fAOE TWO Kniissracr2ii keii ktk ikti eiki m mi as aa iniM3Kts S 8 5 i I p e p 8 B i R I LAV NOTHING The tyitcm tht mlei you tight-lure of correct fitting. DAILY EDITION UNKNOWN WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS JTackand Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES You tnow by stcinj intidc the thoci on the child' foot you mint tht qutlity of the ihoct. Solid quality throughout flexible comfoi tabic tnd smart in ityle. TAKES UP CUDGELS OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS The Family Shoe Slore THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPEBT - BRITLSU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Bunday. by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managtng-Edhor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the Biitish Empire and united States, paid In advance, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncn. per insertion . . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line ,. By mall to all other countries, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 91 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MZBSMtMlMXMZMxa "OLMUM imtMlM.miMXrUtMtaiMtMtMiMSMX:m Ui J5H0 .10 3XK) 1.40 .02 55 900 Monday, June 24. itfs UNFORTUNATE LEADERS The workingmen of Canada are often unfortunate in their leaders. Take as an example the delegation that visueti uttawa last weeK to lay trie case of the relief worx U 1 a x.1 a T-l i era ueiure uie government, aviaenuy fcvans was very niseourteous to Air. tfennett and little sususs could be expected. We have much sympathy with the b Jr v;ho tried to get to Ottawa to lav their case before the government but they were not in a position to make demruwu and in sult trie Prime Minister. Such action is greatly to be deprecated. A different attitude on the part of the leaders mignt nave brought different results. In a statement broadcasted throucrh the nress Premier GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once. Why not ride m the best? Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Bud Barrie PROP. Taxi 99 The latest in motor transportation 3 CAR SERVICE Stan Moran, Proprietor Wimbledon Tennis Tourney Opens Today With Four Games riaycd 1 way. i Canada did better when Bobble i Murray of Montreal defeated iTrolncln of France 7-5. 6-3, 6-0. ml Landry of France defeated Laird Watt of Montreal 8-6, 1-6. 6-2. 5-7. 7-5. Vivian McOrath of AustraMa de feated Wllmer Allison of Austin. Texas, 6-4, 6-3. 7-9, 7-5. Baseball TUESDAY. JUNE 25 S. O, C. vs. Elks SPORT CHAT A Job is more important to Mickey McOlashen than a trip to the Olympic Gamer He has decided to move to Edmunston. N.B., where a position awaits him, U nothing turns up here. Should he move he would lose his chance of going with Halifax Wolverines. Allan Cud hockey champions, to Germany next win'.er. Steve Donoghue may be a ve teran but the fanuus Jockey rode in three countries In 40 hours re cenUy and traveled nearly 700 miles. He rode at Gatwick on Saturday, In Belgium the following day and on Monday morning fi gured In early morning training gallops In Paris. That afternoon he was back In Englard. Pattullo lays British Columbia's case before the people of can centre-forward. play vouaua aim aivs lur ueuer treatment, ine rremier asKs that the relationship between the province and the federal authority should be readjusted. He shows that while B. C. has paid into the federal treasury through customs re- ceipis 4,uuu,uuu she has been returned in subsidies only! $27,000,000. A refunding is asked and the taking over of the P. G. E. and its incorporation into the C. N. R. system. A regional tariff or in lieu thereof monetary compensation is included in the claims and a