If If JSk, vS Announcing the New Park, Davis Toiletries Manufactured by Parke, Davis & Co. Walkwville, OnUrio mi; .imttK , Irani ,rl Talr . . . . Phone Us .;c .25c ( ream . 1'ovvnVr ...... .75c , etal Tiiflet ifytjr .S5c i Shampoo . . , 55c Cram 35c ! Yenhiict .... . -. .......... . . . .55c ! ,oi ioti .55c mi Cvmjp ......... JV..' 55c . ( rent 55c l ine Croun 55c Tin.; I ni of toiletries is something entirely new, irjnufa lured by one of Canada's leading drug i:msvv The name guarantees the producL rmes Ltd. Site Pioneer Druqpxsts, I:.? Keiall Htm Mor: I! ic XI Open Dallr I'nttn 8 Jn tUi 10 pun. Sunday- anil Holiday I'rom 12 noon (ill 2 p.m.. J p.m. till p.m. 25c SH AMROC K EG(iS A imde 25c D LAMB in. It. 25c 20c 25c Bulkley Valley Bulletins oz. REEF Pot Roast, lb 12c Round Steak, 2 lbs. 35c Brisket, 3 lb 25c COMET HITTER 84c 25c ? itSpare "n)S 25c : l;,irrs ,25c 18c ' ,r 15c "Baron 18c FRESH WHIPPING CREAM 20c Vt pt. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER . In ourcoAl voull m find ihrhc&t. max win maw iour home Complete is the best advertisement any firm can have. We do our liest to supply you with the most suitable coal for your requirements. When in doubt play trumps. 651 - 652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. i.e coal best suited to your jieeds. Rig lumps do not burn best in all stoves. you want heat, there is more in Bulkley Valley Coal yu want efficiency, ask vour dealer to send the pl'-esontative to you. It coats you nothing mid may save you a lot. Keep Your Money At Home Dollars Sprat On Bulkley Valley Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and Chickens Will Return to You Saturday Bargains Si. called, are EVERYDAY Bargains at this Ktore. That is why you don't se "Satur- day Secial" in our adver-tising, and it's why you do j sec a good, steady stream of satisfied customers in our store six days a week. Just Now, We Are Offering Leg of Lamb-lb Leu at pa Pork Chop ib Lamb Chops lb Hound Steak-lb V-al Chop lb Put Roast Bef lb .. Sparertte lb Shoulder of la lb - I'ork TroiirtaX 1 lb ............ 1 Shouldm at Lib . lb Pork ! lb I Pork it Beef J lb C alfV 8weetlii 1 lb Hamburger-lb Rib Roast nwf lb 8U w Beef-lb BrukeU-3 lbs Round Hoact Bf l - i Rump Hoot Bef lb Sirloin Stank 2 lbs T-Bone Steak 2 lbs Prince Oeorte Butter 3 lbs Swifts Picnic Ham-lb. Swifts Cottage Rolls lb Swifts Dellco Bacon-lb Gainer's 25c 18c 20c 25c 35c 35c 10c 10c 15c 25c 16c 25c 20c 40c 25c 16c 25c 25c 16c 16c 45c 45c 80c 18c 23c 40c 26c UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SATURDAY INCLUDED AUG VOf ".MEAT WISE ? To MMnnmU on Hft. Ur "MK,VT WISE" oik il a tint In know wht tuls will glvr lint mult at Ihr !t prlc. Learn th rt f meat by nam anil a.k for Ihrm by nam. Tliat lll rnahl us In slvr ynu rxarlly what uu want, and rnahl Ju tti aavc mny on i tour mrat hill. Ak a for Information on mral and Ihrir rut. Trll a "hat you want to do with it ami w'll Ull you honwtly which i the het to buy whether it ireilurr our profit or not, BULKLEY MARKET Phone 178 TBX DAXLT LOCAL NEWS Friday and Saturday la two dayi of Dement hosiery s1e. 38 Be warm and comfortable bv rid ing In 32 Taj-ft"cosk tKe tame. a business trip to Vancouver. tf Roses from Laytftz Nurseries 25c each. Order earl. Phone P. Edg-cumbe. Blue 637? '8f Vnn ran rent 5"ar at Walker's as low as $1.50 a 'day. plus '7c! a mile. Mike OtirylH Jailed last rdght onJ the Prince George for a tnp TJUq Vancouver. Shelford Darton -sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for a trip