THE WEATHER urs ending 5 a.m., uP, B ) AR. IN, RAIN 29.771 — BQE__LOA OO See =< cA A ALL LLL UC () ‘ \ CT 9 197] \ Lb tee ~ ? CTorta, B. Gt THE DAILY NEWS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1911. NEXT MAILS FoR SOUTH Prince Rupert Friday, a.m. FOR NORTH Princess Royal..Thursday, p.m. PRICE FivE CENTS RKEY NOW PREPARING FOR A LONG CAMPAIGN TURKEY IScccccccccosccccccccccccccoccccc]es | 2S Rt TN eee” If ( in Pres& De spatch) Cons? ple, Oct 3 The rities are now taking ich show that they Italy to the finish. being four with a f K 1 are a I ile a fleet of cruiser troops ad one is at anchor in the} Afraid of Greece yacihie assurances Government, a fear Cc wat is prolonged, it that it will enable gainst Turkey the a frontier memories of Vat Wat Is Afraid That Her Old Enemy Will Take the Opportunity tte Avenge the War---Turks and Arabs Entrench Themselves Outside Tripoli and Prepare For a Big Land Battle With the Italians---Bombardment to Start on Wednesday the city preparing for a long fight. | Telegrams received by the Porte Arabs to | ese the outlying Turkish provin-| be armed with Mausers are holding said People in Clamor | | Sixty thousand | ces say that feeling is running very |a strong position fifty miles behind |statement that the bombardment | the town in excellent natural try which is an The advance guards are stationed thirty the resistance |high and that are a cour for the [talian forces, and reprisals against | the Italisan. Frontier is Manned The Government is despatching Macedonia Greek frontier in the pe opk | clamoring to tronghold. miles from the city The Turkish garrison has left | the forts to join the troops in the After the Italian irs a ( oc- the into order | country. the event of troubles with Greece (troops in cupation oc¢ ige of be to man town will gin. BOMBARDMENT TOMOR- ROW WAR AT TRIPOLI! Matla, Oct. 2 Word has just been received here from Tripoli that the Arabs and Turks entrenching thenmselves behid p.m., On board an | Tripoli, Oct lian warship off j are 2nd: fea yet taken place. IS'SENDING OUT TROOPS TO OCCUPY THE GREEK FRONTIER “No bombardment of Tripoli The Italian Consul is my authority for the is to be begun three days after the expiration of the notification given on Saturday.” J eekas yesterday evening ‘May. Mr. Rogers and Rogers returned to town by the Princess has been on % tive trip to business recre California. The City of Seattle is expec ted here on Friday with U. S. mail, | passengers and freight Turko-Greek |™°" who had been found guilty 7 se | ere 10 BE MADE. PRESIDENT John S. Day, Prominent Vic- | toria Resident Sentenced for (Canadian Press Despatch) Victoria, Oct. 3.—John S. Day, |a prominent hotel and marine According to the Montre of receiving naval stores was today sentenced to serve cighteen months (Canadian Press Despatch) in the penitentiary at New West-| Montreal, Oct.3.—The Montreal nite. Herald, the leading Liberal paper, published the followirg last night THEY OBJECT _ TO POLL TAX future: “It was given out by a man ; prominent in the counsels and in |New Westminster Witnesses Fa- for Taxing Lands and Natural Resources. rier, that the ex-Premier would be offered the position of President of the Hague Peace Tribunal | ‘ . ! (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver. Oct. 3.—After taking New Westminster the Commission left last night for Revelstoke and to Nelson and Cranbrook. choice of President Taft ard the English authorities. Both of the great nations have expressed their complete cor fiderce in Sir Wilfrid To offer the Premier this position on behalf eviderce at Taxation thence z Laurier. in reference to Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s the friendship of Sir Wilfrid Lau- very soon, he being the unarimous of “catch” QF THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL Great Honor to be Conferred on Sir Wilfrid Laurier al Herald—Is Unanimous Choice of Great Britain and United States to have -beer the object of Lord Strathcona’s recent visit to Ot- tawa.”’ ADRIFT AND HELPLESS Cruiser Snohomish Speeding to Rescue of Fishing Boat Yu- kon. (Canadian Press Despatch) Victoria. Oct. 3.