permanent policy in regard to unemployment relief, which it is claimed is primarily a federal problem. rinally the provincial Premier asks for needed public works and suggests that preserving the manhood of the cuuuiry is more important than money. STEVENS IN OPPOSITION The fact of a member voting against his own party is not important but when it comes to a man who. until re cently was a member of the cabinet and who is spoken of as a possible Conservative leader, it is very sitmificant when he votes against his party in the House of Commons. The action of Mr. Stevens recorded at the weekend is the first actual break. Prior to that there had been only talk. The former minister ot trade and commerce openly opposed his leader in the House and it would that he should now be sitting on the opposition benches uibteau oi continuing as a supporter of the party with mum nc wits lorxneriy associaiea. Alan Wakeman. 14-year old Wal sall schoolboy international, has signed amateur forms tor Aston Vina. He weighs 168 pounds and stands five feet, eight Inches. He either m goal or at They say around the race tracks that Butch Keeling should be coupled with every horse he enters. When one of the Keeling horses thunders down the stretch ahead, the New York Ranger hockey play er picks up the pact at the 16th pole in his excitement. They say he has beaten many of his win ners home. Jimmy Thomson of Long Beach Calif., one of golf's longest hitters, is going to Niagara Falls for the $5,000 open tourrament at the Lookout Point Club, starting July 11. Second to Sam Parks in the U S. open this month Thomson at last has found a place close to the top. Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Chicago 7-5, Boston 4-3. Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn 17. Pittsburg 5-3, New York 4-7. St. Louis 9-10, Philadelphia 3-9. American League Boston 7, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 11. Washington 0-9. Detroit 7-10. New York 6, Cleveland 12. SUNDAY SCORES American League Washington 12, Detroit 7. New York 5, Cleveland 6. Boston 2-8, Chicago 4-2. Philadelphia 11-13. St. Louis 7-3. National League St. Louis 10-6, Brooklyn 2-10. Cincinnati 6-5, Philadelphia 5-2. Pittsburg 4-7, Boston 3-4. Chicago 0, New York 8. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, June .., 'SPORT' i CANADA IS VICTOR IN ONE GAME GOOD START AT TENNIS Tournament of Trinee Rupert Tennis Opened Auspiciously With Thrilling Games With perfect weather prevailing over trie weeK-ena we anmu j tournament of the Prince Rupert LONDON, June 14: Fred Perry, jennis Club got sway u a good of Great Britain cheated Ma reel Many evenly and rtreououaiy Ralnville of Montreal 6-1. (-1, 6-3 contested matches were played and today as th Wimbledon tennis the spectators, parttealarly on Sun-championahip games got under day, werr treated to high class ten- Bis which Included many thrta. The results fon Saturday and Sunday were as to) lout: Men's Singles Barry beat Thompson 4-6, T-5, 6-4. Brown beat Davto 6-1, 7-5 Haworth beat Freeman 6-1. 62 Norrtngton beat Stamford 6-1 6- 3. Clarke beat Crulekahank 1-6 7- 5. 7-5. Horton beat Robertson 6-2. 6-4. Edgcumbe beat Laidler 6-. 6-3. Edgcumbe beat Walker 6-4, 6-4 Men's Doubles DaVis and Laidler beat Jurmalo and Edgcumbe 6-3. 3-6. 8-6. Mitchell and Robertson beat Nichoils and Cruickshank 6-2. 6-1. Walker and Bany beat Thomp son and Clarke. 4-6, 6-1. 6-4. Mi led Doubles Mitchell and Miss Friaeti beat Oreggor and Miss Edgcumbe 5-7 6-3, 6-2. Clarke and Mrs. Laidler beat Laidler and Mrs. Blackstock, 6-2 6-3. Horton and Mtoc Mitchell beat Walker and Mrs. Barry 6-1. 8-6. Norrtngton and Mrs. Jabour beat Davis and Miss Davis 6-3. 