TAGE TOUR RADIO CFPR Prince Rupert B. C. . Power: 50 Watts Frequency: 580 Kilocycles. Schedule: 12 Noon Till 1 p.m. 6 to 7 p.m. Any special programs to be announced with the times over the station at the regular broadcast. SUPERIOR RADIO KUSCTRIC rhonc Hlue 320 LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, It will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. SKATES SHARPENED Hollow Ground 35c We have Ihe equipment to . make a first class job - Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop Tube Skating Outfits $4.75 Boys' Sizes up to 5 J $4.50 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor " ' "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 ap 50 Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 190 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Cohgoleum New patterns. Freshen your home nowl Phone 775 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 k in ARRIVAL OVER THE RAILWAY FROM SMITHERS . Continued irom Page I of Usk, was the scene of one of the worst washouts. The west half of (he bridge and part of the ap? proach was swept away leaving the rails and ties suspended 40 feet in the air for seventy feet. Hardscrabble Creek, six miles west of Pacific, cut both sides of the bank, the east side 30 feet and the west side 50 feet but the steel bridge held firm. East of Pacific at Fiddler's Creek, the right-of-way, 15 feet hlh, was washed out for a distance of 200 feet while a little farther east a clean sweep of 300 reet of grade 10 feet high was made. Mr. Dickson had an Interesting time working and tramping his way west through the difficult country," arriving here a little after noon today. i ' " TV Dafoe Turns Down Washington Post Publisher Says He is Unable To ' Assume Duties as Minister To United States OTTAWA, Nov. 6: (CP) Premier William Lyon Mackenzie King said yesterday that John W. Dafoe, president . of the Winnipeg Free Press, had definitely decided he would be unable to accept the appointment of Canadian minister to Washington. TAKING IV GOLD DREDGE VANCOUVER, Nov. 6: Senate: A. D. McRae announces that a dredging outfit will be taken in this winter to the Eagle district of Ihe Klondyke to be used in devel opment of placer ground in which he has become interested. with Mjc Eyt, . ScUcter Dill, mi. "pcoVtd M jle Btiin hdnuny othtr out fending idvtnct. RCA VICTOR CTffitRADIO See hear RCA "Victor's great forward stride ai presented in these striking new Globe Trotter Models. Come down to our store and ask for a demonstration . . you'll not only be amazed by the ease and accuracy of tuning in foreign stations, American short wave stations as well as the standard wave programs, but you will be thrilled with tone of remarkable clarity and realism. There's a wide range of models to choose from ... at moderate prices! Remember "Globe Trotters'" are made only by RCA Victor. Trade-in . . . Weil offer a generous allowance on your present set "TIME THE TOILER" DAILY NEWS LIBRARY MEETING Regular Monthly Meetint Held Official Compliments Institution The monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Library Board was held last night. Those present were Frank Dlbb, chairman, T. B. Black, R. L. McLennan, R. E. Moore, O. A. Woodland and Miss Dorothy Rush-brook. A letter was received from Mr. Edwards, librarian in Anyox, stating that no books were available for donations to the Prince Rupert Public Library. A donation of several books on ;arly New England life, offered by tflss Clara Benedict, will be ac cepted. A book on "Australia's Government Bank." donated by L. C. Jauncey, the author, has been added to the library shelves. The Roslcrucian Society offered i renewal donation of the book 'Lemuria" to the library. The renewal was accepted but it was specified that it was not the policy of the board to receive further 'woks from this society, as a. number were already on the iibrary shelves. The book committee was author-zed to purchase a number of new ooks for .the free shelves. These looks will' be available to readers 'ithln the next two months. Mr. Klllam of the Public Library "tommlsslon, on his visit to the lo-:al library, was very favorably Impressed by the progress attained mder financial difficulties and by the efficiency of the staff, it was stated at the meeting. Report For October Circulation Fiction, 2349;' nonaction, 408; Juvenile, 695; pay sec-ion, 350; total, 3802. Number, of days open, 22. Average circulation, 172.8. Books added by gift, 22; by jarchase, 16; total, 38; discarded, 10; gain, 8. j Total number of books in ttle ibrary, 9019. Borrowers added? 40; cancelled, 14; gain, 26. . Total number of borrowers in the library, 3987. r Mexico Having Troublous Time Rebels Active in Various Parts Of Republic. But Authorities Have Situation in Hand MEXICO CITY. Nov. 6. --Revo lutionary activities continue in , various parts of the republic but are reported to be well under control. In Sonora Province a revolt was put down by government forces with the slaying of fourteen rebels. In a clash at Vera Cruz two persons were killed and several severely Injured. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver' Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide....l0 p.m Ss. Cardena midnight Nov. 3 ss. Prln. Norah 5 p.m, Nov. 21 ss. Prln. Norah 5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn Wed. ss. Pr. Ge-Tee 10 a.m Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m. fas. cardena pxrt Nov. n-ss. prin. Norah .... a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala .... 