—A_ wireless report has beer received stating that the gasoline fishing schooner Yukon is off the Vancouver Island |coast near Nootka, drifting help- lessly with a broken shaft. The U.S. A. fishery cruiser Snohomish is coming at full speed to rescue the smell craft. | Among those giving evidence ae eta } lat the Royal City, th general |°! the English authorities is said opinion was that the personal| 7 property tax worked a hardship | DIED IN HOUR —j}2@nd that the poll tax was ob- | 4 CITY SOLICITOR Ist que stion, like | will not it stalked through | down mber, being raised \lderman Clayton, Solicitor the legal the public mind. e City on City Solicitor itors in the cas¢ the council who} his Opinion in| the of the public as! License | occurred when | suggested that} r be asked on all three to some id that it moult ish to ask the City been Hilditch with the legal these cases to LW.W. PROTESTS AGAINST =: PRISON LABOR ON PARK Secretar ‘etary’s Letter to Counc Will rial Workers of the Rupert branch have Mayor and council ystem of employing the r and level ground Ing sentence in ion Park. The prison- erred to in the I. W. W. and designated ‘‘con- The I, W. W. branch they would Is sort of thing, Kirkpatrick who is the police commis- plained that With the terms of the chain * gang’ not in order lmposed on some prison- hecessary to give them Chief Vickers had no ! labor for them about rd ton and the proposal uld be set to breaking impracticable. There- idea that the prisoners employed on Summit REPORT ON THE LICENSES Quaint Action of the City Council Over the Bottle Bottle Licenses—Aldermen Indulge in Some More Childish Squabbles at the Council Board j things didn’t suit Not Stand for the Employment of a ‘Chain Gang”’ to Lay Out Recrealion Park IS TO TO RESIGN TOMORROW Mr. Borden Will Probably An- | nounce His New Cabinet! Then. (Caradian Press Despatch) Ottawa, Oct. 3.—Wednesday has now been agreed upon as the most furnish a report upon the legality |likely day for the resignation of of the licences. the Laurier Government. The The suggestion of childishness|announcement of the personnel of the Borden Ministry will prob- ably be made at the same time. brought Alderman Newton to his He the application of the term {re quent ‘childish”’ council feet. resented NEW METHODIST CHURCH members of Hilditch him. to the other Alderman by whenever Meeting of Building Committee “You are worse than childish,’ oT tracts. interrupted Alderman Hilditch “People probably accuse you} t re SO Oo hat ou ‘ ; : with more rei - of ah al Church building committee is to Bree 8 oF eee "be held tonight in Messrs. Williams derman Newton OU CAN. Ole Nene te ofices dah the purpose | 1 f r and hear] , . to your own preach¢ of awarding the contracts for the what he has to SA) about you new church building. Rev. Charles Laughter in council) Sing referrirg to the rew church | Alderman Newton went on t0/ihe other day, said that every- say that he believed G. Sutherland | thing was in pretty straight order had not had a square deal because | now for the work to go right he believed that defects alleged in ahead. The committec hi ve been | ‘ ; ; :, |Waiting to make certain of Sutherlard's applic ution 8190: emtety necessary sum of about $8000 ed in the other application required in addition to the fund ranted them by the church in the but this sum is practically them now, and progress can be made at once with the} new building. The Methodist Chureh will be th< il Last Night says Members | &).).