A. . V, . an a I nn H Tin 1 T f T UrAHAn DnnAn.,Alt l IN SPttlAi SESSION; llne course of a vacation trip to the ISSUE IS "SETTLED" i southern states. The matter of the ! trade agreement Is expected to be WNDOS, tor, 6: A special one of the Important -subjects of .ii i iL. n i . i t i i rijuif iJi ujc uiiLiAii rfiniir l urn ri Mncen tni oif r.in Driunmond, British ambassa- dor to Italy, at which matters . 1 1 ii mm Tqn.A . i ilh the Italo-Ethlopian war C rfPo;jt?d to, haveb.ecn :iued. No statement was km arier the cabinet meet- Premier Baldwin. The waig was held at No. 10 tog stieet and the Me- -.ainean issue was riiscux- i lb conversation between ana urummona in Rate lasted one hour and was !tr said officially to have toll with the question of Brl- 1 naval shbs In the Medl- rrancan and Italy's military Enforcements In Libya. To- ,JJ the Mediterranean nrob- :'m was reported In diplomatic flrcles to have been "settled" 'hereby Italians would reduce 'roops In Libya and some Brl- 'i Warshlm unulH hp with. drawn, IS STOLEN iiunarra uouars laKcn trni Merchant's Truck At Sheep Creek Mine ""eves took isnn frnm the! - v. a, uawiey. aaimo mer- ieraay, while Cawley's "iur, wno was to have used u) cash miners' checks bhwp creek Gold Mines was " m trie mine cook-house. IMP cni,n -"I uv. u: lui'j uar v was unchanged at 65c per n e On the local moHl r,M ALinPpRTS 0P CANADA ARr tiirt, u NSI'ECTEI) Rv BY NEW FEDERAL ROARD 'OTTAWA " . coast t uy' o: tCP) A t on cf7aSt,8encral lnsP- the Lnaua's ocean wis d n .fnew harbor board of I1 ofcials Is un- eS'lt?80",ta. now in discussion between the heads of the two nations. G. 0. P. IN VICTORY United Stales 'Elections .Indicate Repu6licans' Are Coming Back NEW VOItK, Nov. 6: Supporters of the Roosevelt administration and the New Deal derived little comfort out of the elections in various states yesterday, the trend of which was definitely in the direction of Republicanism. The Republicans sained control of the State Assembly of New York, early results showed. The Republicans had made an issue of the New Deal and now predict a Republican majority in the presidential contest next year but the Democrats insist that the contest had been fought entirely on state issues and could not be regarded as significant nationally. In New Jersey Governor Hoffman retained his Republican majority. The Republicans won the mayoralty fight in Philadelphia as well as capturing other offices. ROSSI RE-ELECTED SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6: Mayor Angelo Rossi was reelected by a substantial majority in yesterday's municipal election here. Graf Zeppelin On Sixteenth Flight Regular Trans-Atlantic Service To South America Maintained By Giant Dirigible FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, Nov. 6: The German dirigible Graf Zeppelin, which returned here at the first of the week from its fifteenth trip of the season to South America, left today on another regular trans-Atlantic flight. Famous English Peer Passes i Death Comes to Member of House 1 Of Lords at Bournemouth at Age of Eighty-One Years BOURNEMOUTH, Eng., Nov. 6: (CP) The Earl of Chesterfield. famous British peer, died In Bournemouth yesterday. at Salvus floated across the track and outbuildings floated 750 feet west of the depot. The section men used boats to escape when the water came up to the windows of their houses. Paul Starr, Port Essington native, fishing- across the Skeena from Mile, 56, says the water was six feet deep in his log house. He never saw It higher than one foot over the floor during his time. At Phillips Creek between Terrace and. Vanarsdol part of the right-of-way was washed out but the, bridge held. Nicholson Creek, three miles east (Continued on Page Four) ' VICTORIA. B.C. i 4 Today s Weather Tomorrow's Tides wmln prince Rupert Raining, calm; barometer. 30.45; temperature, 38; High ,.. ...10:25 a.m. 21.1 ft. 22:59 pm. 19.6 ft. wa smooth. Low .. ... 3:57 a.m. 6.3 ft. 16:49 pjn. 4.