 .. ...54 91 ...43 44 St. Louis 35 i L. 37 42 47 49 51 54 59 65 National League W. L. New York 67 38 St. Louis , ,63 40 Chicago . ..67 43 Pittsburg 58 51 Brooklyn 48 57 Philadelphia ,48 58 ClncinnaU 47 60 Boston 27 78 of games. R There was little change in the I three-way struggle far the Na-aitional League pennant New Yark y ioianbs lost to the Phillies aud Crhi- icatto Cubs defeated the St. Louis j i Cardinals, ending their winning i streak at eight games On Satur-j day Dizzy Dean had pitched the Cardinals to victory Week-end Big Ivague scores: 'SATURDAY SCORES National League St. Louis 4, Chicago 2. New York 6-1, Philadelphia 3-6 Cincinnati 3. Pittsburg 0. Boston 6. Brooklyn 5. American .League Philadelphia 7-2, New York 18-7; Chicago 0, Detroit 4. Cleveland 5, St. Louis 6. wasningion a, uosion v f SUNDAY SCORES American League Washington 4-4, Boston 2-5. Philadelphia 8-5, New York 4-4. Chicago 1. Detroit 4. Cleveland 10-7. St. Louis 7-7 (se cond game called on account ol darkness in eleventh inning). National League Boston 5-2, Brooklyn 7-3. New York 0. Philadelphia 2. Cincinnati 4-4, Pittsburg 2-3. St. Louis 2, Chicago 3. Pet. X41( .584 .5251 J24 iOO .443 .427 550 Pet .638 .612 X09 .532 y457 .453 .439 557 BOWLING SCHEDULE Aug. 12 No. 8 vs. No. lfl. Personnel of Rinks The personnel of rinks Is as fol lows, last named in each case be Ing skip: No .1 F. Vlckers, J. II. McLeod, A. R. Nichols, D. Borland. No. 2 A. J. Webber, R. E.James, P. Lakle, J. J. Little. No. 3 .R. Qammon. A. T. .Parkin W. H. Tobey, O. Woodland. No. 4 J. 8. Irvine, S. D. Macdon-ald. W. II. Wilson-Murray, L. Ar-roll. No. 5 F. A. MacCulIum, T. Mc-Meekln. II. W. Birch, J. Watson. No. 6-rF. A. Rogers, E. Dlekman, F. S. Walton, J. Frew. No. 7 D. Crerar. W. Coates, R.' M. Wlnslow, D. MacPhee. No. 8 H. T. Cross, W. Millar, F. Dlbb, P. Tinker. No. 0-W. D. -Vance, Steve King, R. E. Benson, J. Preeee. The standing of rinks to . date is as. follows: V. Tinker .7 Arroll!... 6 city by his .partner. Vic Markland,' fcdward and, as far as Is , known, MacPhV 6 from the west coast of Stephens ! was unmarried. A brother. John Watson 1 1 . 5 Island where )ie had sustained ser-! Hamer, is fishing at Mlnktrap Bay. I Woodland" " A wus injuries in a jogging .accident log slipped while Markland and mmer were jacking ,Jt. up and fell on flamer, lie was moved out to: the boat by "Markland and passed away about half an hour after FOOTBALL LEAQUK STANDING Legion Regiment W. 1 ...1 Hill 3 Preeee 3 Macdonald 2 Little 2 Borland 2 Frew J2 L. .1 2 3 2 4 5 5 .5 .5 4 7 SPORT CHAT Commiserating v;th Pnnee Rupert's baseball players in their to annex the '-up that was re presentative of th baseball cham- plaruhlp of Northern and Central NEW YORK, Au?. 12-Chance BrltUi, Columbia, we cannot but of the New York Yankees to cap- expreM our admin, tion for the ex-ture the American League pennant ceiient sportsmanship displayed by faded further yesterday when they the,players in theit games at SniU lost a double-header to the Phila- th " durlM Rifca' flac .da v. delphia Athletics while the Detroit "Generous in victory they were noble ngers won meir nimu 5inuBiii. ln dt(eat and Ied by Uw oW veter. victory by beating the Chicago Bm jumble ai d SUn Moran., White Sox and i,ncreasfd of leadership their thev did their home town Droud in to six Jull behavior and aport entiemanH- necs, says the IrUTior New. But all thece fine qualities had a cloud that was not as creditable to the town as the players were l men of pride tothit community. Here we had a fine lot of young atliletas ready to their beat to play some part in establishing the supremacy of the coast eMy. The mere'faet that fates were against them does not matter. Tltey p4ay ed the game. But .Prince Rupert sent their players out looking like bowery tramps with thei' uniforms de corated Vlth cheap advertising. Clothes may not make the man. but ln such they establish -the spirit of a community Those boy were ball players darned good ones, too and It displayed a poor sense of sportsmanship on the part of the Prince Rupert people to send them out as glorified sand wich men. The Rupert boys would have tried no harder had they been ar rayed in fine uniforms. They were boys of that kind. But