rmZKXEXKnrjLTKXM.TH.iKXMTBIB ! BTBI BTBf M BIEIVIXFKXVa E Miss Van Wie and Helen Hicks 1 e p. fe B ! 9 METROPOUTAN Fine Shoes For Men A new shipment of these poivlar shoes for men has just come in. GENUINE CALFSKIN OR KID LEATHER OXFORDS & ROOTS Oak bend soles and rubber heels, a fine polished upper tock and they fit, wear well and are comfortable. Popular lasts to choose from. Sizes 5 i to 11. Per pair, $4.85 Hams aaaaaaR afi aAT7v Bgam. FINE! igilgl 2S-Bottle 45 agagagagWKV IV 22 OJ.tOTTU aw JU Sa(ltt4 ti om tdaa Dry ' fhcM la Lu kUtory. ST COrUtOORs COrUtOORs Advertising and Circulation Telephone 3iU News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday. Feteroary 32. 1035 DRY jtwBBgagagaH sia b "aaaaaaaa 7 m VBBBBBi m i Jl The Family Shoe Store I Thjrd Avenue LIMITED rhone 357 g jomimta tm imrx t.cta -juk m. :bi a jsi aiara vu ivccr-a raia? THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ,H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor TAX MAIL ORDER HOUSES . Jjocal merchants pay local taxes, spend their money iir the city and help to provide employment for local boys and girls.'ThFblg mail order stores bleed the small cities white and give absolutely nothing in return. Local boys never j get a chance of a job in the big mail order houses and if, houses to-pay a licence! fee before it can flood the city with catalogues un order to, entrap the citizens into buying from them. If this weredone there wouW he little nitiil order buying in Prince Rupert, merchant would be able to .carry larger and better stocks and sell at lower prices. Everyone -would benefit. I, AN IMPORTANT DECISION , The decision of the .management of the Canadian Na- tional Railways to -change the old foundation gite of the once planned railway hotel from an unsightly hole into a beautiful sunken garden is a very important step in the development of Prince Rnnert. Once it is imnroved it will ; This advertisement Is not puonstiea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. Hi t arc iwn friendly eneraie wah -Uj TJniioo St&i tuWOitUo-noi Worn -t cup Helen Fuck-, i- n -fi The o:hcr liall of Uje eup hrtd v Virsmui Van Wle t Jmui)). S PO RT' BUCKAROOS UP AGAIN International Division V- L. F. Toronto 21 4 12 116 ,&1 jne&hants pay currfint j-ates fibr-wapes and hel youngj cljs I n $ 16 73 men ana young women 01 tne city to carry on. ; Americans 10 78 away for their needs instead of buying in Prince Rupert 1st. Louis 9 c 25 away fo rtheir needs instead of buying in Prince Rupert: 4werican Division and thus help their neighbors to live and their neighbors' jRanKers 20 3 M children to obtain employment. g " g If td town he has to large licence! a peddler comes pay a Detroit -.12 7 19 &9 feer-We think the law should compel the big mail order! Northwest Lnue W. D Seattle 20 2 Portland 12 Cr Vancouver 13 4 Edraonion. 8 4 Calgary 3 8 L. 1 9 9 15 1G occasions in recent years F. 92 76 70 61 on A. P C2 110 14 Washington May Race Wisconsin Invitation Sent 1q Seattle iloyvers To Co to ftladiton in June . fA . :. -1 , ... . ., . RPATTIff Poh HI- Tho tlnivor. Basketball KETCHIKAN Intermediates vs. LEGION Annettes s. Warriors vs. High School liiffh School Tonight (Friday) 7:.0 MOOSR HAM, LOCALS WIN BASKETBALL Oner More Portland in i Cauadian bialiona) Kixrralion As- Platr as Result of i'lose aine j nM-iatiun lias liisy Vwiory VVitii VanwMiycr I 0yer KrUUiitan Owls pnRTi.Aim Pi. 22: iCP 1 rrl I J nHnUsn .In II1 1 1 Da. PnrtlQnHRiu.ki.rnos are back ill' a j uwh.ui creauon Association team naq au aecuiiu Umax hi it wivuviv " to 21 in vittng result overj&ie Hockey League siawiins a a Kt-tcinkan Owls five to basketball of a keenly contested Hw to one .t.. 4fio VonMinvAf MH r"B"V . was 28-9 lw he tacato and m the lionaires here Jast pight ' secone-tnlf. trtry-J-trthw ncrca.ed Uieir kud. TliCj YJfl team, alter Hockey otandmgs 103 J w at at Port Pnrt Rim Simpson 1 Win niieT2it three three , vIb poor condl- II. .