to Vancouver. "The Book of Daniel in the light of literary and Iratorieal fact," United Church. Sunday evening. ' 39 C. H. Ellcin sailed .yesterday af ternoon on the Priseest Jforah for The fire department had a call at 7 o'clock last night .to a chimney fire at First Presbyterian Church. fit damage was aone. H. Robb of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge for Esquimau to take a course of training at naval bar. racks there. Advice has been received at the local office of the Union Steamship Co. confirming the report published earlier In tlic week to the effect that the steamer Cardena win be here Sunday on the Vancouver- Prince Rupert - Anyox - Stewart route relieving the steamer Catala whu i beinn withdrawn in Van couvei for annual overhaul fhildren's.Colds W A Checked without SB "dosing." Rub on OVTR t? MIlllOH JARS UStP YEARLY Announcements Mrs Mandy Recital February 22. Baptist Welsh Tea. March 1. Eastern Star Dance. Elks' Honv March 1. Philharmonic Society concert Presbyterian Church. .March 5 and C. 8:15 pjn. Pioneer's Banquet Monday, March 11- Toe H Bridge Wednesday, Feb ruary 27. 8.30. , Supper-carnival. March 12. Unl ted Church. Presbyterian St. March 14. Patrick's Tea St. Patrick's supper and concert March 18. Presbyterian Church Choir Con cert, April 5. Moose Hall Valentine Dance Friday, February 15 Admission 35c, 25c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY HOME HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 I . News! : PAOE TURKS SALAD A TEA now has a blend for every purse Yellow Label 55c i lb BROWN LABEL - 65c i lb. ORANGE PEKOE - 80c 1 lb. All leaders in their class H Corner arrived lr. the city on last night's train from Bums Lake and sailed aboard the steamer Prince George for a trip to Vancou- ver. I Want Ads PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Sup-piles direct and save 75 . Standard Lines. Send Si .00 lor 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards Street. Vancouver, B.C." tf FOR SALE FRESH Flounders and Sole for sale on Helen II.. Cow Bay. l FOR SALE to the highest bidder. East United Gymnasium. Apply C. D. Clarke. 39 PAINTERS PAINTING ana Papertanging Moller, Phone Red 802. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JULIUS BEKJAMIN MILLER. DE CEASED. TAKE NOTICE that by order uf Hi Honor. V E Fteher the 29th day of January. AX) 193S. I waa appointed Executrix ol the estate. of Julluf Ben-Jamln MlUer. deceased, aud all parties bring cialms anlast the said estate re hereby required to furnish taint. properly verified, to me on or before the 11th (Uy of Marob. AX). 1935 Slid all parttM Indebted to the estate -re required to pay the amount of their (Odebtedness to rue forthwith. UBBY MII.LEK Executrtt, c-o Messrs Pat more & Ful' i Prince Runen B.C Dated the 8th day of Februarr 1835. Must Fill Contract For 4000 MINK Although the price of these furs has dropped, steady customers are given special consideration. We want the pelts so bring them iu or send them in. Goldbloom The Old Reliable .i 13' MS 16 oz. $1.75 25 oz. $2.C3 fu m HIRAM WALKER SONS LIMITED ItTilLllHCD ma " This advertisement Is not purjllstura or displayed Dy the Llquoi Control Board or by the Government ':' s ol British Columbia. 'l LAUNDRY LABOR LESSENED Clothes Wringers 4.5 Copper Wash Boilers $3J!5 Celling Clothes Dryers - JU Willow Clothes Basket ...2.ie Copper Bottomed Boilers, ,...$2.25 Prompt Deliveries THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 235 Third Ave. Phone 1(1 V I 4 . e Mm n Wit