FREE liii 91. 1 VHB DAILY NEWS with $1. box of Gardenia Face Powder a SOc bottle of Gardenia Perfume Ormes Ltd. 'Jjut Pioneer Druqgists tu fUU 8torf Fhones: 81 St 82 hnrh Hall From 8 .m. till 10 p.m. llajs and Holidays From 12 noon" till-2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Examination For Inspector Of Steam-Boilers and Machinery 7nmnfWrppxflminntinnR fnr 'IrtSnectoi' of Steam- and Machinery will be held at the office of fers Chief Inspector of Boilers . in tho Workmen's J' I T - ! 1 11 T ? hiwnMnnn Ann ijinmir t mires m Jjuiitsinuir reet. Vancouver, li.u.. commencing ucioner ii, 5, at 10 a.m. ftrmliratinn fnrma nnd further information may obtained from the Chief Inppector at above ad- A. N. BAKER, Civil ScrvicV Commlloner: CANADIAN PACIFIC IVincouTfr via Ocean' Falls and "way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. SYancouvtr Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 17tn, 28th, Sept. 6tn. , ; PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th; 24th. I Kftfhikan, Wransell. Juncart and Skagway PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 12Ui, 23rd, Sept. 1st PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. For information and reservations call br' write W. L. COATES, Generaf Aent, Prince Rnprt, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED stpflw-cfd ov'a oti. tiiiTrt tnf Vancouver S. CAt U EVERY TUESDAY, VM VM. I living Vancouver Thursday M CARD EN A EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. "living Vancouver Monday a.m. tf Minus to Port fiimmou tritdx. etewart and Na Polnu. Ltave Prtnce" Rupert Sunday. 8 Pm Pt information reeardlnrf ill sailings and tickets at l""fCE P601 W" &UPKRT inmpv, -tki.A Msfr which made firinte RapertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cofd St Co. US PRINCE RUPERT, EC. I ! BLACK COD J It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News - t-vwnc uxiine- wnQie-aistnct are aoing uic l LOCAL NEWS NOTES The baseball game will start at 12:30 sharp on Monday. Hear J. S. Woodtworth M.P. over C.R.C.V., Sunday, it 10 p.m. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPACKING. SEE SIMPSON, FIFTH AND McBRIDE. (tf) The charge for admission' to- the Labor Day sports Monday will b 25c. Miss Way and Miss Olafsori are resuming music classes Sept. 3. (2oei Piano classes wllj reopen in all public schools at beginning of the term. For registration in classes or private tuition sef Miss Margaret McCaffery, phone Blue 936. 202 Free Capitol Theatre tickets; ouf cash' register" receipts. Bulger's Jewellery Store. The big attraction on' Labor Day will be the ball gante between an All-Star Prince Rupert team, arid Smlthers. champions of Northern British Columbia. Mrs. Andrew Thcmpson and fa mily, who have been spending: the summer vacation- In the south, re turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. ' J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of pub lic works, sails tonight on the Prince Charles for a trip to Queen Charlotte Island points on official business. R. W. Winslow. assistant mana ger of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, left on last evening's train for a brief business visit to Cassiar Cannery, returning to the I city this afternoon. Miss Jean and Master Alex Storey returned home on the Princess Ad elaide yesterday, afternoon following a vacation trip to Vancouver. E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena, returned to Terrace on last evening's train followlnr a brief visit to the city, having arrived on Thursday night's train from Smlthers where he had' been attending the annual Fall Fair. A. B. D. Campbell, travelling pas senger agent for the Canadian Pa cific Railway frorn Calgary, and Mrs. Campbell and family, making the round trip north from Vancouver aboard , the steamer Princess Adelaide, were' visitors to the city last evening. Dr. Herbert Earner of Toronto, who has been assisting Dr. A. E. Perry, medicaj superintendent of t-,A Pnrt filmnson HoSDital in his work on the Skeena River during the salmon canning season, arrived" iri the city yesterday from Port Esslngton and sailed this morning on the Cardena for Ocean Flails where h will Join the United church mission boat Thomas Crosby for the coming few months. , lie is a son of Rev. Dr. Artnur