FAGE fOUX TORY CASE PRESENTED (Continued horn page one Iflf ty years ago one doctrine for i the east and another for the west. Capt. Ian Mackenzie preached nation but it was noticeable that I Mr. Mackenzie King did not adopt jit. The. Liberal party offered free - i trade to the farmers of the prairies iome in British Columbia. The C. and protection to the manufactur-C. F. believed in socialism on a e in the east. The speaker de-grand scale including the abolition scribed as "bunk" Mr. King's de-of capitalism and the socialization scriptlon of Mr. Bennett as tyrant of all organizations and move- and dictator. Dr. Thompson vlgor-ments. There were many brands uly defended the Empire trade of socialism Russian communism, treaties by which Mr. King had-uer of unemployed from 750,000 to . which stood for the abolition of aw he would not be bound. These 50o,ooo, the Bennett government class; Hitler socialism In Germany, treaties had brought $100,000,000 In had enacted a scheme of unem-standlng for magnification of race new trade to Canada. The Bennett pioyment insurance arid It planned and encouraging capitalism; Ita- dumping duties had been of great to take those of over sixty years of .lian socialism, which was to be seen , value to the producers of Canada age olt tne payrolis" of industry today In arms under a dictator and ln. protecting them from the un-and ?lve them an adequate allow- which also did not abolish capital- warrant aumpuig 01 American ance for thelr declining years. ism; the Alberta socialism, entirely produce. Mr. Bennett's firm hand-j of economic nature, and C. C. F. 1 lin& r the tiriff dispute with. socialism, which offered a new heaven and a new earth and would control the entire social, political and economic life. First, it would destroy the instrument which had been used to build up this country. The Conservative idea, as opposed to this, was, not to destroy but to adjust, adapt and build, to make capitalism a servant and not a master. In time, socialism might be practicable but- the speaker believed that there must first be developed an attitude against selfishness, greed and avarice. 1 'The Same Old Tricks As for Liberalism, everyone knew what it stood for, declared the speaker. It was to be seen today Japan had resulted in the Japanese now being anxious to negotiate and he predicted a new and more favorable agreement for Canada would be the outcome. The Conservative party realized that agriculture was still the great est basic Industry- of Canada and wheat was the most important single commodity for export. Premier Bennett's action in fixing the Canadian wheat price at 87V25 had been both timely and effective. With crops falling in the Argentine, United States and Europe, the Canadian wheat price was now well over 00c and would probably reach The Conservatives hoped to ne These Suits Are Good Buys proclty treaty which would be mu-tually profitable. If the duty on fish could be removed, the benefit of equalized prices would be of great importance to Prince Rupert The Conservative tariff policy had helped the interior farmers to get a higher price for their timothy seed, asserted i . Thompson. Four Great Problems Dr. Thompson saw four great problems facing Canada today. Having already reduced the num In regard to public debts, which were now too nlgn owing to un- bridled borrowing but which there was ho Intention to repudiate, the Conservative party intended to. set up a loan council to pass on all government' borrowings federal, provincial and municipal and to assist in floating loans by. federal machinery at lower rates than the provinces and municipalities were able to get independently. To assist in solving the railway problem, the Conservatives planned to get expert advice by which it was Hoped to reach a solution of rapidly changing conditions in transportation affairs involving new-forms of competition to "TILL1E THE TOILER" MAVPE THE4E PlOVJtPt'lL UpcP TO VOUACE VE As for foreign trade, the Conser- practising the same old tricks of gotlate with United States a reel-! "vatlve plan was that the Acme Importers ECONOMY SPECIALS Wc Offer the Following Bargains ROGER'S SYRUP 7?P 10-lb. tin PURE RED PLUM JAM OQp OiJU 4-lb. tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES-r- 97p .'