It would certainly have been more complimentary to the sports spirit of that city had they sent their players out as representing that city's finest sense of sportsmanship rather than have them out on the ball field to advertise the fact that a jood place to get a shot in the arm was at Qyp the Blood's or that Olck Smith sold good meat. With their Rotary Club and their Junior Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. Prince Rupert alight well spend some time in ouU fitUng their baseball team in a manner commensurate with their great ability and in keeping with the fine sportsmanship the boys displayed. Baseball Playoff TUESDAY. 'AUGUST 13 Sons of Canada vs. Klks FOOTBALL .MONDAY. AUGUST 12 Regiment vs. Can. Legion Nominations In Alberta Three Hundred Candidates n Field . For Flection on Thursday Of Next Week EDMONTON, Aug . 12: With three hundred candidates in the Mining Activity At Atlin Planned Private English Srudirate Carrying; Out Urk On Large Area Of Placer Leases VICTORIA. . Auust 12:- II E Runnings, who recently retired from the brokerage business hre has returned with George Kldd from .Alaska and AUln. where th?', went to Inspect the .work they are carrying on for a private English Uyndieate .developing a big .area of placer leases. Bnice McMteklng, son of Dr A E. MCMicking. went north with Mr. Hunutngs to Join the crew v the property, and will remaJn tiwrr for the season. After debarking from the Alaska jxt, Mr. .Ilunnhigs and party flew In from Ca roross by flytn boat to the placer workings They brought out a quantity of gold on their return trip. Mr. Runnings wid the associates in England, in the teeommendation of the opualing officials In the nor'h, bad decided on a considerable enlargement of the present rata of production This will be carried out by the Installation of larger equipment Barbara Hutton Pays Dearly To Secure Freedom! COPENHAGEN. Denmark. Aug 12: Commenting upon reports that Prince Alexic Mdlvanl, her former husband, killed recenUy In an automobile accident In Spain, had left her a larg estate the former Barbara Hutton. American heiress, told newspaper reporters yesterday that since she had secured her Reno divorce a few months ago from him, she had been paying Mdlvanl at the rat of 70.000 annually. Under the circumstance, she commented, it wai hardly reasonable to believe that le had left her a fortune. Halibut Arrivals Summary American J 03 .500 pounds, 6.'c and 5c to 7.2c and 5c. Canadian 10200 pounds. 5c to 5.4c and 5c. Canadian Capclla. 18.000; iliobbic. '11.000; Embla, 19.000, arid Cape Spencer. 12,000. Cold Storage. 5c straight. Cape Beale, 40,000, refuted 5.4c and 5c and left for Vancouver. Oony. 15,500, and Margaret II, 22,000. Cold Storage. 52c and 5c. Viking I, 15,500; Edward Llpselt, 13,000; Tramp, 15500. and 'Clipper, 18.000. AUln. 5.1c and 5c. 5c. Gulvlk. 13,000. Booth, 5.2c and 5c. Toodie, .13,000, Booth. -5.1c and 5c Southend, 16,000. AUln, 5.2c and Mother II, 12,500. .holding over, American Estep, 25.000, .Cold Storage, 65c and 5.5c. , Teddy J., 13.000, Booth, 1c and 55c. Reliance .1, 16,000, .Pacific, 6.9c and 55c. Midway. 15500, Alln, 12c and 5.5c. 8tar, 12,000, Pacific. 7.1c and 55c. Emma, 11,000, Royal, 7.2c and 6.5c. Rainier II, 11,000, Royal, 7c 'and 55c. Galli-Curci Has Operation Famous Operatic Star Under Knife At Chicago For 'Remoral Of Goitre field, today was nomination day 1 for the Alberta general provincial CHICAOO, Aug 12: Amellta election which '.will be held on 'OalllCurcl, celebrated operatic AUgust 22. The principal groups ar' underwent a successful opera seeking suffrage nre United Far- t,on Saturday In a local hospital mers of Alberta (government). lor removal of goitre and Is mak-Llberals, Conservatives and Social ,nS Z00 progress. The operation, Credit. There are four or more performed under a locdl anaes-cqndldates In the most of ridings. tnetlc- wl" 'not Impair the singer's , voice, It is staged. DICKIi; RENOMINATED JDUNOAN, August 12 (CP) C. H, Pickle, the sitting member, was renominated Conservative candidate for the federal riding of Namilmo at the forthcoming election lin i convention here. OLIVER PFLOOUIN.JJURIKD A number of friends attended the funeral this afternoon of