PAflE TWO B I Mavisky s Widow g tfAKUAIJN UtrAKTMENT i, Going on Trial S SPECIALS FOR WOMEN Truly Outstanding Of term of Shues Clearance of better-grade maJu and style lor every occaiion. CO Q COOC at Special payings We Specialize in Children's Shoes. See Our Display First at Prices to Meet Your Requirements. SPECIALS FOR MEN Brown Calf Boots and Oxfords in a good range of stees Reliable makes includible 'Liberty." "Invectus" and "Regal " ?f Off Fbrmerly price at $10.09. Special Ht O D You 11 recognize thii offering as good value. Take advantage of ttu ofrar while lite mn tact Thtw ihn m ..j black. - 1 kyv ujrvi It. Just Arrived Children's and Growing Girls "Rallet Slippers, all sizes. DON'T Wait! Get Yours Now! The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone .357 THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT . BSITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue IL P. PULLEN Managlng-Edfcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesr periods, paid In advance, per week ' By maU to all other countries, pc year ADVERTISING; RATES' Transient display advertising; per mcri. per Insertion . ' ' Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 1 Local leaders, per insertion, per line . News Department Telephone ; gj Advertising and Circulation Telepiitne I M Member of Audit Burmu of Circulations DAILY EDITION 2 ft" j'ullfy everything In your home with these three British. Columbia Products: SATIN-GLO VARNISH SATIN-GLO ENAMEL SATIN-GLO FINISH Increase the value of (he things you own ot small cost. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. $51 I 9.00 1.4b Di 21 Wednesday, November 6; 1935 RELIABILITY OF WAR NEWS m There is considerable doubt of the reliability of war news coming from the Ethiopia zone from either side owing to the strict censnrshin nrvl tho -t. their people and the rest of the world biased in their favor. At the same time fairly accurate reports of larire engagements are bound to get out. Reports of Italians killing women and children, while they may or may not be true, are designed to turn the civilized world against Italy. If bombs are dropped from planes they are almost bound to cause death and destruction to some women and children and als6 to non-combatants, if there are any in the neighborhood, just as did the German bombs dropped on London. War is a terrible thing as the approach of our own Remembrance Day reminds us. The responsibility on those who instigate war or who are responsible for it is very NOTAHLE RECOGNITION George Bancroft, at one time secretary of the' navv founded the United Stat also was the originator of the well known American Beauty rose and his work in horticulture was recognized recently when a plaque wan placed on a large-office build- Ton f LB?nXr0f Vs iomer home in Washington. The tablet f tells u that fifty years ago a scholar and historian worked in a shadowed garden, creating a new flower. On the occasion of the unveiling ceremony President Roosevelt sent an immense wreath of American Beauty CITY BUYS ESTATE Canadians and Americans are often thought to be more enterprising than people of the older countries but there Britain. The City of Wolverhampton, in the English Midlands, recently purchased an estate of 733 acres with a mansion house and grounds to enable it to complete an area for an airport 'and manufacturing sites, the total size to be nearly 72,000 acres. dty, m?!ta.ins an up-to-the-minute development clepartment which issues a' bulletin periodically. This organization is evidently getting results for the city y is growing rapidly. Kiishc and Associates Are Chart rd In Bi . .... . Si SATIN-GLO I d 1 I ram nun compiieny in Corrupt Activities PARIS; Not. 6: The widow of Alexander Stavisky and 19 alleged associates, including two former members of the Chamber of De puties, hare gone on trial here on charges of complicity in corruption in which Stavisky was alleged to have been a leader Steels Strong In New York Trading Industrials Off SHchtly But Ten dency Otherwise is Generally Upward NEW YORK, Not. : Strength in g I steels featured Monday's trading gjon the New York Stock Exchange. glThe day's transactions totalled 1,-1 1 750,000 shares, closing averages be- inn intr- inrttictrial. 141 ft? rr io u ..... i, .-...v.. W.l 22; bonds, 96.37. up .11. The ex-! change was closed yesterday on ac- count of the state elections. Today's Stocks (OourUay 8. D. Joonstoo Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. 