mrr Prince Rup-candidate who ti" Liberal in the .on campaign WARSHIP IN COLLISION Battleship Uamillics And German Steamer t'.iscnbach Crash Nine Miles Off Dover LONDON, August 31. (CD: Th! Adalwy announced last night that ' : baHlcship Ramlllies, en-tout ? to Portland to Join the fleet for manoeuvres, had collided with the German steamer Elsenbach tr.!!s off Dover. No details were r Wrm but It Is understood "kte waS no ioss 0 me or ser- Icue damagr. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, August 31, (CP) -wr. j.' was quoted at 80 l-8c on is; al Exchange yesterday. Ad to 80140. tnrinv t fflVCfll 111 tTI'n prrit "uuuiimiiiii 3111. Li INTERESTED IN ANYOX According to unofficial re- Pot 'the Consolidated Mln & Smelting Co. Is still In- Una Itself In thn nt Anynx from which point the Qranby Co. Is withdrawing af- ter havine enffmrpH nvtnncivdv in minins!, milling and smelt- in'? Uinre for unwnrris nt y ars. To make an lhspec ''on of the plant Jthcre is said o be one of the purposes-of lhe Pte.;"nt tl Id north of Pnn. ADDIS ABABA, August 31-rA.n Ethiopian official communique todav announced 'Errlpcror Haile Selassie had granted extensive concessions to an American Syndicate involving an enormous tract of land in the imper Nile area and including oil and mineral developments. Large scale work is provided for. Frances M. Rlckett, the British" - - - promoter, who negotiated the con ce -olldated officii ,Vir, j. 'through the citv yesterday. ! 'They arP also at Dlewgrt lQ I V1ft thp Big Missouri mine I ? rlor t0 the determlHing of fu- ! ;u" PUcy in resard to the op- -,ion with the Emperor, said, In addition, that Halle Selassie had entered into negotiations to grant I a British-controlled corporation known as the Lake Tana Conser-. vancy Syndicate the right in perpetuity to construct a dam anrtj pumping stations at lamous iase; Tana, headwaters of the Blue Nile. Rlckett said that an Initial Investment of $50,000,000 would -be. made in an oil and mineral exploitation enterprise. Ethiopia expects to receive $15.-000.000 annually in royalties. It Is generally regarded that th? concessions have been made to thwart Italian economic penetra tion of Ethiopia. At Rome It was said that Italy would not be turn?d from her Britain's Advice. v LONDON, August 31 (Canadian Press) The Foreign Oince an nounced todav that the British minister to Ethiopia had been authorized to Inform Emperor Halle Selassie that the British government advised him to wlthold oil concessions reportedly granted yes terday. Still Increasing Army BOLZANO. August 31 (Canadian Press) Premier Mussolini told the soldiers of his army today that'two hundred thousand more men wouia be called to the colors next month, establishing an army of more tnan one million men. "The world should know", 11 uuce declared, "that, as one talks aDso h.tPlv and nrovocatlvcly of sane V"-F . tions, we will not Give up one ti dier, one sailor or one aviator Italy To Quit League nv.KF.VA. AuEUst 31 (Canadian Press) Italy has completed prepa rations to auit the League or na tlons, It was reliably reported nere today. Britain Is Arming T.ONDON. Angus' 31 (Canadian Prpssi-Britlsh aircraft factories have adopted a twenty-four hour schdule to speed up production of riahUnff nlanes and the air mini!, try Is seeking pilot? to operate two thousand new macnint-s. Todays Weather tvii island Part cloudy, mo j ,tprlv wind: barometer, 30.16; sea choppy. Langara Island - ruBSj, southeast wind. light near calm, tempera X CI tv ture 56. calm, 55. Anyor-Clear, Stewart-Clear, calm, 48. Hazelton-Clear. ca m, 48 calm, warm Bmithcw-Clear, calm, 42. Burns Lake-Clear Today's Stocks (Oourtwy 8, D. JoniiMoa Co.) Vancouver B.C. Nickel, .19. Big Missouri, .53 Bralbrne, 4.65. B R. Con., .03 Vi. B.R.X., .0T2. Cariboo Quartz, 1,12. Dehtprnaf'25r' "" Dunwell, .04. ' Oeorgla River, .00 Oolconda. .16. Orange, .OHi. Indian. .01. Meridian, .04Vi. . Morning Star, .037s. v National Silver, .03. , ' Noble Fl?e, ,05M. Pend Oreille, .60 Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 1.66. ' Reward, .02. Reno, .86. ..V Sllvercrest, .01. 