THE WEATHER \ ty-four hours ending 5 a.m., RE een iwenty-t) For SOUTH (Oct. 2 - cout, jie. ae Prince Rupert...... Friday, a.m. mann 99.0 29 aes ro® Norti Tonight t ie Princess May.........++6+ on’ —_— jana . we Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist | —— —_— ae. aeons a — ——_—_—_—— — — Nee gee yoL. I, WO. 224 Prince Rupert, B.C., MONDAY, OcToBEr 2, 1911, PRICE FIVE CENTS NEW PARLIA (/_ IF TO CONVENE NOVEMBER ———_—_——_— » 1m NAVAL FIGHT IN tator is Appoi i? ree a Canadian Press Despatch) _ Paris, Oct. 2.—The correspond-|the Straits of Bosphorus. a ent of Le Matin has telegraphed |this morning the same agency "7 his paper that a report has reached |has sent out a report emanating the Turkish Porte that a navaljfrom Rome that the news of the 7 vement hes been fought in|destruction of the Turkis, fleet he Straits of Bosphorus and that|seems to be confirmed. a Ottaman fleet with |. - A e exception of one cruiser has Destroyers Sunk at Corfu 7 n destroyed Corfu, Oct. 1.—Two Turkish ¢ The officiais at the office of the|torpedo boat destroyers were re- nister of Marine that ble either to confirm state ported to be sunk in battle off here today, and one captured. The ee on ews. Italian warships are scouring these & waters in an effort to drive in the Report is Confirmed Turkish vessels. Paris, Oct. 2.—The Agency of Fournier’ midnight last night received a telegram stating that Blow for Turkey Oct. "23 ae hr a The Constantinople, POLICE HERE MAY HAVE ARRESTED BANK ROBBE Ss 85 & S Money is Detained Pending Investigations In the | aes, 68ST eS lice court today Alex |money was obtained by the looting | . | . ’ . ispected of being one|of the bank at New Westminster | New Westminster bank |led the police surveillance fe sowed | ‘ red before the Magis-|by Johnston's arrest on the first rged first with being | opportunity. ; drunk and disorderly, and second | Called ‘‘Bill Wheeler” w threatened to kill a] When arrested, he had $960 H tted being drunk/upon him, but there is a rumor c enced to ps y the usual } to the effect that he has bank d| tained on the second |large sums of money in different ‘ge, and for further investiga- | banks here recently. He registered | jat the Central Hotel as A. Johnston | of Winnipeg, but was introduced | | Spent $1000 a Week : Chief Vi | kers states that John-jabout town as ‘‘Bill Wreter nas er in the city for about!To the police he gave the name of : ‘week, during which time he has}Alex Johnston of Montana, and | money lavishly in | stated that he had made his} ed district. It is be-|money by the sale of lands there. | e has blown in about; Chief Vickers is ir communication | 0) ince his arrival in|with the police at New West-| WI his brag that the| minster regarding the case. | ISAYS RESULT IS A WIN FOR POPULAR STUPIDITY. ee eine New York World ig Very Outspoken in Its Opinion of the Recent Elections—United States Press Is s Disappointed ! astery pers in today, contain, The New York Times: Columne > ss comment on the Can- “Agein the hands of the clock adian el : saat ri » clipped from va-|have beer set back. Prejudice and ous i litan papers in the|delusion have triumphed in Can- United S; Extracts follow: jada, the best government the »__,» Witless Joke Dominion has had in many years im Boston Journal: has been overthrown, and het Roe o 'S not ready for reci- | ablest statesman has been deprived liberal fo, Xi movement ‘ts too temporarily at least, of his leader- deeply s : MM Ople who are still ship.” Ba alarm ptible to such a false| The New York Tribune: ady | “mexation, It is too] ‘The Canadian voters have evt- ““Vanced f Yesterday! ‘! a people who, as}dently been governed more by show, ar, ultS at the polls} prejudice than by reason in ie misconstru, i to the deliberate jecting a friendly trade agreement Spoken by t A, friendly words by which both Canada and the | and ty a ai . merican President United States would undoubtedly | Joke sprung hee witless | have profited, Yet the | peopl the Hous ai im the Speaker of |of the Dominion are entitled ~ \ hingtoy Sepesentatives at] their own opinion as to the effes a New y, tk W of a compact intended to bring . Onul ur : orld; the two countries into closer com- Won am ee has really} mercial relations, and if they be- “ime wil] can ee victory, The |lieve that the political danger ; of Mtelligent ¢ ail think, when such an association of interests regard yesterd an opinion will] would outweigh its admitted eco- OL the sie yt ) election as ane| nomic advantages it is not for the ever bef, ‘est disasters that has people of the United States to llen the Dominion,” quarrel with that decision.’ Alex. Johnston Who Spent $1,000 Last Week in Prince | Rupert and Boasted it Was New Westminster | | Hotel | stoppage on the Skeena this fall Barney will! the job earlier} ! been made, nted in Turkey firmed. The Porte has received 2 des-| Direct news from Tripoli is |patch stating that the Italian | lacking. That the Italian forces \forces under the protection of|have landed is unquestioned, but | three cruisers and four torpedo] there is doubt as to whether er no |boat destroyers began the landing | Turkey THE BOSPHORUS — DESTRUCTION OF THE TURKISH FLEET “*.... a naval battle was going on in|sinking of two Turkish torpedo Only One Turkish Cruiser Escaped From the Inferno.--Report From Malta That Italians Have Commenced the Bombardment of Tripoli---Report of the Sinking of Turkish Torpedo Boat Destroyers is Admitted by the Porte---Military Dic- All the Europeans are safe. morrow. ; | j}of troops at three o’clock yesterday | sistance. jafternoon near Prevosa out |range of the guns in the fortress. | Tripoli is Bombarded Malta, Oct. 2. that the | here Italian of | It is reported|of Turkey warships | failure of the Sultan’s Ministers| the first offered any armed re- Dictator Appointed Constantinople, Oct. 2.—Chef- |ket Pasha will be made Dictator today following the | began the bombardment of Tripoli | to complete a Cabinet. | jat three o'clock Sunday, | . e- t . . a apprehension rising among the|Italian cruisers off Smyrna j Arabs. HARDY MAIL-CARRIER |Barney Mulvaney Arrives from Up River to Make Fall Ar- | 4~ | rangements. Barney Mulvaney is down fron Hazelton OW ing to the probable early of steamer pre »bably be on thar usual with his famous dugout | canoe carrying up river mail. VALUABLE NEW IRON DEPOSIT Claims Just Located by Messrs. | Lawson, and Benson on Is-| land Close to Prince Rupert. | Finest Ore Yet Struck. What is said to be one of thel finest iron properties yet found in the district has just been located or one of the islands within a few miles of Prince Rupert. As soon as further in- development will pro- ceed, The claims are in the hands Messrs Hudson Benson who have been prospecting of Mawson, and the district duringy the past few months. Indications of iron followed up by surface investigation by expert prospectors lead to the certainty that a large lead of ore exists on the spot. From the quality of the semples submitted to test it ‘is the that iron deposit represents the finest of ore. While estimated other rich iron disec veries have been made on the Queen Charlotte Islands, this set of claims is on one of the smaller near in islands, and development can be all the more speedily undertaken, Mr. james Sword is said to be interested in the find, A Local Wedding At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tanksley on Third avenue, last night Rev. F. W. Kerr united in marriage Miss Margaret McLach- Mr. were a lin and Charles Peterson. There guests to wish the young couple large pumber 4! happiness in their married iife 3oth are well known Prince Ru- folk. Mr. with the eter i 1S- pert Peterson is as sociated Pacific Steve- doring Company. There is| 1 @ guest at the Premier navigation | George this morning. | }vestigation of the property have} | | The reported sinking of has | greatly encouraged the Turks. — BASEBALL SCORES 1 SATURDAY’S BASEBALL Northwestern League Vancouver 11, Victoria 11. Portland 9, Spokane 3. Tacoma 10, Seattle 4. National League Pittsburg 