222. Big Missouri, .65. Bralorne, 5.30. -B. R. Conr, J)32; B. R. X;, .07&. Cariboo Quarts, 1.05; Dentortla; 21. Dunwell, .04': Georgia River, .00?4i Golcondd; .10 Orange, .013i. Indian, .01. Minto, .05. Meridian New, 20. Morning Star, J)33i. National Silver, .02V4. Noble Rve, .04. Penri Orplllp m Porter Idaho, .05 vl Premier, 1.78. Reeves McDonald, .09 Reno, 0. MANY AT i. fask). Salmon Gold, JOT. Taylor Bridge, .17. Wayside, .15. Whitewater, .05; J Waverly Tangier, .05. United Empire, .00; Toronto-Central Patricia, 2.18. ChlbougamaU; .16. Lea Gold! .03. Granada, .22. Inter. Nlckei; 33.65. : Macassa; 22. Noranda, 41.85. ' Sherrltt Gordon; .83. SLrcoe, 2.76. Ventures, 13. J Lake Maron, .02 '2. Teck HUghesi 4".40. Sudbury Basin, 2.15. Smelter Gold, .04. Can. Malartic, .62: Little Long' Lac, 5.40. ' Astoria Rouyn, .02: Stadacona, 2QV2. Maple Leaf; .0712. Pickle Crow, 3.22. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.09 God's Lake, 1.47. Sturgeon River, .60. Red Lake Gold Shore. .41 San Antonio, 2.95. FUNERAL Final RUes For Late Mrs. W. D Aloxley Performed Today From Presbyterian Church There was a larae consreffnHrm this afternoon at First" Presbyterian Church for the funeral or the' late Mrs. W. D. Moxley. esteemed nln. neer resident and churchwoman. Rev. W. D; Grant Hollingworth conducted the rites and mm v t Smith presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were we unan Gather at the' River- ' " -" UV MIC JVfVCr and ing DAILY NEWS Wednesday KwUl. g SPORT Atlm Fish And Printers Win AUln Fisheries defeated Knox Hotel two matches to one hi Ten Plh Bowling League last night while Rose, Cowan Si Latta won over Moose three to nil. High average of the evening was 159 by Johnny Comadina of the Knox Ho-teL Individual score : Atlin Fisheries Knutsen, 456; Styles. 469; Lindseth, 431; Clapp, 366. Knox Hotel Veitch, 370: Thompson, 397; Way. 373; Coma dina, 477; Asemlssen. 428. Rose. Cowan St Latta Bill Vance, 438; Roy Franks. 351: Mae- Callum. 442; Ole Franks. 452: W. D. Vance. 399. i -ire unmenn jkk iltai.ah tnv- n ri)lruarw.-IniKilir.r.F.,.... Ml rails. 35 Ofl nn 1Q- iiHIifU. K ,.nl w . jitouii, ion Ml, v r. , . . -. l " ' ' ulJ oiimnEja , : I Morrison. 409 SP0RTCHAT The fame of Walter Undrum- lntematlonally-known billiards expert, did not mean much to a marker In a parlor in a small English town. Lindrum sllDDed In between trains one day. the story goes, and was invited to a game. the marker offering to give him 50 in 100 up. He was persistent and' Lindrum disclosed his Iden-tlty. "Oh, weel, then I'll give you only 40," the man replied. The standard of Women's golf In America is high amonz a few players, but not so good in general as In England, in the opinion 01 Miss Joyce Wethered, English star, just returned to London after a four-months tour of the United States and Canada. One of the founders of the Aston Villa football' club George B. Ramsey, a director rflid suddenly at Llandrindod Wells. He was 80 years 'iold Romp r,n vir ago he played for the Villans as an amateur and later as a professional. He was secretary until about 20 years ago. A sporting club In South Africa Is negotiating with two American boxers, George Nichols and Tommy Paul, for fights in Johannesburg with Dave Carstens and Laurie Stevens, South African Hght-heavyweleht and llffhtuPiwhf champions Efforts are also belne made to bring Harry Mlzler. former British lightweight champion, to South Africa. White Hart Lane, home of Tnt. Itenham Hotspurs' English League ciuo; will be the venue of one of the most important soccer games of the season. Eneland will mpoi Germany tliere Dec. 4. The English warn win be chosen Nov. 25. Goose Goslini who dr6ve irt the run that give Detroit the world's baseball champlonshm. won't ad mit he contemnla "I can say I'm fonri of ir nr girls but I haven't met one yet I'm going to marrv." erins thp Tiger's most elteibl Despite his lark of tournaments this season. Honn j Cotton Is still a great personality men on its football cnanhimr staff Ed. Weir, coach of the Com-1 husker freshman grldders, woni me nonor as n MhrQciro ni.i I 1 V. w . lJJl KUA1C 'Lead' Kindly 'Light" Follow. ,n 1924 a"d 1925; and Lawrence the service, intprmon ,. i Ely. who helps with th vnrsiiu made In Falrvlew Cemeterv. Honorary pallbearers we're