Barrier, superintendent of Indian Missions of the United Church- lit Canada, who Is well known here.' Man-ted ladles' eVents are fea tured orr the Labor" Day program. Cash for old' gold! Bulger's. "Work" A Labor Dav Messages United Church, Sunday night. Be tf&nri anrfcomrbrtableby rid-thg in 32 Taxi if costs the same'. You can rent a car at WaUterM as low as $1.50 r day. plus 7c. a mile. Pririce Rupert Tennis Club Am HflT rjnlirrlarriiinh- tfirririrrntir sharp: Entry fee 25c. Refreshments free. (jU2) OeorffH Dvhhavn. son of Mr. ind Mrs. John' Dybhavn, sailed last nlirht on the Princess Ade laide for Victoria where he wilL attend business college. ' Miss May Jones will leave on Mond ay even msr' train1 for Cedar vale to resume her school duties after having, spent the summer .vacation at her home here. Mrs. Ronald Wilson and child, who have been visitlnz In th- cKy with relatives; sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on their return to Vancouver. T. N. LePaRe. manaeer of the northern division of the .Home Oil Distributors Ltd., Is making tht round trio aboard the steamer Prince George this week-end to Anyox and Stewart and will be back this evening. Mrs. J. E. Jack and. daughter, Beverley, returned' to the city on the Prince George yesterday morn lng accompanied by Larry Crich- ton, electrician for the B. C. Elec trie In New1 Westminster, wikj war spend a- week- visiting here. Miss Jack- has- been ill in the south for some time but Is getting en well now. Announcements Prince Rupert Tennis- Club' An nual Dance Friday, September 20, Oddfellow's Hall. Terrace Concert September 28. Catholic" Church ;,ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo- Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 9. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Presbyterian Bazaaf, Novembei Orange" Ladles' b-izaar. Nov. 28. MOOSE HALL, RENTAL KATES Concerts . ! $25.00' Dances' 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable' for smaller' meetings Is now" available on the ground flobrV rental rate, $4.00 For' engagements' phone the' Cfub: Steward, C40' or' Red 4121 CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. D. Grant llollingworth, B.A. Organist: Mrs. E. 3. Smith :" Sermon Subect:-'THE VICTORY OF FAITH." 7j36,p.m.: Sermon SutiJec:-"WHAtf MEN LfVF. BY.' v Evening Solblit: S". . IfutiteA v "Your soul came from God and If only you will set it free, you will1 find that1 it-has the homing- instinct." ' ALL VISYTORS WELCOME. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY : Firth' Avenw tasi Rev. E. S. North, PaSf of. SERVICES: Sunday,.!! ik Missionary and Devotional Sunday-School, i p.m. Falf .and, winter Session bogins. Classes for all ages. Parents . If to Sunday-School, now Is the time to your chlldfen are not going start. Their Christian-educationist necessary. , Evangelistic - Rev. John Scherb from Grand Forks Sunday 7;30: wilt speak. j j t n nm. All are Welcome. V J ,i i C. V. Bvitt returnecF to '.tire city by gasboat yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Anyox. Mr. and Mrs; T. McClymont and daughter, Pat, left, on last evening's' train- to spend the' weekend at Terrace. Miss Patricia McLeod', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis- McLeod, sailed this mornlne on the Car dena for Vancouver. H. T. Cross- left; on last5 evening's train for Terrace: where' he will spend the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Mrs. F. W. Hardy of Ocean Falls arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince George from the paper town to pay a visit here with her brothers, Dr. W. T. Kergln and Dr. L. W. Kergln. Her daughter. Miss Margaret Hardy, a school nurse from West Vancouver, was here this morning aboard the Cardena returning south after having spent the summer vacation at Ocean Falls. Want Ads FOR RENT SIX Room modern house with furnace. Apply 1851 Graham Ave. (200) TWO Remodelled' 5-rOomed flats and well furnished' apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 45 Commission. Why work for less. Take orders for the "Art-Point" Series Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Priced as low as 18 for $1.00. "Victory" Box Assortment containing 20 Beautiful Cards with Calendar sells for $1.00. Costs as low as 50c. $10 Sales Kit free. We are only Interested