8, Philadelphia 7. New York 3, Chicago 1. Boston 9, 1; Cincinnati 2, 4. Brooklyn 6, St. Louis 6, Pacific Coast League Portland 12, San Francisco 4. Vernon 6, Los Angeles 3. Oakland 4, Sacramerto 3. American League Chicago 9, 4; Boston 1, 2. Washington 3, Detroit 2. |} St. Louis 5. New York 4. | Dr. McNeill was | passengers going of by one south the The Later | boats’ off Prevosa has been con-| British fleet is expected here to- two | the} COLLISION AT SEATTLE Street Car is Run Down by a Freight Train--One Dead, Fif- teen Hurt. Seattle, Oct. 2—Onre man is dead and fifteen are injured as the result of a collision between a loaded street car ard a freight train here on Saturday. The | passengers were night workers on their way home. OUTCLASSED THE "TECUMSEH TEAM | Vancouver Beat the Indians 5-0 in the First Games for the Minto Cup. (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Oct. 2.—Before crowd that packed the Athletic ground the Vancouver lacrosse team beat the Tecumsehs by a score of 5-0 in the first match for tthe Minto Cup. The result of match makes it fairly |}certain that the cup will stay in | Vancouver, as the crack eastern jteam was outclassed at every stage of the game. The final game will be played next Saturday. a | YS | HURRY UP CITY HALL | | Double Shift, Night and Day to be Worked on Excavation | That blast which blew in the jside of the Mack Realty office | Saturday of the firest |shots ever fired on an excavation | job in Rupert. It was city work, Was ore }too, on the new city hall site. | |Night and day shifts will the work of erecting the new city} hall. a Bas ihe ee ike For New Fall Suits and Over- | | coats, see Sweder Bros., Helgerson | Block. 3t Saablieteteres ions ei | About forty-five first class pas-| Philadelphia 6,3; Cleveland 1,4!sengers went south by the George | whois now appointed vice president Pas ; | ithis morning and about seventy | deck passages were issued. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 FIERCE GALES OFF NOVA SCOTIA Scores of Vessels Driven Ashore in Gale on Sunday—One Girl Killed. (Canadian Press Despatch) Sydrey, C. B., Oct. 2—Nearly a dozen vessels are ashore as 2 result of a hurricere which swept over this section on Sunday. In Sydney City one girl was killed and one injured by live wires which were blown down. Scores of schooners ard ore steamer have come in for shelter. Shipping News The Dominion Government wire- less stations report cloudy weather at Triangle, Skidegate, Estevan, Point Grey, ard Cape Lazo. The steamer Quadra left Pine Island at 8 a.m. for Egg Islard G.T.P. OFFICIALS GET PROMOTION Mr. J. E. Dalrymple Now Be- comes Vice President—Others are Raised Too. News reached the city on Sat- urday evering of some important alterations in the Grard Trurk Pacific staff. Mr. J. E. Dalrymple who has had rapid “promotion ~ und! he became assistant freight manager with offices at Winnipeg, has beer further promoted to be Vice Presi- dent in charge of all traffic, with offices at Mortrezl. Mr. Dal- rmpyle is still a young mzn. By be/G. T worked from now on to hasten} | | that his latest promotion he row be- comes 2 Vice President of the . R., of the G. T. P. and the G. T. P. Steamship Company. His predecessor, Mr. Loud, will be superarnuated, and Mr. C. E. Dewey, general freight agent for the G. T. P. will succeed to Mr. Dalrympie’s !ate position. Arother popular promotion is of Mr. J. Pullen, assitant fretght manager on the G. T. R., and general manager of the Can- adian Express Compary in suc- cession to Mr. J. Bryce who will be superarnue.ted. MEET ON NOV. 18th Proclamation Issued Today by the Governor General—May be Changed by Mr. Borden. (Canadian Press Despe.tch) Ottawa, Oct. 2—A _ proclama- tion has just been issued by the Goverror Gereral callirg for Par- liament to assemble on Novem- ber 18th. This date however, may be charged to suit the con- venience of the new leader. WON FIRST MANN CUP GAME Vancouver Amateur Lacrosse Team Beat the Young Toron- tos in First Round. (Canadian Press Despatch) Toronto, Oct. 2.