4 e t Noxema Cream 25c Size for 15c IFifclt s Shampoo and Scalp Massage Brush LCKliIar, tpi.uj, Doui lor uuc Orates Ltd. Jjie. Pioneer Dniqrists Elbe RtuU Slow l-nones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. i &nd Holidays From VI noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. toMtEARN FROM EXPERIENCE -OrflERS STILL FREEZE , In ourcoal youll ,n ' Jjnd the heat. , That will make Lycur home The buildings which' fompletc were warm during the last few days were the ones using coal' supplied by- Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. fn disgusted with oil and electricity, Phone G51 or 652 for the best coal in town CANADIAN PACIFIC Pneouvtr via Ocean Falls and way ports IS PRINCESS ADELAIDE, Fridays, 10 p.m. intouvtr Direct PRINCESS NORAII, Nov. 3rd, 21st, Dec. 5th, 19th. tchikan, M'rangcll, Juneau and Skaeway WINCESS NORAH, Nov. 17th, Dec. 1st, 15th, 29th. pTEU ROUND TRIP FAKE TO VANCOUVER $32.00 jpon ule Nov 1st. 1935 to Feb, 29th, 1936. Final return limit March 31st, 1936. For information and reservations call or write tUATKS, General Agent, Prince Rupert, K.u. N STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED "J 29th, 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return Steamer i fiTUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. i ' inursaay p.m. aver. Monday a.m. y sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, ..." '"formation regarding sailings and tickets from Innce Runert Afrent. Third Ave. Phone 568 fish whkh made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By ann Fish & Cold Storage. Co., Lid. KUPERT, B.C. You can rent a car at' Walker as low as $150 a day, plus 7c. mile. Pictures shown P. R. East Gym, tonight, 8 pm. Adults 10c, children oc, uenem unemployed. (256) Ross Mazzel, who has been on a" nve or six weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver and Seattle, returned to; the city from the south ort the Prince George this morning. Christmas cards, exceptionally fine assortment. Special discounts on orders placed at' store. Max Heilbroner. (Dec. 4) Everybody is going to the bazaar and grand carnival, First Presbyterian Church, Thursday. November 7, 3-6 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. (257) Moth ers Don't take chances with colds . . . rub on ICKS V ARO rub George Broderius, who has been on a trip south, returned to the clty.from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning. Daughter? of Norway tea and sale of home cooking sale Friday from 2 o'clock, Moose Hall, dance and bazaar from 8:30. Adm. 25c. (258) Charles Stuart, son pf Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart, will sail to morrow nlgn on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Tranqullle Sanitarium. Col. J. W. Nlcholls, comptroller of the Canadian Fish it Cold Sto rage Co., who has been on a trip to Eastern Canada and the United States on company business, re turned to the city from the East on the Prince George this mor nlng. Peter Lakle, district freight and passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. He was caught at Sml- thers during the railway tie-up and had to come back by way of Jasper Park and Vancouver. Announcements Card party and social Catholic Hall, Wednesday Nov. 6. Balagno's Orchestra. i Presbyterian Bazaar. Novembe( 7. Daughters of Norway Bazaar, Nov. 8, Moose Hall. Elk's grand re-openlng dance. November 8. . Dramatic recital, United Church, November 14. Masonic Dance, Moose Hall, November 15. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaa. Nov; 21. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, No vember 22. Orange Ladles' oazaar. Nov. 28 Lecture Recital. Mrs. Mandy, Baptist' Church. November 2a. United Bazaar, December 5. Cmripdv "Buntv Pulls the Strings", Presbyterian Church, Dec. 5 and 6. Hogmanay Darice, Oddfellows' Halli Moose Hall Moose Lodge meets TONIGHT 8 o'clock DAILY NEWS - PAGE THREE h "v v r ' LOCAL NEWS One of the Favourite x SPECIALS Be warm andcomrortablebyrldi Supper Dishes in the home of tag In 32 Taxi une Shaving, Cream and Talcum Regular,. 70c; Both for 50c It costs the same: Lovely Ottawa hostess and well-known Can adian horsewoman, wife of one of Canada's most distinguished soldiers. 