Mrs. P. W. Hart, Mrs. B. R. Rice, Mrs. a ieam, was all-America centra in 1932. Taunton Rugby Club celebrates WMAA . Ik ji. . . . . . jubilee jumiee dison, Mrs. D, C Stuart' nnH wi- ' "na (his season. E. N. Valentine arid' active pall-! ? & membersnP tnat now ex-bearers were W: J'. McCutrhPn lcee. .m.' The club recently John Bulger, W. R. McAfee, J. H 1- n2L P"0ry fark r0Und Thompson, A. C. Abbott PTL CVered accomoda-Rice. and B R R' tlon for f 1200 People. As funds There were numerous floral trl-' ZZl.T SJLi' butes. erect more terraces. JR. BOARD IS ACTIVE publishment of Skating Rink, Peace River Essay Contest" And , Seattle-Prince Rupert j Yaclit Itate on Tapis - Good Meeting j Profit of JCO oil Recent Novelty Dance Announced Committee' Chairmen Named John- ; son Shows Pictures The establishment of a natural Ice skating rink In Prince Rupert. the sponsoring of an essay cdntest r i 1 L. 1 1 -i a . uimuini oi iiir reace 389" Gray ' ! River district on the subject of Prince Rupert, the Logical Outlet for the Peace River District1 and co-operating in the staging of a yacht race next summer" from iSeatUe to Prince Rupert are among I new activities being considered for , the coming year by the Junior Sec- Moose "n 01 lhe Prtnce RuPm Chamber Noble, 365; Rover 359- vn- im wnnierce. n became Known last evening at the regular monthly dinner meeting. of the young bus! ness men's organization in the Knox Hotel. President Lee Gordon was in the chair and the attendance was the largest in some time, some twenty-five members being present in addition to a few special guests. The skatiny rink project has wen put forward by Al Small, rhree sites are suggested -the Ca-ladlan National Recreation Asso-.laUon's softball grounds, the Gyro )all park at the comer of Sixth Avenue and McBride Street and a 'lat section or railway yard lit the Iclnlty of the Swift-Canadian Co.s olant. The last-mentioned would! appear to be the most adaptable, involving a minimum of prepara--ion. Foster Willan was named chairman or a committee to go: further into the matter. S. J. Jabour was delegated chairman of a committee to go Into the Peace River essay contest proposal which Is designed to keep, this port in the forefront as the outlet for the nnrtlm ailrifhltlirol nnas TU m iram on Saturday evenings, the rnnce Rupert Plavers' nniM furrush the entertainment; foal lira and talo any profits that may ac crue, mam uordon will be chairman In charge of the arraneempnf nt the entertainment .William McLeod was named chairman of a committee which will eive assistants In ... general way to the new station. ' . . ..jii Kua. xip iijsl nix nn.n - r0..v-.... 1UC contest would be open to senior public and high school pupils and a free trip from the Peace River to Prince Rupert at the time of next year's carnival has been suggested as a grand prize ir it would not prove too costly. Plans for financ ing the prizes would have to be de. ! . I ..I m. m visea. Meantime, the cn-onemtinn of Clive Plants, M: L. A for Peace River, and the school authorities of lhat district will br sought. Nothing definite will be done as far as the Junior Chamber is con cemed in connection with the Seattle-Prince Rupert yacht race until such time as the Prince Rupert Rowing A: Yacht Club, which Is hesitating in sponsoring the race, has definitely decided to abandon it. The local radio broadcasting station came in for considerable dis cussion at the meeting and the Junior Chamber decided to continue assisting the promoters of the undertaking in getting established; The Junior Chamber itself will sponsor a weekly half-hour ine Chamber decided' asaintt sponsoring the importation title MM and ana won WQn only i " " l!ummer 01 a travelling show "uw troune irouPe one tourna-' T rcm tnp f h ment-at Leeds-J,ut there is llttla ?"thjJ heePresentatIve wmnn lih li. . I0' Qt wniCh u had been In thn ".U..B im ma seasons record. rpniiv VM'' lc His tournament and championship V T . average works out at 72.04 strokes'. 