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER xxiv N A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1935 A view of the private chapel In Buckingham Palace In which the wedding ceremony of Prince Henry, the Duke of Gloucester, and Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas .scott was held today Orizln-ally scheduled to be held in Westminster Abbey, the plans were changed, owing to the sudden and recent death of the seventh Earl of Buccleuch, father of the bride. In this private chapel the second wedding ceiemony of th-3 Duke of Kent and Princess. Marina was held Arrival, Oyer the Railway From Smithers Tells of Damage And Great Work of Repair Crews H. Dickson, special representa tive of the Dally News, who was at Smithers at the time of the big storm, arrived this afternoon on a work train, being among the first over the road since the washout. He says that under the personal supervision of Superintendent To- bey and Divisional Engineer Bur-bank splendid work has been done, bridges being rebuilt in less than a day in some instances, long hours being worked and every man exerting himself to the utmost to get the work completed and the trains running again. There has been a shortage of food such as bacon and sggs at Terrace, Usk and way-points but the residents accepted the situation cheerfully. The chief inquiry was for the news. Between Pacific and Prince Rupert 250 men In addition to the regular section hands have been working, some crews working from 18 to 20 hqurs a day. Two shifts of bridge men at Salvus under H. E. Alton and C. V. Hope have been engaged in renewing the bridges in that section. From the east a gang under Major Burbank and Mr. Walton have been putting in 20-hour shifts to i connect with the west end and if everything continues as at present trains should be through to Prince Rupert by Saturday. From Salvus west to Kwinltsa the water was from 18 Inches to I seven feet over the rails. The river ! took an old course north of the irnoHHaH. Tho nlntfnrtn nnrt rienot WEBSTER ELECTED Agents of G. G. McGccr Applying For Judicial Recount VANCOUVER, Nov. 6: (CP) Arnold Webster, C. C. F, candidate in Vancou-ver-Burrard, was today declared officially elected over Mayor G. G. McGeer, Liberal, by a majority of four votes. After the announcement by the returning officer, agents for Mayor McGeer immediately announced that they will apply later in the day for a judicial Bishop of Latter Day Saints Lost SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6: Charles W. White, aged 55, a bishop of the Church of Latter Day Saints, who has been active in politics of late, has been missing since Monday morning and a search has been Instituted. STOCK MARKET WHIRLS UPWARD IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK, Nov. 6: The stock market whirled upward today In the most active trad- lng In the past year and a ; half. Numerous so-called "piv- ; otal" Issues advanced one to ' three dollars while a few others gained as much as $4.50. 5 ' a . 4 SMITHY ON- WAY AGAIN "r Noted Australian Aviator Reaches ( Athens iri Attempt to Create New Flight Record LYMPNE, Eng., Nov. 8: (CP) Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith hopped off early this morning for Australia and landed at Athens late in he afternoon. He hopes to complete the flight in less than tfiree lays for a new record. Tom Pethy-'irldge, an Australian, is accom panying Smith. Many Candidates In Great Britain No Less Than 1.146 in Field For General Election Only One Social Creditor LONDON, Nov. t: (CP) Thir teen hundred and forty-seven candidates have been nominated for the forthcoming British general election. Of these candidates, 586 are supporters of the National government and 761 support the Opposition. Only one Social Credit candi date Is nominated. The total in cludes those who received acclama tions. Is Guilty Of Manslaughter James Bova of Vancouver Convlc- ' ted in Connection With Killing Of His Young Wife VANCOUVER, Nov. 6: (CP) James Bova was found guilty of manslaughter last night. He was charged with the murder of his 22-year old wife, Rose, who was shot to death on Knight Road on February 22, The jury" recommended mercy. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Cloudy, calm, 42. . Anyox Raining, cairn, 35. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 36, , Smithers Cloudy, calm. mild. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 32.r Simplicity Marks Nuptial Rites To-day OI Lady Alice Scott And Duke Of Gloucester, Son, Of King LONDON. Nov. 6:- monies being reduced PRICE: 5 CENTS EKv AGREEMENT IS MOOTED Vernier King Believes Canada's Business With Uncle Sam May Expand Id May be Consummated Early in Year For Submission To Parliament Provided President Roosevelt Is U'MIInir n !Yfnn4 n,..':,... II1P lir ! 