V in 1 v fAGE FOUX TE2 DA1LT NsTWl Monday A-.r Look! Look! These Babies Make Carnation Milk Famous DIONNE QUINTUPLETS m L r bing ta IRRADIATED Carnation Milk. GiT your family thia aama fine nourij King milk. Carnation Milk Cl 01.0 per case 24 cans $2.15 12 cans $1.08 Jap Rice Good quality XVK, Q 4 lbs. for Small White Bean? 4 Qp 4 lbs. for Santa Clara Dried Prunes 9Cp tOl 70-80, 3 lbs. for Bagdad Coffee High Q-f 7Q graV. 5-lb. 'tin Bulk Cocoa 18 butterfat Offp 2 lbs, for t Handsllck Fine for your Offp hands, ask for It. per tin New Potatoes 9kO 12 lbs. for A DC Reserve your order for Apricots, Cherries, Etc. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents P. O. Hot 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE BOOK CASES Sol'd walnut with glass front: table top for table model GIG CA radio (6 pnly) t?JLUeUU 327 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 775 Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Mak$ arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults, $350; each additional adult, $150. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOMK" Rates $1.00 ap 50 Rooms Hot & .Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Box 198 Everybody reads Uie Dally News There's a reason. CHURCHILL IS OPENED Canada's Northern Sea Port Opens To Navigation CHURCHILL. Man Aug. 12: (CP Trade winds blow down Hudson Strait again. Machinery hums in the big power house along the huge 1,800-foot wharf as Churchill starts Its fifth season as a modern ocean port. The north's newest harbor presents a scene of activity as dredges apply the finishing touches to waterfront spring cleaning. Inslfle the big elevator, conveyor belts arc adjusted to release 2,500,000 bushels of wheat stored for outgoing cargoes following the opening of navigation on Saturday. Work of reconditioning the harbor Is complete Loose rock deposited In front of the dock has been removed and spring diggings loaded into hopper bottoms and towed out into the bay. Active Season Ahead Port facilities of the three-century old trade route will be put to the test this year. In addition to outgoing shipments of wheat, cattle, lumber and flour. It Is planned to distribute a greater amount of incoming merchandise. Officials state all vessels chartered are ofelmg for westbound freight. Down at the docks workmen are busily engaged rushing to completion a 180-foot extension to the 300 foot long warehouse. When completed the wharf will have facilities for coal storage, cattle, lumber and freight shed accommodation to take off the increased volume of traffic. During the 1934 navigation season, a total of 4,010.877 bushels of wheat was shipped overseas in fifteen vessels. Other commodities, Including flour, lumber and cattle represented the largest quantity of cargo. Europe-bound, through Hudson Strait since test shipments were made in 1931. In Los Angeles "TILL1E THE TOILER" WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Clearing of Trailers For Deep Sea-Many Tourists Here This Morn-inj Jrince Robert on Final Trip In response to representations made recently to the department by C. H. Orme, the following wire was received from D. Sim. commissioner of excise at Ottawa, in respect to deep sea clearance privileges for trolling boats: "If vessel clears direct deep sea fisheries, ;ollector advised exemption allowable. Vessels engaged In estuarial fishing not permitted exemption." The exemption refers to fuel tax ffhich is not imposed upon vessels clearing for deep sea. Capt. O. P. Smith from the trolling . grounds on Sa turday with his trolling boat, being here for supplies. With a total of 104 passengers on board, C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Edwprd Mabbs, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning from Skagway and other northern points and sailed at 3 o'clock thV afternoon for Ocean Fall, Powell River and Vancouver Only one person disembarked from the vessel here. Bringing in eight carloads of fish for trans-shipment east over Canadian National Railways, Northland Transportation Co 's motorshlp Norco arrived in port at 9:15 this morning from Ketchikan, sailing on her return north after completing discharging. Having on board a large list of 208 passengers, the most of whom were round trip tourists. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here tr r j n i baiuraay aiternoon southbound. iVingSlOrd-jnilth Included among the round trip- I ft V w uui UIIU U j magnates from Japan who are (making the round trip north after ja visit at Powell River. The vessel LOS ANGELES, Aug 12: 8lrjnad no passengers for here, five Charles Kingsford-Smith, famous j embarking aboard her from this Australian aviator, arrived herejPrt toT tne north. Saturday by steamer to take over his plane Lady 'Southern Cross' Robert Gordon, Frank Dibb. J. S. which had been stored here since, Nelson and Alex Macdonald re- the Ecstall River to Falls River where some good angling was The Joe Baker, Capt Clarence Campbell, was the only local halibut boat leaving for the banks Making the last of four cruises to Alaska waters with tourist pas- Prize Lists For Carnival Here Flower Show, Paseant Of Nations, Children's .Masquerade, Baseball Series At a meeting of the Junior Chamber Carnival Committee on Saturday a budget of exjwndltures amounting to $1,200 was approved Prize lists are a considerable item In the expenditure. It lias been decided to award $76 In prizes at the Flower Show, arrangements for which are In the hands of the Horticultural Society, which will be held the first night. Over one hundred dollars have been appropriated .for the best acts In the Pageant of the Nations. On Friday night, before the I Grand Ball, a children's masquer-. jade and dance is being organlzedd was in port by Mrs. G. W. Laldler and Mrs. T. N. LcPage. for which $50 In prizes has been alloted for the best costumes. Arrangements have