.6 tins' AMBROSIA COFFEE OKp Mixture, Mb. pkg AO BRAID'S BEST TEA AtZn per lb tt)U BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Qfift per lb OOU BRAID'S BEST BAKING POWDER Double Action 9Qf 16-oz. tin UU FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Apples, Mcintosh Reds, 4 lbs. . ..25c Florida Grapefruit, large, each 10c Remo Cabbage, 4, lbs 13c Celery, large, each lOc Concord Grapes, per basket 61c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" V. O. Box 575 Phone 18 m ? i , f-X I V: -tiff I V7ALLV DO K' f. I 1 j - i C.Li. Vt-P : 'eht e natlons OUR SALE Is Going Over Big More bargains, extra specials for Friday and Saturday in SUITS Fancy .Worsted, Silk Lined Throughout. 20 to 22-Inch Bottom Pants. TBI DAILY KIWI should get together and solve their problems on fair grounds by the lowering of tariff walls. Individual tariff lowering, as advocated by the Liberals, was useless. "We on this northern half of the North American continent," declared Dr. Thompson ln closing, have a great country and a great people. Our past has been great and our future is unlimited. We still have our great system and Institutions and financial soundness. I ask you to give Bennett and the Conservatives the chance to continue their constructive policies." J. T. Harvey After paying personal tribute to Mr.. Orme, whom he said A. M. Manson had described at Smithers as "the whitest man I know," Mr. Harvey proceeded to answer state ments made by Capt. Ian Mackenzie at Terrace and Smithers in re gard to railway matters. To talk of sabotage of the Prince Rupert-Red Pass line of the Canadian National Railway was utter nonsense. What Jie Conservatives had adopted and proposed to continue was a policy of economy and elimination of waste in regard to railways. The Liberals had loaded the Canadian National with a burden of debt, three-quarters of which had been spent not on the railways but on politics with a pork barrel rolled from. Halifax to Vancouver. There had been unnecessary hotel and Dther projects, enormous and un warranted salaries, construction of steamers at a cost of millions of dollars which were seen today rot ting at their docks and useless competition with the C. P. R. The people (inly laughed at such scare as had been raised by Capt, Mackenzie that the local line of railway might be abandoned if Bennett were returned, to power. Regarding the $60,000,000 guarantee to the Canadian Pacific, Mr. Harvey claimed this had been prudent move. To have allowed the a disaster of the first magnitude. The guarantee had been well secured and, as a matter of fact. $12,000,000 had already been repaid. The guarantee had been made ne cessary through the C. P. R. facing financial difficulties owing to C. N. K. "cut throat" policies. The speaker pointed to the numerous assurances, that had been nade of the Bennett government being opposed to amalgamation of the railways. Mr. Harvey defended the wisdom ot retaining Section 98, a "proper and reasonable" provision which, In essence, had always been the 'aw of Canada and England or any otner well-governed countrv. pith of Section 98 was the describ ng as an offence under the Criminal Code of advocacy of the overthrow of the government or Industrial institutions by use of force, violence or Injury to person or property. Without such laws there could be no free speech or VAKV .SORfci. lit 1 . iWYTHJ. JH1 1 riici'Zi rt A PAL. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Capt. H. E. Nedden and Purser Norman A. McLean, who during the past summer were aboard the steamer Prince Robert in the Al aska service, have now been trans ferred to the steamer George, having come north aboard that vessel this trip. After having had one of the foggiest passages of ! her career, the Prince George ar- A. Lindstrom, F. Smith and M. T. Penn, CNJt ; D. Mackenzie, Anyox; j Pat Atkinson, Terrace; Ernest-Christensen, Queen Charlotte City, i Knox I J. N. Roaf, W. Drummond, J.' McNellly, F. Balnbridge and C j Gaywood, Vancouver; C. Nelson,; Ed. Larseri, F. Rennolls, R. Pilling,, Norman McLeod, E. Smlthton, George Flynn, Jack Allen and D.j MacLean, city; James Edwards: and H. Melby, Port Edward; R. a O'Neill, C. F. Harmon and family.; L. Gillies and family and A. E. C. P. R. to default would have been Phillips, Anyox; C. Solnl, Wales Island; M. Balmcr, F. L. Askew and R. Beaton, Ocean Falls. In observance of National Fish Week, R. M. Wlnslow, assistant j general manager of the