r. PAGE TWO Advertising and Circulation Telephone . . ,, 38 News Department Telephone ...' so Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION eat THAT YOU CAN'T HAVE STYLE ? AND COMFORT TOO ... 5 Forget i-ar Ixapreubui 700 may have formed about corrective shoes, until you hive investigated Aitbfripi. Is rfetiga, detail, Lnr and cojoi, tbev Ikifl S wi:h the latest fuhioaa . . and keep you feeiise, fit. If ens iarUIblt irrb-tuppomng shack bailt lino these , thou dul iocs it' " : crfrcujrip shoes BY B LA C H F O R D n The Family Shoe Store I Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. FBUiCE BUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, bv Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H P. PULLEN Managlng-Edr;or SlBSCRIlflON RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . $S For lesser periods, -paid in advance, per week i By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per yea.: 3jCi By mall to all other countries, per year " 9 00 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Incn, per insertion Classified advertising, per sord. per Insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line " Tae -iiy , AfiTt 13, 1?C5 CONFIDENCE IN CANADA , The celerity with which a Dominion ten-year $70,000,-000 bond issue was snapped up yesterday indicates that Canadian government securities are still considered a good investment even if the interest rate is only two and a half percent. It is also an indication that the investing public is not fearful of the electorate, which will shortlv be called upon at the polls to choose a new government, dpipg anything that might endanger the stability of the country's financial structure or the soundness of its securities. It is not many countries that have been nbfe to keep their credit as sound as Canada has in face of the economic difficulties through which the world has been pass ing. It might cause one to reflect what condition the countrj might be in today if, like some other notions, this Domjnion had embraced policies of default or repudia-tipn instead of one of orderly adjustment THE TIU-PARTiTE CONFERENCE Theeves of the world will tnm this wppV tn tk con ference in which representatives of Great Bntain, France and Italy will meet with a view to ironing out the Italo-, Ethiopian crisis which still appears to be seriously menacing world peace. The hope of the most of the people of, the world is that the conference will be productive of a happy solution of the difficulty and that it may be instrumental in clearing the sky of the lowering war clouds that now prevail. To the most of reasonable minded people, it would seem that there should be some way out without recourse to arms. Impartial opinion appears to be1 that both Italy and Ethiopia are too anxious to get at each other's throats. It looks like a police job for the rest! of the nations and it is to be hoped that they to will not have to resort to violence in stopping these two from letting their quarrel pet out of reasonable bowu1"-. j Wmm Tn nrj ttia Ujnr iu or ttUKic Zjua-Baa. TaUiaa bcrtal bolxa'prTaU term taiwtioa, aliaja faftnirwtWwi, I um Ul tntm wl fitaa and saona ealok. chu kaJm;. KBEF A BOX OF ZAM-BUK HAKDTI h a THOSE IN CONTROL FHtr .Men Have Eight v-fiie Per-; rent of Canada Corporate ! Wraith The 168 largest corporations to Canada rtave gross ssseu of $jft8S.