in genuire workers. Art- j Point Printing Co., Victoria, B.C. (tf) AGENTS Wanted to sell leather neckties or silk neckties for us. We sell you at a price that allows you to make 100 commission. Write today for free samples and particulars. Ontario Neckwear Company, Dept. 605, Toronto 8, Ont. LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc: Free Bookie. "How td get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win. nlpeg. WOMEN WANTED WOMEN wanted to start private Kindergarten Schools In their own homes this coming Fall: Trr Booklet on request. Cana dian Kindergarten Institute, Win nipeg. Established 1927. WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Competent girl- for housework. State age. pxnerience. references and phone number. Apply Box 248'. 203 FOUND FOUND Signet rmg. owner mayj have same by calling at Dally News Office and paying for this advertisement. MUSIC vTni.-n.M Tuition, theory and har- ; mbny. Miss' N. Lawrence. Phone i 580. Classes start Sept. 2, 209 PAINTERS P AffiTlN O Pncf PaertBngino Moller. Phone Red' 802. 'i LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Appty to Lean f n.l Is Land RecoJ-din? District of Prlnw o-t d.m. u. Coast Dtstrlot and sltuat' about one-quarter ol south or Lou 6710, Range 5. Coast Dl trlct, Poroher Island. Toke notice that Clarence Edgar Sal-tpr, of Haysporti B.C., occupation cam licrymanl Intends to apply for a lease oi ihe following described lands: Commencing at a poM planted on f sniall Uland about three-quarters of t mile south of Lot 6710. Range 8" Coaal District, thence north-east 41.8-chains. theiH west by north 23.4 chains, thence ... ,.,v.n.k 4ns rhainsi thence south-east by south 17.5 chains to the 153.1 acres more or less. j I CLARENCE EDQAR SALTEI9 Dated June 4th, 1935. School Supplies oc EXERCISE HOOKS 5 for 15c; 10 for 2oc , 10c EXERCISE BOOKS - - 4 for 25c 15c EXERCISE BOOKS - 2 for 25c NeV GaliaUiani Music Course Book t 25c New Canadian Music Course Book- 2- i-Ec-New Cunadiiin Music Course Bp6k-3: .- ;..2jc ' New Canadian Music Course4ook 4; :...30o '-' New Canadian Community. Song Book ..Sc. . ; Canadian School Alius --70c Highroads- Dictionaries . 40c Note Books 5c and 10c Compasses i.. , . luc and' c Set Squares and Protractors -......lOc anJ 15c fc Erasers 5c and 10c, ' Terraclirome Crayons ; Drawing Portfolios ' 10c . Hitlers - 5c and 10c Pencils t- 5c;,.10cyiand 15c each Reeves Paints, 5 colors -40c; Refills-.. 4;5c Paint Brushes '- 5c -tolSc ' w McLean's Pen Holders .......... ...JOc McLean's Pen Points ,..,.....5 McLean's Writing Pads, No. 33 - :; '.iV, "...-ffte .. , Music Dictation Books 1..0cf Reeves India Ink v20cp y- India Ink Higgins -.1 --SK Map Drawing Bdoks ...1 Library Paste AOcW School Bags and School Cases . $$2.2SV-Loose Leaf Note Books , . 25c and :35c.j Loose Leaf Refills 10c; 3 for '&c Science Loose Leaf Books . -- 50c,. ; Bookkeeping Paper 1 25e package Typing Pads ; - 15S; 2 for. 25c Shorthand Note Books, centre line. 15c; 2-for 25c Fountain Pens "5c up . Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets L25-up. Rose, Cowan &LattaLtd. BESNER BLOCK, 3rd STREET - Phone 234 ! Ride a C.C.M. The Better Bicyclef Bi:iK.Ktnxai.ia;!!::iK:a'::ii::B:s:;Bf!Bi:s I THE PALM COFFEE IS I We carry a complete line of C.G.M Bicycles ahct-i, repair parts. C. C. M. BICYCLES $30.00 to $40.00. GORDON'S HARDWARE 1 , 1 1 "'1 : 1 .-'.- Electtlc Steam FRESH MOT AND aiassagc Treatments CREAM XTAILYf , Mrs. Gammon VALENTIN DM- 424 8th Ave. E Ph Green 219 THIRD AVENUE SHOPPE (:. Call around and let us' prove it' Hours: 7:30' a.m. to 1 a.m. i : M t B I Offers You j j v $ WrIITE HELP - COURTEOUS SEr VICE; SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER PRICKS And a clean, convenient placer to dine PRINCnUFBWT MTTMll!mMJimfcMiW.liitWiiiiO.'iM'"'" t -- r Mutt if ai fuetl -U Acid lndlgesdn indicate- too iWck. acid in the Storhacn'. . Thtf resUlUftt. misery will vanish speedily. iryfT take ffllttleBisura'edMagnesi (-; muth in Magnesia) after;; improve the over-acid condition of tfl stomach. . . Thia is better thairK lng on' habit-forming' LsMtivasJ.V At alf Drug' Stores In powder J&Uitt or in tabltts for handy carrying..' vmmm pIIiip BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA-mmmm It' a Protectee f(4utfittir NOT a.UxatiYO m t 3 i 3 s