Canadian. Fish & Cold Storage Co., gave aj special address today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. President W. M. Blackstock was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. industry of Prince Rupert. If the compulsory feature was removed, as advocated by the Liberals, it would be Ineffective. The local The board was actually elected by the Industry concerned and the act could not be enforced without a ninety percent petition. Concluding, Mr. Harvey pointed out that there were only two par ties which had & chance of getting , Into power, none of the others hav ing sufficient candidates. The main iiiociauon. in Kussia such a pro- Issue was which one to put into vision would be considered mild in-( power the Liberal or the Conser-deed- j vatlve. The Issue in a word was: The Marketing -Act was of much 1 ''Onward with Bennett or back-Interest and benefit to the halibut I ward with King." Mac is Very Much "Put, Out" A 0 31 ,A '-P MA d$b GOS - NOW T1LLIE V70: JJ MM- SaaC k WONT EVEN SPEAk 4t ft fi.ifli fx3i rv TO ME FOIi LEAVIN' I n r :1 jm Xri I her flat at the riK'r- --p I dance Saturday '( Tvfl . ) 1 NIGHT , WHEN I J 1 V, W4y' 'J-J Al THOUGHT TW'J k ly? m W MODEL HOME, ( l .v ,V s y' m, was catchim "tSlw H j vaBl,0 e Hit iCn ftpum trttoit. Inc. Cnn Inwn ftf mtni ' fvfc B B 7J VOTTA HOI FICEMAN I TUS3MED OUT T BE - - False Pretenses wav I'LL just 1 TAK A PEkC AM' WUAT k HAPPENS - rrJ . f I i His Talk Delights Continue! from base one) plain and outspoken, who had played his part In Canadian history, and Dr. Sproale, head of the Orange order and Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons during the Borden regime. ' Past President T. W. Brown, who Prince (Occupied the chair, expressed the appreciation oi tne ciud 10 Dr. Thompson for a most refreshing discourse. There was a good atten dance of Oyros and guests were- Jack Roaf of Vancouver and Joel nvea in port at jcmciuu, . . ternoon from the south and sailed " at 7 cm. for Anyox and siewari whence she will return here this evening'southbound. Hotel Arrivals Royal J. McColl. Port Simpson; B. Stevens and F. Taylor, city. Prince Rupert O. F. Hunt, C. Prevost and W. nitchnn. Vancouver: O. V. Arnold. Burns Lake Case Is Dismissed Chicago; Mr. Justice Robertson slaughter In connection with a and Harry Langley, Victoria; W. T. Hoover, San Franscico; Dr. R. Haugen, Tranqullle. Central A. Strand. B. Wick. H. C. Llnd- Aftcr evidence for the prosecution had been presented at the Supreme Court Assizes this morning ln the case ln which Clifford Anderson was charged with man- iauu auiomoDiie acciaeni in wnicn Franklin Ncl(i Artrcss lost his life near Burns Lake ln August, Mr. Justice Robertson instructed the Jury to bring in a verdict of ac- gren. W. McLeod. M Berg and Jul-. quittal on the grounds of Insuffl-ian Pedersen, city; A. King, Otto Now . Needs Thursd; LAST Mre Thm AU HU Cnn, "CHARLIE an, cm IN EGYPT venture .whe:i step, becomes his relucta, defy a erlm 3,000 years ago m a J eypuan tomb'i with WARNER OLwJ TAT" FATTER STEPIX FETCUnl 'At 7 n & 9;5; ADDED ATTRACT An Ocean Voyage o; And Laujhj "BLACK SIIEE FilmimJ T ... . tAi b: z3 show;; Ona; World's Xtti L. W Patmore prcsel T, Harvey acted as defe-al There is NO BETTER WAI to enjoy your leisure than throq Our Rental Library . . . READ the best of the recent books of fiction. (J .1 i i i i . I romance, auvemurc anu mystery novels. Mini are added every week right off the publisher's; 75 cents f o rone month chance your book even day. Double subscription 2 books at a time to o I home $1.25 per month. The most pleasure for tl least money. Sonic Recent Titles: "ILLYRIAN" SPRINO" Ana Bridp "HOUSE OF THE FOUR WINDS" Buchu "SACKCLOTH AIJD SILK" .. Deepinj "BLOOD RELATIONS" Phillip Oibbt "HONOUR COME BACK" ............. Jaoobs "SECRETS OF THE WHITE LADY" Landii "THE MOON MURDERS" Mortal "THE GOLD CHASE" Chamber! "DEEP DARK RIVER" , Bytee "THE PURITAN STRAIN" Baldwin "CLEARING IN THE WEST" McCiuni "VEIN OF IRON" OlMgM "THE DARK GLASS" . Cost "CASE OF THE BLIND MOUSE" Frccma -By Westovei i 1 r, ;j - WHILE I'M OUT CHASIN' tHi ffl A FALSE ALARM AT TW' ASwSP Hi . MODEL HOME, TIL LIE r-r W t ' BURNS UP INSTEAD 1 lUM t I OM.WAU.Y-YOU'RE A DEAR- stX) OR SERVE A (SREAT 8 KISS FOR BRINQINS f Tr'.ESE. LOVELV PLOWF.RS ! BAH.'-L ANYTHINcS 1 Hi J u WM 1 m h TO OBLI6E J - A PALI 10 I jCQNTiN -21