-tmjm. That is about of the (total iMnmian vealth of the country. Approstftaately fifty men coittaol these ICS oampan'-s and auotsvu , 22S esaopssue as wli. I No fewer than 47 of the 5 are bank directors and 17 of litem are 'directors of the C P R Only fire of them are under SO years of ate and 31 arc over M. 71mm are some of the gutacaetiU to a t east Hon' pamphlet, the work of Wau Hugh MrColhnn of Retina, entitled "Who Owns Can- ! alto 4" Mr. MeCollum li-ts the M men, gives their ages, the number of companies of which they are diree- tors' and tne total assets of the 'companies of which they are direc-!tors as below. It wffl be nosed that the H having been coassiled from reports of ja year or two ag' includes the names of a n amber who have since died. Sir Herbert Holt enrtneer. ace ' 78. number of companies SC. assets ! William A. Black, clerk. 73, at. j$4jMUM.45&. I Ross H. McMaster 54. IS. $$,-1 852.137,541 1 Sir Charles B. Oordon sake clerk. 67. St. .78f 7X7S. E. W. Beatty, lawyer. 97. IS. $& 44 ,506.301. CeL Hen. H. Corfcahatt. raana-factorar, 76, 18, tlM&XllfM. 3. W. MeOomwO 57, 14, $31.- njm. William N. Ter. lawyer, 75. 4. $zjmMjm. R. S. McLaughlin, m&nafactarex, 3. 14, $2J22.877,12S. F. K. Morrow. 48. It, Youths' School Boots, guaranteed solid leather thru- C-l Qff out; pair . Ol-.Otf lasses A- TOT DAILY KCWS mjmvnt. C. B. MeNsht, broker. SXJtS,4MjHt. Btakj Make Wl W. J. 19 SI Senator A. 3. Brown, lawyer If. 71. It. $Us7tJJL Julian C. SeaMh. enetneer S6, 21. tSJfljMMCT- HoMrt Atalr. 8. 4. ttJ!2757B A. D. MscTver. atpnofranher. . is. njmAUMA. Leift aawsay. lawyer. 5t. T. wrJtM.HiTrn lUttStB P. AfH. ewflneer M. UL $lT4.1t4. . a a wood. 87. n. ti x U -Col. H- Molab. 58. 14. $1117.-US77. Rt Hon. 8lr T. White, lawyer. 7. Ht, JK814J21.4W. Umftqm. & OL Mevbr Hav- fer. 7. 1L S1.745T1 a. H. Dwrna, annneer. tl. 17.' $1.73757SjrT2. Morris W. Wilson, banker. SO. 4, lJ58JM.2fi. Hen. Ttaaaas Abeam, brecer, 48. 14. sl.SWJ8S.lSS. A. E. Dyment. ftnanrier. tt, 10. MOtar Lash. KXf.. lawyer, ft. . $1.88t.74.7S4. John W. Hftebf, iusiisI timr. St. 8. tiSKXZm. lion. F. L. Beesne lawyer. 88, 8. SlJ84jlJn. Brtg -Oen a. S. Meignae. Skmni-der. 84. 18. J1JH8,7W 717 Han Patrick Bwrs. rartav. Tt, 8. ijmi.t7 i. . Hvb Paten, erntxartar. 88, 4. Q rant HaO. medhank- . ft. J4.- 442J81I.78. Arthar F. White, banker, 49, It. $1,4W13JM6. F. E. Meredith. KC. lawftf. 72. 8. SlAMjm&a. fltr F. WBItams-Taylar. bMktr. 71. 10. $1.4kl2S7GI Huntley R. Drurimood. manufacturer. -. 5. $L24S 1074. Sir John Alrd. barker. 7. 18, $1 -33124,128. D. Farbes Asgns. , 8, 8tj98.-187JS4. Walter Gov. KJC. lawyer. 82, 8. $1571.713587. Child's Patent & Calf Straps, larye variety to choose from QQt sizes 8 to m . . Ot?' Post and Rogers Reach Fairbanks! Famous Aviator and HuraorKt To Saend To or Three Days In Central Alaika Cit) yAUtBAK8. Aug 13: WHey Post and Will Rogers arrived here iFrstitsi fro saAktaerk Territories, and expect to m Fatfbanks far two or three flay before roa&nuiag thetr fUfht to aBbaria and Moscow Middle West Is Flooded by Bad Currency Notes CHICAGO. Aug 13 local authorities are continuing their search for a band of coonterMtars who are believed to Maw been jespon-sibie for the floedna at the MMdJe West ataee the week-end with bo-gut notes supposed to be Federal Reserve tssne by DuQas end Cleveland banka. PRIMU S PASSPOP.T CANCLLLED ROME Aug 13 The passport of Prlmo earners, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, has been cancelled. 1' was reported here yesterday . George W. Allan lawyer 74. 33. $1551.118.877. : WUUam H. MfWtntama. grain dealer. 73. 18. 1. 180.091 ,388 WOttaa M. Dirks matmfactnrer. 85. 8. $l.lUJt449. LL-Col. 3. H. Price, ftatneier. 36. 1 17. $1.108 AM8V H. C. Cox. broker. 