4 ' Salmon Oold. .09. Taylor Bridge, .15, Wayside, .15. j Whitewater, .05. : United Empire, .03ti. Toronto Central Pat, 1.55 Chlbougamau, .15. Lee Oold, .03. Oranada, 19a Inter Nickel, 29.00. Macassa, 2.03. Noranda, 39.00. Sherrltt Gordon. .74. Sicco, 2.55. ,. Ventures, .99. j Lake Maron, .03. Tech Hughes, 4.00. Sudbury Basin, 1.56. Smelters Gold, .04,'2,., Can. Malartlc, .60. Little Long Lac, 4.75. : Astoria Royun, ,0?1V. Stadacona, .2278. ; Pickle Crow, ,2.38. McKenzle Red Lke, 1.15. Qods Lake, 1.45. Sturgeon River, 80. Red Lake, Gold Shore. .29. SanAntonlo, 3.15. Air Service In Alaska Is Cut Pacific Alaska' Airways Drops Runs In South but Will Operate Between Juneau and Fairbanks VICTORIA a r Today's Weather Today's Tides She $tjeta High - 2:48 am. 195 ft. Rupert Clear, light p, nre 14:58 p.m. 203 ft. wind; barometer, 30.04 ...unrast A Low 9:00 ajn. 4.8 It, temperature, oi. v q. 21:25 p.m. 4.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V .I. XXIV No- 202. PRINCE RUPERT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1935. PK1CE: 5 CENTS mw torn m usi African crisis Wo HUDRED IN LONGSHOREMEN'S DEM0AOTR4 VON en- Emperor oi Ethiopia is Giving Concessions to United States Col. C. W. Peck V. C. And Britain to Thwart Italy Closes Deal Which Would Give Qyer Half of Area of Country to American Concern England In It Too Mussolini Wil Not Be Turned Aside Two Killed as Workers, Police Clash at Toulon Two were klllfc' at Toulou, Fr nee, in the ensuing riot after French navy yard workers staged a walk-out In prot-t against the recent wage slashes. France's guard mobile, Is shown charging the strikers. Notice tho chairs that hid been hurled at them, still lying In -the street. At;? 'Couple of Arrests Are Pack In Alaska M J. 171. D f JUNEAU. August 30 Archie W. Shiels, president of the Pacific American Fisheries, is a visitor here. He said yesterday that he regarded the salmon pack in southeastern Al aska this season as having been very satisfactory. Is First Visit Here In Quarter Century W.A.E. Wall, President of McBride Board of Trade, In Prince Rupert Enroutc To Interior W. A. E. Wall, head of the Mc Bride Trading Co. and president of the McBride Board of Trade, arrived In the city on the Prince George yesterday after a tmet trip to Vancouver and proceeded by the evening train to his home in the interior. It is Mr. Wall's, first visit to Prince Rupert since 1911 when h? passed through here on his way south from the Yukon. Of course he notices vast changes and im provements tn the city since that time. Speaking of conditions In Van couver. Mr. Wall expresses the be lief that that city is about at Mr end of its tether as far as expansion Is concerned unless it pays more attention to the development of the north and central parts of the province. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, being Labor Day and a public holiday, there will be no j Issue of the Daily News. The next 1 regular edition will appear Tuesday 1 afternoon. Miss Ena Coltart of the Ocean Shipping Co., after a brief business, visit here in connection with ,the possibility of shipping timber from this Dort to the Orlpnt. salted JUNEAU, August 30 The Pacific by the princess Adelaide last night Alaska Alrwavs announces cancel- f0t Vancouver. She had been in ilatlon of all its res air services the city since Wednesday after- fn. southeastern Alaska.' A weekly noon when she arrived on the service will be maintained between princess Louise aboard which she Juneau and Fairbanks. ,maae me rouna inp w Skagway. maue ruuuwiiig Drier Vancouver Outbreak Incident Occurred in Front of British Columbia Shipping Federation's Hiring Hall .Hall Police Take Complete Control. VANCOUVER, AuRtist 31 (Canadian Press) Carl Windland and