(J . -i I dies' League m m 1 M is 3 '..with the help of Sue Doddle, beat i the High School lris 19-15. High 1 .,U..a A 1 1.41 II C3 3 1 I t"Ju KVU Majfuu wiui i Blaine starring unUl she was. sent 4 Itl lh JIUllAr IJMolia nnanoe 1Kb Boy Scouts won over the High School 15-5 in a rough game. Billy Vance handled the gsune in a capable manner. Ilieh Rrhnnl IISl Tiiroivin Hi I . Ellison 44t. niainrt (Rl M-Inrf I9i o: Ytl iXl " ' .- - - ' . E. pavls, T. Dav)s. 1 Annettete 1 1 0 1 Rtnnp ti Intermediate League , High School 2Cfi-Campbcll 6). Morgan 10i. Tobey 2, McMeekln. Davis (2), Lindsay 6). Canadian Legion (21 McPhee '8;. Armstrong i5j, Blake 6, Sue-hiro..ChrisUxQn 2, Ritchie. Senior Game THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. Phone 101 mms a i a i ! ) KIP B.vBTjttaia ax tai ataxaEaian kbhk ii a ? at aia jsj Sfrj; t ai DDJnC DI AV nlghU UAVIUUL. I Ut I Uon. not displaying form such m LAST EVENING 52 Saiturday wlUttfae "Moose PeUirson, 2 Si Thrintalii-scnooi f rfB,f' v . . Prince Kunert BndKe League re- 1 ki m ififiiirn . iivr- iiir 1 1 n r iin ... - IV vx ' i . -c- - ni oiidefeat by the Canadian Legion by .iwuinv v.n raunu in uir linruixi suits last Might were as follows: Oanadlan Malional Recreation MJ-2. rial! Umesoore was 11-10 in fa--mt L"57' W,3t MU M . ' ' 1580 erf ennd dean hnilc'thnll hut nitlHi-- , Z, - " Ramblw 611TJ. Musketeers M3. 93 31 uuu uicu iivn-Uij cjrr. ! In the Ladii' League. Annette's, The league standing P. Orotto C. N. R Swift's Hamblen ' Musketeers 1 Canadian Legion 7 1 7 7 7 7 F. 48024 41771 41631 41JD8 40209 36226 Basketball Standing : uoivxaui scoring: Kfnio;. tjnLw Junior wasue W High School 5) -.Houston. Hi- Orotto 6 rano 4, Munrol. Veltch. Kelsey.jc. N. R. A. 2 'Husoy. Moose 2 De a great tourist attraction ana win vie witn tne sunKert " IT' C i Boy wy Scouts 15-Cjnip ww? il). n. Eby EDy iusmrv IMemeialr un Lraeue garaen crirrlpn hpino- being r-nnjtniftfd COnstl-UCtta , hv Dy thp tne nrnnnciil provincial government trnvprnmpnt y Brown. Llndsth C3, Ska- High School & received .an tnyltatlon to race theo'to .CanadSi at the back of the court house in public interest. ; Univcrsitv of Wisconsin at Madison i ,iK Dybhavn wynnavn. 1 ?anadlan Lealon Legion 4 i It is understood that General Manager Warren has the next June Thr invitation has not; wholehearted support of the local railway staff in his plan yet 0,5011 accepted Washington has 1 to beautify the place and that under the management of racea wlul wiseanam Superintendent Tobey the city may expect a worthy trans formation of the spot. The city is to be congratulated on the decision of the officials. Warriors 2 Ladies' Jaeue High School 2 .GroUeU.e J Ratchford m. Brand, Boddle 0.' hI J " "r "a'u, Morris 6). Stamp-Vincent, Rivettir;yuirn , ,1, .Boy Scouts 4 mgn ecnooi .0 A. 41289 41421 41561 i 38229! 41358 45199! L 2 i i 2 3 a 1 5. 5 1 3 7 SPORT CHAT p.! n I ip: 8 12 C H ? 0 SeatUc Sea Hawks, pace-makers in th NnriiiwPHt Hockev Laatuip Ketchll;on Owls 21)-P. Johnny nemonstrated their superiority over '2), W.-Alftrrrrrn.'AtWnson (.8). the cellar-dwelling Calgary Con-F. Pawwyvp. Tfirffixn ci). f. Bur- ou with a 45 to 2 victory at Calgary .on. Person. 