6-8, 8-6. Freeman and Miss Bruce beat Nichoils and Mrs. Cruickshank 6-3, 6-4 Brown and Mrs. linker beat Edg- earn be and Miss Delaney 6-3, 6-4 Ladies' Singles Miss Edgcumbe beat Miss Bruce 6-4, 6-4. Miss Delaney beat Miss Davis Ladies' Doubles I Mrs. Tinker and ..Mist Mitchell' beat Mrs. Nichoils and Mrs. Cruick shank 6-1. 6-0. Miss Bruce and Miss Delaney beat Mrs. Laidler and Mrs. Barry 6, 7-5. 6-3. Schedule of matehev. Monday 5:30 P.M. Mrs. Horton and Miss Davis vs. Mrs. Curtre and Mrs. Ja bour. 1:00 P.M, Freeman and Miss Bruce vs. Brown and Mrs. Tinker: Mitchell and Mu Frlzzeil vs. Clarke and Mrs. Laidler. 7:00 P.M. Horton and Greggor vs. Laidler and Davis; Haworth and Hlnton vs. Young and Stamford ; Nichoils. vs. Bedford. Tuesday 4:30 P.M.-Brown vs. Haworth. 6:00 P.Mr-Young vs. Barry. 6:30 PA1. Oreggor vs. Moore: Stamford and Mrs. Horton vs. Hor ton and Miss Mitchell. 8:00 P.M. Young and Mrs. Cur- rie vs. Cruickshank and Mrs Ni choils. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son, AJberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. l Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oa and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. & Phones jug NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates llo np 50 Rooms Hot U Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 190 LEGION HAD BIG PICNIC Everything Contrlbnted to Make Annual Eent a (?reat Sucre i Yesterday The annual Canadian Legion I picnic to Digey Island yesterday i was another notable success and though the weather looked uneer-, tain in the morning It turned out! bright and warm In the afternoon) and a big crowd thoroughly en-: ,oycd the outing. General chairman of Ute picnic I as Jack Pieece and with his usual' energy he saw mat everyuiuig; went off well Othr members eftf onmlttees whose issistanre con-xttouted largely to the success oft he picnic were W J. Kance. J. fudge. D. C. Schutx-rt R E James, l 2. L. Barker. II. Sm'-h, J. MeOrelsbJ Anderson. A. Beale. Sheff rnomuAOH, J. S. WUcuo. Ace Allen. I. D. Alt. F. Bketlum. W. U. tlrewn, C. L Yaunf man and M. M. lamb. Boats, provided through the ktadncas of Geo. Friaeti. with the Laura F. II," -Zenardt." Captain Urkin. Two Rivers" a Donald-.on, "FannyF.." Jim Bait, Thre-ther." T. Shrubsali -phlntt." Phll- jott and Lvitt. gve commodious ind quick transport stion. The Boy Band under Band master Bob Greenlield added to Lhe enjoyment by their musical numbers. A fuN program of sports was run ff. The highlight of these were Ifce men's tug-of-wsr. the first puU ef which lasted twelve minutes, and ! the ladies' tug-of-war which was also very keenly fought out A lie In the girls under 16 had to be re- j tun twice with Louise Bird finally Just beating out Jean Watt, and the Legion 100 yards In which Har old Parkes beat his brother after a tie. De talis of the sport events fol low: OlrU under 6 Eleanor Barbour. Eleanor Storseth. Boys, under 6 David Murray, tferbes Lee Oirk under 8 Marie Boulter. Illda Hodgkinson. Boys under 8 Oscar Steinberg. David Murray. Girls under 10 Marie Boulter. A rice liar be. Boys under 10 Billy Bond, Os- jcar Steinberg. Gins under 12 Norma Carrie. Kathleen Shrubsali. uoys unoer iz waiter Bird. Lloyd Keays. Olrls under 14 Louise Bird, Ina Robertsorl. Boys under 14 Stan Franks, David Houston. Olrls under 16 Louise Bird, Jean Watt. Boys under 16 Sam Carrie, Da- rid Houston. Men's open 100 yardsJohnnie I Murray. John Bunn. Women's open dash June mez, Louise Bird. Women's place kick Mrs. JH Watt, Mrs. Wright Davles. Men's place kick J. Meeker, inane Murray. Three-k gged race Jean Bun-erg and Willie Hale; June Oomez ind David Houston. Women's' egg and spoon race Louise Bird. Lois Judge. Men's Mig-of-war (10 aside) Henry 8rnlth's