11:30 a.m. Thursday Prince George 8 p.m. Mac's Still WHIFFLETS Front the Waterfront With quite a good sized list of passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. tl. E. Nedden, arrived in port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Capt Paul Armour, manager of the Armour Salvage Co., is gradually completing recovery following an illness which he contracted In Vancouver recently, having had to enter hospital while there. He was threatened with pneumonia. T. A. Kelley Logging Co.'s service boat Norah Jane, Capt. W. L. Dass, arrived In port yesterday from the company's camp at Atll Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, with Jack Hanson, superintendent of the camp, which has been closed down for a time, and other members of the crew on board, jsome proceeded to Vancouver on the Catala yesterday afternoon while others are continuing through to Vancouver iboard the Norah Jane. Some hunting will be done on the way 1own the coast. The only halibut boat in yester-tay was the Embla which called ast night and went through to lew Westminster with 10,000 pounds of halibut and 30.000 pounds of black cod for Edmunds & Walker. After being out a week in Portland Canal, Captain D, Ritchie arrived home early this week on the Unome with 3.000 Dounds of mud shark livers. They are sold here for medicinal purposes. RECIPIENTS OF RELIEF Ninety-Two Families and Eighty-Six Single Men Rein Taken Care of by City Now The municiDal relief, list in Prince Rupert this city Is slightly lower than last. There1 were 92 families with 334 deDehdenLi on relief here during October, according to figures obtained this morning at the office of the city commissioner, the total outlav Jor mil. nlclpal relief having been $3379 of which the city pays forty percent and the government the balance. Eighty-six single men and four single Orientals were on city re- liei. Attendance Figures For Local Schools Total of 485 Enrolled at Booth Memorial School and 314 At Borden Street Enrolment at Booth Memorial School for the month of October totalled 485 including 277 boys and 208 girls, according to report of the principal presented to City Commissioner W. J. Alder. The percentage attendance for the school was 94.37. School savings for the month totalled $32.30; At Borden Street School the total enrolment was 314 consisting of 154 boys and 160 girls, the school percentage being 05.4. Savings at this school totalis $29. Father Champagne of Terrace and Mrs. Dunuls of Havsnnrt rived in the city this afternoon on me worK train, in Need Two Feature Pictures and Baer- Louis Fight Pictures at Capitol This Mid-Week Three feature attractions are be ing presented on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this midweek. One is an hilarious comedy starring W. C. Fields entitled "Man on the Flying Trapeze." Another is a thrilling college murder play, "College Scandal," in which a number of younger stars appear Third on the list are the Max Baer-Joe Louis heavyweight fight pictures which were taken at the ringside at Yankee Stadium and ihow clearly how the big Callforn- lan met his Waterloo at the hands! of the Detroit negro. In the role of a hen-pecked hus-1 band at home and a down-trodden ' -.lerk at the office, W. C. Fields. In 'Man on the Flvlne Traneze."' bubbles over with his customary rags, his habitual mirth-provoking pantomime arid his pathetic, help-'ess blunderings. One hilarious icene comes after another from beginning to end of the picture. Kathleen Howard has the role of Fields' nagging wife while Mary Brian is his pretty daughter. A thrilling, engrossing mystery Is presented in "College Scandal," a thrilling climax being the denouement as a dangerous murderer Is closed In upon. Heading the cast Is handsome Kent Taylor while others taking part arc Arllne Judge. Wendy Barrie, Eddie Nugent and William Frawley. Baking Specials MUSSALLEM' S You can get your baking, requirements at low prices from us. Leave jour order TODAY1 AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 2 Crown, 3 lbs, Ok, AUSTRALIA! CURRANTS QQ .2 Croi. 3 lbs. OtJl CALIFORNIA. BLEACHED Qn RAISINS, 2 lbs 001 SHELLED BRAZIL NUTS J7 Whole, per lb. 11 SHELLED WALNUTS 9Q Pieces, per lb SHELLED ALMONDS QQ Whole, per lb. G LACED CHERRIES QQn Whole, per lb 0JL CALIFORNIA PUFFED -i nn RAISINS, 15-oz. pkg. A I PITTED DATES Qln Fresh Stock, 3 lbs. Oil CRISCO CO 1 9-lb. tin JZ1D CRISCO Q4 mm 6-lb. tin J1.'D AUSTRALIAN PASTRY lOi FLOUR, 10-lb. sack 11 DESSICATED COCOANUT 4 Qn per lb. XOl LEMON ii VANILLA OQn EXTRACT, 4-oz. fancy bot WE DELIVER Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More CentV P. O. .Box 575 Phone 18 1- If you wish to swap something-Try a classified. 1 My . m . - y I NOVO LET'S SEE WHAT tup" rt v oout v "WJrir I'M I i THIS BILL ATTRACTIVE ATTRAPTin.. . ' m la I AM I ' mum nil 1 1 f EmffiBSH . . ill 1 l I Hi Oil 1. , ATTRACTION-1 Terror Stalk lh r I In the sh irw. 1 Whose Smile Mark fcl COLLKCKSCAM Arllne Judr KtnlTi At 8 24 Sh s . Or ATTRACTION' At Last That Sena Fight' MAX in BAERvs.LOl At TOO tt : 3 C.IKS AT VOIK SERV Proprietors llrrt Morgan & Bud Bij Don't forfitMic nutnfj 15G Transfer PHONE 5S Office m t ...1 Arrnnf Hi) iMTUMU I Heavy Haulgj Light Deliver! Quick Scrvici -By WesW i (cm . jaSi