'w Dt ATI D ' Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, has accepted an cn ESTLI J"" AD I ATE D : EEVAfinn . -war ri !1 M .V i B 1 g -SH Invitation to address the Prince afternoon from Vancouver. Rupert Rotary Club at Its regular! weekly luncheon tomorrow. His i Ei O. Aves, deputy provincial as-subject will be "The Vacant Lot." Isessor, is on a visit to Anyox: on of Constable L. E. Requa, who the past summer was stationei at Arrandale and for a while at Terrace, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to join the city detachment of the provincial police. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel And Tn'B Jump Out of BeJ in the Morninj Rarin' to C Tb Rrer hould poor oat two poonda ot Uqald biU into yoar bowel, daily. If thi bile It not flowing freely, yoar food doesn't digest. It ja.t decmy. in tbe bowels: Gu bloats up yoar stomach. Yoq get constipated. Youi whole system I. poisoned and you feel sour, snnk and the world looks pank. Laxatlre. are only makeshift.. A mere bow.l movement doesn't get at the cause. It take, thosa good, old Carter'. Little Llrer Pill, to get thes. two pounds of bile flowing freely and make yon feel ' op and op". Harmless, gentle, yet annexing In making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter'. Little Liver Pills by Bam., Stubbornly" refuse anything alee. 25c O ISIl, (. M.C9, M and Mrs. W. E. Colllson returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Muriel Col- Hson, who has been ill in hospital in the south recently. Ellas Wold, well known local halibut fisherman, who was mar ried recently to Miss. Evelyn John son, formerly a well known mem ber of the local Bank of Commerce staff and more recently located in Vancouver, arrived in the city from the soutti on the Prince George this morning. : & Two or three OXO cubes vastly Improve ANY soup ficial business; having left for the Sid Peters, who has been assistant liquor vendor at Anyox for years, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon moving south from the smelter town to Vancouver. Charles MacLachlan, wharfinger at Anyox for the Gran j Prince Rupert 1 H. Singleton and r; C. Jtardle, for years Vancouver; J. McNaught, Victoria; by Co., was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon moving-, to Vancouver. Noel V. Taylor of Massett, who has been on a trip to Vancouver on' business, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morning and will re turn to the Islands Friday eve ning on the Prince John, E, Davidson", foreman- for the Canadian Fish St Cold'' Storage Co., returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon after having made the round, trip north on the vessel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Cundlll, who have been residents of Anyox' for upwards of twenty years, and their son, Jerry, were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. They are' moving south1 following the , withdrawal of the Granby Co, from Anyox. Miss Eleanor Moxiey arrived home on the Prince George' this morning, to attend the funeral this afternoon of her mother, the late Mrs. W. D. Moxiey. Owing to the tie-up on the railway she had to come around via Jasper Park and Vancouver from Pacific where she teaches school. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at its reeular weeklv luncheon in the Commodore Cafe today,, heard the first of a series of four talks to be given during the coming winter by H. N. Brocklesby on "The Ramifi cations of Chemistry in Cur Every day Life" this discourse dealing with the pure food laws. President S. J. Jabour was in the chair and there was ,a good attendance of members with a few guests. J. H. PHlsbury, well known pioneer of this city and now a member of the Workmen's Compensation Board of British Columbia, and Dr. C. H. Bastln, medical officer of the board, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the' Prince George this morning and are proceeding through to Stewart whence they will return here tomorrow eve nlng and stop over enroute to In iterlor points. They are on a tour north on official business. where they will spend a time visiting with Mrs. McColl's mother, Mrs. Helen Nuclch. Mrs. W. B! Morgan of Hays Covi north at the first of the week. 1 Circle, who has been on a trip to Montreal, returned to the city from the East on the Prince George this morning. Hotel Arrivals Noel V. Taylor, Massett. i Royal John Khutson, Tom Sallli Jack Hanson and R. J Kruk, Queen Charlotte Islands. Savoy G, F. Frost and J: L. McCrea, city; R. G. Cunningham, Port Esslngton; Frank Moore, Anyox; E. Requa, Vancouver. 