Frank Silzar, waterfront workers, received emergency treatment for cuts about the head and face and two' alleged demonstrators were arrested char- tied with assault following: a demonstration last night by about -a thousand longshore-sfrrikers ar.d svmoathi- ' zers In front of the British Colum SWEAR IN ABERHART Will Become Premier Next Tuesday New Cabinet is Announced bla Shipping Federal ion hiring hall. The police quickly look control of j the situation following a brief out break. Four More Families Leaving Matanusko CALGARY, August 31 (Canadian j Depart From Central Alaska Set-Press) William Aberhart returned tlement to Resume Residence to Calgary yesterdav to compile his in States cabinet and will be back In Edmon ton again next Tuesday to be sworn j in as Premier with the' cabinet' which he announced as follows: President of the Council and Minister of Education. William Ab erhart. ,' ' Attorney Genera!, John W. Hu-gill K.C., Calgary. Minister of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, William F. Chant. Cam-rose. ' :' , Minister of Lands and Mines, C. C. Ross, Calgary. Minister of Public Works, Railways and Telephones, W. A. Fallow, Vermillion. Minister of Health, Dr. W. W. Cross, Hanria. Provincial Treasurer and.Mlnls-tre of Municipal Affairs, ,, Charles Cockroft, Gadsby. itf $ jTiuvuitmi kjwA j , w -ft nine,' Calgary. ? " I JUNEAU, August 31 Four more I families have left the Matanusko ! Valley settlement in Central Alaska i to return to their homes In the Uni ted States, according to reports received here. The eldest girl of one of the families, however, refused to leave. BAR SILVER NEW YORK; August 31, (CP): Bar silver was unchanged at 65 1 5-8c on the local metal market today. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew and daughter, Molly, and nephew, Robert Davie, who have been spending a vacation at Lakelse Lake, re turned to the city from the Interior on Thursday night's train. SEARCH IS CONTINUING No Trace of Farmer Who Is Alleged To Hare Shot Colleymount Man To Death Inspector J. A. Fraser, provincial police, left on last night's train for (colleymount In the Francois Lake ; district to take charge of the search ; for John Lake', ,rancher there, who has not been seen since Monday t evening of this week when he Is alleged to have fatally shot Emll Perle. another rancher, also shoot-ling at but not Injuring a third farmer, Frank Saarl. After the shooting, Lake, who Is believed to have become demented, Is reported to have taken to the woods where half-an-hour later a shot was heard, suggesting that he might have essayed self-destruction. Despite a widespread search by police officers and others, there has been no trace found since of Lake. IIS NAMED J Lucien Gcndron, Montreal Lawyer, Succeed! Duranleau As Minister Of Marine OTTAWA, August 31, CP): Lucien Gendron, Montreal lawyer, was sworn In as minister of marine yesterday afternoon succeeding Hon. Alfred Duranleau who goes to the Quebec bench. BUILDING VALUE UP Extensive repairs to existing buildings In Prince Rupert brought the building list for August in the city up to $22,015, the heaviest Figure since April 1934. No new construction was provided for, the entire list being for Improvements and repairs. Halibut Arrivals American Jane, 15,000, 7.6c. and 5.5c, Paci- fic. Alkl, 10,500, 7.6TsC. and 5.5c., Cold. t ' Storage. Canadian " Vera Beatrice, 11.000, 5.1c. and 5.3c, Cold Storage VISITING JUNEAU JUNEAU, August ,30 Fdmund Lowe jr., prominent San Francisco business man, is a visitor here on board his yacht In the course of an Alaska cruise. WORK IS STARTING ON WESTMINSTER BRIDGE VICTORIA, August 31 (Ca- nadlan Press) Work on the approaches to the new New Westminster bridge will start . Immediately, Premier T. D. Pattullo announced yesterday after signing a $600,000 con- tract for the first unit with the Dominion Bridge Co. The total cost will be approximate- ly $3,000,000. t