4A. Burton (4. Wednesday night- At .one time In C. N. ft. A 54iE. Smith 4, the first period. Ca'iary was ahead Stiles (21), Morrlsjn Ji. Johnson two t0 onc, Labor having opened -10). Nakflmoto (0). Stcffensrud the scoring with a goal for Seattle '2, c 8mtth after whlch Kunzman equalized Try a Dally News classified ad. NILE GREEN KITCHENWARE wmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Made in a variety of useful utensils from 15c Pan Bruslies to a large size Tea Kettle fijfl HCL at and McFarlane put the Consols one up. Neighbor and Houbrlggs then scoring, the first period ended three to two for Seattle, the 6ea Hawks adding three more during the rest of the game. , Ladles' Bowling League games will be played as utual at the Elks' Home tonight with Hne?ups as fol-! lows: Lucky 9trlk.es vs. Strikers. Alley Cats vs. Annette's. Mussallem's vs, Boston Reds. Big Four vs. Rupertettes All Stars vs. Canadian National Recreation Association. 1 j PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA INCOME TAX RETURNS ARK NOW DUE TO HE FILED I.Y: (1.) Employers, respecting salaries and wanes paid to employees during' the calendar year lil.1t. (2.) Every person in receipt of salary, wage, or invextiucut income Tie Returns are required to he filed uot later than FEBRUARY 28th, 1935 Tapajr should obtain forms from nuy Provincial Hovc-riiim-nt office or chartered hank in the Province. An urgwi rfjuest i? made for, these Returns to he filod as much in advance of the final date a possible to enable the Dcpartmcn4 to give Micr service to taxpayers than can Ik? prodded during the rush of the last day. Corporation, JiusincsK. reiunu'ii within thm Victoria, B.C. or professional income months after the end Hockey Scores vnm: w 1 !: .Sanjy MacdonaM is of required to Ik? the taxpayer's liscal year. C. II. PETERSON, Coriiniiaftionr of Income T;i vmw iianaui ua i atarjnair uuata i ra ? jmraivrai-ataTJiiaiaraiBtaiaia a aj j AITl.lt ItOAII W AIJIT, MV&OIIE PW 2; T 8t Louts 4. New York American utog the Indian ranu, biCb.wys lor vehtc -MonUral 1. Detroit 3 HUm are proaec utiiu ClflJafJfe 3. Canadian . wcJkiog on the r ijst of .si:u:nf:n s ami i, 1 m o IK s Th follooinc brand art obtaiiuU l Criuniit I iquor Stewt. (kljil onim fuMiM b trot le nrt Vnulur. ot lo Mail Ordt Orpl.. I muh Cwurwl Hoatd, tirao &l VaorsaivfT, H. C. SCOTQi WHISKY (ImporuJ) AtUuuary ... Grand Old I'art J. H. 1). Vnuir Stocl Srrt' "Ovarn trf h Ita U liiirl' "I luuw W Iam J. " IlRANDY (IainortrJ) HrancMy'i Tlira Sr f 3.00 HOU.ANI) GIN amportrd) Wotr'l Sinapp, iira. atAMPAGNE (French) .a. 0. II. Mumm ft; Cp' liatra Dry $3.75 O. II, Mumm ti Coa Cordon Khj 4.2S (Sl Vinirol ( Champagn Succrwrar) CHAMPAGNE (CinaUn) Caiooa Cbamnacn. Larg IUmiU SPARKLING nURGUNDY Calona Sparkling Dufftundv, Ijrgr IVmil ' VERMOUTH Calona, Frrrufa aoJ luUan, iltitUV . , ,, ,. CANADIAN W1NHS ,fial Calona daar $2.85 1.45 75e Calona Krai Z.S5 1.45 7SC SIing.r'a Ugan 2.CS 1.45 75 Slingrra Cirajw BSC This advert!-, ni'-H! Control Hi3'' 1, ihwiiii, u.c $4 35 4.0 4.00 3.85 3.65 4.00 $2.65 $3.75 H....I. $2.00 2.25 $1.90 $1.75 $1.25 ii. . 50 50t 50C 60 r Jntlst on "CRANTS BEST PROCURABLE"-The Orlflnil t'M SaU at ndon or allracl fram "Mall 1 lr.l Ik.... ' I i..u . jam i. u. itm4 BMranj HUM UrLi Uraot na Limits UInAl41-haad WW IABBBBBBbEF H MCA lUlwnia)lrDliv.t DlatillwtM, Duff- HIK Mi I town Jl UUmaum fijM.fl.. ' I I JBBBfrBfl KL,..,... . llaaMB TliU aUrmlwrnent U not imhllaltitl or (llaplayAI ly the Liquor uuaru or tne Uoverument of llrltUli Culumuu. I