FAGE FOVK I We Buy for Less, The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. We Sell For Less LADIES' and MISSES' Underwear 300 Pieces Waffle Knit Undies Snug Fitting Undies ARE now in demand. You'll be delighted when you see. the low prices of these popular Undies, Vests and Pantic Knickers, with interwoven stripe, ribbed at waist for snug fit; pink and white. Special Look! Look! These Babies Make Carnation Milk Famotis DIONNE QUINTUPLETS i Cciuiicn P o IRRADIATED Carnation Milk. Giva your family thia sam. fin nouriahingmllk. 70-80, 3 lbs. for Bagdad Coffee High grade, 5-lb, tin Bulk Cocoa 18 butterfat .2 lbs. for HandsHck Fine for your hands, ask for it, per tin New Potatoes ' 12 lbs. for 1 Pioneer of B.C. 35c 25c 25c Reserve your order for Apricots, . Cherries, Etc. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" T. O, nT 57S Phone 18 There is a Difference In MILK Prove It to yourself. Try $ Prince Kupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back , guarantee. ENDAKO. Aug. 13 The funeral when there were only 40 white ou plls attending. During his 23 years' residence in the Endako district, he became well knrwn. He was an .outstanding character and valued friendships above everything else. : The widow and seven children mourn the loss of a husband and , father. The children are B. A. Olds in California, Mrs. E. Warren If HliCH (Ji of Carnation Milk- fi nej Winnipeg, H. F. Olds of Vancouver, Per case sj"au c, H, 01ds of Prtnce Ceorgei MfS 24 cans $2.15 0eorEe Cottingham of Vancouver, 12 cans i no Oordon Olds of Seattle and Albert 'wo-mm c!x st A H1 st;:H we 1 Sa sizi ids. ior Harry LeDuke, William Foster Al- M Santa Clara Dried Prunes- OJ-n bert A ' 4fJs " J ' iv. wiu; 81.79 Card of Thank C. H. Olds of Prince Opm- an brothers and sisters wish to thank au those who extended sympathy or sent flowers at the flinprnl nf their father, Henry Aucuntn nin. :wno aiea last week at Frascr Lake ana was burled at Endako, 29c "TILLIE THE TOILER" Each or 4 Pieces $1 DRESSES, FALL COATS, SWEATERS, SLII, HOSE, ETC. ETC. The Latest For the Least at the PEOPLES D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE. We BUY & we SELL USED FURNITURE Bring Your Old School Books Box 50 Phone Green 421 1 10 Third Ave. Three Men Charged With Gold Theft Robbery of Coipe Mining Co.'s Sluice Boxes at Sprurp Creek Brings Trio to Court Divisional headquarters of the provincial police yesterday afternoon received a telegram from Constable Ronald Stewart of Atlin advising that three men had been arrested at the northern mining ! camp and charged with theft of gold from the sluicing operations nine 171 InfatMrif10 the Colpe MlnlnS Co. on Spruce 1S1C& 111 llUCiiUlj creek. The trial of the three men. whose names were not given in the , . ... , message, has been adjourned until Henry Augustus Olds Went, A to Thursday School in Victoria When Only I 40 White Children There Today's Weather took place here Saturday, Rev. W. ' Sweatnam officiating of one of Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, the real old timers of the province calm; barometer. 29.94; tempcra- in the person of Henry August j ure- 4fl: se smooth. 01d.s who died on Wednesday at j Tr'P'e Island Cloudy, moderate the ripe age of 83. Born in Des westerly wind; "barometer, 29.96; Moines, Iowa, he came west pb'K& choppy. Oregon in 1862 in a covered wagon. Langara Island Part cloudy. His parents moving to Victoria, he, I to strong westerly wind; sea went to school there at a time rough. Terrace Part cloudy, calm.-58. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 55 8tewart Cloudy, calm, 52. Hazelton Raining, calm, 53. Smlthcrs Raining, calm, cool. Burns Lake Raining, calm, 50. Mail Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fit days 5 pan. From the East Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:20p.m. Saturdays 2:15 pan. For Vancouver Mondays 2 p.m. Tuesday i2:30 pan. Wednesdays (train) 4:3C pro Friday 11 pan Saturdays 4 pan. and 5 pan. From Vancouver 8unday 4 pan. Monday aon. Wednesday 10 aon. Thursday (train) 10:15 p.m Friday 10 a.m. Saturday (train) .2:15 p.m. .'or Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m Friday 2 pan. TH1 DAILY KIWI Tueaht A, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Deep Sea Clearance and Fuel Taxt From Taro ma to Juneau In 11 Foot Open Boat; Activities of Aircraft. There Is no recent change In the situation as affects clearance of trolling boats for the deep sea fisheries, it is stated in regard to correspondence recently purported to have passed between here mid Ottawa on the subject. All boat clearing for deep sea have beer exempt for month from fuel tax, Jit is pointed out. Otof Hanson. MP for Skeena. as well as others have been for months endeavoring to secure further relaxation to cover all fishing vessels. From Tacoma to Juneau in a 14-foot sailboat equipped with an outboard motor Is the undertaking of J. Morrison