been made to have a baseball team come here from Ocean Falls to play here on the three days of the Carnival. This Is the first time in many years that Ocean Falls has played here, but in local baseball circles they arc considered to have a team which will be able to put up a first class game against Prince Rupert. Yakima Ships Its First Apples Of Year to Palestine "YAKIMA, Wash.. Aug. 12 First carload of apples to be shipped from here this reason was dispatched to Palestine yesterday, j sengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert, Capt H. E. Nedden. arrived in port at 7:30 this morning from the south and sailed at 1 pjn for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here next Sunday southbound The vessel had on-board upwards of three hundred passenger, the large majority being round tripperv There were 177 passengers on board the steamer Princess Alice which was in port Saturday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Two persons disembarked from the vessel here while three sailed from this port aboard the ship for Vancouver. " uigui aijuui a year - " wim a good sued list of nas- ago and the releae of which belPwer boat iast night after a wngcr8i including miltc a number was able to secure through the crulse a few-days which included i ........ I ..i.i. 1 1 . . . . , i saie oi nis nrst famous plane Sou- a Ylslfc w inc "izzeu not springs thern Cross to-the Australian gov-!near Porl Esslngton and a trip up ernment for $2300 to be placed In museum. He will fly the Lady Southern Cross to New York where It will be shipped to England whence It will be flown to Australia in an attempt to set a new time record. A dozen airplanes flew in formation over the steamer Monterey as it arrived from Australia with Ktngsford-rSmlth on board. of round trippers. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 1130 last night from the south and sailed at 1:30 a.m. for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow afternoon southbound. Miss Mabel Vincent who has been nursing at Corcross in Yukon Territory, was a passenger aboard the Prince George today bound for a trip to Vancouver. TWO FILMS ON SCREEN The Casino Murder Case" And The Lemon Drop Kid- At Capitol "The Casino Murder Case." a thrilling mystery rtory. and "The Lemon Drop Kid." a fust-moving drama, come to the Capitol Theatre here on a good first of the week double bill. The field of science provide a new basis for a murder plot In "The Casino Murder Case" which brings to the screen a new Phllo Vance in the person of Paul Lukas who Is assisted In solving the "perfect crime" of a diabolical poison plot by Rosalind Russell, who makes her debut as a leading lady on the screen The plot centres around an eccentric family of which Alison Skipworth. Isabel Jewell. Donald Cook. Arthur Byron. Leslie Fen ton and Louise Fa-zenda are all either members or connected with. Comedy and drama are blended expertly in "The Ltmon Drop Kid" which moves alone at u fast paee culminating in an unusual climax Lee Tracy has the title rele as a fast-talking, self-assured man who Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert R. 8. Bird, Edson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. deOanahl and servant, New York; Miss Mabel Bchopbach and Miss arace McPhearon. Los Angeles; W. I. Dow. Vancouver; Dr. O. E. Kvale and Charles M. Adam. Stewart: W. H. Manuel, Kamloops; C. B. Clark. Hyder; J. Donaldson, city; 8. 8. Phillips. Vic toria; Frank Hcaley. Niagara Falls; Mrs. L. Martens, Petersburg. Royal Roy Smith. Wah Boon. O. Berg- seth and Dan Healy. city; Mr. and Mrs. E. Campbell. Usk; Howard Hoffmann. Chicago- W. Howard and 8. Auckland 8harp. Vancouver; 8. Ptetano. A. Mondtne and J. Christian. Anyox; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Otnes and Mr. and Mrs. H. OJerdt. Petersburg. Savoy Merle Tulip. Bkldeaate Mission; Wlnnlfred Nehrlng. Los Angeles; Fred Castram. Premier; J Loren-sen. C. N. R.; C. B. Letnes. Port Bssington. Is forced to leave the rare-track and settle down In a quiet small town Helen Mack William Fraw-ley. Minna Oombell Henrv B Waf- Jthall and Baby LeRoy are also in the cast Be Proud of Your SNAPSHOTS Ready ii ill A Beauty Round-Up to serve you ivith your size of KODAK VEIUCHROME FILM MOP n oar Kodak film ditpnier for your wttlj-f n J supply of Kodak Vtrichromcf It's the film that miles pic turoukinjt eaiy. Combined with our dcTeloping and printing urtice, ii atturts you of better lajpihots thinctcr Your snapshot form a permanent reminder of your happiest moment and associations Once past, they can never be reca'led In any other way. Make sure always, that you can retain these precious experiences by using the best-Kodak and Kodak film Bring litem to u tot Kodak highest Duality service. Kodak U your guarantee of excellence and permanence. There Is a Kodak that will suit your requirements and purse. Take It with your everewtwe. Get a Ileal KodnU For As Low- as $1.25 For Kodak aertice. developing and printing see Mail orders especially attended to promptly l2-: UE-J ?.?.V.-.?"T ','ue i5"E gy-i.trf.i hev:ii TOMCIIT AND Shows u t: i Fun! Excitement K U Van III... . . Casino c ase A PhHo Van-. M I satlon eomr.s to on tl - WIT PAUL LI K is ALISON KKinvoiw TKIi IILAI Y liONALI) COOK LOUISi: FA7.ENU1 (At 1 l:i it ADDED ATT!' ' Lee Tracy tn THE LEMON nuop Mi A Damon Rm , wr HELL'S MACK At 8 35 81u LAST COMPLETE H0I 8TAIIT8 AT 1 1. GR0TO ' TAXI 456 You only live once M" t ride In .he be Three Cars at your wrrw llcrt Morgan Hud Hirric There l& a Dltt" J i MILK Prove It to j. x ' T Prince Hupcrt Dairj Phone 287 For the best or, f - satisfaction -r n; tr guarantc By Wstove YOAK'D &ETTE&. TELL YoAH L Little mac You're Tied uf viELL,nr does LOOK THATWSrl Wild and Woolly "i! If " i i sessseMSMsiaaaesMSMMi is i t"1 ' " I WAMT (tK) TO FlGQEft. OUT A GAL'S OUTFIT TO MCTCH THlf got a bis y ri IfT ii him rrf come cMt &a- I