team, J. McOrelslrs team. i Women's tug-of-war 8 asldei a II tut aw.?y.oA. - - fit n ' Oo-L - Murraya team icoach, 11. Smith), Mrs. Nelson's team (coach J. Judge). Legion members 100 yards Harold Parkes, Leslie Parkes. Married ladies' egg and spoon race -Mrs. E. D. Evans. Mrs. A. Hodgkinson. BOWLING SCHEDULE June 24 -No. 2 vs. No. 4. No. 5 vs. No. 7. June 26 No. 0 vs. No. 8. No. 9 vs. No. 11. June 28 No. 1 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 5. July 1 No. 3 vs. No. 6. No. 4 vs. No. 7. July 3 No. 8 vs. No. II. No. 1 vs. No. 9. No. 3 vs. No. 7. July 8 No. 4 vs. No. 8. No. 3 vs. No. 9. Jul 10 No. 6 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 11. July 12-No. 1 vs. No. 4. No. 3 vs. No. fl. July 15 No. 6 vs. No. 9. No. 7 vs. No. 10. A HANDY POCKET TREAT liRlTISH COLUMBIA THE MINERAL PROVINCE OF WESTERN CANADA has produced minerals of aaaggroUfl vain. , $1,376,137,40:100. Tlie value of mineral production for the year r -1 was 120507.00; lining an increase T 29,8 ..... the production for the year 1933. Gold production establishod an alUime hi both volume and value. Following are aomr recent pnUIIeatUm, roplet f whtch m4i be obtained m(mni application to thr.IirrAUTMIAT Ol MINI VICTORIA. n.C.: Annual Report of the Honourable the Mines for tite calendar year IV34. Bulletin. -British Columbia tlie MiMnal IaduMo (Included In this Bulletin Is a synaftaii as tht vmriut. Mining Laws of the Province I. Non-Metallic Mineral Invoatlgatkras: BsHte AMm- Um. Clay. OUw-ware .Mag tx Ke and Hydro Mir nesite Sketch map 'f DC showing M inn Divi i-m THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMKLT1V. COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TRAIL BRITISH COI.l'MltlA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Anmonlom Phosphates, Kalphat of Ammonia, Saperphot phates. Complete rertilhers Produce & Refiners of Tf.danac Brand MclaN Gold. Silver. Meetrolytie Lead. inc. Cadmium. Buttiy'. HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them Thi Year? Enjoy a jwriod of relaxation with all the joy j country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATHING TENNIS - FI8IUNO Rate $12 and up. Modern Conveniences. Writ or wireleto for enervations to MADAME RAJAUT DIAL THERMOMETERS Oven Thermometers Candy Tiiermometcrs Window Tliermometers Oeneral Thermometers Useful and Ornamental Suitable for Gifts and Prites THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. July 17 -No. 1 vs. No. 8. No. 4 vs. No. 11. July 19-No. 2 vs. NO. 9. ' NOi 3 vs. No. 10. " July 22-No. 1 vs. NO. 6. No. 5 vs. NO. 8. July 24 No. 4 vs. No. 10. No. 2 vs. No. 7. July 26 No. 3 vs. No. 11. No. 7 vs. No. 9. July 29 No. 1 vs. No. 5, No. 4 vs. No. 6. July 31 No. 2 vs. No. 10. No. 3 vs. No. 8. Aug. 2 No. 7 vs. No. II. No, 4 vs. Nd. 9. Aug. 5 No. 6 vs. No. 11. No. 5 vs. No. 10. Aug. 7 No. 2 vs. No. 8. No. 3 vs. No. 9. Aug. 9 No, 5 vs. No. 11. No. 1 vs. No 7. Aug. 12 No, 8 vs. No. 10 Personnel of Rinks " The personnel of rinks Is as fol. lows, last named In each case be ing skip: No I-P. Vlckers, J. II. McLeod, A. R. Nichols, D. Borland. No. 2-A. J. Webber, It. E. James, P. Lakle, J. J. Little. No; 3 It. Gammon, A. T. Parkin. W. II. Tobey. O. Wocxlla: No. 4 -J. 8. Irvine. S.D aid, W. II. WHsan-Mmrav roll. No. 5 F. A. MacCttllum Meekln. H, W. Blreto. J vv No. 6 F. A. Rogers. E ' r. 8. Walton, J. Frew. Un 7n ftreiar. W " ' M. Wlnslow, D. MacIHiee No. 8 II. T. Croas. W M-:' iI 1 Dlbb, P. Tinker. No. 9 W. D. Vance. Stev. Km It. E. Benson. J. Preew No. 10-J. M. CaoipbHl l Clymont. J. W. MeAnley A Donald. No. II A. O. Aves. 8 P" Boyd, O. Hill, SOFTBALL M'- SCHEDULE June 24-C.N.R.A. vs. Junior f June 26 Grotto vs. Junior July 1 Grotto vs. C N R a. July 3-Junlor Elks vs.