¢)) buildings in the city when| ore ol best } compl ted. SPRUCE FOR OARS Hill clearing the level space for | a Recreation Park was proposed.) British Admiralty Place Large | to a] Orders with Queen Charlotte Firm. was no semblance There “chain gang” The prisoners were under | about the arrange- | ment, guard but were much more health- The British Admiralty recently | ily employed at work in the ope MN! gave to the Moresby Island Lum-| the alternative Of} ber Company, of Queen Charlotte, | | fe order for 200,000 feet of white } ! his spruce, | air than under being confined in the cells Alderman raised voice against the scheme declaring }jn the manufacture of oars for | Douglas Ihe material will be used | that working men supporters Of) <})e row boats of the warships. ob-| The quality of the} white spruce grown in the Queen | his in the city had strong superior jections to it, Alderman Clayton declared the} Charlotte group was discovered | letter from the I. W. W. branch] years ago by British naval officers | was couched in arrogant and dic-| on the North Station. tatorial terms and should not be| This kind of lumber was found | noticed at all by the council. }to be ideally adapted for making Alderman Newton said that the}oars and it is now used for that Pacific idea had got abroad that he had} purpose in His Majesty's vessels originated the idea of employing} throughout the world, This he entirely} —_———— 3 wisoners, 7" . . | the pris The Cetriana left for the south | | disclaimed, 4 The I. W. W-ietter was received today with mail, passengers, anal and filed. cargo. | Qprmermermerms re irsrmermsrmsrmsrmermede | JeCctionable. l BASEBALL, SCORES ' ete sere essere eh MONDAY BASEBALL se Northwestern League The season ended with no games today. Vancouver 7, All-Stars 3. National League New York 3, Pittsburg 0. Philadelphia 6, Boston 3. American League Cleveland 7, Detroit i. PERT \ meeting of the Methodist) First Letter Sent by British Air} BIG DEAL PUT THROUGH Post Delivered at Digby Is- land. Mr. S. Jennings, engireer in charge of the Digby Island Marine | works, has been Station cipient an interesting com- munication from London, England. | first It is The missive is of the aerial post cards ever sent. one a specially light card sold in Lon- |don at sixpence (twelve cents) and bearing an ordinary penny stamp Sent by was transhipped to ordinary mail aerial mail to Windsor it so forwarded to Rupert. actual and Before delivery may be seen effected in bags, very long aerial Canada across the Prairies. SAVED JAIL FARM |Lack of Prison Labor Promptly| WELL DONE, GEO. TITE Supplied to Order of the Mid- Cenn., Jailer George West, dlesex County, prison at Haddam, has reason to believe ihat it pays to advertise. the re-|} Recently They favored all the} revenue the provmce ; % : : being | aviator Cromwell Dixon After teised by the taxation of lands and | Topping Mountains Fell from Distance of One Hundred Feet. natural resources. ee (Canadian Press Despatch) Jos. Bernier. Niember for St.) Spokane, Oct. 3. Boniface, Enters the Mani-{his great triumph last Saturday toba Cabinet. } . | | ere | HE SUCCEEDS ROGERS __ | tains in his successful flight here (Canadian Press Despatch) from Helena, Cromwell Dixon Winnipeg, Oct. 3. the jin Provincial Cabinet as aj|tor, dropped to death from a result of the Robert Rogers ap-|height of one hundred feet. The |pointment to. be Minister of the] tragic event occurred at the Inter- | | Interior on the Borden Cabinet,|state Fair yesterday afternoor. | | Jos. COUNTY COURT TODAY Bernier, the member for St. This Evening to Award Con- AERIAL MAIL REACHES RU-| Boriface, is to be taken into the} ¥ ° ° . $F ! Provincial Cabinet. Judge Young will Endeavor to Clear up Oldstanding Cases This morning Judge Young was lengaged with Court Registrar Bur- | rit recently appointed in place lof Mr. Arthur Cuthbert, in ar- l ranging the courty court docket for the present session. A number lof cases fall to be dealt with, but |: McLeod's Property on Third | Avenue Fetches $14,000 Out- side. have Victoria purchased the property comprising just capitalists Lots 18 and 19, Block 34, Section! nore is of unusual interest. Judge 11, for $14,000. The property is} Young said this morning that he the residential site occupied by hoped to be able to settle at this | Mr. D. McLeod of Foley, Welch &| session of court, as many as pos- Stewart big contracting firm to New Haz- |: sible of the cases on the docket so 1s to have ro old standing cases mext court. , Who is moving with the elton. to carry over to the | Messrs. S. Harrison & Co, have recently put through a number of Some cases heave dragged for quite a lorg time. in > TO START {successful deals in real estate ee | Prince Rupert to outside capital- ists, and are keeping up the good work through their outside sources of attraction, | | New Ward at the General Hos- pital is a Generous and Cred- | i ift. | itable Gift George to Lay the The new ward at the General | (Canadian Press Despatch) OF TRIUMPH In the shuffle |nineteen years old, a Curtiss avia- FIGHT CALLED OFF sa a | Johnson-Wells Match Did not | Take Place Yesterday as Ar- | ranged. | (Canadian Press Despatch) Lordon, Oct. 2.