of Tacoma who is at present tied up at the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club. Having got this far in spite of unfavorable weather. Mr. Mor- jrlson is doing quite well. He has been on the way for a couple of 'weeks and has met with almost continuous ram during the trip. His boat being an open cc, he has been wet a good deal of the time. Having arrived in port Sunday, the intrepid young yachtsman is planning to leave today in continuation of his voyage to the Alaskan Capi tal. Bringing in A. R. Breuaer. well known Wrangell cannery operator and salmon importer. Pilot Herb Munter of Ketchikan arrived at 1:15 yesterday afternoon from Alaska with his eaplane. After spending the afternoon and overnight here on business. Mr. Breu- ger returned north aboard the plane which left early this morn ing, j After having been Med up here on account of unfavorable weather conditions since his arrival a week ago yeatentay morning, Clayton L. Scott hopped off at noon today with his big twin-motored flying boat for Juneau to Join the yacht Taconite. which has on board W. E. Boeing, prominent Seattle ship and aircraft builder. The flying boat is being operated from the yacht for fishing trips to inland lakes and for other purposes While here the aircraft was hauled out on th pontoons at the local dry dock for hull Inspection, having been there for four or five davs. Union steamer Catala. Cant. A. E. Dickson, is due back In nort at 3:30 this afternoon fmm a nun IIJUIV 8tewart and other northern points and will sail an hour or so later on her return to Vancouver and way- points. 1 Arrangements ae complete for1 the conference to be held here tomorrow night between representatives of the Puget Sound. Alaska and Canadian halibut fleets on conservation, curtailment and price stabilization matters. The meeting is being held more or less unofficially under the new Cana dian naiibut marketing board. H. E. Lokken. manager of the PuKet Sound Halibut Vessel Owners' As sociation, will arrive tomorrow morning from Seattle to attend. Oast Olscn of Ketchikan will represent the Deep 8ea Fishermen's Union and halibut vessel owners of Alaska. The Relief and Annabellc are local halibut boats leaving today for the fishing grounds. Everybody reads the Dally News There's a reason. Approved! I V4ELL, WOW ll ( xVEUV., 1 'LOW A3 HOW l HY.' I I 0 YOU lUB rV ' i nil 1 "THAT'S PHCTV AS A r6. ' MY dcsismt u JPTr TWO -YEAR. .OLD nrf xzzzzzzzJJ EVEKTBODT will praise you when you terve Kellogg s Rico Kriipie. Their crispness and flavor is tomcthing to talk about. Children love to hear Rico Kriipie crackle in milk or cream. Let them have all they want those toasted rico bubbles are nourishing and easy to digest. Just the thing for the nursery supper. They promote sound sleep. Grocers everywhere sell Kellogg's Rice Kriipie in the Mother Goose story package. The more you buy the moro stories you get. Made hf Kellogg in London, Ontario. Listen! get hungry MACKENZIE'S FUKN1TURE ciiHSTi;mu:M srm: Covered in combination tapestry, reverse ruth ions CQQ Special V0 327 Third Ave.. I'rince Kupert I'hone 775 i t 1 m i s 11 mMi .. i. i i Avusrr - 'Joan Blondell Seeks Divorce Movie Actrev Wants to Break Marital Tie. Charging Barnes With Incompatibility LOS ANOBLES. Aug. 13 -Joan Blonde U. well known screen acre ; filed suit for divorce yesterday from her d'rector-husband. George I James. Charging incompatibility, she seeks custody of hnr eight-month old son. A nro- prnv settlement has already been naugfrd. it is reported New York Stock Market is Busy Mint Active lay In .Months Yesterday With 2.300,000 Shares Changing Hands NEW YORK. Aug 13: -The Nev York Stock Bxchanae had lis most active day In months yesterday when a total of 1300.000 sharer changed hands, many new high; for the year being rerorded 533 iM UlW 1 you tvitb your size of KODAK VERI CHROME FILM si our STOP KixUk film dipcnvr for your wtk-od supply of Kodik Vcricbromei It's ilc film itul nukes pic-turc-likinK raijr. Combined with our developing and print in service, ll assures you of better snapshots ihia ever. LAST SIHnvix 8huw , f. Ynuf sn.pc mntnt rr hiippieat mc" cUUosu One nw be rec4'.f way. Make suri-can r tain tii- perm ia bv Kodak arte: K them :o u ! K quality srrvi. (MaM Fun! Fxcitcnuflf K. K Van III... . . Magaiine S!sr 1 Casino Murder U A rnuo Vai,. . sation com-' on ti PAIL Llk.ul ALISON KKinvtiRT! imNALIl cook LOUISE I AZi r;o, (Ai 7 : . 1, AtMHO) AT-r LEE TU(' "THE LEMON A Damn r nitop houak h your guaru Ll With IIIJ.IN M'l At 8 35 F !'. LAST n)Mn.I, ,E !;cs STARTS AT t Be Proud of Your SNAPSHOT; Ready to serve esrenenrr and iertitm1 Users Is silt your purse. a K'"i ik 1 n"unrra! Take It with vnu Get n Kcnl Kodak Fl As Low as SLT Tor KtMUk service dfTtlfJ and prinlini see VS. Ml Mail orders ospecially attvnderl (r Organized by Junior Chamber of Commerce August 21, 22 and 23 Sports - VAUDEVILLE - PAGEANT - DancinJ -ByVestol