Oliver Peloquln, well known pioneer of the city. .After high rtqulcm mass had been celebrated In the Church - of the Annunciation, burial was sThls afternoon's train from the made :)n .Filrvlew Cemetery. Pall- east.arrlved.on time at 2H5, bring- bearers -were L. tF. Turgeon, L. J. ing in a goodly number of passen- Blaln, J. Boulet, H A. Duhamel, icrs. Henri Letoumeau and D. Lucas. i Slnco1Q57 the word SEAORAM'6" MkvS, I on Canadian Whisky has stood for WMA QU"ty SUPrem 'f yU want tarn "Say Seagram's and be Sure" This advertisement is not published or displayed Ly ' .e Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FRUIT FOR PRESERVING Seasonal Line Are Still feature Of 'Loral Retail Market Apricot Late and Kcarre Seasonal fruit is still the feature; ot the local retail maiket with speeial Interest In pmervirar. lines. Okanasnn rirleoU have not star- tA t r n lvs In ft vit VAllimii OA Vvf race cherries have Just made their ! Celery. U.C., head Iftr V Hothouse Tomatee. N Basket PMd Ttmatoea, lb Basket Lettuce. Iocs.! hsad 6r ' Oreen Peas; B.C.. 3 lbs i Radishes. 2 bunches CucurofeM, hotltouM' I"' , Outskwr t at h 5c to Vetetabie Marrow mm! Often Bwiia. lb. Wax Dns. lb. Orecn Pepperx lb. Feed but . VMy Timothy ted jiext.week. This fruH Jf .-.iZJ.w. .. Ihu w.r nnH tlir eASoa will be .-AIWr- short. Uprlver table cherries, which B"'.; have been of excellent quality this " 'hZx year, are about flnHhed. Sour Ter- FttM Oat Chops appearance and are aim of good Craghed t)aU quality, supplies nre scan -na j...,v housewives dcairotts of putting this Klasn variety up arc oruig w Oyster Shell der without delay. Fine red and black currants from the interior j- , , .Mrau have been available for the Pl'iOMUn Chicken in. week or so and nre about over. I ,Um unt unuir There has been a short crop of ',Unv nnl tr1(,,. raspDernes arounp "iijaeon.alde. sliced. oei gta: year, growers there being able to pork nia D only partially fill crder. lPork; Mn ,b New apples tare .now In -Oallfor-1 ppj jk nla gravenstelna and BtitUh O-ipork, dry salt. Ib7 lumbla transparents. ! Veal.' loin. lb. . Okanagan onions are making anjIlMf' not 'madl Jb market. Retail prices current here are as follbws: ZiS B.C. Fresh Extras,uOrade A Large, cartoned, doz. JS Local, new laid, doz. .45 Apples Cal. Qravenstelns, doz.- 35c to .. .43 B. C. Transparents, .lb Jr7 Fruits Outdoor Rnuoarb, lb. . ,04 Lemons, doz. 35c jo. : ..... 42 Oranges, doz. 20c. to...... ;iu Orapefrult, CaL each, 5c to .10 Plums. Wash., lb: 12c to Bananas, lb . Okanagan Onions, lb -. Garlic, Imported, per .lb, .-Cabbage, B.C., per lb. Ac to Cauliflower, B.C., 15c to Parsley, bunch Carrots, B.C., buhoh Turnips, bunch' ; v - Beets, B.C., bunch w .15 12V4 Cantcloupcs, Cat., each 13c to .18 Cherries. Lamberts, Jb 20c to . 5 Sour Terrace Cherries, lb. il2 Raspberries, local, basket .10 Peaches, doz. 40c to 50 Watermelon, lb. ... j08 Honeydew Melons, each 35c to 50 Casaba Melons, lb .08 Apricots, 2 lbs .25 Red and Black Currants, lias. d0 Malaga Orapes, lb . 55 Rlbler Orapes, lb ,25 8eedless Orapes, ;lb, 20 Rutter iFancy cartoned, ilb, ... 31 No. 2 Creamery, lb. 21 Lard Pure, lb ,. J8 Vegetables New Potatoes, B.C.'. JO lbs 21 Oreen Onions, ? bunches JD5 M 55 XO .20 JDO 0)5 .05 '.03 Veal, shout-tor. lb. ftc t Beef. boHing. lb 10c Beef, roast prime rib lb. Beef stak. lb. Lamb, shoulder, lb Lamb. t, lb Lamb Chops, lb. Fish Halibut, fresh, lb. Hmoked Kippers, lb. 15; Kalmon. red spring, fresh White. 2 lbs. .. Honey fcttraetcd Honey, per Jar 2C U Comb Honey Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled halves, lb. Almonds, shelled, lb, Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 ha?d wf Second Patent Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. Dried rrults White Figs, lb. alack Cooking Figs, lb. Dates, oulk. lb., 8c Smyrna Natural Figs. lb. Lemon and orange Peel citron peel Prunes, 30-40. Jb. Prunes, 4050, lb. ... Prunes, 60-70, lb Raisins, Australian seedless, lb-Raisins, Cal., seedless, lb. Currants, lb. Apricots, lb Apples, dried Hc w Peaches, peeled, 15c to Sugar White. J00 lbs. . yellow. 100 lbs Cheese Ontario solids, new, lb. 22r Edam, lb. Ontario, mature, lb . t 1 2 1 1 J i t i ji-4 x t J Ji 4! JI Jl 41 .1! i 3)