1 )TTAWA, Nov. 6: Premier William Lvon Mackenzie inir it is renorted. is convinced that, a thnr im 1 1 f inn hin h x i t J trifti ho TTnit.p1 Status will ha the New Year for submission to Parliament at its next ruparea 10 meet Canada half way.; , I Premier King left today for Washington where he will be the guest: YOUNG TORONTO GIRL MANIACS VICTIM BUCKINGHAM CHAPEL WHERE ROYAL PAIR WERE WEDDED Ontario City Aroused By Horrible Killing Of Miss Ruth Taylor Battered Body in Ravine on Tuesday Afternoon And Widespread Search is Instituted For Perpetrator Of Bestial Act 'TORONTO, Nov. 6: A criminal maniac is being sought here for the brutal slaying of pretty twenty-year old Ruth Taylor, a business stenographer, whose shattered body was found in a ravine near here yesterday afternoon. The entire city has been aroused by the horrible crime, one of the most despicabe that has been committed hereabouts in a long time. MARRIAGE INO TRACE OF PRINCE OF PLANE FAIRBANKS, Alasna, Nov. 6: The cere-; More planes joined yesterday in to a quiet the search for Pilot Jack Herman ind simple basis with the elimin atlon of more elaborate rites which had been planned, owing to he recent death of the bride's father, the Duke of Buccleugh, the marriage took place In Buckingham Palace today of Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas Scott to Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, third son of King George and Queen Mary. Only Immediate family mem bers were present at the rites al- though great crowds gathered in the streets to catch a glimpse of the royal couple and pay their tri bute of lovaltv. Search Fot Jack Herman And Five Passengers In Yukon Becomes - "More Widespread . and his plane with five passengers which has been missing since noon last Saturday on a flight from Dawson to Fairbanks. No trace had been reported of the missing machine up to last ntoht although hope was expressed that It might have been forced down in some remote spot away from communication from the outside and that those on board might be safe. Extremely heavy rains of the last few days have melted snows In the rugged country and It is possible Herman may have had to come down In the -snow and been Lady Alice was dressed In pearl-. unable to take off. shaded satin and the Duke was Four skilled Arctic fliers were resplendent In a gold-faced tunic, 'searching today for the missing scarlet breeches and black-topped i plane, passengers aboard which boots of the Tenth Hussars. were Peter Funk, Oscar Adany, O. The counle were nrnnnnncprt . Osran. Walter James anrt flpnrtrp man and wife by the Archbishop of i Townsend, all of Dawson, Canterbury. The Prince of Wales' ana tne Duke of York supported n ill. the groom premier ADernart Tne King wore a field marshal's uniform and Queen Mary a iewel- blue chiffon velvet sown. The bride had eight bridesmaids' Including Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. Designer of Dress While London dressmakers were greatly excited over the news that Lady Alice Scott had chosen the young English designer, Norman Hartnell (who is a graduate of Cambridge, by the way) to dress her nci wedding, wcuuuig, the uie rumor rumor eocs gOCS. Gets House Seat H-i i Head of Social Credit Government In Alberta Elected by Acclamation in Okotoks CALGARY, Nov. 6: (CP) Premier William Aberhart has been elected by acclamation as Member of the LegislaUve Assembly for Okotoks-High River constituency. uw.wui outiai wcun cumu- round that not until a bridesmaid j date ln the riding at the recent arnvea in nis salon to be meas-. provincial election retired ln order urea aid Mr. Hartnell know of his distinction. London was dellahted with the news. It Is the first real acknow ledgement of England's new place In the fashion world, a place that has lately so frightened Paris that several of the big French dressmakers (who until a vear or two asro sat resallv in their Paris that Premier Aberhart might have a seat In the House. ww. n.iu puu. uiuiiitigij ou;m j , - " v ' their creations to English copy-1 T "usseu Bourton, aged 15, gave ists) opened houses ln London and nls own life this morning In a are trying to disguise their foreign fuMe attempt to save his bro- origin by covering their floors ther, Keith, aged 17, who with Bradford woollens and Scot-j crashed through thin Ice of tlsh tweeds. Trout Lake, Burnaby, while FISH ARRIVALS Canadian Oslo, 27,000, 7.1c and 6c, Booth. TWO VANCOUVER BOYS DROWNED WHEN THEY WENT THROUGH ICE VANCOUVER, Nov. 6: (CP) the boys were skating before going to school. Both bodies were recovered. , i