1 , abour sueeeted that wea for 18 holes. lner '0'eoasts should be included l,n tne daHy broadcasts of the local The University of Nebraska hasln, statlon- ne suggestion will two "homesTown" -!ii.n,iiDe followed up bv contnrtim, 1 mitAAMAi 1 - . ..... meteorological authorities Dance Successful A- net profit of $60 was reported Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR- GOOD ALLEYS Iteserve your alley by phoning 658 All five pin games 12'2c per line. 1 TU FINEST CIGARETTE PAPERS IN THE FINEST BOOK AUTOMATIC HACK COVtR OrlrUH M. ft- AW. BLUE COVER "EGYPTIEN" Rollt o dgortfft lilt a Rtody Mad. FURNITURE D. ELIO MCE We Sell New ConRoletim Gold Seal Rugs Size fix'J, $3.50; 7.9, $7.00; 5)x9, $S.I() Dominion Linoleum Rugs Size (1x9, $7.00; 7jx9, $8.75; 9x9, SlOjr, Printed Linoleum by Square Yard PHONG: GREEN 421 m,mnL Congoieiim The Modern R For ' Modern Hornet ( an-ada's Favorite Fuor Covering. For sale by GORDON'S HARDWARE 'thicken Bill" Of Philharmonic To Yukon Fame Dead Broadcast Mast m , w. vunfi aiiu , Laticu til uiuautiuLuift ' hava seen many cemeteries but this not be heavy as tha radio st!H . me wure; i nope 1 snail ever see. : has donated the time I noticed in your local naoer that While definite olar.s h ive 4 the road to the ski grounds is fin- been made for these wi broii- ished and no doubt will be popular casts, it is probable that they hllf luhw nittlrl - 1 - . . . ' . 1 & .1.. irhl- . wuiiu om 1 uaus ana jorgei oe conunuea mrougnoui- the resting place of those hardy ter if the reception and support ntnnaoa .t. 1 ttl ... . - ... wu ouiu your city 7 tney receive warrant 11 It is Ud to the rll l7Pnc M'Vift mnv have any beloved at rest to force, p 11 J il 1M your good.natured and plausible LOlCl VYeatHer III vu.nuusiiQner to soend a fpw rAntjs so as to show a little respect if not sorrow for their brothers and sisters departed. Yours, THINKER. as a result of the Hallowe'en no velty dance held last week hv Mi Junior Chamber. The nnwiMU uin be employed lit financing a pamphlet which Is to be prepared for distribution arrfonur tourist nhnawt steamers leaving Vancouver for Alaska. Preparations tot the printing of this booklet will be instlhitPfi: at once, now thnt itrfinisnf t,A. uuinvikiib iuiiua have become available. President Gordon announced the following chairmen of Mnndlnrr committees: Attendance Lawrence Lambly. Publicity J. e. Wlckett. Dances G, p. Lvons. Regret was expressed at the impending departure from the city of O. W. Laidler. an nrtlvp mmlr rf ,the Chamber since its lhcentlon. who is leaving soon for Vancouver. Mr. Laidler's successor here as manager of the W. H. Malklri Co., W. G. Middletbn, was introduced. Both Mr. Laidler and Mh Mlddleton spoke briefly. j The meeting closed after an Interesting series of moving pictures' taken locally and abroad werei shown by T. II. Johnson. 1 1 William J. Amstead Went Into Will Give Two KwitjN Fron Klondyke to Find Gold But 1 United Church Sttf Month Stayed to Raise Chickens j ' At the regular practice ot the TACOMA. Nov. 6: Wllllnm J DMihi. o.i.t : ..t m.-ht It Rrfltnr rjnllu Mntv - 1 ttiiitaiiiiuiiiL ovi,ivv! o-"' Amstead, who went Into the Klon- i was decided to undertake Uw dyke oVer the Trail or 98 to seek broadcasting of an hour of music gold but started Instead to raise from 9:30 to 10 30 two Sunday vf-poultry there, is dead here. He was nines in the month. Tn.s will be t better known as "Chicken Bill.' The Letter Box CONDITION OP COIKTEKY non-commercial program offered hv thp rhnlr at its own expense 8 was felt that the radio offered an opportunity of extenf1! the use-j fulness of the sorieh u..d further that an hour of good music iate Is 1 the evening would ti. u real need IThe first and seconti bi adcasa Vnvmbei 17 and j December 1. respect iv 'y fiom th As I was walking through your 1 United Church. The penerai public local cemetery a few days ago. I , will be admitted and a i!"" col-was shocked at the deplorable state lcctlbn will be taken at the do6r in which it is kept. j to help' defray the expenses en- West Moderating gan- Francisco Has Coldest Temperature on Record For This Time of Year j SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 6: Weather to throughout the west started I ameliorate yesterday after tw weeks of unusual cold and U thermometei here dropped to 42 above zero m jvionaay, me coiuesi, on this time of year in San Francla Prom the mountain sections su zero weather was reported wW extremely cold weather was al continuing in Washington Oregon. Former California Official is Charged With Embezzlement FORT WORTH', Texas Nov. t- William B. Shearef, former casiu of the Caloforhla state treasuijr - partment, having been arr here, is now on his way back una ponce guard 10 oacmi"""- he will face absconding with funds. ohnriH .-1 -1 $24,000 ol W'T