—The Vancou- ver team beat the Young Torontos by 7 to 2 in the first match of the Manr Cup series for amateur lacrosse. The match was played before a big crowd on Saturday. The Varcouvers will meet arother team in the final. OPPOSED THE ~~ POLL TAX Hon. Carter-Cotton Wants to See It Removed and a Grad- uated Income Tax Instead. (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Oct. 2.—The session of the Taxation Commission which closed on Saturday before leavirg for up-country was marked by strong opposition to the present poll tax. Hon. Carter-Cotton, late Presi- dent of the Council in the McBride Cabinet wes amorg those who testified. He said he was convinced the poll tax was a wrong and should be removed. He favored a graduated taxation on incomes, by which the deficiency could be easily made up. . Mr. Charles E, Tisdall, M. P. P. testified, saying that the 2. vicious system of also poll tax was * taxation.” The Commission will proceed up-country today TWO PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS SWEPT AWAY BY BURSTING OF BIG DAM Towns of Austin and Costello Destroyed and Hundreds of People Drowned Without Warning---Big Dam at Bayliss Paper Mill Burst and 500,000,000 Gallons of Water (Canadiana Press Despatch) Austin, Penn., Oct. 1.—A ter- rible dam accident rivalling the great Jamestown flood has deso- lated the district destroying the towns of Austin. and Costello and drowning hundreds of people. Early reports made the death loss a thousand people. It will probably be in the hundreds. Mill Dam Burst awful death strike came without warning, when with a roar that could be heard away, the great dam at the Bayless pulp and paper mill burst. This| was at about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon. 500,000,000 Gallons The dam was fifty-uwo feet long and forty-nine feet high, and held back 500,000,000 gallons of water. The rniles The dam was built two years} Broke Loose---Carloads of Coffins Sent in to Bury the a Sign of Life in Costello ago and had shown no signs of weakness. Yesterday was the first day, however, that it had been tested to its capacity, when the recent rains had swollen the lake up Uil its waters flowed over the dam. Awful Destruction believed were dead. The first As the awful torrent of water|estimate of dead sent out was leaped out it swept away every-|seven hundred, but it is now thing that opposed its path. It|t descended on to the business sec- tion of the town the | buildings, and sweeping them away. The entire district was destroyed and all who lived there were drowned without warning. After Deluge, Fire The debris from the crushed houses caught fire as a result of the gas mains being torn open by the torrent, ‘and this fed the flames. As soon as the waters crushing subsided, appeals for help were sent about thirty of the bodies were recovered. many to be alive that they had nearer the mark. town states that the flood swept down the valley town, here at ten o'clock at night, said they heard the roar of the bursting dam miles away. the water was on them. there was no sign of life in the out, and by six o'clock Found Many Alive The rescuers to their joy found hought that two hundred will be Town Annihilated A report from Costello, a little further down the valley, and annihilated the A survivor who reached Shortly after He said town wher. he left. four people heve perished in Costello, Victims ---Not It is feared that hundred to five hundred Carloads of Coffins Austin, Oct. 2.—This morning the twon realised the awful grim- ness of Saturday's tragedy, wher several carloads of coffins arrived for the victims, sanitary ergireers are busy col- lecting the dead. that hundred. The police and lt is thought they will total ver two Martial Law Observed Martial law is being practically observed both at Austin and at Costello owing to the throngs of sightseers who arrived on Sunday. A twelve hours’ raiafall has helped to thin out the crowds and leave the police free to help the search parties, iSTH ry } b oe pr ue f