'Wit kit. r...ii.L rL IYL!. C 4. 1 is lYiaiarum wiin .nees& ana wnne oauce" ...AND HERE'S HOW I MAKE IT" says Mrs. Shukef, cook at the residence cf Lady MacBrieti, wife of Major i General Sir lamer H. MacBrien, K.CD., CM.G., D.S.Q., Commissioner oflheRoyal Canadian Mounted' Police and fanner Chief of General Staff, Canadian Militia. MACARONI WITH CHEESE AND WHITE SAUCE H lb. mauroal 2 ubltspoons butttr 2 ti blnpooat floor trtioooa tilt i lb. cbe.se or leii, .ccordin ca ptrtoail prriereace I cup w.tet 1 cap NeUt't Eriporaced Milk. Serve teveo or ei(bt penoak Dreak the macaroni into small pieces, and cook until tender in rapidly boiling salted water. Make a-white sauce by melting the butter, adding to it the flour: and when well blended add the Nestlfi Evaporated Milk and water: Cook until thick, stirring meanwhile. (Pepper may also be used if one prefers a more highly seasoned dish.) Grate cheese or shave it thin; add it to the' sauce. When the cheese is melted, pour the Skuce over the macaroni, mix well and put' iu nuiij uisii. apnnicic wun gratea cntese and brown in the oven. MR& SHUKER, like other cooks in Canada's finest homes, has found that Nestlc'i Evaporated Milk adds that extra bit of flavour that extra smoothness to her recTpei. Here's what she says; "All the members' of the MacBrien family like macaroni with cheese and white sauce, but I've found It's best when made with Nestit's Evaporated Milk. In fact only when I use Nestlc'i do I get the delicious, creamy flavour thar makes this dish so popular." Discriminating housewives throughout Canada use Nestle's Evaporated Milk it simplifies their cooking and adds to its goodness. Nestle's is simply pure cow's milk with more than half the water removed. Nothing is added. It's twice as rich as ordinary fluid milk. And it's irradiated for Sunshine Vitamin D. You'll be surprised at the low cost of Nestle's. Order a few tins from your grocer today. Want Ads L. WANTED WANTED Salesman, experience , not essential. McRae Bros, (tf) 1 FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD Suite, dining roomT suite, range, living- room' tables,! card: table", curtain stretchers electric fireplace, etc Bargain prices this week only. Apply McNeill, Second' Avenue (256) 26 BARRED Rock Pullets, laying. Symes, 653 Fifth' Ave: East. (256) FOR SALE- Office safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Dally News. (tf) 95 H.P. Deufz Diesel Engine Comparatively new, has not run 1000'hours. Can be viewed at Miworth, 9 miles west of Prince George. Particulars: T. R. Chettleburgh Prince George G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable; Wants 5,000 Martin Pelts 10,000 Minks & Other Furs He Is In a position to pay the highest price going-. Debts1 trappers owe him will not be' collected until after next fishing season. IRRADIATED . . . EVAPORA ED Mrs. George Casey Jr. arrived in 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack McColl have ! Miss June Gomez left at the city On the Catala yesterday I left Port Simpson for Alice Armiflfst of the week for Anyox. the RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering: Needs Skilfullr Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing top large or too small". LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 mmmwmmmmmsmm TO BRITAIN 3 ON ONE OF THESE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS from Montreal Nov. 22 "ANTONIA" to Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool Nov. 22 "AURANIA" to Plymouth, Harre, London Personalty conducted excursion to Continental Europe. from Quebec Nov. 29 "LETITIA to Belfast, Liverpool, Glasgow Am Nov. 29 - "AUSON1A!J0 to Plymouth, Harre, London Personally conducted excursion to Britain. from Halifax Dec. 8 - "ALAUNIA" to Plymouth, Uarre, London Dec. 8 "LACONIA" to Galway, Glasgow, Liverpool Dec. 15 - "ASCAN1A" to Plymouth, Havre, London Choose this famous Christmas i Route to Europe. Thou'htful service, excellent food, com- fortable accommodation, spe-a clal attention paid to women I and children; recreation and J entertainment for all. Kegular weekly sailings jrom Montreal w to all above ports until Nov. 21 Jj LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL"a CLASSES Apply to your local aftrnt (no on. can jsi I .me you better lor to ffl SIT CranvllU St.(Symour 148) Vancouver J m i 2 i if 5 1 i i i' . i" i a