—The Johnsor- Wells match arranged for today Fresh from| Wes called off by the promoters -jowing to the opposition it was when he topped the Rocky Moun-}@rousing. Johnson says that after .| finishing his present contracts he ,| will retire from the ring for good. THEATRICAL SHOW COMING Dave Williams Stock Co. Will Stage Drama and Comedy at Empress. | On Wednesday, October 11, there will be a good theatrical show at |the Empress Theatre. The Dave Williams Stock Compary is coming | from Victoria ard’ will open then for a week show of drama jand comedy. The company has |been having great houses, ard a fine reception at Victoria, and something real good may be ex- pected in Rupert. The Dave Williams Company will be the biggest theatrical com- pany which has yet visited Rupert. It carries its own scenery, ard a ore lfeature of the setting will be special scenery designed to suit Prince Rupert. This will be a }theatrical treat on a par with Empress Theatre shows generally. UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION NEXT YEAR ‘Dr. Young Announces That the Sum of a Million Dol- lars is to be Appropriated—Will Try to Get King Foundation Stone }event of that failing,a near relative, it became known through the | Hospital which Mr, George Tite] Vancouver, Oct. 3.—At the open-| presumably the Duke of Con- there not h at the prison to newspapers that were inmates en care for the prison farm and that oug there was danger of a part of the crops going to waste if they were not speedily cared for, Within a few deys after this infromation was published nine squads of prisoners were committed on minor | sentences and became immediately for work the farm, The crops have been saved. available on Provincial District Assessor Ar- | thur Cuthbert is exceptionally busy at present arranging for the com- pletion of his assessment schedule by November Ist. }generously undertook to furrish|jng of Latimer College last night | C —F Hor. Dr. Yourg, Minister jane thrown open to inspection by} Education, stated that a sum of was completed yesterday evening, is proud]one million dollars would be set the matron’ who of it. The furnishing of the new ward is a credit to the good taste | for the purpose of commencing the very Lehre . , laside out of next year's revenue j}and good heart of the donor, The} construction of the Provincial Uni- | furniture is in dark oak, very jrestful in the effect of its plain versity at Point Grey. He said it had been found lines and subdued color, A hand-| necessary to add fifty more acres some carpet with a dark green|to the site in addition to the 177 leffect was specially selected and|to provide grounds for the pro- The president , ® re i NCE | made up to harmonise with the | ‘oreore gesidences, of ; : the University would be the Even the various small |; ; | best man that morey could get, He stated that an effort would furniture, jmats a id rugs were specially made. The George Tite ward will be a comfortable place to be ill in, the foundation stone, or in of |} be made to have King George lay the |naught. COURTS CROWDED : | A Third County Judge is Needed at Vancouver to Cope With | Work. | (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Oct. 38. have the civil actions become in the county court that a third Judge an absolute necessity. This month 401 cases were entered the docket and hundreds of cases will have to stand over. So heavy is on Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4 if : ; eae ' xa Lag! i ae tat Oy bt + b 1