81, 13. J 1,1 OS, - Charles B Wilcox, manafactarer. 78. 8. $1,101,709,468 C F. Saw, engineer. 68, 11. $1.. OT0.3MJ10. Q. Harrison Smith financier. 54. 4, $1,021 574 jBT8 Paul r mm. engineer. 88. 7. 04 Boys' Leckie & Monarch make School Boots reg. $4.50 pair 2.85 EVERYTHING AS ADVERTISED Baseball Scores National League CtatlnnaU 4. Pltuburg 7. Only one game played Baseball Standings Detroit NosthweeM' Y (Aleafo . BSion New York St Louis CMeaao American League d(eeland ... Whtnton. Pittsburg Brooklyn Philadelphia Cincinnati W. .88 ti 7 .08 -.ft ,m M 48 47 17 L. S7 tf 47 48 ft f m Of National Learue W. L. $ 41 k 87 St 81 78 Pet 1 .841 , Mi S25 JM .427 Pet J88I Mil Jtt JS8 57 .488 .485 JB7 F041TR A LL 1 1 A I X1.T) oOt Owing to rate, last ptfbtl pty League football gaate between Canadian Lafiaa and nentment was pbtiponed. NO SQITHAI.L QR ROWLING Sports activities at the Canadian National Recreation Airlatiot, i grounds were again rained out Ust night both City Leairue aoftbal! and lawn bowline fixtures betng postponid "t, ai-rouj.t of -.he un-1 favorabic (!r)!''!;! GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once Why not ride In .ht bet Thrre Cars at your ervice. Ilcrt Morgan Hud Rarric rROP Baseball Playoff ' Tl'ESDAV Al f.t t ; . I KaltUt aW f'm A-a B- ra I FOOTBALL TIlfRSDAV Mi 1 ,T , lU-giroent v. Can Legion NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zareili Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM S1X0 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cuid Wk; Prince Rupert IS C Phone 28 ?o Bex :? FRESH M'LK AND 'CUE AM DAILY VALENTIN miKY Phone 657 Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing; Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrantement s SWAIN'S TRANSF & TAXI Terrace. R.C to gwet you We rr trains Picnic parties Sundcy. 7Sc Fare u X3J0: each sddiMona: . $190 Hotel. Hot K.rirr anywhere the l.k ! j . . Still Greater Sacrifices This Sale has l)een ien welcomed by the public with such enthusiasm that wc have decided to carry on with still tjrcalcr bargains than ever. While they last! Boys' School Boots, solid leather cole., Leckie & other makes, values f93;... 1.98 Misses' School Oxford:;, back calf ovfords, solid and stylish 76 designs; pr. 23 Misses' Patent Straps large variety, size 11 to 2; reg. $2.00 Q4 OQ pair tj).0tf 3G Women's Sport Oxfords in tu-toned styles, low heels, G 9 OQ reg. $4.05, ?&OV 8 Men's Tu-toned Ox-fords in black & white, mostly smrll sizes, reg. $3.95 C AO pair ?X.JO 22 Men's Black ;r Brown Calf. Rou; Quality" Coodvenr vu 12G Women' Pump Oxfords and Straps, ail styles, reg. G-i A ( $4.00; pair V- "' Runners Selling Actually Below Cost 92 Pairs Women's Brown, Suntan, Black 36 Pairs Youths' Runners in black and 34 Pairs Men's Runners in brown, size? and White Oxfords, With Bed &, (ireert white and brown, Goodrich make 7Qn 6 to 10; reg. $1.50 QCkn trim; reg. $1.25 R7p reg. $1.25; Clearance price 1 Clearance price e7tC uflv Clearance Price 22 Pairs Women's Sand, Green & Blue fn J So!ed Runnerf, 11 Pi Men's White Oxfords, crepr-tt Sandals with Cuban heels, Q4 OA to 13, reg. $1.39 OPl OQc sojes reg. $1 50 SI frJ.s.13 1 Q ftl'tSa Clearance reg. $1.95; Clearance price .. price Clearance price 40 Pairs Women's Colored Sandals, with 14 Pairs Boys' Runners, vnHous makes 21 Pairs Men's Heavy Brr An Canvau low rubber heels, reg. $1.75 GQp reg. $1,40 OQp rubber soles and heels, reg. Q4 Clearance Price Clearance price $2 25; clearance price t?iaUeJ !BBIHBHBtaBBBaV9JtveBaMgaiajg CUT RATE SHOE STORE !